I sent this to the FireBallCNC list today. Thought you guys might like to
hear it, too...

I will never, ever waste my time with Windows software running a machine
ever again.

I have been flat pulling my hair out for the last several weeks trying to
figure out why a certain file of mine was running amuck midway through the
part. I have been an EMC2 proponent since the beginning, but had given
confidence to Mach3 after witnessing something interesting in their
acceleration curves.

So I finally took the time to tweak the EMC2 acceleration curves to maximize
my rapid travel speeds to 240IPM on my V90, and lo and behold that same file
that was choking Mach3 runs flawlessly on EMC2.

What a huge waste of my time. RTAI is the bomb!

**Then, someone asked for more details, so I told them this...

The latest version of EMC2 has the StepConf wizard, and while I am generally
opposed to wizards, this one is really neat. The first screen sets your
pulse widths and maximum kernel threads and such. The second screen defines
your parallel port pinouts, and the 3rd, 4th, and 5th screen go in to the
details of each axis. 

I have been working on a user manual for the V90 and I will have
configuration files and screen shots, but in a nut shell. you fire up the
test axis window and set the run mode to +1 inch and -1 inch, set it to run,
and then tweak the values while it it bouncing between those values over
that 2 inches of travel. Do that for all three axii, and save it and it runs
like a champ.

I have been using EMC2 for years and it has never been this easy to tweak a
stepper setup, ever.

I will post more details as I have them. That machine is currently
disconnected from the network so it would be a chore to get config files and
screen captures off of it, but I should have it on the network really soon.

...You EMC2 guys ROCK!


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