[Orgmode] GTD and adding next actions under projects with remember

2009-09-09 Thread Desmond Rivet
Hi all,

I'm using org-mode to implement GTD (or, at least, making a valiant
effort :) I'm currently doing the following:

 * projects are TODO items under a Project heading with a) a project
   tag and b) a CATEGORY property summarizing the project with a short

 * waiting items are TODO items with a waiting tag under a Waiting

 * next actions are TODO items without a project or waiting tag. 

 * contexts are tags attached to the next action and start with @

 * if a next action is under a project heading, then it belongs to that
   project.  I have a special heading called, for lack of a better name,
   Misc under which I put all my next actions which are not associated
   with any project.

This all seems to work ok so far, except for one thing: I can't figure
out how to add next actions under a particular project heading using

The problem is that I have to specify a heading for the template in
org-remember-templates in the .emacs file.  This is okay when I want to
jot down a new project, waiting item or *generic* next action, because
all these items have fixed headings, but I don't know how to make this
work when I don't know the heading ahead of time (remember that next
actions associated with projects live under the project heading).

Any ideas? Thanks in advance for any help.

Desmond Rivet

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

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Re: [Orgmode] GTD and adding next actions under projects with remember

2009-09-09 Thread Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs

Let me give a bit of feedback on the aspect of I'm implementing GTD.

I do it a bit differently:

 * Projects are trees (or sub-trees) which have a :Project: Tag
 attached to them. They never have a TODO keyword of any kind.

 * Waiting-For items are tracked with a :WAITING: Tag. They never have
 a TODO keyword of any kind.

 * Only next actions get a todo keyword of TODO (or maybe DOING if
 they are work in progress)

 * Every tag is a potential context for me. The nice thing is that org
 let's me combine them, e.g. :Bob:Phone:

 * I use org's priority cookies exclusively as importance, ranging
 from A - C.

That way I can see a list of next actions immediately by typing C-a a
t, ordered by importance. With your system I fail to see how you can
get quick access to your next action list.

I also get a project list by typing C-a a p (tag match, with
tag-inheritance turned off), also ordered by priority.

Even though I keep todos, projects and reference material in one file
together, org-mode allows me to quickly filter by TODO (== Next Action
List) :Project: (== Project List) and any other Tag (== Context).

I also use active timestamps to designate tickler dates and :SCHEDULE:
and :DEADLINE: cookies for the hard landscape of the day.

Desmond Rivet schrieb:
 The problem is that I have to specify a heading for the template in
 org-remember-templates in the .emacs file.  This is okay when I want to
 jot down a new project, waiting item or *generic* next action, because
 all these items have fixed headings, but I don't know how to make this
 work when I don't know the heading ahead of time (remember that next
 actions associated with projects live under the project heading).

Sorry for not helping with your particular problem (It looks like you
might want to use C-1 C-c C-c or something like that), but:

It sounds like you're mixing up collecting and processing. You only
need to fill out the full context in the processing phase. At least I
use the remember interface for quickly jotting down a note, then get
back to work. The stuff I remember just goes into a Collect.org
file, which I later process as an inbox.

Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs frie...@nomaden.org
 TauPan on Ircnet and Freenode ;)

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Re: [Orgmode] GTD and adding next actions under projects with remember

2009-09-09 Thread Desmond Rivet
Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs frie...@nomaden.org writes:

 That way I can see a list of next actions immediately by typing C-a a
 t, ordered by importance. With your system I fail to see how you can
 get quick access to your next action list.

I have several custom agenda views defined:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
   '((w tags-todo +waiting)
 (p Project View tags-todo +project ((org-agenda-remove-tags t)))
 (n tags-todo -waiting-project)

Next actions are defined as those TODO items that don't have a project
or a waiting tag.  In other words, every TODO item that isn't a project
or waiting item is a Next Action.

So, my wait list can be pull up by a C-c a w, my project list can be
pulled up by a C-c a p, and my next action list can be pulled up with a
C-c a n.

I have tag inheritence turned off for the project tag:

(setq org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance '(project))

So that way I don't get a project's next actions when I just want to see
the project list on its own.

I like the idea of using TODO's as project items because that allows be
to track active projects - active projects arethose which are in the
TODO state.  For example, I just completed a project called Maine
vacation.  It's done, and I don't want it to show up in my project list
anymore.  But at the same time, I'd like to keep a record of it.

Same thing with the WAIT items.  TODO means waiting and DONE means
I'm finished waiting.

 Desmond Rivet schrieb:
 The problem is that I have to specify a heading for the template in
 org-remember-templates in the .emacs file.  This is okay when I want to
 jot down a new project, waiting item or *generic* next action, because
 all these items have fixed headings, but I don't know how to make this
 work when I don't know the heading ahead of time (remember that next
 actions associated with projects live under the project heading).

 Sorry for not helping with your particular problem (It looks like you
 might want to use C-1 C-c C-c or something like that), but:

 It sounds like you're mixing up collecting and processing. You only
 need to fill out the full context in the processing phase. At least I
 use the remember interface for quickly jotting down a note, then get
 back to work. The stuff I remember just goes into a Collect.org
 file, which I later process as an inbox.

That's an interesting idea.  My uderstanding was that my collection
basket would be managed outside of org-mode, via physical lists on
notepads.  Processing that list would result in my next actions items.
Using remember to put stuff in a separate digital collection basket
seems like a reasonable idea.

Still, I like the idea of quickly being able to add a Next Action item
to a particular project, via a keystroke or two...

Desmond Rivet

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

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