[equinox-dev] +1 for Markus Keller on rt.equinox.bundles by Stoyan Boshev

2013-01-10 Thread portal on behalf of Stoyan Boshev
Stoyan Boshev voted:

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equinox-dev mailing list

[equinox-dev] +1 for Lazar Kirchev on rt.equinox.bundles by Stoyan Boshev

2011-10-06 Thread portal on behalf of Stoyan Boshev
Stoyan Boshev voted:

Voting summary: http://portal.eclipse.org/

equinox-dev mailing list

[equinox-dev] +1 for Glyn Normington on rt.equinox.bundles by Stoyan Boshev

2011-04-01 Thread portal on behalf of Stoyan Boshev
Stoyan Boshev voted:

Voting summary: http://portal.eclipse.org/

equinox-dev mailing list

[equinox-dev] +1 for Borislav Kapukaranov on rt.equinox.bundles by Stoyan Boshev

2011-04-01 Thread portal on behalf of Stoyan Boshev
Stoyan Boshev voted:

Voting summary: http://portal.eclipse.org/

equinox-dev mailing list

[equinox-dev] +1 for John W Ross on rt.equinox.bundles by Stoyan Boshev

2011-04-01 Thread portal on behalf of Stoyan Boshev
Stoyan Boshev voted:

Voting summary: http://portal.eclipse.org/

equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] DS and bundle stop/start

2009-10-27 Thread Stoyan Boshev

BJ Hargrave wrote:
Why doesn't DS just asynchronously process bundles which are lazy 
activated (not lazy started which is an incorrect term)? Then you have 
the same behavior (async processing) regardless of whether the bundle is 
lazily or eagerly activated.

The DS components of activated bundles are processed by DS when it 
receives BundleEvent.STARTED (for normal activated bundles) or 
BundleEvent.LAZY_ACTIVATION (for lazy activated bundles). These events 
are processed in DS by a SynchronousBundleListener.
Actually DS processes synchronously the components in both cases. The 
difference comes with the fact that BundleEvent.STARTED is sent by the 
framework after the bundle's activator is started.
We cannot modify DS to process only BundleEvent.STARTED because in this 
case lazy activated bundles will not be processed at all.

What we can do in DS is to process the DS components of a bundle when DS 
receives BundleEvent.STARTING event instead of BundleEvent.STARTED. This 
way DS will process the components before the framework calls the bundle 
activator's start method and the behavior would be similar to the one 
when processing lazy activated bundles. However, the DS specification 
always speaks of DS processing started bundles. So, I am not sure 
whether it is appropriate to process the DS components of a bundle 
before it is fully started.



*BJ Hargrave*
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the _OSGi Alliance_ <http://www.osgi.org/>_
__hargr...@us.ibm.com_ <mailto:hargr...@us.ibm.com>   

office: +1 386 848 1781
mobile: +1 386 848 3788

From:   John Arthorne 
To: equinox-dev@eclipse.org
Date:   2009/10/26 14:32
Subject:[equinox-dev] DS and bundle stop/start
Sent by:equinox-dev-boun...@eclipse.org

I came across an interesting problem today involving DS and expicitly 
starting/stopping bundles. After chatting with Tom he suggested I raise 
it here for general awareness and to discuss whether the behaviour makes 

In various places in p2 today we explicitly start bundles for various 
reasons. We typically use Bundle.start(Bundle.START_TRANSIENT) for this 
purpose. We are starting to use DS in p2 today, and we have a few places 
where a bundle acquires a service that it registered via DS in its own 
BundleActivator.start method. It turns out that DS only processes/starts 
service components synchronously for bundles that are lazy started. If 
you start a bundle explicitly the DS processing occurs asynchronously, 
and as a result the services provided via DS are not available at the 
time the bundle starts. The result is subtlely different bundle 
behaviour (or outright failures), if a bundle is started explicitly via 
Bundle#start versus implicitly via lazy activation:

1) Lazy start case:
a) bundle's service component is processed and services provided by the 
component are registered by DS

b) bundle activator starts, and can use services registered in 1a)

2) Activation via Bundle.start(Bundle.START_TRANSIENT):
 a) bundle's activator starts, and services are not yet available
 b) bundle's service component is processed and services provided by the 
component are registered by DS

It turns out there is a coding pattern that can be used to make the 
explicit start case match the lazy start case:

   *final* Bundle bundle = ...;//get some bundle

The call to start(Bundle.START_ACTIVATION_POLICY) causes DS to process 
the bundle and register its component services, but does not start the 
bundle. The second call to start with Bundle.START_TRANSIENT actually 
starts the bundle.

