[Emu] FW: New Version Notification for draft-friel-tls-eap-dpp-00.txt

2020-03-06 Thread Owen Friel (ofriel)

Dan and I have a new draft that describes how a mechanism similar to the Wi-Fi 
Alliance Device Provisioning Profile can be used on wired networks via proposed 
new TLS extensions, with those extensions being leveraged in an EAP 
transaction. Importantly, the DPP bootstrap key format, and thus the DPP QR 
label, can be reused for bootstrapping a thing on both wired and Wi-Fi networks.

There are changes  required to the TLS key schedule, so part of this work 
overlaps with draft-jhoyla-tls-extended-key-schedule.

We hope to remote present at both EMU and TLS.


-Original Message-
From: internet-dra...@ietf.org  
Sent: 07 March 2020 07:56
To: Dan Harkins ; Owen Friel (ofriel) 
Subject: New Version Notification for draft-friel-tls-eap-dpp-00.txt

A new version of I-D, draft-friel-tls-eap-dpp-00.txt has been successfully 
submitted by Owen Friel and posted to the IETF repository.

Name:   draft-friel-tls-eap-dpp
Revision:   00
Title:  Bootstrapped TLS Authentication
Document date:  2020-03-06
Group:  Individual Submission
Pages:  9
Status: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-friel-tls-eap-dpp/
Htmlized:   https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-friel-tls-eap-dpp-00
Htmlized:   https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-friel-tls-eap-dpp

   This document defines a TLS extension that enables a server to prove
   to a client that it has knowledge of the public key of a key pair
   where the client has knowledge of the private key of the key pair.
   Unlike standard TLS key exchanges, the public key is never exchanged
   in TLS protocol messages.  Proof of knowledge of the public key is
   used by the client to bootstrap trust in the server.  The use case
   outlined in this document is to establish trust in an EAP server.


Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission 
until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org.

The IETF Secretariat

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[Emu] EMU@IETF017: Agenda Topics

2020-03-06 Thread Joseph Salowey
Please send any agenda requests to the chairs at emu-cha...@ietf.org.


Emu mailing list

[Emu] EAP-NOOB: request for optional message pair to configure EAP Peer

2020-03-06 Thread philipginzboorg

I am Philip Ginzboorg from Huawei Finland. Together with my colleague Sandeep 
Tamrakar we are working on IoT  security-related project and had a look at 

Here is our comment on the EAP-NOOB draft version 7:
- In addition to the functionality that EAP-NOOB already provides, we would 
like to have the possibility for the EAP server to configure the EAP Peer. For 
instance, the EAP Server could provision long-term credentials to the EAP Peer.
- For that purpose, we would like to have one optional message pair in the 
EAP-NOOB protocol exchanged, just before the Completion Exchange (Section 
3..2.4) ends.
 - The first additional message, from EAP Server to EAP Peer, could be of a 
separate Command message type (e.g., type=10). It should be send only during 
the Completion exchange, after the server verifies the correctness of the 
received MAC (i.e. MACp) from the EAP Peer, and before EAP-Success message.
 - Upon receiving this message, the EAP Peer will configure itself as 
instructed by the EAP Server, if MACs is correct. Then, the EAP Peer will 
respond with configuration success message.
- For example, in Fig 6 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-aura-eap-noob-07) 
after 4th message (Type=4,PeerId,MACp) and before EAP-Success message, there 
would be a possibility of sending additional message (e.g., Type=10, say, a 
configuration Command message) to the EAP Peer, and expect back a response.

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