Re: Allen's lambda syntax proposal

2008-12-21 Thread Dave Herman
^ also has a slight resemblance to the greek lambda, which is the  
reason Haskell uses \.

As an aside, the circumflex is actually the precursor to lambda:

We end this introduction by telling what seems to be the story how  
the letter 'λ' was chosen to denote function abstraction. In Principia  
Mathematica the notation for the function f with f(x) = 2x + 1 is

2x + 1.

Church originally intended to use the notation


The typesetter could not position the hat on top of the x and placed  
it in front of it, resulting in

^x.2x + 1. Then another typesetter changed it into λx.2x + 1.

-- H. Barendregt, The Impact of the Lambda Calculus In Logic and  
Computer Science [1]



Es-discuss mailing list

Origins of lambda notation (was: Allen's lambda syntax proposal)

2008-12-21 Thread David-Sarah Hopwood
Dave Herman wrote:
 In Principia Mathematica the notation for the function f with f(x) = 2x + 1 is
 2x + 1.
 The typesetter could not position the hat on top of the x and placed it
 in front of it, resulting in ^x.2x + 1.

That's not quite right. In Principia Mathematica, x̂ was used for
class abstraction. For example x̂.x = y or x̂(x = y) would mean the
singleton class, in this case also a set, {y}. Gottlob Frege had
earlier used a half-ring or reversed-c above, e.g. x͗(x = y), for
essentially the same thing [Frege, 1902].

Since this is not the same as functional abstraction (but was similar
in the sense of being a variable-binding operator), Church deliberately
made the change to using a prefix operator; that step was not due to
typesetting considerations. As I posted before,

Felice Cardone, J. Roger Hindley,
History of Lambda-calculus and Combinatory Logic
2006, Swansea University Mathematics Department
Research Report No. MRRS-05-06.

# (By the way, why did Church choose the notation λ? In [Church, 1964, §2]
# he stated clearly that it came from the notation x̂ used for
# class-abstraction by Whitehead and Russell, by first modifying x̂ to
# ∧x to distinguish function-abstraction from class-abstraction, and
# then changing ∧ to λ for ease of printing. This origin was also
# reported in [Rosser, 1984, p.338]. On the other hand, in his later years
# Church told two enquirers that the choice was more accidental: a symbol
# was needed and λ just happened to be chosen.)

[Church, 1964] A. Church, 7 July 1964. Unpublished letter to Harald Dickson.

[Rosser, 1984] J. B. Rosser. Highlights of the history of the lambda
calculus. Annals of the History of Computing, 6:337–349, 1984.

[Frege, 1902] G. Frege, 1902. Letter to Russell. Reproduced in
Van Heijenoort, J. From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical
Logic, 1879-1931. AuthorHouse, December 6, 1999. ISBN 158348597X.

[If your email client doesn't display the above correctly:
  x̂ is an x with a hat operator (similar to a circumflex) above it.
  x͗ is an x with a reversed 'c', or half-ring open on the left, above it.
  ∧ is an upward-pointing wedge.
  λ is a lowercase Greek lambda.]

David-Sarah Hopwood

Es-discuss mailing list

Block exprs as better object literals (was: Semantics and abstract syntax of lambdas)

2008-12-21 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 6:22 AM, Dave Herman wrote:

 Lex Spoon wrote:

 So I would be interested in a simple syntactic form like Lex's suggestion.
 Imagine for a moment the following idea didn't cause parsing problems (it
 does, but bear with me). Say we had a sequence-expression form:

{ stmt; ... ; stmt; = expr }

 and then add two kinds of block literals, a block-statement form and a
 sequence-expression form:

^(x1,...,xn) { stmt; ... ; stmt }
^(x1,...,xn) { stmt; ... ; stmt; = expr }

 1. Tail position would only be a property of *expressions*, not statements
 [1]. That's simpler.
 2. There's no accidental return hazard because you have to explicitly use
 the = form.
 3. It doesn't break Tennent because the return position is a fixed part of
 the syntax, not a separate operator whose meaning gets captured by lambda.

