Hiya all,

Is there an easy way to conditionally archive to an archive file or
archive tree?  I guess I should write my own tool but often times there
are builtin things and I end up rewriting tools without knowing it, so
querying on that before I go ahead and write something.  (Might also be
good to know if this is a need of other people than just me.)

Basically, imagine an orgmode file of the following structure:

#+begin_src org

* No archive file tree
** TODO Some task!  Should archive to sub-tree
** TODO Some task!  Should archive to sub-tree also!

* Archive things in here to an archive file
  :ARCHIVE: %s_archive::* Somethingorother

** TODO Archive me to an archive file!
** TODO Also archive me to an archive file!
*** TODO However not subtasks!
*** DONE archiving this subtask should move to an archive subtree
*** Archive                                                    :ARCHIVE:
**** DONE See, like so

Is there a nice builtin way to do this, or should I write it myself?
Also, if I should write it myself, would anyone else find this
functionality useful?  Personally, I think this is a good way of doing
things to keep files from getting full of cruft but also allowing big
projects full of subtrees to stay coherent as you move things out of the

 - Chris

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