Re: Rf flammable atmosphere ignition and Halfwave Dipoles

2002-08-03 Thread Cortland Richmond

Dave Palmer wrote:

 Assuming that what I am actually taking about is dipole gain (I am a bit
of an ignoramus I'm afraid) Can anyone give me a basic approximate formula
for the variation of gain with frequency for frequencies that are up to a
factor of (say) 10 away (above and below) from the resonant frequency of a
half wave dipole. Is the maximum gain cyclic (e.g is there a resonance at,
say, a dipole length of 1.5, 2.5 etc wavelengths or does the gain just
disappear when the frequency moves away from a half wave dipole
condition?). If the gain is cyclic what would be an approximate formula for
the gain at, and around, these cyclic frequencies?(Note that I am not
interested in polar diagram directions, merely gain) 


Resonance in a wire in space does indeed occur at particular and cyclic
lengths; 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and so on wavelengths. For a wire connected at one
end to ground, it occurs at multiples of a quarter wavelength. 

A non-resonant, _short_ dipole with 50 percent efficiency has directive
gain of 1.64 dB (1.76 dB for perfect efficiency)  above an isotropic
antenna. In the classic _Antennas_, Kraus has its maximum effective
aperture as about 0.12 square wavelengths. A half-wave dipole has 2.15 dB
directive gain over isotropic and Kraus has its maximum effective aperture
as 0.13 square wavelengths. This is the area from which power in the
incident wave is delivered to the antenna. (You also need to account for
inefficiency in the antenna when calculating the current that flows in it.)

Page 13-2 of the ARRL Antenna handbook has a graph showing gain over a
dipole of a wire antenna as a function of wire length (and the angle with
respect to the wire at which this gain is realized).

It is about 2 dB at 2.75 wavelength long, almost exactly 4 dB at 5
wavelengths long and then almost a straight lineup to about 6.5 wavelengths
(about 5.2 dB). From this point to 10 wavelengths (about 7.4 dB) another
line segment can be drawn that is not far from the actual plot.

Johnson and Jasik have a formula (page 11-5, Antenna Engineering Handbook,
Second Edition). I can try to enter it understandably from my ASCII

E field  in volts per meter = the product of:

1.  The magnitude of field strength at a distance due to antinode current.
(60 * current in amps at maxima)/distance from the antenna)

2.  The envelope of the pattern lobes  
(inverse of the sine of the angle from the wire axis)
(This is actually the maximum value of any lobe in the radiation pattern)


3.  Information about the angles of zeros of the pattern (this is either +1
or -1)

(sin OR cos of the angle *(pi * length of the wire / wavelength) * cos of
the angle)

NOTE: cosine or sine depending on whether length is an odd or even number
of half wavelengths, respectively.

You can rearrange this to calculate the maximum current in a wire at any
frequency at which it is resonant.

(Kraus shows how the formula is gotten, taking the fields of all the
infinitesimal dipoles comprising a dipole antenna of any length.)

For a physical antenna, gain over an isotropic source is four times pi
times the actual effective aperture, divided by the square of the

The maximum voltage on an antenna is determined by efficiency and radiation
resistance (the antenna always re-radiates). If you can calculate the
current flowing as a function of the incident field, you can calculate the
voltage along the antenna. Kraus points out that because antennas are not
infinitely thin, the current at minima does not actually go to zero.
Therefore the impedance and voltage at those points does not go to
infinity. However, for a thin wire the impedance at current minima such as
the ends can be in the thousands of ohms.  

The radiation resistance of a dipole in free space is 72 ohms.  If antenna
current due to the incident field is 1 amp, this gives a power in the
antenna of 72 watts. At a point on the  antenna where impedance is 1000
ohms, this will give about 270 volts. I believe this is the significance of
a dipole in an explosive atmosphere, as you have to protect from creating
ignition sources. And at sufficiently high impedance, or high power, given
small diameter or pointed structures, corona will develop even when another
conducting object is not near enough to flash over.

