On 12/16/2013 01:43 PM, Kent A. Reed wrote:
> On 12/16/2013 01:02 PM, John Alexander Stewart wrote:
>> It's been a while since I wrote SLERPing code, but the project I wrote it
>> for used Quaternions, which I don't think LinuxCNC uses?? Quaternions
>> certainly made a lot of the internal maths easier. (code was in the
>> "FreeWRL" VRML/X3D browser)
>> *Does*  LinuxCNC use Quaternions?
> Well, that depends on your meaning of the word "use". If you look at 
> the libnml/posemath/ routines you'll see a lot of internal usage of 
> quarternions for the reason you name but most calls to the routines 
> from the rest of LinuxCNC consist of customary and usual 
> representations. What representations? Well, consider this snippet 
> from posemath.h

By the way, some of the less ordinary posemath operations defined in the 
header file remained stubbed out in the actual code. Invoking them 
should solicit a PM_IMPL_ERR error "not implemented." Occasionally a new 
user discovers this the hard way.

I suppose one could think of these missing operations as a possible 
homework assignment.


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