
I'll explain the problem with this example:

* Run this in =emacs -Q= with the latest org
  #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
    ;(add-to-list 'load-path "~/build/org-mode/lisp")
    ;;; ensure we are using the latest Org

    (setq org-capture-templates (quote (("x" "Testing" item
                                      (file+headline "~/org/Testing.org" "Test 
                                      "- %U Thoughts:" :prepend t))))
    (setq org-log-into-drawer t)

* TODO Test headline
  SCHEDULED: <2017-06-09 Fri +1d>
  :LAST_REPEAT: [2017-06-08 Thu 12:11]
  - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2017-06-08 Thu 12:11]
  - I would expect the capture to go immediately above this line, but it
    goes in the drawer instead.

If I use org-capture with template "x", the entry is placed into the
LOGBOOK drawer above the state change line.

Of course, if org-log-into-drawer set to nil, there is no good way of
keeping the state change list and the capture list separate at all (nor
should there be, IMO, as long as org-habit doesn't get confused). But at
least with the logbook drawer enabled, the current behavior seems wrong.

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