Re: [O] [PATCH] Re: Bug: `org-agenda-prepare-buffers' fails at (org-refresh-properties APPT_WARNTIME 'org-appt-warntime) [8.2.5h (8.2.5h-82-gd91d4b-elpaplus @ /home/wgg/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contri

2014-04-07 Thread W . Greenhouse
Sacha Chua writes:

 I ran into a similar problem with org-agenda-prepare-buffers and the
 EFFORT property. This change to org-refresh-properties seems to fix it:

Awesome, thanks. :)

This patch is still needed (and works) as of the ELPA build from org
8.2.5h, commit g0820d0.


Re: [O] Create course material with org-mode

2013-03-11 Thread W. Greenhouse
Hi Torsten,

Torsten Wagner writes:

 Actually the topic is not exactly OT, I'm looking for a meta-system
 which helps me to keep all those different things together.
 Hopefully, in a way which allows me to generate different kind of
 course material from the same sources. 
 I was wondering, can org-mode be such a meta-system e.g. could I
 keep materials of a certain topic within a single org-file and use
 (customized) exporters to create the desired outputs like a
 interactive HTML version, a printable PDF, exercises and questions
 for exams?

Org should be ideal for this.  Each subtree can be configured with its
own export settings, so e.g. you can use a different LaTeX style for the
lecture slides, exams, and problem sets.

Don't forget also that you can measure student progress in this file,
too :) Org has a spreadsheet, and you could use it as a grade book if
you wish.


Re: [O] A proposal (ox-html.el/ox-odt.el)

2013-03-12 Thread W. Greenhouse

Jambunathan K writes:

 People are disregarding my moral rights over my work and pushing me in
 a corner to act a certain way to serve their own interests.  This I feel
 is plain wrong and an act of snatching or appropriation.

 Jambunathan K.

Moral right and copyright are unrelated concepts.  In the jurisdictions
that recognize author's moral right or droit moral (much of the EU
and other civil-code countries), such right is non-assignable and would
not even be affected by the FSF papers.  However, in the jurisdictions
where copyright is assignable, it has nothing to do with author's moral

If we're going to discuss moral right in the less legalistic and more
broad sense of your rights in an ethical society as a person with
agency, I think you're disregarding the rights of prior contributors to
the ox-html program, of which you were but one of many.  Those
contributors did intend the code to become part of Emacs, and, morally
as well as legally, you entered into an agreement to further that aim
when you decided to work on it.  If you really do intend to take your
ball and go home, do please call a fork a fork--and also do please
recognize that you are the one snatching or appropriating a joint
work out of your own sense of pique.

 I want to fork ox-html.el and ox-odt.el (as it stands today in Org repo)
 to GNU ELPA repo.  I request that Emacs maintainers recognize the GNU
 ELPA version (maintained by me) as the authoritative official versions
 of these files that gets bundled with SUMO Emacs.


 |  ox-html.el   +---  push   Emacs maintainer
 |  ox-odt.el|   \-
 |  GNU ELPA | \-++
 |   |   \--||
 +---+   | lisp/org/ox-html.el|
^  Push  | lisp/org/ox-odt.el |
|| Other org files|
 +--+-+   /-||
 ||   /---   ||
 | Org repo   |  /   ||
 ||  /---++
 |+--  push
  Org maintainer

This makes no sense at all.  It is needless busywork for the Emacs
maintainer to integrate code from one particular contributor who is unable
to cooperate with the maintainer of the project to which he
contributes.  It also unnecessarily inconveniences ordinary Emacs/Org
users, who would now face a further obstacle to simply using the
software.  They already have to go elsewhere to get contrib/ programs
or to use the latest version of Org; now you want to make it so that
even the release version of Org is fractured and schismed.  That is
totally unacceptable.


Re: [O] multiline emphasis, was: Re: latex italics in list, with quotation marks

2013-03-14 Thread W. Greenhouse
Robert Klein writes:

 On 03/08/2013 11:58 AM, Myles English wrote:
 Just wondering if there is a better way to italicise across more than
 two lines for a list item, currently this is the only way that works
 for me:
 - on the assumption of equilibrium: /``even if there is equilibrium at
   the pore sale, the upscaling, in this/ /if there is equilibrium at
   blah the equilibrium/''

 The same happens outside of lists.  I set

 (setq org-emphasis-regexp-components
   '( \t('\{ - \t.,:!?;'\)}\\  \t\r\n,\' . 10))

 which ought to increase the number of lines I can span an emphasis (only
 change is the original 1 at the end to 10).  Doesn't work though, atm.
 My org-version is release_8.0-pre-67-gd3361c.

A less pleasant/even worse way (practically heresy in some circles,
though some Org users do it) would just be to compose your documents
using visual-line-mode instead of auto-fill-mode.  Then whole paragraphs
are one line.


