Re: [equinox-dev] provisioning self hosting

2007-07-23 Thread Susan M Franklin
My biggest problem at the time was that I was running eclipse in ways I 
had not had to before:
- I usually run Eclipse application (workbench) launches, and using those 
OSGI and test launch configs was kind of bizarre.
- If the data is not set up propertly you get those 
RepositoryCreation/FileNotFound exceptions and then it's like...hmmm..what 
do I do now?
- I got confused by the startup sequence.  I had to manually start the 
bundles in my code the first time in order to get a provisioning console, 
but after that they were resumed, so the sequence and timing of getting 
those exceptions changed.  I'm not an OSGi hacker so I really didn't know 
how to diagnose or figure out how to debug things going on in startup. 
If the code could more gracefully handle missing xml files that would be a 
start (if there's no content.xml can we just assume an empty repository?)

Also the existing doc kind of scared me off, with all the discussion of 
workspace left/middle/right.  I'm still not sure I'm clear on the extra 
indirection of the middle workspace.   I think it would have been better 
to explain things a bit better, and in particular how often/necessary it 
is to update the provisioning code in workspace left if you are updating 
it in workspace middle.  As far as I understand, workspace middle is only 
necessary so that workspace right can be launched in the right way?  Or 
perhaps I still don't quite get it.

And...finally.. I think the terminology is a bit misleading because self 
hosting might imply self provisioning which we can do in a self hosting 
workspace, but not necessarily.

I would be happy to discuss one on one if you think it's helpful, as I was 
ignorant of all things provisioning and OSGI coming into this...


07/23/2007 08:56 AM
Please respond to Equinox development mailing list
To: Equinox development mailing list
Subject:Re: [equinox-dev] provisioning self hosting

Not sure I understand.  If one is writing some system that calls the 
provisioning API, they need to selfhost.  Such a person may have no 
interest in how provisioning works, writing tools for it, ...  They simply 
want to call the code to have things installed at runtime.  An example 
would be someone porting TOAST to use the new provisioning stuff.  They 
had their own provisioning, then put it one Update Manager and now want to 
put it on the new provisioning system.   They develop bundles that have 
nothing to do with provisioning but when they run they need to be able to 
dynamically install them without having to deploy or generate metadata 
manually or...  Code and run. 

The proviisoning Geting Started page is targetted at people looking to get 
started with the provisioning code.  By definition it seems then that they 
fall into the groups you have identified plus the folks I pointed out. Who 
else would be reading the getting started page? 

BTW, I have no problem splitting up the page but am not clear on how to do 

Pascal Rapicault/Ottawa/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
07/23/2007 09:02 AM 

Please respond to
Equinox development mailing list

Equinox development mailing list 
Re: [equinox-dev] provisioning self hosting

I helped Andrew O. with the self hosting setup and what became apparent at
that time was this is *not* a getting started scenario for someone just
willing to step through an installation. This setup is interesting for two
groups of people, the tool smiths willing to understand how provisioning
and PDE will be reconciliated in 3.4, and people willing to setup complex
provisioning scenario without writing metadata manually. However those
expectations were not clear, and scared people away from provisioning.

Rather than building up this page I would appreciate if you could split 
self hosting doc into its separate page.


Sent by: 
equinox-dev-bounc  cc 
  [equinox-dev] provisioning self 
07/22/2007 09:23  hosting 
Please respond to 
  mailing list 

In looking through provisioning bug reports recently there have been a few
cases where people have expressed frustration or problems with their
selfhosting setup.The configuration is currently quite 

Re: [equinox-dev] jetty 6 osgi support

2007-07-23 Thread Simon Kaegi
I think SocketFactory is one of the best candidates in the VM as an OSGi
Service. ;)

I would like to avoid doing anything global but perhaps per Http Service
instance we could allow using a discovered SocketFactory and then adding a
custom Connector to the Server(?)

What are your main use cases for this?
Setting up an SSLSocket or ?


p.s. I thought KF did a homegrown implementation. Is there new work going
on somewhere?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/23/2007 02:36:54 PM:

 One of the things I really like about the Knopflerfish
 implementation of this service (which also uses Jetty) is that they
 use the whiteboard pattern to retrieve a published SocketFactory
 service from the registry.  This allows me to set up the
 SocketFactory without complicated System properties, or even in the
 Config Admin (they still use the config admin, but it doesn?t set up
 the server socket).

 Speaking as a user of this service, this really is something that
 makes a huge difference in usability.

 On 7/23/07 11:22 AM, Gustavo Morozowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Simon,

 I got the supplied code working with the jetty 6.1.5 jars. Comparing
 it with the jetty 5 integration, I have some questions before
 submitting my patches:

 - I see that in the current jetty 5 integration you do not directly
 create instances of HttpServiceServlet, but uses a internal delegate
 that takes care of saving and restoring the current classloader for
 each servlet invocation. Why is this needed?

 - Also the current jetty 5 integration implements a
 ManagedServiceFactory from the Config Admin service, should I also
 implement it? How this service is used in equinox/eclipse?

 - there are mixed version numbers from the bundles that import
 javax.servlet: org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet declares version [2.
 3.0], the current jetty 5 integration declares imports for version
 [2.4.0] and the new jetty 6 jars depends on version [2.5.0] and
 supply another javax.servlet version. How is the best way to deal with



 Simon Kaegi wrote:
  Hi Gustavo,
  Starting from release 6.1.5 Jetty jars will ship with OSGI manifests.
  That's great news.
  I'm willing to integrate that with org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty, but
  That would be appreciated. Please open an enhancement request and
  your patches
  for a starting point you might want to look at an integration with
Jetty 6
  from a while back here -  https:

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