Seems like that by some reason, the email in your Preferences in Trac was
deleted, this happened to a lot of people, please verify that you have it
correctly set (preferences is in the bottom of the page, if you are logged).

This caused a big problem in trac by not notifying the people about "his
report was closed" or "a comment in your report was added", slowing down
the overall process of catching, fixing, betatesting, and confirming bugs

If your email was deleted from your preferences (seems like a lot of people
has not it set), i -really- suggest to lost a bit of time in the next
process in order to help the process of fixing bugs in EFL/E17:

Since you was not notified about comments added in your reports or status
change, it is important to check all the last comments/changes in your
reports in order to know if a bug is really fixed, or you missed some
important information, for that, I created a nice direct-link to use where
you can see all your reports:

Please change my name "Thanatermesis" in the link by your trac username in
order to have YOURS results:

Keep yourself connected to Go Parallel: 
TUNE You got it built. Now make it sing. Tune shows you how.
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