Hi List,

I now got a first working version of code that transforms the parse-tree
produced by `org-element-parse-buffer' into a normalized form - in the
sense that special Emacs Lisp syntax is converted into plain standard
Lisp syntax:

The transformation steps can be seen in this code excerpt from the core

| (defun iorg-normalize-parse-tree
|   (&optional data buffer-or-file &rest args) ... )

|      [ ... ]
|      ;; do the transformation
|      (normalized-parse-tree-as-string
|       (iorg--fix-read-syntax
|        (iorg--tag-org-data-element
|         (iorg--add-children-list
|          (iorg--unwind-circular-list
|           (iorg--tag-elems-with-id-attributes
|            (if map?
|                (org-element-map
|                    dat typ fun inf 1st-match no-recur with-affil)
|              dat))))
|         buf))))
| ;; upcase nil and t?
| (if preserve-nil-and-t-p
|     normalized-parse-tree-as-string
|   (iorg--nil-and-t-to-uppercase normalized-parse-tree-as-string))))

The parse-tree produced by `org-element-parse-buffer' is optionally
mapped first, then

 1. each element is tagged with a :elem-id attribute
 2. circular list references are unwind, i.e. ':parent #2#' becomes ':parent
    2' (with parent having :elem-id 2)
 3. in addition to its :parent attribute, each headline gets a :children
    attribute (a list of sub-headlines)
 4. the top 'org-data' element is tagged with meta-data and a unique ID,
    making each parse-tree unique and easy to reference.
 5. finally, other object references (#1=\"text\" and #1#) as well as read
    syntax for text with properties (#(\"text\" 0 4 ...)) is fixed in the
    sense that the three constructs are replaced by three functions:

    - (hashtag '(\"text\" 0 4 ...))
    - (hashtag-equal '(1 \"text\"))
    - (enclosing-hashtag 1)

    These should be defined as functions in the target language, e.g.
    PicoLisp, and should produce the original Emacs Lisp read syntax when
 6. as a last optional step, nil and t are upcased to NIL and T

I can now directly import an org parse-tree into PicoLisp after this
transformation, as a PicoLisp list, and start working on it.

Since PicoLisp is a pure and simple List, I would guess that the transformed
parse-tree can be read as-is by other Lisps too (untested), and maybe by
non-lisps that can read lists. The only remaining special syntax is ':keyword'.

Thereby one could avoid to write many Org-mode parsers for other Lisps
(languages), but rather use org-element (the de-facto specification of
Org-mode) for parsing and then import the transformed parse-tree as described.

The code is here, still under development:

I know I could have used ox.el for the transformation, but decided to
work directly on the parse-tree - for the good or for the bad, who


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