This is the second issue that I'd like to address:

As discussed early in the development of this document, TEAP currently doesn't support a CSR Attributes TLV.  I propose that it be added, and that its form be the same used in EST (RFC 7030 and draft-ietf-lamps-rfc7030-csrattrs-01) Section 4.5.2, that the server may provide optionally this TLV to clients that are expected to issue PKCS#10 requests (the earlier in the transaction the better). The mandatory bit should be 0.


On 10.03.23 16:58, Joseph Salowey wrote:
This is the working group last call for draft-ietf-emu-rfc7170bis-05 [1].  Please review the draft and send comments to the list or open issues in GitHub [2].  Further discussion on the open issues will be considered as part of the last call. The last call ends March 24, 2023.  The chairs would appreciate earlier reviews so we can plan to resolve issues during our Monday meeting on the 27th.


Peter and Joe

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