For calendar year 2008 the EMC-PSTC list posted 2,862 email messages. 
All messages are archived at the IEEE EMC-PSTC Forum on the IEEE Virtual 
Communities web site. You must be a member of the Forum in order to view 
and search the archives. The Active Archive contains messages from the 
current year. The Archive contains the mailing list messages from past 
years 1996 through 2007. We will shortly transfer the Active Archive to 
the past and start a new current year archive.

As always, a big thank you to all of our members for your participation, 
consideration, cooperation. Most of all thank you for sharing your 
knowledge or asking the hard questions to get the rest of us thinking.

Happy New Year!
EMC-PSTC List Admins

EMC-PSTC Subscriber Count by Country

*  Country                  Subscribers
*  -------                  -----------
*  Argentina  1
*  Australia  7
*  Canada  11
*  China  2
*  Denmark  5
*  Finland  1
*  France  1
*  Germany  10
*  India  4
*  Ireland  1
*  Israel  3
*  Italy  4
*  Japan  3
*  Luxembourg  1
*  Netherlands  4
*  New Zealand  1
*  Norway  1
*  Poland  2
*  Republic of Korea  2
*  Singapore  3
*  Spain  4
*  Taiwan  5
*  Thailand  1
*  Turkey  1
*  United kingdom  28
*  United states  633

* Total number of "concealed" subscribers:          24
* Total number of users subscribed to the list:    739  (non-"concealed" 
* Total number of countries represented:             26  
(non-"concealed" only)
* Total number of local host users on the list:         0  
(non-"concealed" only)


This message is from the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society emc-pstc 
discussion list. To post a message to the list, send your e-mail to 

All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
Graphics (in well-used formats), large files, etc. can be posted to that URL.

List rules:

For help, send mail to the list administrators:
Scott Douglas <>
Mike Cantwell <>

For policy questions, send mail to:
Jim Bacher:  <>
David Heald: <>

Reply via email to