[SUMMARY] #5 [[bbb:OrgMeetup]] on Wed, Jan 17, 19:00 UTC+3

2024-01-28 Thread Ihor Radchenko

We had a rather long discussion this time. Took a while to summarize.

Here is a summary of the discussed topics + comment log

- Gerard demoed a bug he found when indenting a emacs-lisp src block
  The bug with all the details is reported in
- Tim asked to add a new Org mode customization equivalent to
  ~org-capture-bookmark~ for ~org-refile~. For now, ~org-refile~ sets a
  bookmark unconditionally, which interferes with org-bookmark-heading
  package (https://github.com/alphapapa/org-bookmark-heading/ now
  creates unwanted IDs after every refile command). The proposed
  feature would make this behavior customizeable. We will be waiting
  for Tim to request the feature officially on the mailing list.

  We always welcome bug reports, feature requests, suggestions, and
  valuable discussions on Org mailing list. Just drop us an email. See
- Gerard demoed a problem he experiences with Org mode code blocks.
  Every time he executes a python code block, several long messages
  are generated - they pollute =*Messages*= buffer.

  It turned out that these messages are produced by his personal
  changes to ob-python. 

  Indeed, Emacs is both blessed and cursed by the ability to curve it
  according to own liking. The boundaries between built-in Emacs
  code, packages, and personal tweaks are often fuzzy. Some personal
  config features may become so much into the muscle memory that it
  becomes surprising not to find them in a bare-bones Emacs.

  - Gerard's personal tweaks to ob-python are noteworthy.

He was able to make eglot (bult-in Emacs LSP support) work inside
=*Org Src*= buffers when editing Org mode code blocks with =C-c '=
(~org-edit-special~). His approach is roughly the following:

1. Tangle the original Org buffer to generate actual python
   file on disk
2. Find the edited code block in the tangled python file and
   narrow to the corresponding region
3. Associate Org edit buffer with that region in actual file
4. =eglot= can now generate meaningful info, provide completions,
   and diagnostics - all as expected

This kind of feature is what we eventually want to have in Org
mode. See the previous discussion in 
This is a bit tricky though - there are edge cases that one needs
to address. For example, it is not clear what to do with =<>=
references inside code blocks, especially when they are generated
as a side effect of running some (potentially remote and
CPU-consuming) code (=<>=)

Gerard's work is still WIP.

  - Gerard also mentioned a bug with tangling python blocks.

Org mode provides header argument =:comments link= that makes it
possible to link between Org src blocks and their location in the
tangled file even when the Org sources contain duplicates. This is
the basis of ~org-babel-detangle~ command - it searches for special
anchor comments Org inserts around the tangled code blocks to
determine their origin.

Gerard observed that the inserted comments sometimes cause Python
to complain about incorrect indentation. However, he did not have
a reproducer to demonstrate the problem.

If somebody reading this is familiar with such problem, please
report it to Org mailing list, so that it can be fixed. See

There is also one interesting idea to implement
tangling/detangling without a need to have special anchor comments -

- Jack asked about the timeline for next major Org release

  - Previous minor Org mode releases were actually closer to
major. They introduced major new features (like citations), and
generally had a huge number of changes.

We now clarified the criteria for major releases in

  - We may still do a couple of minor releases before we

1. Finalize the citation support. In particular, we must complete
   the documentation - the existing manual section about citation
   is far from complete
2. Merge the long-awaited new asynchronous LaTeX preview system by Tecosaur.
3. Address the annoying ~org-assert-version~ problem. 
   The newest Emacs (master) has new ~require-with-check~ that can
   be used to address the mixed installation problem more
   (I tried to use this approach in the past, but it creates
   strange problems with compilation presumably caused by complex
   dependencies between Org libraries - untangling these
   dependencies is WIP)

  - Citation manual can really have more love

- It is awkward when blog posts are 

Re: #5 [[bbb:OrgMeetup]] on Wed, Jan 17, 19:00 UTC+3

2024-01-09 Thread Ihor Radchenko
William Denton  writes:

>> Another OrgMeetup will be scheduled on the third Wednesday of January,
>> in two weeks.
>> ...
>> URL: https://bbb.emacsverse.org/b/iho-h7r-qg8-led
>> Time & Date: <2024-01-17 Wed 19:00-21:00 @+03,Europe/Istanbul>
> Thanks for organizing another one, Ihor.  So I make sure I have the time 
> right, it's at 1600 UTC, so this will give anyone the correct local time?  
> (With apologies for stepping outside Org.)

Yes, should be 16:00 UTC.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at .
Support Org development at ,
or support my work at 

Re: #5 [[bbb:OrgMeetup]] on Wed, Jan 17, 19:00 UTC+3

2024-01-09 Thread William Denton
On Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024 at 06:31, Ihor Radchenko  

> Another OrgMeetup will be scheduled on the third Wednesday of January,
> in two weeks.
> ...
> URL: https://bbb.emacsverse.org/b/iho-h7r-qg8-led
> Time & Date: <2024-01-17 Wed 19:00-21:00 @+03,Europe/Istanbul>

Thanks for organizing another one, Ihor.  So I make sure I have the time right, 
it's at 1600 UTC, so this will give anyone the correct local time?  (With 
apologies for stepping outside Org.)

$ date -d '17 January 2024 16:00 UTC'


William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

#5 [[bbb:OrgMeetup]] on Wed, Jan 17, 19:00 UTC+3

2024-01-02 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Dear all,

Another OrgMeetup will be scheduled on the third Wednesday of January,
in two weeks.

Previous meetup notes:

URL: https://bbb.emacsverse.org/b/iho-h7r-qg8-led
Time & Date: <2024-01-17 Wed 19:00-21:00 @+03,Europe/Istanbul>
The room will be open half an hour before the official start.

During the meetup, we can:

- Give advice to new users
- Showcase Org configs or workflows
- Demo/discuss interesting packages
- Troubleshoot each-other's issues
- Discuss "Org mode" section of Emacs news (https://sachachua.com/blog/)
- Discuss anything else Org-related

Everyone is free to join the discussion/chat or lurk around silently,

We will _not_ do any recording by default.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at .
Support Org development at ,
or support my work at