So I did some work on the new gadgets for a while before getting distracted
into other things. I'm looking at cycling back to that. The more i stare at old
vs new gadgets, the more I have come to the following work-needed/downside
equation. This is very rough back-of-a-napkin math but It explains roughly
what's in my head.

* [workload/downside-risk factor] | [description here]

New gads
*  4 | add proper settings dialog
*  3 | move resize mode
*  1 | port music control
*  1 | port syscon
*  1 | port appmenu
*  1 | port conf
*  1 | port everything
*  1 | port fileman
*  1 | port to desktop gadgets
*  1 | port systray
*  1 | port tasks
*  1 | port tiling
*  6 | rewrite new wireless to work right (popup list to select from)
*  2 | fix gadget adder to do normal dnd not clikc+release then click again
*  7 | fix config "popups" to not be modal screen-takeover
*  5 | remove all old gadget/gadcon/shelf code
* 30 | break all existing gadgets outside of e

Old gads:
*  3 | add a simpler interface for registering a gadcon (eg use size hints)
*  2 | long press for right-mouse-menu
*  3 | change to unified shared right-mouse-menu always and simpler content
*  2 | add alt + drag/resize
*  4 | remove all new gadget code
*  1 | break any new gadgets outside of e

I'm simply sitting here going "I'm at a fork in the roads. Do I continue
working on the new gadgets to bring them up to par with the old and then accept
either the workload of porting or helping others port out-of-tree gadgets to
the new gads or the stream of complaints of "my extra gadgets stopped
working", or so I drop the new gadgets and just improve ye olde gadcon to
bring in some of the ideas/improvements in new gadgets.

My back-of-a-napkin math says its massively less work to drop the new and fix
the old than the other way around. I'm punting this mail out as a "fill me in
where I'm missing anything significant". No point arguing over small things,
but is my back-of-a-napkin math so wrong that it would be the other way around
and we should drop the old and go with the new? No emotive stuff or tolling
please. Actual hard facts with justifications that could or would significantly
alter then above? I'm open for being told I'm wrong and if so - just how.

P.S. As I'm the one doing the work my numbers are an estimate for ME to do the
above. They are rough ballpark finger-in-the-air estimates of course, so some
things like fixing the old gadcon code are easier for me. This number is just a
factor, not a real "this many hours etc.".

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
Carsten Haitzler -

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