Re: [[CanPut]] semantics

2012-09-16 Thread Tom Van Cutsem

 On Sep 14, 2012, at 7:05 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Oliver Hunt wrote:

 My reading of [[CanPut]] implies that it only checks a single level of
 the prototype chain.  This seems incorrect to me but I thought I'd check
 whether it is in fact intentional, or whether it's a spec bug.

 See step 4 and later.

It's worth noting that the refactored [[Put]] algorithm at
(which should be behaviorally equivalent to the ES5 [[Put]] algorithm for
built-in objects) gets rid of [[CanPut]] and makes the proto-chain walk
much more explicit (see [[SetP]] steps 3,4 and 5).

I hope we can get these refactored algorithms in an ES6 draft soon. They're
some of the more fundamental algorithms of ECMAScript, so having more
eyeballs to scrutinize these algorithms would be good.

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Performance concern with let/const

2012-09-16 Thread Luke Hoban
We've begun deeper investigations of implementation practicalities related to 
let/const, and two significant performance concerns have been raised.  I think 
these both merit re-opening discussion of two aspects of the let/const design.

__Temporal dead zones__

For reference on previous discussion of temporal dead zone see [1].

I've expressed concerns with the performance overhead required for temporal 
dead zones in the past, but we did not at the time have any data to point to 
regarding the scale of the concern.  

As an experiment, I took the early-boyer test from V8 and changed 'var' to 
'let'.  In Chrome preview builds with 'let' support, I saw a consistent ~27% 
slowdown.  That is, the 'let is the new var' mantra leads to 27% slower code in 
this example for the same functionality.  

However, we are aware that there are a class of dynamic checks that can be 
removed by static analysis - in particular intra-procedural use before 
assignment checks.  We implemented these checks in a Chakra prototype, and even 
with these, we still see an ~5% slowdown.  

Our belief is that any further removal of these dynamic checks 
(inter-procedural checks of accesses to closure captured let references) is a 
much more difficult proposition, if even possible in any reasonable percentage 
of cases.  

Unless we can be sure that the above perf hit can indeed be easily overcome, 
I'd like to re-recommend that temporal dead zones for let and const be removed 
from the ES6 specification.  Both would remain block scoped binding, but would 
be dynamically observable in 'undefined' state - including that 'const' would 
be observable as 'undefined' before single assignment.  

In particular - the case against temporal dead zones is as follows:

1. The value of temporal dead zones is to catch a class of programmer errors.  
This value is not overly significant (it's far from the most common error that 
lint-like tools catch today, or that affects large code bases in practice), and 
I do not believe the need/demand for runtime-enforced protection against this 
class of errors has been proven.  This feature of let/const is not the primary 
motivation for either feature (block scoped binding, inlinability and errors on 
re-assignment to const are the motivating features).

2. The stated goal of 'let' is to replace 'var' in common usage (and if this is 
not the goal, we should not be adding 'let')

3. Unless the above performance hit can be overcome, and given #2 above, *let 
will slow down the web by ~5%*.

4. Even if the above performance hit can be (mostly) overcome with net new 
engine performance work, that is performance work being forced on engine 
vendors simply to not make the web slower, and comes at the opportunity cost of 
actually working on making the web *faster*.  

5. We are fairly confident that it is not possible to fully remove the runtime 
overhead cost associated with temporal dead zones.  That means that, as a rule, 
'let' will be slower than 'var'.   And possibly significantly slower in certain 
coding patterns. Even if that's only 1% slower, I don't think we're going to 
convince the world to use 'let' if it's primary impact on their code is to make 
it slower.  (The net value proposition for let simply isn't strong enough to 
justify this).

6. The only time-proven implementation of let/const (SpiderMonkey) did not 
implement temporal dead zones.  The impact of this feature on the practical 
performance of the web is not well enough understood relative to the value 
proposition of temporal dead zones.

__ Early Errors__

Let and const introduce a few new early errors (though this general concern 
impacts several other areas of ES6 as well).  Of particular note, assignment to 
const and re-declaration of 'let' are spec'd as early errors. 

 Assignment to const is meaningfully different than previous early errors, 
because detecting it requires binding references *before any code runs*.  
Chakra today parses the whole script input to report syntax errors, but avoids 
building and storing ASTs until function bodies are executed [2].  Since it is 
common for significant amounts of script on typical pages to be downloaded but 
not ever executed, this can save significant load time performance cost.  

However, if scope chains and variable reference binding for all scopes in the 
file need to be established before any code executes, significantly more work 
is required during this load period.  This work cannot be deferred (and 
potentially avoided entirely if the code is not called), because early errors 
must be identified before any code executes.

This ultimately means that any script which mentions 'const' will defeat a 
significant aspect of deferred AST building, and therefore take a load time 
perf hit.  

More generally - this raises a concern about putting increasingly more 
aggressive static analysis in early errors.  It may, for example, argue for a 
3rd error category, of errors that must 

About bugfix: For ISO 8601 syntax, Date.parse should accept in places where T is allowed

2012-09-16 Thread LittleQ
I made a patch for bug-791320 *[1]*, and somebody ask me to get opinions
from this mailing list.

This patch added support for accepting   in places where T is allowed
originally, will it cause any problem.

for example:

2012-12-12T12:12:12 and the derivation(append millisecond or timezone)
will be accepted.
2012-12-12 12:12:12 will be accepted after this patch

and these won't be accepted after this modifying:

2012-12-12A12:12:12 (A could be replaced by a-zA-Z)

any comment for this fixing?

Thanks, this is my first patch for firefox :) any advise will be welcome~

*[1] For ISO 8601 syntax, Date.parse should accept   in places where T
is allowed.: *

greeting: Have a nice day!,
name: Colin Su,
nickname: LittleQ,
title: [
[Genie Capital, Web Developer],
[National Chengchi University, Student, Computer Science Dept.
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