[Emc-users] Homing sequence question

2008-12-05 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hi all,

I've just re-arranged some parallel port inputs and outputs, so now I 
have a pin available for each of the three axes on my minimill.  I can't 
seem to get ctrl-Home to home anything other than the current axis, even 
though I have the following line in my config file:


(I also tried HOME_SEQUENCE = 0,1,2)

I have a feeling that the answer to my question is You need to run a 
more recent version of EMC!, since I'm using 2.0.5.  (Hey, it isn't 
I recently tried to load the latest version on a second Dell machine, 
identical to the one I've been using for a few years, and had it install 
and boot up OK but lock up on me when I ran EMC.  I suppose there is a 
hardware incompatibility but I don't know what it is.   (Maybe there's a 
version in between 2.0.5 and the current one that I can actually run :-)

On a related note, are more recent versions able to home more than one 
axis simultaneously, or just in sequence?   That would be kind of cool.

Thanks very much,

Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222
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Re: [Emc-users] Emc-users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 26

2008-12-05 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 12:33:05 -0600
 From: Stuart Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Homing sequence question
 To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I believe you want to put the command 'HOME_SEQUENCE = 1' in the
 AXIS section you want to home first and then 'HOME_SEQUENCE = 2' in
 the AXIS section you want to home second, etc.

 On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 12:28 PM, Patrick Ferrick
Thank you, Stuart.  I tried moving  HOME_SEQUENCE = 0 etc. to the axis 
sections and still got only single axis homing.  I am running 2.0.5 on 
Ubuntu 6.06, so I am going to look into upgrading with the method you 
suggested.  I will certainly back up my config files, but if I do run 
into problems is there a fairly easy way to back off to 2.0.5?  Because 
I'm pretty sure that I've lost track of the cd that I originally burned 
of that version...if I can get hold of 2.0.5 easily, I'll be much more 
likely to take a chance on upgrading!


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[Emc-users] 2.2.5 locks up my Dell....

2008-10-15 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hi all,

I have a feeling that the answer to this question is probably in the 
archives, but my school's ISP has recently decide to block access to  
web-based newsgroups.  So I'm kind of stuck.  If some kind soul would 
care to enlighten me off-list I would really appreciate it.

I just burned a copy of the latest Ubuntu distro, loaded it on to a 
spare Dell Optiplex GS240, and all is well right up until I hit OK to 
run sim-axis.   Then it locks up hard. The usual startup messages appear 
in the terminal window (up to Starting EMC2).   I have been running an 
older version of EMC2 just fine on exactly the same kind of hardware for 
a couple of years now.

Anybody have any suggestions?


Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222
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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Emc-users Digest, Vol 29, Issue 60

2008-10-14 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hi all,

I have a feeling that the answer to this question is probably in the 
archives, but my school's ISP has recently decide to block access to  
web-based newsgroups.  So I'm kind of stuck.  If some kind soul would 
care to enlighten me off-list I would really appreciate it.

I just burned a copy of the latest Ubuntu distro, loaded it on to a 
spare Dell Optiplex GS240, and all is well right up until I hit OK to 
run sim-axis.   Then it locks up hard. The usual startup messages appear 
in the terminal window (up to Starting EMC2).   I have been running an 
older version of EMC2 just fine on exactly the same kind of hardware for 
a couple of years now.

Anybody have any suggestions?


Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222
(315) 369-6216

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[Emc-users] Please critique my custom toolchanger strategy!

2008-03-25 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hi all,

After reading (and (for the most part) understanding) the integrator's 
manual, I have come up with the following plan for constructing and 
controlling a custom toolchanger.  The changer will use three steppers, 
one to spin a carousel of sorts and two to operate a scara-type arm to 
place tools from the changer somewhere that they can be taken up by the 

1.  obtain and set up a second pc running EMC2
2.  connect the mill's pc and the toolchanger's pc via ethernet cable
3.  determine the correct NML messages needed to carry out the steps for 
a toolchange
4.  add a button/code to AXIS using pyVCP to generate these messages
5.  figure out how to send the messages by connecting the button to the 
parport with HAL
Pretty simple, right?   My rationale for this somewhat convoluted 
sequence of events is that I think I can get all that going with what I 
already know how to do with HAL etc. 

