Re: [-empyre-] Meillassoux / Harman

2012-06-28 Thread Rob Jackson
Dear All,

Ok - so if the academic banter is to continue - lets make it somewhat jovial. 

No-ones really being disrespectful or denying the importance of conceptual art. 
The flurry of activity both in conceptual art and it's twin contemporary; 
systems art was directly aimed at formalism (and especially Greenberg). So 
considering that OOO privileges unified objects beyond all context and 
relational construction, it does - in my opinion - arrive at a formalist 
Greenbergian standpoint where the artwork transcends its context. (in 
discussions with Harman earlier this year, we agreed as much, although I'm more 
of a Fried guy).

So what I'm saying is, don't be surprised if we criticise conceptual art 
because of this reason. There are other links too, regarding qualities, style, 
irreducibility, etc., and I posted something about them here 

But clearly, I'm the first to admit that any OOO/Greenberg semblance hybrid 
cannot repeat the traps that Greenberg found himself in. We aren't idealists. 
Nor do proponents of OOO privilege the type of work that the formalist critic 
did. We don't privilege one unit - or a set of units - and insert quality into 
them, rather it must work the other way round; that bad, vacuous, art without 
quality is the result of bad construction. What we take for being mundane, must 
be filled with depth, at all times - and not because of a conceptual twist of 
attitude which makes it so, but because all units are aesthetically equivalent.

If we're still going down this route of opposing a realist flat ontology 
because its "market friendly", then I doubt there's anything I can say to make 
this conversation move forward. All I can suggest is, don't expect (or choose 
to not expect) a movement - which in it's current iteration is not even a few 
years old - to be held responsible for this or that regime of power. Yes it's 
fun to try and ruin those who wax lyrical about a new methods and approaches, 
but you can't dismiss all future iterations of what is still a very young set 
of approaches (I'm usually bemused in conferences when someone tells me that 
'OOO is over' and then someone else says 'everyone's doing OOO' - when in 
reality, hardly anyones actually read any of it). 

Regarding Duchamp - the legacy of Duchamp isn''t just irony or negative 
valences, he did something more fundamental to art production, the remnants of 
which the mainstream artworld is unable to shake off. He brought the necessary 
art object into line with its contingent reception. For this, we can be 
thankful, but its now indirectly responsible for some of the most boring 
art-come-participatory-events going, precisely insofar as the art market is 
obsessed with making contingent spectators the standing reserve for its own 
mediocre games. I'm not saying that OOO has an alternative to this, (I have a 
few ideas) but lets, at least, see if there is one.


On 28 Jun 2012, at 05:47, Eduardo Navas wrote:

> Dear Ian,
> Perhaps the irony of your comment and critical position between conceptual 
> art and OOO is that you appear to do to conceptual art what you claim Simon 
> and others are doing to OOO.  I would suggest that if you are to dismiss 
> conceptualism as you have been doing in the last few posts that you also put 
> the time in understanding the history of conceptual art and its importance.  
> Or at least be more respectful of a field that is clearly not your 
> specialization, and learn something from others in the process.
> Anyone who has spent enough time studying the history of contemporary art is 
> likely to be skeptical of your comments on conceptualsim just like you are of 
> other people’s questioning of OOO who are not as familiar with it as you are.
> I hope the discussion turns more insightful in the next few posts.  
> Cheers,
> Eduardo Navas
> On 6/27/12 12:11 PM, "Ian Bogost"  wrote:
>> Simon, this conversation is a fool's bargain and I refuse to continue it. 
>> You suggest that what is worth doing—but not even doing, just reading, 
>> even—only *will have been* worthwhile after enough time has passed that it 
>> can be judged on the historical scale. This gambit amounts to a rationalist 
>> economics for intellectual work at best, and a terrorism against it at worst.
>> As for OOO, you'd see the links to Latour and Heidegger even more clearly if 
>> and when you choose read the works that make those connections very 
>> explicitly. The same is true for its take on toasters. I won't hold my 
>> breath.
>> Good luck with your conceptual art.
>> Ian
>> On Jun 27, 2012, at 3:59 AM, Simon Biggs wrote:
>>> Hi Ian
>>> Maybe I'm a little old, but 10 to 15 years seems, in terms of human 
>>> thought, extremely recent. I have read some OOO texts though, during that 
>>> short period of time. I've also had a little time

Re: [-empyre-] to jacob & homay

2012-06-27 Thread Rob Jackson
Hi Everyone.

