I would recommend entering a bug against SWT, just because it's a platform
specific issue and they handle many of those. If they don't know what's up,
they can probably find someone from Apple who would.


             Hal Hildebrand                                                
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             racle.com>                                                 To 
             Sent by:                  Equinox development mailing list    
             equinox-dev-bounc         <equinox-dev@eclipse.org>           
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             cc 
             02/20/08 14:25            Re: [equinox-dev] Eclipse and the   
                                       Mac System Log - Runaway CPU        
             Please respond to                                             
               mailing list                                                
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

Thanks for the reply.

Yea, I have no idea where this is coming from, but it's definitely coming
from the Eclipse process (via pid).  Things got so bad I literally had to
turn off the system log - which is a lovely way to be running your system,
I might add ;)

On Feb 20, 2008, at 11:18 AM, John Arthorne wrote:

      No idea.... For what it's worth, these don't look like log messages
      produced by the platform or framework log. I don't recall ever seeing
      log output like this before.


      Hal wrote on 02/19/2008 06:38:16 PM:

      > Sorry if this is a really inappropriate message for this list, but
      > at my whit's end and I doubt my question will be answered on the
      > newsgroup.
      > Basically, I'm seeing MEGABYTES of info logged from Eclipse.
      > no errors, just reams and reams and reams of info regarding the
      > libraries I'm using everything I runt junit tests or whatever.
      > literally causing poor syslogd to chew up more than 1 CPU  (and >
      > megabytes so far, after 1/2 hour) trying to digest this stuff.
      > So, the question is, how on earth do I stop this useless info from

      > being logged to the system log?  Is there some hidden flag I can
      > on (please say yes) and/or modify which will stop it?
      > I think what happened is that with the latest (10.5.2) update to
      > Leopard, syslog changes (some new db format or something) is now
      > causing way more CPU usage than normal.  So it could well be that
      > Eclipse was spewing out this much info all along and I just never
      > noticed it.  I've completely reinstalled Eclipse from the latest
      > download and nothing changed - still get periodic swarms of Eclipse

      > spew.
      > Unfortunately, I'm noticing it now.  With this happening all the
      > it basically makes battery mode operation an impossibility.
      > Any help?  Or pointers?
      > Hopefully, I'm not abusing this list, but as I said I am extremely

      > desperate here...  Any help appreciated...
      > Sys info:
      > Mac OS X 10.5.2
      > Eclipse: Version: Build id: M20071023-1652
      > sample of log output:
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY:
      > Extensions/CoreAudio.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY (original):
      > Library/Java/Extensions/dns_sd.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY:
      > Extensions/dns_sd.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY (original):
      > Library/Java/Extensions/j3daudio.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY:
      > Extensions/j3daudio.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY (original):
      > Library/Java/Extensions/j3dcore.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY:
      > Extensions/j3dcore.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY (original):
      > Library/Java/Extensions/j3dutils.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY:
      > Extensions/j3dutils.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY (original):
      > Library/Java/Extensions/jai_codec.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY:
      > Extensions/jai_codec.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY (original):
      > Library/Java/Extensions/jai_core.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY:
      > Extensions/jai_core.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY (original):
      > Library/Java/Extensions/mlibwrapper_jai.jar
      > Feb 19 15:33:06 dhcp-2op9-2op10-west-130-35-99-82
      > [0x0-0x18018].org.eclipse.eclipse[182]: LIBRARY:
      > Extensions/mlibwrapper_jai.jar
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      > equinox-dev@eclipse.org
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