The ARRL Antenna book points out that a long-wire antenna's radiation
resistance at current maxima is higher than 72 ohms. Also, you need to
consider that the radiation resistance is a function not only of the
resonant wire, but also of its exposure to reflected fields from ground and
nearby objects. The graph on page 3-11 shows that a dipole's radiation
resistance varies from zero when on a perfectly conducting ground, to
almost 100 ohms at about 0.4 wavelengths above ground, down to about 58
ohms at 0.6 wavelengths above ground and oscillates around the 72 ohms
value as height above ground is increase (though the excursions from 72
ohms become less and less).

This has 

Re: Marking Languages for Canada

2002-08-03 Thread Allen Kemevor
Clause 1.7.2 says safety related markings should be in a language acceptable in
the destination country. Since the markings are in English only, the power 
may be installed in the English speaking provinces without any problem. The
Province of Quebec has language laws and regulations. A field inspector (in
Quebec) can stop the installation because the English markings are not 

There are acceptable symbols that convey the same warning message. These symbols
can be found in IEC 60417-1. You may advise your power supply vendor to consider
using symbols in the future. Then the vendor will not have to worry about 
in which the power supply is used. This should take of any language problem, be 
French, Chinese or Swahili. The vendor may have to resubmit the new label 
to UL for approval.
Allen wrote:

 The key word in 1.7.12 is 'country'. At the moment, Canada is one country,
 with two official languages, either of which is legally acceptable. I will
 say though, that regradless of the law, I believe we are morally obliged to
 make safety instuctions as clear and understandable as possible, as a
 misunderstanding of an instruction could potentially cause a hazard to
 someone. That means, we translate important instructions/labels into French
 and English for Canada.


 Doug on 08/02/2002 11:37:56 AM

 Please respond to

 Sent by:

 Subject:  Re: Marking Languages for Canada

 Gary McInturff wrote:

 I believe UL does require it, but as Rich pointed out it isn't always
 followed up, and II think is  somewhat vague about it, intentionally I
 imagine. To be very specific about it one would have to know what countries
 the equipment will be installed in? Often the manufacturer doesn't know, or
 if they do initially that is subject to change. If you can't control the
 export then do you require warnings in Malayalam (Southern India I
 Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, (which dialect). ad nausium. How about those
 countries where UL 60950 has no real standing. I think EN60950 has the same
 clauses and they are no more illuminating.

 1.7.12 Language
 Instructions and equipment marking related to safety shall be in a language
 which is acceptable in the country in which the equipment is to be

 This is pretty much on the mark.  I was a manager at UL when this issue was
 put forth to the chief engineer's office.  It was recognized that the
 standard required warning markings to be placed on the product in the
 appropriate language for the intended market, and the follow-up service
 procedures specifically included  that requirement.  However, it was also
 understood that there is no way for any UL follow-up inspector to know
 the product was intended to be shipped, nor is it possible for a FUS
 inspector to evaluate a warning marking in Swahili, for example and
 its compliance with the standard.  Therefore, the decision was to have the
 inspectors verify the english wording of the warning marking and place the
 burden of compliance with local language (other than English) on the

 Greg Galluccio

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Re: Rf flammable atmosphere ignition and Halfwave Dipoles