 It does make lambda-as-control-abstraction a few characters more expensive.
 More immediately, this notation is obviously wildly conflicting with the
 object-literal syntax. I probably should leave it to the syntax warriors to
 figure out how to spell this in unambiguous ASCII. But there's the idea.

To postpone debate about concrete lexical syntax while I make a different
point, I will use reveal as a keyword meaning approximately what your =
means above; and lambda for your ^ above. Given

block ::= { statement* }
statement ::= ...
|reveal ( expr )
expr ::= ...
|lambda paramList? block
|let initList? block // let(...){...} desugars to

The notion of revealed value would replace the role of completion value
from your original lambda proposal. Revealing a value is not a control
transfer. It merely stores that value to become the revealed value of that
block. A reveal in a sub-block does not effect the revealed value of the
containing block, and may well be a static error. (completion value would,
unfortunately, continue to exist for legacy compatibility of uses of eval,
but would have no other role in the language.) Your two examples above

lambda(x1,...,xn) { stmt; ... ; stmt } // reveals nothing, i.e., like
reveal (undefined);
lambda(x1,...,xn) { stmt; ... ; reveal (expr) } // reveals value of expr

The reveal would not need to go last, but a given block could have a most
one: reveal ( expr ).

Peter Michaux makes an interesting proposal that I think can be combined
with the proposal above, by having reveal also do a job similar to Peter's
public. Block-expressions with reveals, could then be used instead of an
enhanced object literal for class-like instance declarations. That's why I
placed the mandatory (s in the above use of reveal, so I could make more
use of this keyword without ambiguity below. An alternate concrete syntax
could use two keywords (perhaps public?) or other syntax of course.

declaration ::=
 var ident (= expr)?
|const ident (: expr)? = expr
|let ident (: expr)? = expr
|function ident paramList block
|reveal declaration
|reveal ident paramList? block
 // desugars to[1] reveal const ident = lambda
paramList block
 // except that the revealed property in non-enumerable

The last two productions introduce the notion of a revealed declaration. A
given block can either
* reveal nothing (equivalent to reveal (undefined)),
* have exactly one reveal ( expr ),
* or have any number of revealed declarations

If a block contains revealed declarations, then the block's revealed value
is a new non-extensible object whose properties mirror these declared
variable names. A revealed const is simply a copy of the same value. For
var, let, and function, the property is an accessor property without a
setter, whose getter gets the named variable. Revealed functions and the
last (method) production create non-enumerable properties. The others are
enumerable. Revealed vars create configurable properties. The others are
non-configurable. Thus, in the absence of a revealed var, the revealed
object is frozen. Redoing Peter's example[2], we get

const Point = lambda(privX, privY) {
  let privInstVar = 2;
  const privInstConst = -2;
  reveal toString() { reveal ('' + getX() + ',' + getY() + '') };
  reveal getX() { reveal privX };
  reveal getY() { reveal privY };
  reveal let pubInstVar = 4;
  reveal const pubInstConst = -4;

Revealed declarations always desugar to object creation + property
definition + revealing the created object. So the above example would
desugar to

const Point = lambda(privX, privY) {
  let privInstVar = 2;
  const privInstConst = -2;
  const toString = lambda() { reveal ('' + getX() + ',' + getY() + '') };
  const getX = lambda() { reveal (privX) };
  const getY = lambda() { reveal (privY) };
  let pubInstVar = 4;
  const pubInstConst = -4;

Re: Block exprs as better object literals (was: Semantics and abstract syntax of lambdas)

2008-12-21 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

   reveal getX() { reveal privX };
   reveal getY() { reveal privY };

Oops. Should be

  reveal getX() { reveal (privX) };
  reveal getY() { reveal (privY) };

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