I had an AAMCO 7" shaper for a number of years, and had used really large ones 
back in the '70s at night school.

I *love* shapers - or so I thought. Sold the AAMCO when moving to NZ back early 
'90s, keep looking for one, but when a really nice SouthBend one came up here 
for a reasonable price, I did not go for it - the vertical mills *really* are 
better machines

And I never did use my shaper for some of those "really easy to do on a shaper 
but hard on anything else" machining processes. 

The last free bit of my workshop is filled with my 3rd lathe, which will become 
a CNC lathe. (Emco Compact-8)

(BTW - I also sold my 1987 Sebastian Lathe Co. lathe when I got my first used 
Emco Compact-8 - talk about a world of difference!)

John Alexander Stewart.
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