2002-08-03 Thread Ken Javor
Ed's answer is right on as usual.  I would add a few particulars.  The 
effective height of a tuned dipole driving a matched load is its physical
length divided by pi.  The source impedance of a tuned dipole is 72 Ohms.
Those two facts will allow you to calculate the power available at the
antenna terminals.  I really don't think that for the purpose you cite that
it is necessary to worry about out-of-band characteristics.  It sounds as if
what the spec is saying is that any fortuitous conductor can be assumed to
have the power-gathering efficiency of a tuned dipole of the same length.
Then if you had some maximum power level that was assumed safe in an
explosive atmosphere, you could work backwards and determine the allowable
field intensity, and hence the appropriate distance from an emitter of known
characteristics.  My interpretation of what you said may be way off, but if
it is correct, I am interested because I see a problem.  The problem is in
how you determine the maximum allowable power allowed in the explosive
atmosphere.  If it is simply heating, that is relatively straightforward but
I don't think it can be heating alone.  I think the limiting factor will be
if the field intensity were high enough to strike an arc, and the energy
associated with that spark is to be compared to what will ignite the
explosive atmosphere.  But I don't know how you use a dipole to calculate
the energy of a spark induced by an intense electric field induced between
metallic objects in the field.  I did this by accident (and my microwave
oven was never the same afterwards).  Many years ago I bought a jar of
peanut butter which had a metallized freshness or security seal.  I didn't
realize it was metallized.  I stored it in the fridge and one day popped it
in the microwave for a few seconds to soften it.  What I didn't realize is
that when I had previously torn off the seal I hadn't gotten every bit of it
and metal strips still were affixed to the rim of the jar.  It was quite a
show - arcing and sparking.  The microwave radiation frequency  is - despite
what any number of participants in this forum believe - 2.45 GHz and that
means a wavelength is about 12 cm or 5 inches.  A quarter wavelength would
then be 3 cm or 1.2.  I think the arcs were drawn over shorter distances
than one quarter wavelength.  It was about a 1 kW microwave oven.  I
honestly don't know if that is power input, or magnetron output, and in any
case I don't know what the effective field intensity in the oven cavity was.
But I do know that is a lot less power than most radars put out.

From: Price, Ed
To: 'k3row',
Subject: RE: Rf flammable atmosphere ignition and Halfwave Dipoles
Date: Fri, Aug 2, 2002, 6:11 PM

-Original Message-
From: k3row []
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 2:03 PM
Subject: Rf flammable atmosphere ignition and Halfwave Dipoles

Can anyone help me?

The overall context of this question is the extraction efficiency of a
dipole representing a generic mechanical structure from the point of view of
rf fields ( 30 MHz) and ignition of explosive and flammable atmospheres. A
British standard I have been looking at assumes that the structure has the
rf energy extraction efficiency of a half wave dipole (I am ignoring here
the extra gain also assumed due to the potential for the structure to behave
as an antenna with extra gain).

The basic question is to do with the extraction efficiency of a dipole
versus frequency, since, if the rf frequency is known and the structure is
known then it need not be assumed that the structure will act as a half wave
dipole (the frequency and structure dimensions may not be compatible)

My specific questions are these:

Assuming that what I am actually taking about is dipole gain (I am a bit of
an ignoramus I'm afraid) Can anyone give me a basic approximate formula for
the variation of gain with frequency for frequencies that are up to a factor
of (say) 10 away (above and below) from the resonant frequency of a half
wave dipole. Is the maximum gain cyclic (e.g is there a resonance at, say, a
dipole length of 1.5, 2.5 etc wavelengths or does the gain just disappear
when the frequency moves away from a half wave dipole condition?). If the
gain is cyclic what would be an approximate formula for the gain at, and
around, these cyclic frequencies?(Note that I am not interested in polar
diagram directions, merely gain)

I am not entirely sure that I have made these questions very clear - but I
hope so.

Has anyone got any formulae or does anyone know where I can get some?

In hope

Dave Palmer, UK


A quick answer is that the efficiency of a dipole antenna is cyclic with

Let's assume you have a center-fed dipole whose arms are each about 25 cm
long. Connect a signal generator to a coax feeding the center of that 

RE: Rf flammable atmosphere ignition and Halfwave Dipoles

2002-08-03 Thread Price, Ed
-Original Message-
From: k3row []
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 2:03 PM
Subject: Rf flammable atmosphere ignition and Halfwave Dipoles