Based on my reading of the manual, it's going to take a good while 
before I can get pull it off with straight HAL/ClassicLadder objects.   
I'm going to work on that at the same time, so I'll probably get it to 
work the right way at some point.



ps - It often occurs to me when I'm generating these posts that a twenty 
minute conversation with one of you EMC gurus would be worth about a 
month of back-and-forth on the list.  Unfortunately, the NAMES show 
happens right in the middle of exam week for me, so that's a little 
tough.  If anybody would be willing to try a brief phone conference 
please email me privately...!


Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222
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Re: [Emc-users] Custom toolchanger

2008-03-22 Thread Patrick Ferrick

 One thing to note - you probably wouldn't want to control the turret 
 with G-code, even if you could.  Changing tools and moving them around 
 are separate actions, so there's no need for coordinated motion between 
 the two activities.  It just opens up possibilities for errors down the 

 - Steve
Steve, Chris et al,

Thanks for the hints.   The reason that I first thought of using gcode 
to control the toolchanger was that it will eventually consist of a 
turret and a two degree-of-freedom arm, all controlled by three steppers 
that I _would_ want to move in coordinated motion, just like they were 
the U,V and W axes. (But not coordinated with, say, X,Y and Z since as 
you point out tool motion and tool changing are separate.)

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but is the point of using 
HAL+ClassicLadder to make the toolchange operation itself transparent to 
the gcode?  Then it seems as though what I'm aiming for is being able to 
use HAL+CL to re-create the functionality of three regular axes.   
That's the part where things start to get really fuzzy!   Given enough 
i/o pins, it would then seem that the only limit to the number of motors 
EMC could control  would be the ability of stepgen to make pulses fast 
enough for acceptable speed.

Hints greatly appreciated!!!


 Patrick Ferrick
 Town of Webb School
 Main Street
 Old Forge, NY  13420

 (315) 369-3222
 (315) 369-6216

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[Emc-users] Custom toolchanger control

2008-03-21 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hi all,

I have a followup question to my earlier question about adding steppers to my 
setup.  The (long-term) goal is to create a custom toolchanger that will 
incorporate three steppers and three or four relay-controlled widgets.  

If I was to add a second parallel port, I'm certain that I could HAL it up to 
control the extra motors and such via gcode.  However, based on suggestions 
made by John Kasunich and others, it seems that isn't the normal way to change 
tools.  (It would be quite inconvenient to have to insert lots of extra gcode 
in a program to spin the tool carousel etc.)

Apparently, a PLC (either hardware or software based) is traditiuonally used 
for such purposes.  It seems to me, though, that a plc + ladder logic 
programming is capable mainly of sensing switches and turning on and off  
relays...which is great if you have a toolchanger that only needs to be told 
_when_ to change tools and _what_ tool to use, but not how to physically spin 
steppers to accomplish this.  I would really like to be able to take advantage 
of the kinematics etc. that EMC provides to move the extra steppers, but it's 
looking like I might have to create a semi-smart toolchanger that can be 
commanded with HAL+ClassicLadder.

To summarize:

I hope I'm wrong about this, but it seems as though I have to either

a) control the extra three motors via gcode


b) construct an external device capable of moving the steppers by itself and 
control device that via the PLC.

Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222
(315) 369-6216

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[Emc-users] How do I control 4 steppers with EMC2?

2008-03-16 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hello everyone,

(First, I wonder how many British users of EMC saw the posts titled 
home-mad cnc and thoughtmad?...THAT'S for sure! :-)

Anyway, here's what I'm wondering:  if I wanted to get crazy and 
control, say, six (or more) steppers with EMC, what's the best way to go 
about that?  I'm obviously not going to do it with a single parport.  
Right now I have X,Y,Z and A going (and I'm thrilled to death with that, 
believe me!) and that pretty much takes care of  it.  (To be specific, 
I'm thinking about using a couple of extra steppers and solenoids and 
such to make an automated tool changer.)

Offhand I'm not even sure of how many axes EMC2 is willing to drive.  
That would be nice to know...

My first thought was a second parallel port card.  I know that over the 
years I have used (and, I think, fried) a couple of those guys...but I'm 
pretty sure that with the shaky status  of a _single_ old school 
parport this is not a direction in which I want to be going.  Then I 
thought of one of those generic multi-I/O deals with huge numbers of ins 
and outs, but that's probably (?) done by multiplexing fewer pins, which 
I guess might be a problem for software that's trying to twiddle bits in 
realtime for a particular effect.

Any suggestions?  



Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222
(315) 369-6216

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[Emc-users] Identifying different AXIS setups

2008-02-03 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hi all,

Now that I have AXIS and EMC2 singing and dancing, I find that I use 
three different ini files depending on what hardware I've got on my 
minimill.  For example, when I have the (horizontal) rotary 4th axis on 
there, I have different x,y, and z limits that when it is absent.   The 
trouble is that I sometimes forget which setup I have running (despite 
having created three different startup icons which reference the three 
ini files...!) 

Is there some relatively simple way for me to do one of the following:

1.  change the background color of the toolpath section of the screen
2.  add a label in either the Manual Control tab or on the toolpath area 


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Re: [Emc-users] Teach mode ?!

2007-12-07 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hi all,

I'm surprised that saving a series of manual moves (for later 
playback) is apparently not very high on anybody else's wish list of 
EMC2 additions...Anyway, it's something I would like to be able to do.  
For what its worth!

(I'm running 2.0.5, by the way.  I thought that hilighting and copying 
part of the History window would work, but that doesn't seem to be 
possible.  Is there any way (hopefully other than upgrading) to get at 
the history?


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[Emc-users] Can I display stock outline in AXIS?

2007-11-26 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hi all,

I'm running  EMC2 version 2.0.5 with Axis 1.4a0 (I know, I should 
upgrade...!).  I seem to recall a discussion along the lines of 
displaying the outlines of the workpiece (or some arbitrary outline) in 
AXIS, but at the time it wasn't something that I thought I'd ever need 
to do.  Hmm. 

So, now that I've decided that it _would_ be awfully nice to see the 
extent of the workpiece (not as a toolpath, of course, just for 
reference purposes) is there any way to accomplish this with my current 
setup?  Or with a spankin' new version of AXIS, maybe?

Which brings me to another question:  by upgrading to frantic ferret or 
whatever the latest Ubuntu distro is called, am I taking a risk that my 
hard-won ini tweaks will no longer work?  Can I expect my current ini 
files to work with the latest EMC2?   Doesn't seem likely, if new 
features require extra ini code; I'm just really in if it works, don't 
fix it mode big time.


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[Emc-users] Generating stick-font toolpaths?

2007-10-18 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone could suggest some open-source software for 
generating toolpaths for making signs. 

Apparently the preferred kind of font is called a stick font or 
single stroke font and I have found that there are quite a few 
commercial packages that do this.  We have been using QCAD's CAMExpert 
demo version (the full version of which is very reasonably priced) but 
both provide only one such font.


Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222  
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[Emc-users] Details on spindle-on/off HAL coding problem

2007-10-10 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hey all-

Regarding my attempt to add spindle on/off in my core_stepper.hal, the 
following lines

newsig spindle_on bit
linksp spindle_on =  motion.spindle-on
linksp spindle_on = parport.0.pin-14-out

get me this error:

EMC2 - 2.0.5
Machine configuration directory is '/etc/emc2/sample-configs/stepper/'
Machine configuration file is 'xyz.ini'
Starting emc...
iocontrol: machine: 'X-Y-Z'  version ''
HAL: ERROR: pin 'motion.spindle-on' not found
HAL:74: link failed
HAL config file /etc/emc2/sample-configs/stepper//core_stepper.hal 
Shutting down and cleaning up EMC...
Cleanup done

I'd appreciate suggestions...thanks.


Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222  
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[Emc-users] Thanks, and by the way here's yet another question!!!!

2007-10-09 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hey everybody-

Thanks, Jon et al for setting me straight concerning the whole G54 
offset thing.   The wiki page was very helpful.  I had no idea that 
offsets like this would persist from instance to instance of EMC2...

On to the next question!   I'd kind of like to be able to use M3,4 / M5 
to turn the spindle off via a solid state relay.  I have a couple of 
spare output pins on my parallel port interface card (like, say pin 14) 
and my first shot at HALing it up didn't quite do it.  Here's what I 
added to core_stepper.hal:

newsig spindle_on bit
linksp spindle_on =  motion.spindle-on
linksp spindle_on = parport.0.pin-14-out

which, unfortunately, isn't working.   I've been through the HAL docs a 
few times, and a lot of it makes sense but I guess not enough (so far) 
to get this done.  If anyone could suggest a modification that would 
help me out I would appreciate it.

[btw, someday I would really like to meet some of the brains behind this 
whole operation...when and where do you guys get together?   I would 
definitely be up for buying a few rounds in honor of all the hard work 
that obviously goes into EMC etc.]


Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222  
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[Emc-users] Oh man, my home is broke...