The moral of the story seems to be that we need to use this "double 
start" coding pattern anywhere we are starting bundles, because those 
bundles might be using DS and relying on the activation order. Or, 
perhaps someone has a suggestion for changes that can be made to the 
framework or DS so that these cases behave consistently...

equinox-dev mailing list

equinox-dev mailing list

dipl. eng. Stoyan Boshev . Department manager
ProSyst Labs EOOD
1606 Sofia, Bulgaria . 48 Vladajska Str.
Tel. +359 2 953 05 88; Fax +359 2 953 26 17
Mobile: +359 88 898 29 17
http://www.prosyst.com . s.bos...@prosyst.com

[equinox-dev] +1 for Scott Lewis on rt.equinox.incubator

2009-10-16 Thread portal on behalf of Stoyan Boshev

Voting summary: http://portal.eclipse.org/

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Re: [equinox-dev] Meaning of a SCR warning message

2009-08-14 Thread Stoyan Boshev

Hi Michael,

This message means there is a duplicate attempt for binding a service to 
a component instance.
Can you reproduce this every time you run your application or it just 
happened once?
Does your component have more than one references and at least two of 
them are satisfied by one service object (one service object 
implementing multiple interfaces)?
I reviewed the DS code and I think the most possible reason for this 
warning might be that your component has more than one references and 
their interfaces are implemented by one service object. This way SCR 
will attempt to bind one and the same ServiceReference object for one 
component instance more than once (depending on the count of component 
references covered by the ServiceReference's interfaces). I think this 
warning is not needed since this is a pretty standard situation. It 
should be removed or transformed into a debug message.
If the reason for the warning is the one I described above, you should 
not worry about it and you should ignore it.


Michael Furtak wrote:

Hi all,


I am receiving a warning from the DS SCR that reads:


WARNING 11 [SCR] ComponentReference.bind(): service reference {...} is 
already bound to instance 


I am not sure what this means or how to go about resolving it. Can 
anyone share some insight?



-Mike Furtak


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Re: [equinox-dev] Determine missing references of a declarative service

2009-06-18 Thread Stoyan Boshev

There is a console command you could use for that purpose.
You should list the DS components with "list" command. Then you can 
require detail info for a component in the list by typing "component 
", where  is the component number in the list. You will get static 
and dynamic information. The unsatisfied references are shown in the 
dynamic information.


Kirchev, Lazar wrote:

We are using DS and we need to find missing references of a declarative
service. There is no console command to provide this info. Is there some
way to achieve this non-programatically?

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equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] DS activation and error logging

2009-06-16 Thread Stoyan Boshev

Thomas Watson wrote:

 > From:
 > "Michael Furtak" 
 > That is my understanding as well. So I guess what I am wondering is:
 > Given the set of Equinox bundles I described (including
 > org.eclipse.equinox.log), I am not seeing a log file produced or an
 > exception logged when my run configuration contains very few bundles. Is
 > my component activation exception perhaps winning a race between the SCR
 > activation process and the SCR's acquiring of a LogService?

The LogService does not actually persist the logged events to file. 
 That is left up to a log listener to decide how to persist the log.

This is a hint to DS bundle users.
It is not very convenient to read the logs when you need to see the 
problems with DS components.
I would suggest to turn on the "print_on_console" trace option of DS 
bundle. This will show any errors and warnings coming from SCR in the 
console. It is quite easy to see the problems with your DS components.
Another way to turn this feature on is by using the system property 

equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] DS activation and error logging

2009-06-16 Thread Stoyan Boshev

Michael Furtak wrote:

This behavior is not against the DS spec. In fact it is not described 
what shall be done in such cases.
I think the current behavior is more appropriate than blacklisting the 
component and never activate it again.
Perhaps there should be a limited number of tries for activation and/or 
timeout for each subsequent activation try. But this seems like a 
feature request. Ideally this should go also as a DS spec update. I will

post an issue to OSGi about that.

I agree that the DS spec is not overly expressive with regard to how
components that fail to instantiate should be treated. If the activate()
method throws an exception it simply says that, "the component
configuration is not activated."

How would you describe the current algorithm for activation retries? Is
it attempting to activate a failed component every time the service
space changes?

Yes. When a service is registered or modified, SCR scans for newly 
satisfied components and activates them. The unsuccessfully activated 
components in previous loops, if they are still satisfied, happen to be 
in this components list and will be processed for activation by SCR.

equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] DS activation and error logging

2009-06-16 Thread Stoyan Boshev

Thomas Watson wrote:

 > From:
 > Stoyan Boshev 
 > The DS spec requires that errors and warnings are logged by SCR via the
 > LogService if available. In your configuration it is provided by the
 > org.eclipse.equinox.log bundle. If your environment does not have
 > LogService then you will not be able to see any errors from SCR.

Perhaps the implementation should at least write to System.err when the 
log service is not available?

I agree. This should be better than swallowing the errors. Could you 
open a new issue about that?

equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] DS activation and error logging

2009-06-16 Thread Stoyan Boshev

Comments inlined

Michael Furtak wrote:

Hi all,


I have recently upgraded to the release candidate versions of Equinox 
3.5 and am seeing some unexpected behavior from DS.




The first question I have is in regard to component activation. In the 
RC versions I have noticed that if an exception is thrown in the 
activate() method, the SCR will attempt to instantiate the component 
again, a variable number of times. As far as I can tell, this number of 
times seems to be related to how many other bundles 
(components/services) are activated within the framework.