Can anyone help me?
The overall context of this question is the extraction efficiency of a
dipole representing a generic mechanical structure from the point of view of
rf fields ( 30 MHz) and ignition of explosive and flammable atmospheres. A
British standard I have been looking at assumes that the structure has the
rf energy extraction efficiency of a half wave dipole (I am ignoring here
the extra gain also assumed due to the potential for the structure to behave
as an antenna with extra gain).
The basic question is to do with the extraction efficiency of a dipole
versus frequency, since, if the rf frequency is known and the structure is
known then it need not be assumed that the structure will act as a half wave
dipole (the frequency and structure dimensions may not be compatible)
My specific questions are these:
Assuming that what I am actually taking about is dipole gain (I am a bit of
an ignoramus I'm afraid) Can anyone give me a basic approximate formula for
the variation of gain with frequency for frequencies that are up to a factor
of (say) 10 away (above and below) from the resonant frequency of a half
wave dipole. Is the maximum gain cyclic (e.g is there a resonance at, say, a
dipole length of 1.5, 2.5 etc wavelengths or does the gain just disappear
when the frequency moves away from a half wave dipole condition?). If the
gain is cyclic what would be an approximate formula for the gain at, and
around, these cyclic frequencies?(Note that I am not interested in polar
diagram directions, merely gain)
I am not entirely sure that I have made these questions very clear - but I
hope so.
Has anyone got any formulae or does anyone know where I can get some?
In hope
Dave Palmer, UK 

A quick answer is that the efficiency of a dipole antenna is cyclic with
Let's assume you have a center-fed dipole whose arms are each about 25 cm
long. Connect a signal generator to a coax feeding the center of that dipole
(let's not worry about impedance matching yet). You can now start a
frequency sweep at 1 MHz, and continue through 1 GHz. If you had placed a
dual directional coupler into the coax line, you would see periodic changes
in the amount of RF power reflected from the antenna. Remember that
reflected power is power not radiated, so reflected power is an indication
of antenna efficiency (radiating ability).
At certain frequencies, you would see a marked decrease in the reflected
power. Minimum reflected power would be at about 300 MHz, but you would also
have seen dips (indicative of resonances) at 150 MHz, 75 MHz, 37 MHz, etc.
If you are concerned about extraction efficiency, you can remember that
efficiency of an antenna is reciprocal.
Once you get above the fundamental resonant frequency, you will also see the
periodic resonances, at 2Fo, 3Fo, 4Fo, etc.
For some good weekend reading, look at the ARRL Antennas Handbook, or the
ARRL Radio Amateurs Handbook. The RSGB also has some fine (but slimmer)

Ed Price 
Electromagnetic Compatibility Lab 
Cubic Defense Systems 
San Diego, CA  USA 
858-505-2780  (Voice) 
858-505-1583  (Fax) 
Military  Avionics EMC Is Our Specialty 
Shake-Bake-Shock - Metrology - Reliability Analysis 


RE: Hazardous Area Designations/Certifications

2002-08-03 Thread Bill Lawrence
The areas Zone 1 and 2 are defined by EN 60079-14

EEx d is type of protection flameproof, defined by EN 50014, and is
suitable in Zone 1.

EEx n includes type of protection nA, nC, and nR, defined by EN 50021 and
are suitable for Zone 2.

Take a look at

for an explanatory poster comparing US, EN, and IEC standards in this area.

Bill Lawrence
Senior Engineering Specialist, Hazardous Locations
FM Approvals, an FMGlobal Enterprise
1151 Bos-Prov Tpke
Norwood, MA 02062

-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Chris Maxwell
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 10:52 AM
To: EMC-PSTC Internet Forum
Subject: Hazardous Area Designations/Certifications

Hi all,

I have been asked a question regarding the following:

use in a Zone 1 and Zone 2 classified area. This equipment shall be
certified EEX d and EEx n by a relevant authority (e.g. BASEEFA, CENELEC
etc.) and shall be suitable for Gas Group IIB and Temperature Class T3.

Can anyone elaborate on the above information?  What standard defines Zone
1 or Zone 2?  What standard defines EEX d and EEX n?  What about Gas
Group IIB and Temperature Class T3?

Any clarification, elaboration, elucidation and/or explanation that the
group members could provide would certainly be appreciated.


Chris Maxwell | Design Engineer - Optical Division
email | dir +1 315 266 5128 | fax +1 315 797 8024

NetTest | 6 Rhoads Drive, Utica, NY 13502 | USA
web | tel +1 315 797 4449 |

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