2007-10-04 Thread Patrick Ferrick

Hi all,

Well,  I've gone and added a rotary axis to my xyz-minimill, and I've 
managed to break my nice homing sequence.   As it turns out, I guess I 
don't understand homing as well as I thought I did, because I can't 
figure out the following situation:

First, here's a picture of my Y-axis hardware:   

Pretty normal, right?   So here's the relevant part of my ini file:


UNITS = 0.03937007874016
HOME =  0.0
BACKLASH = 0.000
INPUT_SCALE =   2000   0.000
OUTPUT_SCALE = 2000   0.000
FERROR = 100

When I home Y, the axis moves to the left until the limit switch closes, then 
it backs off a ways, then it slowly finds the switch again. Cool. As far as I 
know, this point is understood by EMC2 to be the offset from the switch 
position to the HOME position in joint coordinates. The switch is physically 
located at Y=0, so that's good. The HOME=0 line makes it stay put, which is 
also what I want it to do.

Here's where it gets weird.  AXIS indicates that Y is at -3.00, not 0 after this 
sequence.  Despite the MIN_LIMIT being 0, I can jog it between -3.00 and 1.00 (a distance 
of 4, which seems to relate to the distance between MIN and MAX.) So it's like the 
ruler that EMC2 is using on this axis is mis-adjusted to the physical axis, 
and I can't figure out how to shift it.

I'm pretty sure that I'm overlooking something obvious, but I've banged my head 
enough on it...I think I need somebody else to look at it and straighten me 
out!   Thanks very much.


Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222  
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[Emc-users] Multiple axis homing....?

2007-09-17 Thread Patrick Ferrick

Here's something that I've been wondering about for a while:  I can't seem to 
get multiple axes to home in sequence.  Do I need to be running a version of 
EMC2 later than 2.0.5?

I have this line in my ini file:


which doesn't generate any complaints, but also doesn't do what it looks like 
it should do.  When I press Home, alt-Home, ctrl-Home (and every other 
variation I can think of!) I get motion of the 0 axis only.



Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222  
(315) 369-6216 (fax)

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[Emc-users] I (almost) have the rotary axis working!!!

2007-09-07 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Thanks, Stephen, for the advice.  As so often seems to happen (to me, anyway) a 
suggested strategy leads to improvement indirectly. Like actually twisting the 
motor shaft to see if 11 turns actually _does_ rotate the table 1 degree (it 
did) which made me think of putting a protractor next to the rotary table and 
finding out how many degrees a G0A1 made it turn.  That was around 31.5, so 
when I divided my INPUT_SCALE value by that I got1 degree from a 

Then I had to tweak the heck out of MAX_VELOCITY and FERROR so that I could get 
the thing moving at a respectable speed.  The INPUT_SCALE of 120 did not do 
much for the speed that the table turned.


One other weirdness:  I cannot seem to get MIN and MAX_LIMIT to work right.  
Thinking that I might want to spin something a bunch of times in the rotary 
axis (ie. for threading) I tried -3000 and 3000 respectively.  But when I try a 
G0A360 (to fine-tune the INPUT_SCALE value) I get an AXIS error like

Linear move -n out of range

when a) it's an angular move, and  b) it clearly isn't out of range.  

***ding ding***  As usual, writing out the weird behaviour either makes me 
realize what the problem is, or I think of a good test to try.  I just found 
that I can get 200 degrees worth of travel, and no more.  If I do a G0A100 or 
A-100 right after starting EMC/AXIS, that's OK.  Anything farther out is the 
above error.  Even better, if I jog say 50 degrees one way and zero the axis 
with shift-home, then I can go from 50 degrees to 250, again no more.  I think 
this is an AXIS weirdness but I don't know what might be causing it.  Any ideas 

thanks again,

Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222  
(315) 369-6216 (fax)

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[Emc-users] You can ignore my rotary axis questions..!!

2007-09-07 Thread Patrick Ferrick
OK, it's official.  I am a complete idiot!  

Here's what happened:

Since I had an ini file that was more or less working, I figured I'd 
better save it under a different name so that I could fall back on it if 
further tweaking really blows it up.  Great idea, right?   Sureis , IF 
you look at the %$^*!  filename at the top of the text editor once in a 
while!...if not, you make change after change, after change, and wonder 
why things are not getting better.  When you're not editing the ini file 
that emc is actually _using_, that's why.