I know this thread is closed, but I wrote this for Furtherfield for Turing's 
birthday - contains links to Homay's work and other articles. Forgot to tell 
everyone on here!


many thanks


On 16 Jun 2012, at 09:07, shu lea cheang wrote:

> hi, all
> first i take a bow for much support of my work on this list.
> a quick note to say, if you need to teach BRANDON, please write to guggenheim 
> (or me)
> to obtain the password for the website, if somehow they still have not got it 
> back online by this fall.
> a recent interview at Rhizome about this work
> I have been reading all the post with great interest...but was caught between 
> macbeth and kurosawa with Moving Forest 2012 in london. to be launched june 
> 22 with 12 day prelude, 12 hour performance and a CODA.
> I have also invited Zach and Micha to participate in the project. (and yes, 
> all of you can join)
> question: where/who are the queers in the insurgency?
> ah, sorry for the diversion...
> indeed, my entry here follows Zach's question,
> " how Turing's scientific and computational research could be infused with 
> his erotic desires. "
> and  jacob and homay's research notes.
> Speaking of non-human and turing machine, check back on Blade Runner's turing 
> test.
> "Is this testing whether i am a replicant or a lesbian? Mr. Deckard"
> Much cross references can be made here.
> My own I.K.U. movie which picks up where Blade Runner left us in the elevator,
> cast a transsexual to play Deckard in fully expressed (not repressed) xxx 
> desire.
> UKI as I.K.U. sequel dumps defunct (machine/code) replicants admist code 
> hackers
> I have been very interested in the parallel development of code/body viral 
> writing.
> do want to add on to Zach's virus book list also
> Jussi Parrika 's 'Digital Contagions"
> and Matthew Fuller's interview with JP
> thanks all
> quite notes for now
> sl
> ___
> empyre forum

empyre forum

Re: [-empyre-] to jacob & homay

2012-06-15 Thread Rob Jackson
Hey all,

I'm really sorry if I'm slightly hijacking the thread here, but I too have been 
with Turing in my thesis on the non-human formalisation of computability 
theory. I
would be extremely interested to hear more from Homay's article on this (I 
consider myself as
a bit of layman when it comes to queer theory, so please put up with my 
ignorance!) I really, really
would love to hear these positions.

I work in the digital aesthetics, SR/OOO and computer science, so this thread 
is like a candy shop
for me. In fact my thesis (should I ever get it finished) is about how issues 
like the uncomputable, undecidability and other
unsolvable problems factor into aesthetic works, and how it does so implicitly 
or explicitly. My contribution
(or intervention as one would put it) is to suggest that undecidability - or 
Turing's formulation of the decision problem - is 
more general than is usually advertised in computer science. It occurs not just 
between humans aping for knowledge from some 
homogenous totality that is 'computation', but is everpresent in-between formal 
language systems themselves. It is not just the case that 
human knowledge has little complete mastery of computation; even computable 
systems have no mastery over other computable systems 
such is the complexity of them. Networks do not operate as fluid modes of 
informal flux; they are creaky and impure formal systems, comprised 
of modular compositions, operatively rubbing against others.

Uncomputability in-between formal systems of an equivalent language is the 
reason as to why glitches and especially viruses occur - 
its linked to what the exploit programmer Halvar Flake  recently called the 
"weird machine" - A weird machine is the unexpected state 
of a computing system which was not expected nor intended by the original 
author, but is nonetheless algorithmically recognisable 
in the formal language. If a language is shown to be undecidable, its 
permanently ambiguous, and thus it will always recognise something it can never 

I have more detailed thoughts regarding this in a recent talk for those 

It seems to me that human rationality is usually pitted in contrast with 
machines which are viewed either as; dumb surface 
tools reduced to the depths of human communication - or -  artificial systems 
which (may) have the capacity for sentience - or - material based historical 
notation devices. 
Why aren't they just looked as what they are and all the weirdness they 
We shouldn't be too quick to align some previous philosophical system or 
political agenda and use it to dissect something or other - I think it's much 
more fruitful (and dare I say more honest) to build a philosophical system from 
the weirdness of things and systems.

I read Turing along these lines; a great philosopher, not just a great 
mathematician and engineer, 
A lot of popular literature (Martin Davis for instance) likes to separate the 
decision problem from Turing's later work on machinic intelligence (the 
Turing test is about the interrogator failing to decide on an input query!) and 
his forays into morphogenesis - but I don't think this can be done - I think 
the surprising irreducible quality of machines emerges throughout the Turing 

I don't really have an opinion regarding the links between Turing's sexuality 
and his work, but I do find it interesting 
that Turing's original formulation of the Turing test, was an interrogator 
trying to decide which messages were from a man or a woman (and then you 
substitute the man for 
the machine leaving the undecidable choice between a machine and a woman).

