Re: diagnosing SRC blocks with different output on export

2020-09-04 Thread Bastien
Hi Alexandre,

Alexandre Duret-Lutz  writes:

> Is there a way to mark certain SRC blocks such that if evaluating them
> during export produces a result different from the one stored in the
> file, then the export process aborts with an error?

Would it be enough to have a new hook called
`org-babel-before-insert-result-hook' that would run before inserting
ressults in `org-babel-insert-result'?

I haven't looked closely, and this requires that the former function
knows what to "replace" before replacing it, but seems feasible.

Also, I'd like to hear from others if they would use such a hook or
if this sounds too overengineered.



diagnosing SRC blocks with different output on export

2020-07-27 Thread Alexandre Duret-Lutz

Is there a way to mark certain SRC blocks such that if evaluating them
during export produces a result different from the one stored in the
file, then the export process aborts with an error?

I'm using org-mode to document an automaton library, and use org-babel
block to run some examples and have their output automatically
recomputed when the library is improved.  However, some examples
expect some specific automata to be produced, maybe because I discuss
some particularities of that example automaton in the text ; if an
update of the library causes this to change, I need to detect that
change to adjust all the text around it in the documentation, or find
a better exemple.   So I'd like org-mode to signal me that my expected
result is non-longuer what is produced by causing the export (and
therefore my build) to fail.

Can this be achieved already?

Reading it seems
like I'd like I'm asking for a new form of handling.  Something like
"compare" instead of "replace".

Best regards
Alexandre Duret-Lutz