Went wrong agan. :'( I should repair Gnus.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cecil Westerhof <cldwester...@gmail.com>
Date: 2014/1/22
Subject: Re: org-cycle goes wrong when cursor at the end of the line
To: Bastien <b...@gnu.org>

2014/1/22 Bastien <b...@gnu.org>

> > I have:
> > * Testing
> > *** Line one
> > *** Line two
> > *** Line tree
> >
> > When in overview mode and with the cursor at the end of the line
> > (after ...), <Tab> does not work properly. In this case I just got:
> > * Testing...
> > *** Line tree
> I can reproduce this, but hardly count as a bug for me, as when the
> point is after the ... it means it is after (or on) the "Line three"
> and TAB on this line should show it.
But in general, you don't want your point to end up after the three
> dots...

I can not reproduce it at the moment, but sometimes the cursor is after the
dots when using <Tab> to fold the tree.

Also when you have:

* Testing
*** Line one
*** Line two
*** Line three
* A long line

When testing is closed and you have the cursor at the end of the ‘A long
line’, then when you do cursor up, the cursor is after the dots.

> > By the way all asterisks are shown, where only the last one should be
> > displayed.
> Try this
> #+STARTUP: hidestars odd

That is not the problem. When giving <Tab> when the cursor is not behind
the dots, the asterisks are not shown.It is only a problem when you give a
<Tab> with the cursor after the dots.

Cecil Westerhof

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