I'll stop - wrote too much again - sorry
thanks for hosting this important thread - look forward to the contributing 


I think the important element here, especially when one is talking about 
viruses, glitches

On 15 Jun 2012, at 18:14, micha cárdenas wrote:

> Here's one of those videos we're submitting to MIX that is part of Shu
> Lea Cheang's viral code spam performance:
> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 10:08 AM, Zach Blas  wrote:
>> hi all--
>> i’ve also been busy with micha putting together a curated set of
>> videos for mix nyc, a queer experimental video festival.
>> since this week is broadly on the topic of computation and the
>> nonhuman in queer media art & theory--and since it’s the last day on
>> this topic, i’d really like to bring in jacob and homay. while
>> michael, jack, and ian have really heated up the discussions on sr and
>> ooo, homay and jacob have different approaches to these topics that
>> i’d like to not let get completely side-lined.
>> jacob, micha and i for awhile have been interested in viruses. i was
>> thinking about viruses in relation to your work on uncomputability. in
>> the exploit, galloway and thacker talk about viruses 

Re: [-empyre-] Search, privacy, data - the abuse of encapsulation

2012-02-29 Thread Rob Jackson
Hey all,

Thanks for the comments Gabriel.

> <<< encapsulation and the broader one of abstraction, which is inevitable
> for dealing with computational complexity (and complexity in general).
> Taking this into account, could the issue be not only technical or
> political, but also epistemological?
> Is there any way of circumventing the forced removal of complexity of
> a system if this removal is what makes it understandable (operational,
> engageable) as the system in the first place?
> Is it practical for the users to take control of abstractions
> themselves (e.g. choosing what and how to encapsulate)? Or does it
> suffice to build up awareness about them?>>> [GABRIEL]

I should have mentioned the other three properties of OOP alongside 
encapsulation. As Gabriel states there is abstraction, which is indeed quite 
broad, but also inheritance and polymorphism. OOP in essence is simply 
constructing new forms of methods and algorithms from old parts, like a dumping 
field and then making those parts discrete to aid a stable system.

Abstraction is highly accountable too in it's own way. It is the programmatic 
representation of an object (say a data set which can be recalled in SQL of a 
list of employees, only certain features of the employees are recorded to 
modify in the system) in so far as only a certain modification of the 
instantiated object actually exists. This definitely brings up epistemological 
issues in terms of how human intelligence takes representational advantages of 
certain features, while excluding others in some Heideggerian way I suppose. 
There is a political issue in terms of how companies and users who use systems 
to abstract certain features worth knowing about, are always relying on those 
abstractions from day one. There are technical issues as well as issues 
concerning knowledge.

But its worth pointing out with encapsulation one other important detail that 
does not concern human influence (at least not always). OOP encapsulation is 
constructed so that the content of the software object is not only hidden from 
human users, but also from other software objects too. The entire thing is 
discrete, and so other parts of the system can also be hidden from others 
within the same system. If one wishes to enact political action engineering 
surprises within systems (which I would wholeheartedly endorse) one could 
approach a OOP methodology this way. What surprises are lurking in between 
technical systems, rather than just relationships between human communicative 
culture and a computer?

Taking control means understanding at arms length, because the computer does 
the actual work. The bits are the bits. "Understanding" in some ways is always 
already a computational act in the form of an abstraction, trying to compress 
phenomena down to a few stable ideas.

> What role does the removal of complexity of the system at hand plays
> in its alienation from circuits of
> productions-distribution-consumption – all the while inscribing it in
> its own history of programmed obsolescence (an older iPhone being
> always shittier than a newer one)?

Obsolescence is quite a hot topic at the moment, especially for media 
archaeologists (or anarchaeologists) and those interested in creative uses of 
old technology. It's odd, because the founding gesture of discovering 
computation is one of a general purpose in universal terms. A computer is a 
fixed system which can be programmed to simulate any corresponding machine. 
This is a separate topic though which is beyond a simple commentary.

The point I'd like to finish with though (and it links into Tero's previous 
reply) is that there is a big big difference between heavily encapsulated 
programs or software and heavily encapsulated programs or software that tell 
you its the right way of doing things, via its encapsulation. Apple's products 
are exemplars which do just that IMO. This isn't a new thing either, Apple have 
been preaching their 'correct' way using technologies since the Macintosh; 
Here's the right way to print this, here's the right way of sharing things on 
Facebook. Everything is so clean, so fresh and useable. The design ethos is a 

Jobs was explicit, and unabashedly fascist about this, "We know the best way of 
doing this, that's why you buy our products - be honest." This is why humans 
are so sanguine, unfortunately iPhones do work really well, because the 
infrastructure of the recreational and working world require it to. This 
requires more than an active interest when the veil slips from time to time. 

