
See ANSI C63.4 Section 5.1.2 "Ambient radio noise and signals"
(at least that is the section in the 2009 edition of C63.4.)

-Bob Sykes

From: Grasso, Charles []
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 2:03 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [PSES] EMI testing with ambient

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Hello all - My question is regarding the validity of data taken with a high
ambient condition present.

Due to test configuration constraints we have high broadband noise entering
a test chamber via the cables entering the enclosure.  The bb noise is about 
wide and is hitting the FCC Class B spec. Of course I have failing data (from 
the EUT)
reported by the lab. The failing data exceeds the FCC spec by about 6dB.

Question: What are the conditions under which a data point is considered invalid
in the presence of high ambient bb noise??


Charles Grasso
W: 303-706-5467


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