Re: [O] [Out-of-Thread] Re: [RFC] Org syntax (draft)

2013-03-18 Thread W. Greenhouse
zeltak writes:

 Dear Carsten,

 Thank you for your quick reply. Let me start by first thanking you
 for your great work on orgmode, I only recently discovered it
 (someone referred me to your great talk on youtube) and it made me
 have the courage to start learning emacs and use orgmode.


  '(org-emphasis-alist (quote ((@ (:foreground #B4 :background
 #FF :weight bold)  ) ($ (:foreground #FF)  )
 (* bold b /b) (/ italic i /i) (_ underline 
 span style=\text-decoration:underline;\ /span) (= org-code
 code /code verbatim) (~ org-verbatim code /code
 verbatim) (+ (:strike-through t) del /del 

 That would have worked for me but i understood that there are plans
 to actually disable these customization's in the next version to
 allow better portability. 

 If its not to hard It would be great to have a method similar to the 
 customizable emphasis that lets a user define custom colors of FG/BG
 for inline viewing. I am less concerned about exporting since at
 least for me i plan to do all the editing/viewing inline inside emacs
 (though it would be nice of course to be able to use it with mobile
 org and/or other mobile solutions for when we do field work).

 I will hold on with starting with the mammoth task of converting my
 Notecase notes into orgmode until the issues is resolved, i assume i
 should follow the mailing list to check on this?

 Sorry for the long email and thank you so much again for all your
 work, its truly fantastic


I want to add, as one of the people that helped Z with this on IRC--and
as another person that made the leap into Emacs largely because of Org,
about five years ago--that I think there are a lot of users like this:
people who value Org as a tool that is tightly integrated with the power
and flexibility of Emacs and Emacs Lisp, who aren't necessarily closely
following Org's upstream development or this list (I didn't follow it
closely until recently, either), and who are more concerned with keeping
Org flexible and customizable enough to exactly fit their needs within
Emacs than they are about making it available as yet another plain-text
markup language outside of Emacs.  Much as my Gnus is heavily customized
to my needs at this point, with Elisp-based features such as adaptive
scoring and virtual groups that other news and mail readers simply don't
have, I would never really dream of reproducing Org outside of Org.  And
there are plenty of things that I would never expect to work in an
external application or parser that speaks the Org format (dynamic
blocks that run Elisp, for example), which everyone nonetheless wants to

Perhaps a compromise could be reached on variables such as
`org-emphasis-alist' and others possibly slated for the defconst
treatment: instead of doing that, let's consider keeping them
customizable but include the default values in the Org format
specification.  Org users who are never using Org outside of Emacs will
never see a problem using custom emphasis marks inside Emacs, unless Org
drops the feature.  For those who know that they want to use their Org
files with some external parser, we could have an `org-rfc-check'
function that warns about non-standard values of things like
org-emphasis-alist and offers to revert them to the defaults (which
would be the same as the values in the spec).

What do you think?  Is this a crazy scheme?


Re: [O] Org-mode as a replacement for Google Reader

2013-03-26 Thread W. Greenhouse
+1 here from another Org and Gnus user who couldn't really get org-feed.el to
work as an RSS reader, but loves Gnus+Gwene.

Fabrice Popineau writes:

 Lately I have seen many people reporting to be afraid of Gnus
 There is nothing to be afraid of there. It is a bit like Org : you 
 can keep it simple and short or very long and complex.
 Gnus is definitely the best mail/news/(rss) reader I have used.
 But there are 2 big drawbacks for me:
 - Emacs is not multi-threaded and if you use Gnus heavily, it is
 not being able to type in a window while Gnus is sorting out your
 - I wish Emacs to be able to actually render HTML in a buffer (w3m
 a valid option under Windows at least)


Fabrice, recent Gnusae have a built-in HTML renderer which even
(somewhat) handles CSS.  try (setq mm-text-html-renderer 'shr).

Incidentally, here is also newsticker.el.

[O] BUG: ELPA package

2013-03-28 Thread W. Greenhouse

When upgrading from one GNU ELPA package to the next (in my case, from
ELPA version org-20130318 to org-20130325), `load-path' is not refreshed
by installing the new package, which means that `org-reload' does not
work without manually fixing `load-path' and evaluating (load org).  I
would expect the ELPA package to fix the load path automatically and
maybe even run `org-reload' immediately after compilation.

I was scared I might have to kill all my nice emacs-uptime because of
this :)

Org-mode version 7.9.4 (7.9.4-elpa @

GNU Emacs 24.2.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.4.2) of 2013-01-22
on biber, modified by Debian


BOFH excuse #2:

solar flares

[O] Bug: `org-with-silent-modification' error in latest ELPA [8.0 (8.0-3-g7248fb-elpaplus @ /home/grml/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130418/)]

2013-04-19 Thread W. Greenhouse

Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See

Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list.


After installing latest org-plus-contrib from the Org ELPA repository
and restarting Emacs, I was unable to export to LaTeX/PDF.