Remember the Apple motto from the late Steve Jobs? "It just works!"
We should all be more interested in the motto Apple usually neglects to say, 
i.e they never say "Here's how it works."


On 29 Feb 2012, at 14:34, Gabriel Menotti wrote:

> And finally, trying to stretch “encapsulation” in different directions:
>> Whilst others disagree, I am of the opinion that
>> computing

Re: [-empyre-] Search, privacy, data - the abuse of encapsulation

2012-02-27 Thread Rob Jackson
Hi All,

It's a sincere pleasure to be having this discussion with like-minded people. A 
thousand thanks to Gabriel for the invitation. 

I'll follow on from Tero's wonderful introduction and Andy's fantastic 
follow-up with ten quick points (technical, historical and theoretical) of my 
own concerning the unsettling privatisation of platforms. 

1.) Platform applications have become the primary mode of accessing online 
information and communication in recent years. However, they are increasingly 
characterised by the forced removal of complexity implemented through the logic 
of encapsulation that closes off access to source code. This is an old story.

2.) In Object Oriented Programming, 'encapsulation' is defined as a 
paradigmatic logic which programmers use to conceal functions and methods which 
in turn restrict a user's access to the program's units. Although it didn't 
originate with OOP, it's original purpose was to prevent a computer program 
from bugs, exterior abuse, and it's environment. As computers (especially 
personal ones) became increasingly more complex, encapsulation methods were 
required to 'encapsulate' that complexity so the user need not be concerned 
with the inner workings of the program in question. Think of a cashpoint 
machine; when we wish to take our money out of the machine, we're not expecting 
to witness the nefarious complexities of someone transferring numbers, 
hardwiring physical money to our hand, understanding the interest gained on 
that account, etc ; the interface closes off certain functions that do not need 
to be made public, so that the user has a simple experience and saves time in 
the use of that program. This is why the rise of OOP is linked with GUI's.

3.) In the last 25 years or so the logic of encapsulation has been 
fundamentally and consistently abused for the sake of proprietary benefit. This 
is a major problem.

4.) The problem here is not encapsulation per se (even open source software is 
encapsulated) but the abuse to which it is subjected. Paraphrasing  Dymtri 
Kleiner, an artist many of you may know, the issue isn't technical but 
political. Whilst others disagree, I am of the opinion that computing is an 
independent real process: it is not the logic of encapsulation which is the 
issue, but its proprietary use and abuse which should worry the masses. Don't 
blame the algorithms themselves!

5.) Tero's introduction highlights a major update of this abuse. Proprietary 
interfaces are incredible ideological pieces of machinery, designed to conceal 
necessary methods and functions away from the user. It doesn't matter if Google 
start spouting off self-congratuatory throws of "This stuff matters", the abuse 
of encapsulation for proprietary benefit already puts the user in a lower 
ground position in the technical sense, It's been going on for years. Making 
the interface more personable and user friendly like most other functions of 
encapsulation, is designed to save the user time and direct attention away from 
their abuse.

6.) Following Zizek, the worst part about this entire level of abuse is that, 
most of the target market already know they are being abused. Human animals in 
the Western world are very sanguine creatures. We must never forget that, nor 
start beating ourselves up about it. There is an even more fundamental 
theoretical reason as to why ideology works so well in this forced removal of 
complexity, but suffice to say this is a philosophical conversation best left 
elsewhere (unless someone wants to know - in essence, the interface isn't just 
a technical feature of human existence).

7.) The forced removal of complexity works for the proprietor (and never the 
consumer) and this occurs in three main principles which need attention (I'll 
end on these three issues).

8.) Data mining: The first principle concerns the production of public data; 
the public 'waste' so to speak. Private data is purged from the ideological 
interfaces we deal with day in, day out, because the logic of encapsulation is 
to conceal the private as per the programmer's intention. One way of making the 
consequences of this abuse visible to users, is to highlight what will happen 
when such large private databases are made public. This is always some danger 
attached to large companies holding private data of ours, not so much in the 
proprietary abuse, but the heightened fallout when that data is unexpectedly 
released in public, or has become lost. The impact of private data (and it's 
sheer volume) is becoming more and more insecure, and this should worry us. But 
again this is linked to our sanguine nature.

9.) Infrastructure, complexity and use: The problem with iPhones is that they 
aren't shitty enough. Again, this is linked to the logic of encapsulation, and 
the ability to save us time, as per the Western infrastructure of career 
enforcement and obsession with social attention 'sharing'. Platforms are part 
and parcel of this simplifi