So, for example:


protected void activate(ComponentContext context)


System.out.println(“Failing activation”);

throw new RuntimeException();



“Failing activation” will be printed once for a run configuration that 
includes that bundle, the OSGi bundles, and nothing else. However, if a 
number of other bundles are activated, it can appear more than once. Is 
the SCR attempting to start this bundle repeatedly? If so, does that 
behavior jive with the specification? This behavior is new to the 3.5 
releases, and did not occur in 3.4.2.


This behavior is not against the DS spec. In fact it is not described 
what shall be done in such cases.
I think the current behavior is more appropriate than blacklisting the 
component and never activate it again.
Perhaps there should be a limited number of tries for activation and/or 
timeout for each subsequent activation try. But this seems like a 
feature request. Ideally this should go also as a DS spec update. I will 
post an issue to OSGi about that.



The second question I have is regarding the exception logging behavior 
of DS. What has been doubly confusing about this simple example 
situation is that I am not seeing any report about the exception thrown 
in the activate() method. No log file is generated in the configuration 
directory, and no stack trace is printed to the console. (I’m using the 
–consoleLog program argument). The strange thing is that if I use a much 
more complex run configuration with many bundles using DS, I can slip an 
exception into the activate() method of one of them and I will see the 
log file and console statements generated.


The set of Equinox jars I am using is (3.5 RC4):










Program arguments are:


-console –consoleLog


The DS spec requires that errors and warnings are logged by SCR via the 
LogService if available. In your configuration it is provided by the 
org.eclipse.equinox.log bundle. If your environment does not have 
LogService then you will not be able to see any errors from SCR.



Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.



-Mike Furtak

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Re: [equinox-dev] SCRManager

2009-05-18 Thread Stoyan Boshev

Scott Lewis wrote:
Question about the SCRManager class in the org.eclipse.equinox.ds 
declarative services implementation:

Is there any way to get at the SCRManager instance programmatically?  
That is, there is already a command provider that allows console access 
to the SCRManager (and the ServiceComponents, etc), but is there any 
service made available for other bundles to access the SCRManager?  
AFAICT by quick examination of the source, the answer is currently 'no', 
but would there be some possibility of having such programmatic access 
in the future?  Should an enhancement request be opened?

Indeed, now the SCR core is not programmatically accessible. Please open 
an enhancement request about this.

The desire here would be to write some management interfaces/UI that 
would allow the service component state to be queried (like the 
SCRCommandProvider does now).

This is really an interesting use case. In the ideal case the access to 
SCR should be done via a service specified by the DS specification. This 
would allow you to manage the DS components regardless of the SCR 



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Re: [equinox-dev] Equinox Declarative Services : Context Class Loader

2009-03-31 Thread Stoyan Boshev
You should get the latest Equinox 3.5 bundles. The latest stable release 
is Equinox 3.5M6. I am afraid you will not be able to update only the 
two bundles because their requirements have changed and they will not 
run on Equinox 3.4. The best case would be to switch to Equinox 3.5 if 


Sameera Jayasoma wrote:

Hi Stoyan,

Here are the exact versions of the bundles I am using.


Can you please tell me versions of the bundle I should use in order to 
overcome this issue?




Sameera Jayasoma wrote:

Hi all

I am using Equinox Declarative Services implementation. When
my component gets activated, the “activate” method is
invoked on the component implementation class and that is
expected behavior. But the context class loader of the
thread which invoke the “activate” method is null. I am
having problems because of this. Is this the expected
behavior in the DS implementation? Any help would be greatly


Sameera Jayasoma

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equinox-dev@eclipse.org <mailto:equinox-dev@eclipse.org>


dipl. eng. Stoyan Boshev . Department manager
ProSyst Labs EOOD
1606 Sofia, Bulgaria . 48 Vladajska Str.
Tel. +359 2 953 05 88; Fax +359 2 953 26 17
Mobile: +359 88 898 29 17
http://www.prosyst.com . s.bos...@prosyst.com
stay in touch with your product

equinox-dev mailing list
equinox-dev@eclipse.org <mailto:equinox-dev@eclipse.org>

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dipl. eng. Stoyan Boshev . Department manager
ProSyst Labs EOOD
1606 Sofia, Bulgaria . 48 Vladajska Str.
Tel. +359 2 953 05 88; Fax +359 2 953 26 17
Mobile: +359 88 898 29 17
http://www.prosyst.com . s.bos...@prosyst.com
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equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Equinox Declarative Services : Context Class Loader

2009-03-31 Thread Stoyan Boshev

Hi Sameera,

This was reported and fixed 4 months ago in Equinox 3.5. Which version 
of org.eclipse.equinox.ds and org.eclipse.equinox.util bundles do you use?


Sameera Jayasoma wrote:

Hi all

I am using Equinox Declarative Services implementation. When my 
component gets activated, the “activate” method is invoked on the 
component implementation class and that is expected behavior. But the 
context class loader of the thread which invoke the “activate” method is 
null. I am having problems because of this. Is this the expected 
behavior in the DS implementation? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Sameera Jayasoma

equinox-dev mailing list

dipl. eng. Stoyan Boshev . Department manager
ProSyst Labs EOOD
1606 Sofia, Bulgaria . 48 Vladajska Str.
Tel. +359 2 953 05 88; Fax +359 2 953 26 17
Mobile: +359 88 898 29 17
http://www.prosyst.com . s.bos...@prosyst.com
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equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] querying the state of declarative services.

2009-01-14 Thread Stoyan Boshev

Fredrik Alströmer wrote:


is there any API in the Equinox implementation of declarative services
which can be used to query the current state? With state I mean, which
are the services known to the SCR, and of those which are not active,
which are not satisfied, and of those which are not satisfied, why are
they not?

Currently there is no API for doing that.

If there's no such API, is there a bug report related to this? (A
quick search revealed two bugs, enhancements, total concerning
declarative services). I'm asking because currently, it's not very
convenient to find out why a service isn't active, or even if it is
active. Turning on debugging and wading through the slightly cryptic
log messages is, although certainly possible in small scale, not
really feasible.
There is no API, but there are console commands that you could use for 
the purpose you describe.

Any help / comments would be greatly appreciated.

equinox-dev mailing list

dipl. eng. Stoyan Boshev . Department manager
ProSyst Labs EOOD
1606 Sofia, Bulgaria . 48 Vladajska Str.
Tel. +359 2 953 05 88; Fax +359 2 953 26 17
Mobile: +359 88 898 29 17
http://www.prosyst.com . s.bos...@prosyst.com
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equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Wire Admin Bug

2008-12-09 Thread Stoyan Boshev

Please, report a bug here:

Later the bug will be reviewed and fixed. If you have already a working 
solution (i.e. you have already fixed it) I will appreciate if you can 
add a patch to the bug as well.


Alexander Shutyaev wrote:
Hi, all! I started using Wire Admin service, met some problems 
concerning wire scopes.

My Producer has "mail.john" in scope, and my Consumer has "mail.*". But 
when I connect them with a Wire the resulting scope is empty.

I checked out the specification and the Equinox Wire Admin 
implementation source code. It seems like there is a bug, and a wrong 
specification implementation.

Section 108.6.5 "Scope name syntax" of the specification says:

Scope names are normal String objects and can, in principle, contain any
Unicode character. Scope names are used with the WirePermission class
that extends java.security.BasicPermission. The BasicPermission class
implements the implies method and performs the name matching. The
wildcard matching of this class is based on the concept of names where the
constituents of the name are separated with a period ('.'): for example,

If we look into the source code (WireImpl.java:270) [1] we'll see that 
name matching for scopes is performed incorrectly (the '*' wildcard is 
processed only when it makes up the whole string).

Can you confirm that this is an error and what do I need to do to have 
it fixed?

Thanks in advance..


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Re: [equinox-dev] When is DS done loading services?

2008-09-04 Thread Stoyan Boshev

BJ Hargrave wrote:

 > > I feel that changing DS to perform service registration synchronous 
 > > bundle activation will likely result in deadlocks when there are 

 > > service dependency graphs.
 > This won't be any different from what is done now manually. The
 > potential for deadlocks are there regardless of DS.

Perhaps, but at least we are not building it into the DS spec or the DS 

 > >
 > > One possible way to deal with this is through the use of component
 > > enablement. Using the original example of service A depending upon some
 > > number of service B, if you can know when all the service Bs are
 > > available, one can write a component with a dynamic dependency on B.
 > > When all the Bs are available then enable the component providing
 > > service A (which are declared disabled in its description). The 
trick is

 > > of course to be able to know when all the service Bs are available such
 > > that we are ready to enable serviceA.
 > And we are back to the core problem: we cannot be sure when all service
 > Bs are available.

How can you ever be sure? :-) Unless there is some definition of the 
expected set of Bs, it is just random.

 > In code which doesn't use DS, start() method will
 > serve as a boundary for the service changes - satisfied services will be
 > registered while the bundle is starting and any services which becomes
 > satisfied will be registered synchronously (the latter is the current
 > behavior of DS).

This makes the assumption that bundle will always register their B 
during BundleActivator execution. I think this is a fairly tall 
assumption. What if a bundle's B depends upon something which is not yet 
available? It is very bad form to block the BundleActivator. So such a 
bundle, if well behaved, would have to return from the BundleActivator 
w/o having registered B and delay registering B until the dependency is 
met some time later.

 >  After all the bundles are activated, we can be sure
 > that all services which doesn't depend on external factors will be
 > available and the system can be considered ready.

You assume ("all services which doesn't depend on external factors") 
that all B's have no dependencies and can be registered at will. That is 
a pretty big assumption.

Perhaps one thing a DS impl could do, is to register all services for 
which all dependencies are currently met synchronously during bundle 
activation. All other services would have to handled asynchronously. 
This splits the DS work between work that can be quickly done during 
bundle activation and work that will take time which is done after 
bundle activation. I don't think any change to the DS spec is needed to 
allow this behavior.

I totally agree. This is what I actually wanted in the very beginning of 
this thread.


*BJ Hargrave*
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the _OSGi Alliance_ <http://www.osgi.org/>_

office: +1 386 848 1781
mobile: +1 386 848 3788

equinox-dev mailing list

dipl. eng. Stoyan Boshev . Department manager
ProSyst Labs EOOD
1606 Sofia, Bulgaria . 48 Vladajska Str.
Tel. +359 2 953 05 88; Fax +359 2 953 26 17
Mobile: +359 88 898 29 17
http://www.prosyst.com . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] When is DS done loading services?

2008-09-03 Thread Stoyan Boshev

Hi Otto,
I guess your problem is connected to the asynchronous processing of the 
DS services.
As far as I understand the situation is: your application bundles are 
started, then your application is started but at this moment not all of 
the DS services are inited yet because they are being asynchronously 

Unfortunately currently there is no way to find out when DS completes 
the DS services processing.
I think if there was an option that DS bundle process the DS services in 
the started bundles synchronously, it would solve your problem. So I 
will open bug(enhancement) about that and hopefully this will be 
implemented soon.
As a possible workaround you could observe the running threads and when 
the thread with name "Component Resolve Thread" disappears this would 
mean that DS bundle has no more work to do and eventually all of your DS 
services are processed. I realize this is not a clean solution (that's 
why I call it workaround) but at this moment I cannot find out a more 
appropriate working solution without modifications in the DS bundle.


Cortez, Otto wrote:
I made a post to the Eclipse newcomers group a few weeks ago, but did 
not get a response.  I don’t know if this is the appropriate place for 
this question, but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.


We are building a headless RCP application and we would like to use DS 
to make functionality available.  The problem we are running into is 
that not all of the services we declared through DS get loaded and are 
visible before our application executes.


For example, I have a service A which needs 0..n instances of another 
service B. The issue I'm running into is that if the implementations of 
service B are spread across several bundles, then the service A will not 
have seen all instances of service B when it is called since the 
application starts (and sometimes ends) running before DS is done 
looking through all the bundles and registering all the services in the 
active bundles.

Is there a way to know when declarative services is done looking through 
the active bundles and loading the services found in them?  Am I missing 


It seems that using the plug-in registry may solve this issue.  Is that 
perhaps a better way to go?



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equinox-dev mailing list

dipl. eng. Stoyan Boshev . Department manager
ProSyst Labs EOOD
1606 Sofia, Bulgaria . 48 Vladajska Str.
Tel. +359 2 953 05 88; Fax +359 2 953 26 17
Mobile: +359 88 898 29 17
http://www.prosyst.com . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
stay in touch with your product
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] SCR debug output

2008-04-15 Thread Stoyan Boshev

You can see in the console only warnings and errors logged by SCR by just 
setting the "equinox.ds.print" property to "true" and "equinox.ds.debug" to 
"false". You will see errors that occur in the activities of SCR like 
processing component descriptions, calling activate/deactivate and bind/unbind 
methods of components, etc.
You will probably not see error in case any service reference is not resolved 
unless it is caused by a bad component description.

Your suggestion about console commads interacting with SCR is very interesting 
and might help a user to investigate problems with his/her components. But 
unfortunately there are no console commands for that purpose. Can you please 
open a bug about that?


  - Original Message - 
  From: Michael Furtak 
  To: Equinox development mailing list 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 6:34 PM
  Subject: RE: [equinox-dev] SCR debug output

  Hi Stoyan,

  Thanks very much!

  It's worth noting that the flags didn't seem to be in the latest official 
release (3.3.2). I had downloaded the 3.4M6a milestone build, though, and got 
the output you described.

  Regarding that output, though, I still wasn't able to easily detect the kind 
of error I frequently run into. The scenario is generally like:

  Service A references many services (B, C, and D, etc.) all with 1..1 
cardinality. Somewhere along the way I figure out that Service A is not 
activating, but I have no idea which reference is not being resolved (Let's say 
it's B). 

  So, what I notice are statements like "DEBUG ## Resolver.resolveEligible(): 
reference 'Service B' of component 'Service A' is not resolved" that show up in 
many places as the Resolver attempts to do its work.

  However, these messages are at a DEBUG level, and there are a lot of them. 
Additionally, I suppose you could say that B may be just about to be 
introduced, so it's not really concerning that it doesn't exist yet. At any 
rate, there's a lot of noise to sort through to try to understand why Service A 
is not present.

  So I am wondering if you have any other suggestions for how to quickly 
identify this kind of problem? Might there be console commands that can 
interact with the SCR to list services that are left unactivated due to 
unresolved references? If not, would it be a plausible thing for me to write?


  -Mike Furtak

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  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stoyan Boshev
  Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 3:36 AM
  To: equinox-dev@eclipse.org
  Subject: Re: [equinox-dev] SCR debug output

  Hi Michael,

  You can use these boolean system properties:

  equinox.ds.debug - Turns on/off debugging of SCR 

  equinox.ds.print - Specifies that logged entries should be printed to the 
framework runtime console 

  equinox.ds.perf -  Enables generating and printing logs about the time 
performance of the operations executed by the SCR (Useful when the user is 
interested in the time that is spent in the bind, activate, deactivate methods 
of his components) 

  I would recommend you to use both equinox.ds.debug and equinox.ds.print 
properties set to "true" because you will see the debug messages printed in the 
console. If you turn on only the equinox.ds.debug property, the debug messages 
will be sent only to the LogService if available.


- Original Message - 

From: Michael Furtak 

To: equinox-dev@eclipse.org 

Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 9:03 PM

Subject: [equinox-dev] SCR debug output


I frequently find myself in a position of trying to debug why my 
declarative services are not running. Is there debug output from the SCR that I 
could be taking advantage of to help this process?

If so, what combination of bundles and settings are required to see it?


-Mike Furtak

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Re: [equinox-dev] SCR debug output

2008-04-15 Thread Stoyan Boshev
Hi Michael,

You can use these boolean system properties:

equinox.ds.debug - Turns on/off debugging of SCR 

equinox.ds.print - Specifies that logged entries should be printed to the 
framework runtime console 
equinox.ds.perf -  Enables generating and printing logs about the time 
performance of the operations executed by the SCR (Useful when the user is 
interested in the time that is spent in the bind, activate, deactivate methods 
of his components) 

I would recommend you to use both equinox.ds.debug and equinox.ds.print 
properties set to "true" because you will see the debug messages printed in the 
console. If you turn on only the equinox.ds.debug property, the debug messages 
will be sent only to the LogService if available.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Michael Furtak 
  To: equinox-dev@eclipse.org 
  Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 9:03 PM
  Subject: [equinox-dev] SCR debug output


  I frequently find myself in a position of trying to debug why my declarative 
services are not running. Is there debug output from the SCR that I could be 
taking advantage of to help this process?

  If so, what combination of bundles and settings are required to see it?


  -Mike Furtak

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[equinox-dev] +1 for Neil Bartlett

2008-03-28 Thread portal on behalf of Stoyan Boshev

Voting summary: http://portal.eclipse.org/

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[equinox-dev] +1 for Boris Bokowski

2008-03-28 Thread portal on behalf of Stoyan Boshev

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Re: [equinox-dev] DS exception in activate method

2008-02-19 Thread Stoyan Boshev
I have recently raised the same question in OSGi. It was decided that in this 
case only "unbind()" methods will be called. 
The OSGi specification will contain clarification about that in its next 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Lukasz Bobowiec 
  To: equinox-dev@eclipse.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 6:56 PM
  Subject: [equinox-dev] DS exception in activate method


  I have not found in the OSGi r4 compendium what is the behaviour when an 
exception is raised in the activate(ComponentContext context) method in a 
component which is managed by Declarative Services. 

  Does "deactivate()" should be invoked? or only "unbind()" methods? The 
specification should be more specific in this case. 

  Could you provide me this information? 

  I found that in the old DS equinox implementation no action was taken. 
However in the ProSyst contribution "unbind()" is invoked on the component 

  Best regards,

  Lukasz Bobowiec
  Software Engineer, Common Agent Services
  (+48 12) 628 9882

  IBM SWG Lab, Cracow, Poland
  IBM Polska Sp. z o.o. oddział w Krakowie
  ul. Armii Krajowej 18
  30 -150 Kraków

  NIP: 526-030-07-24
  Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS
  KRS 012941, Kapitał zakładowy: 3.073.600 PLN


  equinox-dev mailing list

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Re: [equinox-dev] Graduation of Prosyst contributed bundles

2007-10-17 Thread Stoyan Boshev
Prosyst would like to graduate all of the listed bundles because:
- all of them, except for the util bundle, are implementations of OSGi
services. Perhaps sooner or later the community might need them
- we will support these bundles in the Equinox-Bundles component

Concerning your comment about the public API in the util bundle I suggest we
continue the discussion in the bug you have opened.


- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Watson
To: equinox-dev@eclipse.org
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 5:21 PM
Subject: [equinox-dev] Graduation of Prosyst contributed bundles

The bundles contributed by Prosyst have been in the incubator since July.
The codebase Prosyst donated is already production quality and has been used
in many products at Prosyst. A small number of issues have been reported
against the bundles in the incubator. But these are to be expected and the
committers from Prosyst have been responsive in addressing the issues. At
this point I would like to ask Prosyst which of the incubator bundles would
they like to graduate and support in the Equinox-Bundles component?

We have the following bundles to consider:


The last four bundles (ds, ip, wireadmin, io) all provide implementations to
OSGi specifications and do not provide public API. I am concerned about the
amount of public API in the org.eclipse.equinox.util bundle (see

We should consider the following when making this decision:

1) Which bundles does the community need? We do not need to graduate all the
bundles if we determine that the community is not interested in all of them.
2) Which bundles do we have sufficient resources to support at the graduated
3) How much API will be graduated. Graduated API has a long term commitment
and requires a lot of review and must be positioned such that we do not
break compatibility while evolving the API after graduation.


equinox-dev mailing list

equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Declarative Services questions

2007-08-07 Thread Stoyan Boshev
Sorry for my previous email with no actual response! I have sent it by mistake.
Please, find my comments below.

Best regards,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jan Stette 
  To: Equinox development mailing list 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 8:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [equinox-dev] Declarative Services questions

  Hi Stoyan,

  we have resolved the problem we were having getting configs through the 
ComponentContext - there was a mismatch between the component name we were 
using and the PID that the config was registered with in the Config Admin 
service.  So our mistake! 

  How should we go about raising bugs like the synchronous nature of 
activateComponent/deactivateComponent?  (This one isn't important for us now by 
the way)

  The bug tracker is here : https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/
  You should click on "Report new bug" and then follow the instructions.
  I could report this bug for you if you don't mind :)

  One more question: what is the status of the equinox.component bundle in the 
Equinox incubator at the moment, is it undergoing active development?  Are 
there any roadmaps or rough plans for future releases?

  According to me, the DS implementation is in pretty complete state. It is 
beeing tested and the bugs found are being fixed. I don't really know what is 
the procedure for passing the incubator state and when it would be officialy 
released. Perhaps someone else could put some light on this?


  On 07/08/07, Stoyan Boshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Jan,

>Do you instead rely on getting configuration from the ComponentContext in
>activate() methods?  The OSGi spec suggests this should work, but it
>appear to be the case with the ProSyst DS implementation anyway. 

Could you be more specific here? Do you mean that you use
ComponentContext.locateService(...) to get Config Admin service? There was a
bug in DS exactly in this scenario but it is already fixed (committed on 

>(Another discrepancy we've seen in this DS implementation is that calls to
>ComponentContext.disableComponent() and enabledComponent() cause
>deactivation/activation on the named component to happen synchronously, 
>asynchronously as the spec states)

Agree. This is a bug and should be reported.


Jan Stette-2 wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'd like to ask anyone on this list: is there anyone out there who is 
> using
> Declarative Services with Equinox in anger?  On my current project, we
> have
> tried to introduce it but have come across some problems.
> First of all, we're using the ProSyst implementation.  While we realise 
> this
> is classified as "not release-ready" [
> http://www.eclipsezone.com/eclipse/forums/t97348.html], this is the best
> implementation we've found so far.  Or is there another, better one out
> there?
> My main question is: how do you implement services that are both
> declarative, and that also rely on config from the Config Admin service? 
> We've tried making services both DeclaredComponents and ManagedServices
> but
> the interaction between the two is hard to manage.
> Do you instead rely on getting configuration from the ComponentContext in 
> activate() methods?  The OSGi spec suggests this should work, but it
> doesn't
> appear to be the case with the ProSyst DS implementation anyway.
> (Another discrepancy we've seen in this DS implementation is that calls 
> ComponentContext.disableComponent() and enabledComponent() cause
> deactivation/activation on the named component to happen synchronously,
> not
> asynchronously as the spec states)
> Any suggestions would be most welcome. 
> Regards,
> Jan
> ___
> equinox-dev mailing list
> equinox-dev@eclipse.org
> https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/equinox-dev

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Sent from the Equinox - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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  equinox-dev mailing list
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Declarative Services questions

2007-08-07 Thread Stoyan Boshev

dipl. eng. Stoyan Boshev . Department manager
ProSyst Labs EOOD
1606 Sofia, Bulgaria . 48 Vladajska Str.
Tel. +359 2 953 05 88; Fax +359 2 953 26 17
Mobile: +359 88 898 29 17
http://www.prosyst.com . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
stay in touch with your product
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jan Stette 
  To: Equinox development mailing list 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 8:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [equinox-dev] Declarative Services questions

  Hi Stoyan,

  we have resolved the problem we were having getting configs through the 
ComponentContext - there was a mismatch between the component name we were 
using and the PID that the config was registered with in the Config Admin 
service.  So our mistake! 

  How should we go about raising bugs like the synchronous nature of 
activateComponent/deactivateComponent?  (This one isn't important for us now by 
the way)

  One more question: what is the status of the equinox.component bundle in the 
Equinox incubator at the moment, is it undergoing active development?  Are 
there any roadmaps or rough plans for future releases?


  On 07/08/07, Stoyan Boshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Jan,

>Do you instead rely on getting configuration from the ComponentContext in
>activate() methods?  The OSGi spec suggests this should work, but it
>appear to be the case with the ProSyst DS implementation anyway. 

Could you be more specific here? Do you mean that you use
ComponentContext.locateService(...) to get Config Admin service? There was a
bug in DS exactly in this scenario but it is already fixed (committed on 

>(Another discrepancy we've seen in this DS implementation is that calls to
>ComponentContext.disableComponent() and enabledComponent() cause
>deactivation/activation on the named component to happen synchronously, 
>asynchronously as the spec states)

Agree. This is a bug and should be reported.


Jan Stette-2 wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'd like to ask anyone on this list: is there anyone out there who is 
> using
> Declarative Services with Equinox in anger?  On my current project, we
> have
> tried to introduce it but have come across some problems.
> First of all, we're using the ProSyst implementation.  While we realise 
> this
> is classified as "not release-ready" [
> http://www.eclipsezone.com/eclipse/forums/t97348.html], this is the best
> implementation we've found so far.  Or is there another, better one out
> there?
> My main question is: how do you implement services that are both
> declarative, and that also rely on config from the Config Admin service? 
> We've tried making services both DeclaredComponents and ManagedServices
> but
> the interaction between the two is hard to manage.
> Do you instead rely on getting configuration from the ComponentContext in 
> activate() methods?  The OSGi spec suggests this should work, but it
> doesn't
> appear to be the case with the ProSyst DS implementation anyway.
> (Another discrepancy we've seen in this DS implementation is that calls 
> ComponentContext.disableComponent() and enabledComponent() cause
> deactivation/activation on the named component to happen synchronously,
> not
> asynchronously as the spec states)
> Any suggestions would be most welcome. 
> Regards,
> Jan
> ___
> equinox-dev mailing list
> equinox-dev@eclipse.org
> https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/equinox-dev

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Sent from the Equinox - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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  equinox-dev mailing list
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Re: [equinox-dev] Declarative Services questions

2007-08-07 Thread Stoyan Boshev

Hi Jan,

>Do you instead rely on getting configuration from the ComponentContext in
>activate() methods?  The OSGi spec suggests this should work, but it
>appear to be the case with the ProSyst DS implementation anyway.

Could you be more specific here? Do you mean that you use
ComponentContext.locateService(...) to get Config Admin service? There was a
bug in DS exactly in this scenario but it is already fixed (committed on

>(Another discrepancy we've seen in this DS implementation is that calls to
>ComponentContext.disableComponent() and enabledComponent() cause
>deactivation/activation on the named component to happen synchronously, not
>asynchronously as the spec states)

Agree. This is a bug and should be reported.


Jan Stette-2 wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'd like to ask anyone on this list: is there anyone out there who is
> using
> Declarative Services with Equinox in anger?  On my current project, we
> have
> tried to introduce it but have come across some problems.
> First of all, we're using the ProSyst implementation.  While we realise
> this
> is classified as "not release-ready" [
> http://www.eclipsezone.com/eclipse/forums/t97348.html], this is the best
> implementation we've found so far.  Or is there another, better one out
> there?
> My main question is: how do you implement services that are both
> declarative, and that also rely on config from the Config Admin service?
> We've tried making services both DeclaredComponents and ManagedServices
> but
> the interaction between the two is hard to manage.
> Do you instead rely on getting configuration from the ComponentContext in
> activate() methods?  The OSGi spec suggests this should work, but it
> doesn't
> appear to be the case with the ProSyst DS implementation anyway.
> (Another discrepancy we've seen in this DS implementation is that calls to
> ComponentContext.disableComponent() and enabledComponent() cause
> deactivation/activation on the named component to happen synchronously,
> not
> asynchronously as the spec states)
> Any suggestions would be most welcome.
> Regards,
> Jan
> ___
> equinox-dev mailing list
> equinox-dev@eclipse.org
> https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/equinox-dev

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Equinox - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Declarative Services questions

2007-08-07 Thread Stoyan Boshev

Hi Jan,

>Do you instead rely on getting configuration from the ComponentContext in
>activate() methods?  The OSGi spec suggests this should work, but it
>appear to be the case with the ProSyst DS implementation anyway.

Could you be more specific here? Do you mean that you use
ComponentContext.locateService(...) to get Config Admin service? There was a
bug in DS exactly in this scenario but it is already fixed (committed on

>(Another discrepancy we've seen in this DS implementation is that calls to
>ComponentContext.disableComponent() and enabledComponent() cause
>deactivation/activation on the named component to happen synchronously, not
>asynchronously as the spec states)

Agree. This is a bug and should be reported.


Jan Stette-2 wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'd like to ask anyone on this list: is there anyone out there who is
> using
> Declarative Services with Equinox in anger?  On my current project, we
> have
> tried to introduce it but have come across some problems.
> First of all, we're using the ProSyst implementation.  While we realise
> this
> is classified as "not release-ready" [
> http://www.eclipsezone.com/eclipse/forums/t97348.html], this is the best
> implementation we've found so far.  Or is there another, better one out
> there?
> My main question is: how do you implement services that are both
> declarative, and that also rely on config from the Config Admin service?
> We've tried making services both DeclaredComponents and ManagedServices
> but
> the interaction between the two is hard to manage.
> Do you instead rely on getting configuration from the ComponentContext in
> activate() methods?  The OSGi spec suggests this should work, but it
> doesn't
> appear to be the case with the ProSyst DS implementation anyway.
> (Another discrepancy we've seen in this DS implementation is that calls to
> ComponentContext.disableComponent() and enabledComponent() cause
> deactivation/activation on the named component to happen synchronously,
> not
> asynchronously as the spec states)
> Any suggestions would be most welcome.
> Regards,
> Jan
> ___
> equinox-dev mailing list
> equinox-dev@eclipse.org
> https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/equinox-dev

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Sent from the Equinox - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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