
This is a heads for some work I am planning to do over the next months.

With our EFL tree code base being around 1M lines of code we should sit back from time to time and see what we can remove to reduce our maintenance burden.

I started a discussion on this during EDD we just had and wanted to bring the draft plan here to give everybody a chance to speak up if this is a feature actively used.

You can find some more details in the slide deck and the meeting notes of the cleanup session:

Short term removal plans (2019)
o Elocation: beta and not used, upstream has moved to new API
o Escape: no PS3 users around and most likely not working anymore
o Gstreamer 0.10 support: GST 1.x support stays, distros start to stop shipping the old gst libs o Disable ephysics by default: try to figure out if there are users and discuss if we should remove the feature alltogether

Medium term removal (needs more research and discussion) (beginning of 2020): o Esensor: part of Eeze EAPI, figure out the status of the udev backend and the used Tizen lib o XGesture: figure out the status of the used Tizen lib and ask around for users of this feature o JS bindings: nort buildable with meson, discuss plan with Felipe and team on re-doing them and decide on future

Thsi is your chance to speak up if you are actively using one of these and need it to stay. Silence will mean not in use.

Stefan Schmidt

enlightenment-devel mailing list

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