Re: Iteration of the Arguments object

2013-10-26 Thread Jason Orendorff
The minutes from the November 29, 2012 meeting say:


 Add iterator protocol to arguments object (should exist on all things.


 1. Iterator protocol
 2. Array-Like

 for-of  spread:

 1. