Re: [equinox-dev] [orbit-dev] [e4-dev] Resolver Problem with guava and 4 javax.annotation)

2014-11-05 Thread Stuart McCulloch
On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 11:34, Tom Schindl wrote:
 With Mars (whether this is a regression in the Equinox-Resolver) needs
 to be discussed but I'd really like us to start a discussion if we can
 get rid of the javax.annotation bundle itself.
 For the reference if I install e(fx)clipse tooling into Mars M3 I get:
  osgi diag 317
  org.eclipse.fx.ide.css [317]
  Bundle was not resolved because of a uses contraint violation.
  org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Uses constraint violation. 
  Unable to resolve resource org.eclipse.fx.ide.css [osgi.identity; 
  osgi.identity=org.eclipse.fx.ide.css; type=osgi.bundle; 
  version:Version=; singleton:=true] because it is 
  exposed to package 'javax.annotation' from resources org.eclipse.osgi 
  [osgi.identity; osgi.identity=org.eclipse.osgi; type=osgi.bundle; 
  version:Version=3.10.100.v20141020-1414; singleton:=true] and 
  javax.annotation [osgi.identity; osgi.identity=javax.annotation; 
  type=osgi.bundle; version:Version=1.2.0.v201401042248] via two 
  dependency chains.
  Chain 1:
  org.eclipse.fx.ide.css [osgi.identity; 
  osgi.identity=org.eclipse.fx.ide.css; type=osgi.bundle; 
  version:Version=; singleton:=true]
  require: ((osgi.wiring.bundle=org.eclipse.osgi)(bundle-version=3.7.0))
  provide: osgi.wiring.bundle: [org.eclipse.osgi, system.bundle]
  org.eclipse.osgi [osgi.identity; osgi.identity=org.eclipse.osgi; 
  type=osgi.bundle; version:Version=3.10.100.v20141020-1414; 
  Chain 2:
  org.eclipse.fx.ide.css [osgi.identity; 
  osgi.identity=org.eclipse.fx.ide.css; type=osgi.bundle; 
  version:Version=; singleton:=true]
  require: ((osgi.wiring.bundle=org.eclipse.xtext)(bundle-version=2.0.0))
  provide: osgi.wiring.bundle; bundle-version:Version=2.8.0.v201409300608; 
  osgi.wiring.bundle=org.eclipse.xtext; singleton:=true [osgi.identity;; 
  type=osgi.bundle; version:Version=15.0.0.v201403281430]
  import: (osgi.wiring.package=javax.annotation)
  export: osgi.wiring.package: javax.annotation
  javax.annotation [osgi.identity; osgi.identity=javax.annotation; 
  type=osgi.bundle; version:Version=1.2.0.v201401042248]
 Eclipse 4 IDE and Eclipse 4 Application Platform already has Java6 as a
 prerequisit so technically we don't need javax.annotation because it is
 provided by the JRE.

Does anything in E4 use @javax.annotation.Priority which was added in 1.2?  If 
so then the bundle is still needed because Java6 only includes version 1.0 of 
the spec.
 The problem is that all client bundles who use the e4 DI container do
 versioned imports whereas e.g. external bundles like guava do a version
 less import, so if we'd modify our own bundles to use the JRE version
 they would all fail.
 Do we need a boarder forum like cross-platform?
 On 15.06.14 06:55, David M Williams wrote:
  I don't know if this problem was solved ... or worked around  but
  didn't want the issue to get lost, so I opened a bug in Orbit,
  to make sure the issue isn't lost (thought not sure it's a true Orbit
  Bug ... seemed as good a place as any).
  From: David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
  To: E4 Project developer mailing list 
  Cc: (, Equinox 
  development mailing list (
  Date: 06/11/2014 02:55 AM
  Subject: Re: [equinox-dev] [e4-dev] Resolver Problem with guava
  and e4 (javax.annotation)
  Sent by: 
   I don't think so because from their point of view they are requireing
   JavaSE-1.6 and so they can wire to javax.annotation without packages.
   They could remove the javax.annotation import completely because they
   anyways require JavaSE-1.6
  Well, not quite.
  javax.annotation 1.0.0 has a BREE of 1.5 (but is native to only 1.6,
  according to_ )
  javax.annotation 1.1.0 has a BREE of 1.5 (but is native to only 1.7,
  according to '')
  javax.annotation 1.2.0 has a BREE of 1.6 (but is native to only 1.8,
  according to '' -- I think -- assuming it made it in, but I do not
  know for sure)
  The idea being that projects could use annotations, as the specs came
  out, even on an older VM, rather than have to wait for the JRE that
  first contained it.
  equinox-dev mailing list (
  orbit-dev mailing 

Re: [equinox-dev] Kepler breaks m2e on IBM JVM

2013-05-28 Thread Stuart McCulloch
I've tracked this down to a difference in URLClassLoader.getResources behaviour 
between Juno and Kepler, but only when running on the IBM JVM:

Perhaps it's related to the change that went in recently to fix ?

On 28 May 2013, at 08:41, Fred Bricon wrote:

 it seems *something* broke m2e on the IBM JVM in Kepler. 
 *All* the m2e versions I tested (1.2.0 - 1.4.0)  fail to start when run in 
 Kepler + IBM JVM (Java 7.0).
 The same m2e versions work fine with Juno + IBM JVM.
 The same m2e versions work fine with Kepler + Oracle JVM.
 This issue prevents RC releases of EPP distros containing m2e (Java, Java EE) 
 Apparently the Guice Container doesn't load properly, but I have no idea why. 
 Anyone platform/equinox savvy has any idea of what might have caused the 
 Fred Bricon
 Have you tried turning it off and on again - The IT Crowd
 equinox-dev mailing list

equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Problem when running Equinox with Maven and OSP4J's Pax Construct when behind a proxy

2009-06-14 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2009/6/13 Alex Blewitt

 This is a PAX issue, rather than Equinox. Indeed, Eclipse doesn't actually
 host the bundles on ibiblio at all ... they're put up by volunteers.

that's right - Samad, if you're still seeing the error send a note to and someone will help

Cheers, Stuart

You might try a pax-update from the PAX scripts to see if there is any
 updates. It may be that the Equinox version you've specified is no longer

 I recall I used pax-construct to create my project which defaulted to a
 right version of Equinox. Perhaps after update you can create a new project
 with that and then cut'n'paste the Equinox dependency.


 Sent from my (new) iPhone

 On 12 Jun 2009, at 16:09, Samad Lotia wrote:

 I am trying to use Equinox with Maven and Pax Construct. When I type mvn
 pax:run, it correctly downloads all the bundles. However, Maven gets stuck
 when attempting to download Equinox:

  - Equinox 3.4.2 (v20081215-1030) : downloading...

 After ten minutes or so, Pax times out, saying that it wasn't able to
 obtain the bundle. I get this message: Oops, these has been a problem! URL
 [mvn:org.eclipse/osgi/3.4.3.v20081215-1030] could not be resolved.

 I have environment variables set up correctly ($http_proxy, $HTTP_PROXY,
 $HTTPS_PROXY, $FTP_PROXY), and I have provided proxy settings in my
 ~/.m2/settings.xml file.

 Here's some information on my computer:
 Output from uname: Linux deleted 2.6.18-128.1.6.el5 #1 SMP Wed Apr 1
 09:10:25 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 Java version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)
 Maven version: Apache Maven 2.1.0 (r755702; 2009-03-18 20:10:27+0100)

 How can I fix this?


 equinox-dev mailing list

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Re: [equinox-dev] Equinox boot delegation problem

2009-04-13 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2009/4/13 Richard S. Hall

 This came up recently and we discussed it within CPEG. Felix is incorrect
 in interpreting* as a match for

good to get a definitive answer, will the wildcard wording be improved in
the 4.2 spec?

In other words,* matches sub-packages of, but not
sun.ioitself. This will be corrected in a future version of Felix.

so to match as well as it's sub-packages you should use,*?
(because if you use* then that could match against org.foobar as

 - richard

 On 4/13/09 2:48 AM, raks81 wrote:

 I have a bundle that uses db2 driver to talk to the DB. This version of
 driver seems to be using classes from package. So when I add* equinox throws a NCDF error.
 when I change it to org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=sun.* it seems to
 the classes from just fine.

 I am using Equinox 3.4.1 (launching using pax runner 0.17.2). JRE 1.5.

 Felix seems to interpret* just

 Thanks in advance!

Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Equinox boot delegation problem

2009-04-13 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2009/4/13 Richard S. Hall

  On 4/13/09 4:41 AM, Stuart McCulloch wrote:

 2009/4/13 Richard S. Hall

  On 4/13/09 4:12 AM, Stuart McCulloch wrote:

 2009/4/13 Richard S. Hall

 This came up recently and we discussed it within CPEG. Felix is incorrect
 in interpreting* as a match for

 good to get a definitive answer, will the wildcard wording be improved in
 the 4.2 spec?

  Not sure about that.

  In other words,* matches sub-packages of, but not 
 sun.ioitself. This will be corrected in a future version of Felix.

 so to match as well as it's sub-packages you should use,*?
 (because if you use* then that could match against org.foobar
 as well...)

  Yes, but I think only trailing package-level wildcards are supported,
 e.g.,*, not*...

 ok, I think the 4.2 spec should really spell out what wildcards are
 supported and how they match

 should I open a bug to track this, or do you want to follow this up with

 If you feel it is not clear in the spec, then definitely open a bug at OSGi
 or at least bring it up on osgi-dev.

ok, done...

- richard

  I could be wrong.

 - richard

 Cheers, Stuart

Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Extension Registry outside Equinox?

2009-03-10 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2009/3/10 Michael Greifeneder


 I try to find out if the Extension Registry (org.eclipse.equinox.registry)
 be used outside Equinox? I like the concept and I would like to use it with
 Swing application. However I have to convince my project partners that we
 not forced to stick with Equinox, although I don't think we are going to
 any other OSGI implementation.

 I created a simply test case with Apache Felix and installed
 from 3.5M5

 I get this message during start of the registry:

 Error:  Could not parse XML contribution for
 org.eclipse.equinox.registry;singleton:=true//plugin.xml. Any contributed
 extensions and extension points will be ignored.

Hi Michael,

yes it is possible, but you need to install the SAXParserFactory as a
before starting the registry bundle - I don't know if there's a small bundle
Equinox that will do this for you, but otherwise you could write one

you just need to do the following in the start method:

  javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance(), null);

once this is in place you should be able to use the registry as normal.


I tried the same configuration with bundles from release 3.4.2.
 There I got a NullPointerException:
 Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException





 My questions:
 Is it possible?
 Anyone tried and has a successful configuration?
 Which bundles are required?
 Should I provide more information for my use case?

 Thanks for your help,

 equinox-dev mailing list

Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Using Equinox Declarative services in another OSGI framework

2009-03-09 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2009/3/9 Alin Dreghiciu

 Hi Guys,

 I was trying to use Declarative Services implementation from equinox
 in another OSGi framework and looks like that is not possible.
 DS has an import on org.eclipse.osgi.service.debug;version=1.0
 package that I could only find in the Equinox framework itself.
 Is it available from somewhere else?

Hi Alin,

have you looked in the org.eclipse.equinox.supplement bundle?
I'm using this to run the Eclipse extension point registry on Felix
which also needs that debug import

You can find releases of org.eclipse.equinox.supplement here:

just pick from either the 3.4 / 3.5 stream

If not, can the org.eclipse.osgi.service.debug be made available at
 least as a separate bundle, even better together with DebugOptions

 Another simpler option would be to make this import optional and
 handle the fact that package is not available in the DS Activator,
 case when DS can work as in case that no DebugOptions service is
 available = using system properties.

 Alin Dreghiciu - New Energy for OSS Communities - Open
 Participation Software. - New Energy for Java - Domain Driven Development. - New Energy for Projects - Great People
 working on Great Projects at Great Places
 equinox-dev mailing list

Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Loading OSGi from HEAD

2008-11-17 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2008/11/18 Pascal Rapicault [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 When I load OSGI from HEAD, the project stops compiling because of unbound
 value for OSGi/Minimum-1.2.
 Is there anything in the project itself that could be done to avoid this?



Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Bootdelegation question

2008-10-08 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2008/10/9 Oleg Zhurakousky [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Nice to find you here Rob
 Yes I am certain (here are all the options that are set)

 One thing I will admit that I am running Equinox within eclipse pde. I'll
 try from the command line (not sure if it would make the difference)

see also:
(IIRC Equinox doesn't run in strict OSGi mode by default...)


 On Oct 8, 2008, at 12:36 PM, Rob Harrop wrote:


 Are you certain that the Equinox you are running in doesn't have the boot
 delegation set to include org.w3c.*?


 - Oleg Zhurakousky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I am reading the spec correctly only java.* are loaded from the

 boot class path. All other packages must be declared

 with explicit imports.

 So something like this without

 specifying org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=org.w3c.*

 public   void  start(BundleContext context)  throws  Exception {

 System. out .println(Class.forName( java.lang.String ));

 System. out .println(Class.forName( org.w3c.dom.Attr ));


 should result in CNFE on the second line.

 Well, it actually works just fine without bootdelegation option. I

 figured I missed something, so may be some one can steer me in the

 right direction.




 equinox-dev mailing list

 Rob Harrop

 Registered in England  Wales - Registration Number 5187766
 Registered Office: A2 Yeoman Gate, Yeoman Way, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13
 3QZ, UK

 This e-mail and any attachments transmitted with it are strictly
 confidential and intended solely for the person or entity to whom they are
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 immediately and then delete it along with any attachments. E-mails should be
 checked by the recipient to ensure that there are no viruses and Interface21
 does not accept any responsibility if this is not done. Any views or
 opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
 represent those of Interface21.
 equinox-dev mailing list

 equinox-dev mailing list

Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] BSF, Groovy, OSGi - class resolution

2008-10-08 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2008/10/9 Craig Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I'm attempting to do groovy a la BSF, as embedded in an OSGi/equinox

 I get this unable to resolve class exception on something like the

 import org.osgi.service.log.* // seems to get passed this line
 def logger = new LogService(); // exception is thrown here

 I have been surfing for help, but the only thing I get is along the lines
 of external classpath options (versus using the classes as loaded into the

 Any ideas/suggestions?   Thanks, Craig Phillips, Praxis

 PS - I'm not considering javax.scripting (jsr-223 I believe) at this

even though you're not considering jsr-223, you might want
to look at the OSGi scripting work done by Hendy Irawan:

as that might give you some hints how to solve this issue
( afaik Groovy 1.5.7-SNAPSHOT has OSGi manifests )

 equinox-dev mailing list

Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Bootdelegation question

2008-10-08 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2008/10/9 Oleg Zhurakousky [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thanks guys!!!Looks like starting Equinox under Eclipse makes the
 difference, although I can't see what that would be (checked generated
 config.ini etc. . . nothing suspicious)

when starting under Eclipse/PDE I believe the following adaptor hook is

and the addProperties() method of this class will programmatically enable
boot delegation if it's not explicitly set in the config...

 Starting the same system bundle from the command line renders the expected

  java -Dorg.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=org.w3c.* -jar
 org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.2.R34x_v20080826-1230.jar -console -clean

 id State   Bundle
 0 ACTIVE  org.eclipse.osgi_3.4.2.R34x_v20080826-1230
 1 INSTALLED OSGiBootDelegationBundle_1.0.0

 osgi start 1
 class java.lang.String
 interface org.w3c.dom.Attr

 If bootdelegation option is removed CNFE is thrown during start of the


 On Oct 8, 2008, at 12:57 PM, Stuart McCulloch wrote:

 2008/10/9 Oleg Zhurakousky [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Nice to find you here Rob
 Yes I am certain (here are all the options that are set)

 One thing I will admit that I am running Equinox within eclipse pde. I'll
 try from the command line (not sure if it would make the difference)

 see also:
 (IIRC Equinox doesn't run in strict OSGi mode by default...)


 On Oct 8, 2008, at 12:36 PM, Rob Harrop wrote:


 Are you certain that the Equinox you are running in doesn't have the boot
 delegation set to include org.w3c.*?


 - Oleg Zhurakousky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I am reading the spec correctly only java.* are loaded from the

 boot class path. All other packages must be declared

 with explicit imports.

 So something like this without

 specifying org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=org.w3c.*

 public   void  start(BundleContext context)  throws  Exception {

 System. out .println(Class.forName( java.lang.String ));

 System. out .println(Class.forName( org.w3c.dom.Attr ));


 should result in CNFE on the second line.

 Well, it actually works just fine without bootdelegation option. I

 figured I missed something, so may be some one can steer me in the

 right direction.




 equinox-dev mailing list

 Rob Harrop

 Registered in England  Wales - Registration Number 5187766
 Registered Office: A2 Yeoman Gate, Yeoman Way, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13
 3QZ, UK

 This e-mail and any attachments transmitted with it are strictly
 confidential and intended solely for the person or entity to whom they are
 addressed. Unauthorised use, copying, disclosure or distribution is
 prohibited. If you receive this e-mail in error please notify the sender
 immediately and then delete it along with any attachments. E-mails should be
 checked by the recipient to ensure that there are no viruses and Interface21
 does not accept any responsibility if this is not done. Any views or
 opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
 represent those of Interface21.
 equinox-dev mailing list

 equinox-dev mailing list

 Cheers, Stuart
 equinox-dev mailing list

 equinox-dev mailing list

Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Is this a bug?

2008-09-24 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2008/9/24 Niclas Hedhman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Danail Nachev [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 If bundles are installed by reference (via reference: URL) Equinox
 doesn't guarantee anything to bundles which you replace, while they are
 still running. Although OSGi is considered dynamic, such scenarios are
 not supported. AFAIK, p2 and old Eclipse Update installs all bundles by

 Such scenarios can be supported if the bundle was copied to the Equinox
 storage and not referenced. Bundles which are installed through
 Bundle.installBundle(String, InputStream) and
 Bundle.installBundle(String) are copied (unless the URL passed to the
 installBundle(String) is reference: URL) are copied to the storage.

 I find this behavior interesting... Is this behavior supported by the
 specification explicitly, or does it just not cover it??

I couldn't find any explicit mention in the spec, but FWIW we also support
the reference: scheme in Felix

 equinox-dev mailing list

Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/reflect/ReflectionFactory

2008-07-07 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2008/7/7 Nikhil Sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 When i try to use -*

 * ReflectionFactory reflectionFactory = ReflectionFactory.*

 in a bundle it throws a -

 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/reflect/ReflectionFactory

 What might be the reason for this.

do you import the sun.reflect package in your bundle manifest?

this is a simplification, but basically the packages that a bundle can see

   1)  those listed under the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation property
AND available from the framework's bootclasspath

   2)  those contained inside the bundle

   3)  those imported via Import-Package (or DynamicImport-Package) AND
exported from another bundle with matching constraints (versions,
attributes, etc.)

   4)  those visible from another bundle via Require-Bundle

but I strongly recommend you read the OSGi spec as it has a much clearer
(and definitive) description of package visibility in OSGi, along with

typically the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation property defaults to
so if you don't import the sun.reflect package, or no other bundle exports
then you will see a NCDF error.

if the system bundle (usually bundle 0) exports sun.reflect then you just
to add this package to your Import-Package in the manifest - otherwise you
try adding it to the bootdelegation list, though this is less flexible
because your
bundle then depends on this property being set correctly

as a side note, it is bad practice to depend on sun.* packages as these
private Sun implementation classes, and are not part of the public Java API.

these classes may change or disappear between Java releases depending on
how Sun feels - and may not be available on non-Sun implementations of Java.


 equinox-dev mailing list

Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Aspects: problem weaving same class file in different bundles

2008-06-29 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2008/6/29 Martin Lippert [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Rowan,

 I looked at your example and I think I have found the problem. Your aspect
 bundle imports the package widgets and can therefore refer to your class
 Widget. But since both widget bundles export the same package including the
 same class (Widget), the aspect definition is wired to only one of them.
 Therefore the code of the aspect refers to one of those Widget class
 definitions (this is standard Java and OSGi behavior).

 Now you try to weave both widget bundles. The weaver for widget bundle 1
 can weave your class successfully since this weaver sees the same class for
 Widget as your aspect bundle. The weaver for widget bundle 2 sees its own
 widget class but the aspect bundle is wired to the other one. Therefore the
 linkage error happens.

 This seems not like a bug in Equinox Aspects nor the AspectJ weaver. Having
 the same class (with the same package) within different bundles seems not to
 be a nice design anyway. Do you have a specific reason for that? You could
 solve your problem by extracting an abstract superclass for your Widget
 classes, putting this superclass in a separate bundle and let the aspect
 weave against this superclass while having subclasses in your other bundles.

another possibility would be to import and export the 'widgets'
package from both widget bundles, then they would both see
the same class regardless of the order they were installed.


  Export-Package: widgets
  Import-Package: org.osgi.framework, widgets


Just a first idea, there might be other solutions for your problem. Tell me
 more about why you choose this design and we could discuss alternatives, ok?


 sorbus wrote:

 Martin wrote:

 Hi Rowan,

 I assume the problem is that the aspect should weave the same class from
 different bundles. For the aspect both Widget classes are visible (because
 both should be woven) and the weaver does not know which one to use for
 type resolution. But this is just a first guess on the problem... Would you
 submit a bug in bugzilla for this issue?

 Different aspects in different bundles with more specific supplement
 definitions should workaround this problem, but I really would like to
 investigate this problem in more detail (therefore the bug). Would be great
 if you could create a small test case for this to reproduce.

 I think the test case is a good idea (see below). I would rather you
 take a look at that first before I submit a bug because I am at the
 stage of learning BOTH equinox-aspects AND aspectj so possibly missed
 something simple :-)

 Description of problem (using a simple test case)

 I have a very simple bundle (Widget) which has an Activator class and
 a Widget class.

 The Activator start() method prints out the Bundle Symbolic Name, then
 instantiates a Widget

 The Widget class looks like this:
 package widgets;

 public class Widget {
   private String wUID;
   public Widget() {

   private void init() {
  wUID = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString();
  System.out.println(Widget has been assigned UID:  + wUID);

   public void doSomething() {
  System.out.println(Widget  + wUID +  has done something);

 So the constructor calls the init() method which creates a random
 UUID, assigns it, and prints it out.

 I have two such bundles with a slightly different manifest file
 (different Bundle Symbolic Name):

 widgetbundle1.jar - Bundle Symbolic Name: Widget_01234
 widgetbundle2.jar - Bundle Symbolic Name: Widget_56789

 Example manifest file:
 Manifest-Version: 1.0
 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
 Bundle-Name: Widget Bundle
 Bundle-SymbolicName: Widget_01234
 Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
 Bundle-ClassPath: .
 Bundle-Activator: widgets.Activator
 Import-Package: org.osgi.framework
 Export-Package: widgets
 Bundle-Description: Testing Aspects in OSGi...

 The aspects look like this:
 package widgetaspects;

 import widgets.*;

 public aspect MyAspects {
   pointcut doInit(Widget w):
  execution(void Widget.init(..))  target(w);

   after(Widget w) : doInit(w)  {
  System.out.println(In the AFTER advice for doInit());
  System.out.println(target: + thisJoinPoint.getTarget());
  System.out.println(this: + thisJoinPoint.getThis());

 A pointcut is defined on the execution of the Widget init() method. In
 the after advice, the Widget doSomething() method is called.

 My aop.xml file looks like this:
 ?xml version=1.0?
aspect name=widgetaspects.MyAspects/

 and is installed in org/aspectj/aop.xml in the widget-aspects jar file.

 Aspect bundle manifest file:
 Manifest-Version: 1.0
 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
 Bundle-Name: Widget Aspects
 Bundle-SymbolicName: widgetaspects
 Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
 Export-Package: widgetaspects,org.aspectj
 Import-Package: widgets

Re: [equinox-dev] deployment admin service

2008-06-23 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2008/6/23 Laura Lozano [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Does it exist any implementation of org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin
 service in equinox?

I can't see it listed here:

but an implementation is being developed over here:

which should work with Equinox - you'll need to build
it from source as there's no snapshot / release yet...

Thank you

 equinox-dev mailing list

Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Customize versioning scheme

2008-04-07 Thread Stuart McCulloch
On 07/04/2008, Alex Blewitt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Apr 7, 2008, at 13:48, Baptiste MATHUS wrote:

  Hi all,
  We're using Eclipse RCP as the platform for our UI. We're almost done
  with dev and are beginning to look at the packaging/deployment phases.
  OSGi specifies the org.osgi.framework.Version class to manage versioning
  by default with x.y.z.qualifier scheme. Our scheme is not very far from it,
  but not the same, it's something like a.b.c.d.e.qualifier (two numbers
  So my question is simple: is this possible to inject a custom versioning
  scheme (for example, we could inherit/extend the current Version class to
  manage our case) ?

 For bundles, no, the OSGi versioning is fixed. I'm not sure of the point
 of having so many numbers, but if you have a.b which are on the whole the
 same throughout other releases, you might like to call your bundle
 foo-a-b_c.d.e.qualifier instead. You'd lose the connection with the version
 comparisons but since you'd end up with different named bundles each time,
 you could easily do that approach.

 The other thing would be to use some kind of bitshift to represent the
 numbers e.g. a.b.(c*1024+d*512+e*128).equalifier.

another approach would be to enforce a width on both 'd'
and 'e' and make them part of the qualifier, for example:  where the qualifier is XX.XX

because the qualifier is sorted using string comparison,
it should be ok if you use fixed field widths (you'd have
to enforce these field widths yourself and estimate how
wide to make them in advance.)

you might also want to consider why you need so many
version numbers, and whether you could use something
else such as a build time-stamp in the qualifier instead
(or a version control tag)


 equinox-dev mailing list

Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Incubator request for Extensions/Services Integration work

2008-03-27 Thread Stuart McCulloch
On 27/03/2008, Neil Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have been doing some investigative work recently in the area of
 integrating extensions with OSGi services. As a result of this, I have
 developed a small framework for dynamically injecting services into
 extension objects according to metadata defined via the extension
 registry. As a very simple example, suppose we have an extension
 object (e.g. a ViewPart) which has a method
 setLogReader(LogReaderService). We can declare an injected bean
 extension as follows:

 extension point=...injectedBeans
 bean id=logReaderView
 injectSingle interface=org.osgi.service.log.LogReaderService

 And then the actual view extension as:

 extension point=org.eclipse.ui.views
 view class=org...InjectedExtensionFactory:logReaderView
   name=Log Reader/

 This results in all objects instantiated from the log view extension
 being dynamically injected with the log reader service as it becomes
 available (and un-injected when it goes away).

 I would like to request a work area under the Equinox incubator as a
 home for this code so that others can test it and experiment with this
 and other approaches to the extensions/services integration problem.

Hi Neil,

+1 (non-binding)

I enjoyed your talk on this at EclipseCon and
would be interested in helping out, if needed.

Cheers, Stuart

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Re: [equinox-dev] Bundle Repository Remote Management Tools

2007-12-05 Thread Stuart McCulloch
On 05/12/2007, OlgaQ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone knows if there are open source bundle repository modification
 tools - I mean some kind of programs for remote adding, removing,
 bundles in repository.
 I know the OSGi Bundle Repository plug-in for Eclipse, but unfortunately
 it is not open source.

some links that might help:  (now available as open source)

there's also Clement Escoffier's Maven plugin for managing local and remote

which is now under the Apache Felix project (sub-project: maven-obr-plugin)


Thank you in advance
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 Sent from the Equinox - Dev mailing list archive at

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Cheers, Stuart
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: AW: [equinox-dev] OSGi Logger Service - Eclipse Plugin Logger

2007-10-11 Thread Stuart McCulloch
On 12/10/2007, Scott Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Stuart,

 Thanks...this is great.  Just for my and others info, how much code is

well 'pax' is an umbrella project that covers all things OSGi at
( ie. logging and http services, provisioning with pax-runner, building
  with pax-construct, dynamic modular wicket with pax-wicket, etc, etc... )

the 'pax-logging-api bundle' is not trivial, but it is really just the
logging APIs for
log4j, commons, slf4j, avalon, knopflerfish, osgi and it's own API - plus a
of factory classes

the API bundle in total is around 57k, but it can replace any major logging
API jar
that you might already have on your classpath, so you may find you save

For the time being my trivial class is just 2500 bytes, so as 'last ditch' (
 i.e. if pax or no others are available) it works OK but having something
 like pax as part of equinox impl would be nice.

FYI, it also works well with other OSGi frameworks, such as Knopflerfish and


 Stuart McCulloch wrote:

 On 09/10/2007, Scott Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks Niclas.
  I'm really looking for something much more trivial than Pax logging
  :) for the time being I implemented LogService myself.
  But thanks for the info, I may very well use Pax logging in the future.
  One question:  what does the Pax logging API bundle depend upon?  (i.e.
  extension registry?, others?).

 The Pax-Logging API bundle only has dependencies on the execution
 environment (ie. it needs
 the javax.xml.parsers and org.w3c.dom packages) and on the OSGi framework
 itself (only the
 org.osgi.framework, org.osgi.service.event and org.osgi.util.trackerpackages).

 It uses the OSGi service registry, rather than the Eclipse extension


  Niclas Hedhman wrote:
  On Tuesday 09 October 2007 04:28, Scott Lewis wrote:
   Is there any existing LogService implementation that just prints to
  System.out/System.err...that is in a bundle present for *all* Equinox
  impls (not just Eclipse)?
   Equinox in its purest form has no bundles in it besides the system bundle, 
  IIRC the internal Equinox logger is not exposed.
 That is, is there some basic LogService that can be used as a last-ditch
  logging mechanism (if no other LogService is available)?
   Pax Logging attempts to provide both OSGi Log Service functionality as 
  well as
  bridging of third-party legacy APIs such as;
   JDK Logging
   Jakarta Commons Logging
   Avalon Logging API
   KnopflerFish Log
  Pax Logging consists of 2 bundles. The API bundle must always be present and
  is what all the legacy code will 'bind' into when they lookup a logger the
  respective way. The Service bundle can come and go to allow for upgrade of
  the Log4J driven bakend, without taking down the entire application.
  When the Service is not available, the API will revert to System.out (a
  buffering version is under construction).
  You find Pax Logging at OPS4J,
  equinox-dev mailing list

 Cheers, Stuart


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Cheers, Stuart
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