As my dad always used to sayIf I had another brain it would be 

ps - the 200 degree limit?  Might be from the -100 to 100 limits I put 
in the other ini file.  I dunno.

We now return you to your emc mail list already in progress...

Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222  
(315) 369-6216 (fax)

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[Emc-users] Help needed calibrating rotary axis

2007-09-06 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hi everyone,

I'm happy to report that I now have my fourth axis spinning.  Not quite 
as fast as I was hoping for, but it works.  Now the issue is getting it 
to move a specified number of degrees via gcode.   Basically what I'm 
getting is much smaller changes in the A value than the actual number of 
degrees it spins.

It probably sounds like the INPUT_SCALE setting in the ini file is 
incorrect (and it probably is) but I've tried lots of changes to it 
without success so I think it's time for a couple of hints!Here's 
what the mechanics of the rotary axis are:

200 step motor w/24 tooth sprocket  --  95 tooth.  I make that out to 
be a 3.9583:1 reduction.
Then, a 28 tooth sprocket on the same shaft as the 95 tooth drives a 145 
toother on the actual rotary axis.  Another 5.1785:1 reduction.
[Sounds like a nightmare when you write it out that way, but it's smooth 
and stiff and mechanically it works well, so!]

So the overall reduction is somewhere in the vicinity of 20.498:1, which 
would translate into 11.387 motor steps per degree.  
INPUT_SCALE is supposed to be the number of steps per UNIT (which is 1.0 
on the ANGULAR axis), but setting it to 11.387 or 11.0 makes things go 
really slw and I cannot for the life of me adjust the 
MAX_VELOCITY to anything that moves it at a decent speed without 
immediate following errors.

Note:  with INPUT_SCALE set to 4100 (the approximate number of steps 
needed for 360 degrees) I get a good spin speed but the A values are all 
out of whack with respect to the rotary table.  I have tried lots of 
combinations of INPUT_SCALE, UNITS, [TRAJ}ANGULAR_UNITS and cannot seem 
to get it right.

One other thing:  when I try to get rid of the UNITS tag for the 3rd 
axis and use [TRAJ]ANGULAR_UNITS (as it suggests in the manual) I get this:

Starting emc...

iocontrol: machine: 'TOWS CNC'  version ''
task: machine: 'TOWS CNC'  version ''
emc/ini/iniaxis.cc 192: can't find [AXIS_3] UNITS, using default
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/axis, line 2299, in ?
unit = float(inifile.find(section, UNITS)) * 25.4
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number

sigh  sorry this is so long-winded...anybody have any suggestions?

Thanks a lot.


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[Emc-users] Adding a rotary axis...a little help, please!

2007-08-30 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hi everyone,

Well I've finally gotten around to adding a rudimentary 4th axis to my 
minimill.  I've just started trying to figure out how to make AXIS and 
EMC2 spin it, so far without success.  (For some reason, after I've 
banged my head against a config issue long enough to get something 
going, I immediately start using the darn machine and after a year or 
so, I'm practically starting over in trying to understand it the next time!)

Anyway, I _thought_ all I would have to do was add a fourth axis 
description to my .ini file, and a few new signals and pins to my HAL 
file.  A quick look at stepper_xyza.hal ought to make things clear.  
Ha!   Not so much, as it turns out.  There are a whole lot of things in 
stepper_xyza.hal that aren't in standard_pinout.hal (like 
differentiators and enable signals) and I  can't for the life of me 
figure out why. 

A couple of clumsy attempts to reference both hal files in my .ini file 
failed, as did attempts to add stuff like Avel and Apos signals/pins to 

So I guess my question is:  what basic steps should I shoot for in 
adding an A axis to an XYZ minimill?   Somehow adding stuff to 
standard_pinout appeals more to me, since I (thought) I understood how 
that all went together!  I  added a limit switch signal/pin etc. and 
messed around with HALscope, and all of that ended up working, so I 
_was_ feeling pretty good about my ability to extend EMC2.  I'd really 
like to pull that off again!


Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222  
(315) 369-6216 (fax)

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Re: [Emc-users] rotary axis questions

2007-08-30 Thread Patrick Ferrick
OK, before anybody goes to a lot of trouble to explain the finer points 
of adding a fourth axis...!  Here's the answer:  I stumbled across Ray 
Henry's (virtual) conversation with a dude whose username is chinamill, 
which cleared up just about all of my confusion.  Thanks, Ray!

