I'm sorry- the subject is wrong.  The IMCK derivation IS clear. This is related solely to Request-Action (doh!).

On 10.03.23 17:17, Eliot Lear wrote:
Hi Joe,

First and foremost, I'd like to again thank Alan for taking this on.

Second, because I expect to have a few comments, to keep them separate, I'll start different threads.

In Section 4.2.9, the beginning text reads:

The Request-Action TLV MAY be sent by both the peer and the server in response to a successful or failed Result TLV.

I believe this text is overly restrictive, and should be relaxed to say:

The Request-Action TLV MAY be sent by both the peer and the server.

The reason for this is as follows: if the server notices that the client certificate is expiring, or if the server otherwise has need of the client renewing its certificate early (say due to impending change to trust anchors), the server should be able to issue a Request-Action TLV upon successful TLS hellos, without the need for a Result or Intermediate-Result frame.



On 10.03.23 16:58, Joseph Salowey wrote:
This is the working group last call for draft-ietf-emu-rfc7170bis-05 [1].  Please review the draft and send comments to the list or open issues in GitHub [2].  Further discussion on the open issues will be considered as part of the last call. The last call ends March 24, 2023.  The chairs would appreciate earlier reviews so we can plan to resolve issues during our Monday meeting on the 27th.


Peter and Joe
[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-emu-rfc7170bis
[2] https://github.com/emu-wg/rfc7170bis/issues

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