I attempted the following:

C-c e l o 
= org-refresh-category-properties: Invalid function:

I could, however, see that `org-with-silent-modifications' was present.
(C-h f was able to find the function, and I was able to navigate to its
definition from the *Help* buffer link).

User `popsch' in the Freenode #org-mode channel had the same trouble,
and was able to resolve it by deleting all byte-compiled files from the
package, then reloading Org.  This worked for me too (delete all *.elc,
then M-x org-reload).


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.4.2)
 of 2013-04-13 on murphy, modified by Debian
Package: Org-mode version 8.0 (8.0-3-g7248fb-elpaplus @ 

current state:
 org-footnote-section nil
 org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook '(org-babel-hash-at-point 
 org-latex-format-headline-function 'org-latex-format-headline-default-function
 org-latex-default-class memoir-MSWordish
 org-src-fontify-natively t
 org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe 
 org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 9) (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 2))
 org-modules '(org-habit org-w3m org-bbdb org-bibtex org-docview org-gnus 
   org-irc org-mhe org-rmail)
 org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-hide-drawers
  org-cycle-hide-inline-tasks org-cycle-show-empty-lines
 org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
 org-timer-default-timer 25
 org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-default-hook 
 org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
 org-agenda-diary-file ~/org/
 org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
 org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
 org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-capture-templates '((D Diary entry (file+datetree ~/org/
  * %?\n  %i\n  %a)
 (C Clocked In entry (clock) * %?\n  %i\n  %a))
 org-log-into-drawer t
 org-columns-default-format %40ITEM %10TODO %10Effort\n  %20TAGS
 org-latex-classes '((memoir-MSWordish
  (\\section{%s} . \\section*{%s})
  (\\subsection{%s} . \\subsection*{%s})
  (\\subsubsection{%s} . \\subsubsection*{%s})
  (\\paragraph{%s} . \\paragraph*{%s})
  (\\subparagraph{%s} . \\subparagraph*{%s}))
 (beamer \\documentclass{beamer} org-beamer-sectioning))
 org-src-tab-acts-natively t
 org-refile-use-outline-path 'file
 org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil
 org-clock-out-hook '(org-clock-remove-empty-clock-drawer)
 org-completion-use-ido t
 org-use-speed-commands t
 org-agenda-include-diary t
 org-attach-store-link-p t
 org-mode-hook '((lambda nil
  (org-add-hook (quote change-major-mode-hook)
   (quote org-show-block-all) (quote append) (quote local))
 (lambda nil
  (org-add-hook (quote change-major-mode-hook)
   (quote org-babel-show-result-all) (quote append) (quote 
 turn-on-flyspell auto-fill-mode
 #[nil \300\301\302\303\304$\207
   [org-add-hook change-major-mode-hook org-show-block-all 
 #[nil \300\301\302\303\304$\207
   [org-add-hook change-major-mode-hook 
append local]
 org-babel-result-hide-spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes)
 org-agenda-mode-hook '(org-agenda-to-appt)
 org-from-is-user-regexp nil
 org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
 org-agenda-files '(~/org)
 org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer
 org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
 org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-datetree-add-timestamp t

Re: [O] [bug] org-agenda-diary-entry fails

2013-02-19 Thread W. Greenhouse
Hi Eric,

Eric S Fraga writes:


 with org up to date from git repository as of a few minutes ago, trying
 to insert a day diary entry from the agenda view
 (org-agenda-diary-entry) fails.  Debug trace is attached.

 I cannot see what could be causing this problem.  Any suggestions?  I
 can start trying to bisect on recent changes.


Does the `' file already exist with at least one headline in

 Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error Before first headline at position 1 in 
   signal(error (Before first headline at position 1 in buffer
   error(Before first headline at position %d in buffer %s 1 #buffer
   (condition-case nil (outline-back-to-heading invisible-ok) (error
 (error Before first headline at position %d in buffer %s (point)

Granted, this is an issue that the org-diary really should be able to
handle, but it's worth trying this again in a file with at least one

I am using a datetree-formatted org file that I'd already been using for
a while as an org-capture target before putting my diary entries there.
So far it's been okay.

Let me know how it goes,
GnuPG/PGP key: 0D2D3F9E

Re: [O] org-meta-return

2013-02-20 Thread W. Greenhouse
Nick Dokos writes:

 That's not too bad because it's not as if this is a frequent activity
 for me. Org's standard keymaps also use arrow keys fairly heavily, so
 changing all of them sounds like a lot of work: I've tried swimming
 against such tides before, but invariably I have given up exhausted,
 gone back to the standard keymap and lived a much happier life.

Nick's post was a great overview of how to customize keymaps in Emacs
(and why one might not want to do so).  Just wanted to add that we have
two or three nearly complete alternate binding sets for org already:
(info (org) TTY keys) and the speed commands (listed in the variable
`org-speed-commands-default'.  The TTY keys in particular, although
lengthy, are pretty good at keeping one's hands on the keyboard (for
those of us who are serious touch typists and know what they're doing,
i.e. not myself).