Now I'm at the point of having the A axis present and accounted for, I 
have Astep and Adir coming out of pins 8 and 9, and the HAL config looks 

And I get almost immediate following errors on joint 3, the fourth 
axis!   Argh.  It's been a while since I've done battle with this 
issue; I copied one of the existing axis configs and changed LINEAR to 
ANGULAR, and UNITS to 1, keeping all other parameters the same.  I 
figured since the X axis has been working fine for quite a while now, 
the A axis would too with the same maxvel, accel etc.  But no.

Is there anything fundamentally different about an angular axis that 
might account for the following errors?   I have tried lots of different 
FERRORS, etc. in an effort to get around them (as I have many times 
before) but so far, no luck.

thanks again,

Patrick Ferrick
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420

(315) 369-3222  
(315) 369-6216 (fax)

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[Emc-users] I/O card recommendations, please?

2007-05-23 Thread J. Patrick ferrick
Hi all,

After the success I've had with EMC2 and my minimill, I've decided to take a 
whack at converting a little Prazi 5x12 lathe I have.  So far I've got it 
steppered and I have procured a PC on which I've installed EMC2 from the live 
CD.   So far so good.

On the minimill I'm using a PMDX i/o card with great success.  However, it 
occurs to me that for the lathe I am not going to need much of the 
functionality of this card.  (independant pulse generation, high-current 
relays, etc.)

It wasn't horrendously expensive (I want to say it was just over $100) but I'm 
trying to do the lathe on the cheap, so I'm wondering if anybody could suggest 
a less-expensive basic i/o card that has only the optoisolators without all the 
extras.   Either preassembled or a kit wuld be fine.  


Patrick Ferrick KA2AYK
Town of Webb School
Main Street
Old Forge, NY  13420
(315) 369-3222
(315) 369-6216 (fax)

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Re: [Emc-users] Cutter radius compensation

2007-03-08 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2007 12:41:22 -0500
 From: Stephen Wille Padnos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Cutter radius comp question
 To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 Hi Patrick

 You're starting the shape with the tool already gouging the outline.  
 You need to add a lead-in move.  If you start at X0Y0 instead of X1Y1, 
 I'll bet it works, but only with G41.  You're going around the box 
 clockwise, and want the cutter on the outside, so you need the cutter 
 on the left hand side of the path.
Thanks,  Stephen.   I guess when I claimed to have read and understood the comp 
sections of the manual, what I should have said was I read what I thought was 
enough to give me the basic idea and then I went ahead and started plugging 
away at it

I understand now why dropping the tool down at 1,1 (when the part is 
supposed to extend to 1,1) is a problem.
But the section in the manual on entry moves is not at all clear to me 
yet.  I tried starting at 0,0 as you suggested
and that didn't work either.   I've also tried various straight and 
curved lines that I thought would put the tool
in the right place to follow the outside of the square, but so far I 
haven't been able to get it to work.

At this point I'm so confused that I'm not quite sure what question to 
ask next!!

Could someone post a snippet of gcode that would cut a 1 square at X1Y1 
with a 0.125 diameter tool (using
radius compensation)?  If so I think I might have a better chance of 
grasping the details that escape me.  I've tried
to follow the example in the manual, and while I appreciate that 
somebody spent a good deal of time writing it, I
find it very difficult to follow.  

(And just when I was starting to think that I had a pretty good handle 
on EMC2!  I guess it good to get knocked
down a peg once in a while...!)


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[Emc-users] Cutter radius comp question

2007-03-07 Thread Patrick Ferrick
Hi everybody,

I've been trying to get cutter radius compensation working, because I'm 
getting a little bit tired
of adjusting my CAD drawings for the radius of my cutters, so that the 
parts come out the
size they are supposed to!   I've read the appropriate parts of the 
manual, and a few other
online resources, but it still isn't behaving.  Obviously I'm not 
understanding something.

My test program cuts a 1 square with its lower lefthand corner at 
0,0.   It doesn't get much simpler
than that!  Here's the gcode that I'm using: 

G00 X1. Y1.
Z.10 F20
G01 Z0.047
G00 Z1.0

That code works, no problem at all.
Then I added the following to the top of the file:

M6 T1
G41 D1

My tool table contains one entry, a 0.125 diameter
endmill.  Length is zero.

I expected the tool to follow a contour 0.0625 away from the outline of 
the square, and
instead I get concave corner with cutter radius compensation when I 
reload the file.
Same thing if I try G42 instead.

Could somebody give me a clue, please?


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