Example variables:


If org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks is default true, and you have
custom agenda views foo and bar, where bar sets this to false, opening
bar will result in an agenda view where blocked tasks are not dimmed,
but if you go back to a previously opened buffer for foo and revert, the
foo agenda view will now also not be dimming blocked tasks.

This is because the local settings for an agenda view are stored in
the org-lprops property of org-agenda-redo-command, so there can only
be one set of local agenda settings, for whichever agenda command was
run last.

This behavior is confusing when combined with org-agenda-sticky,
because you can switch to the buffers of previously run agenda
commands, but if you redo/revert them, the results may be completely

Actually fixing this is difficult.  Probably it should be documented
somewhere that switching directly to agenda buffers produces undefined
behavior and you have to use the agenda command.

On a slightly different tack, the variables I listed above could be
made "local" to an agenda command, like how some vars
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy I think?) have special handling so they
stick to a particular agenda buffer.  That doesn't solve the general
problem that local settings provided to a custom agenda commnd are
effectively set globally.

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 26.1 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
3.22.24), modified by Debian
Package: Org mode version 9.2.3 (9.2.3-7-g222408-elpaplus @

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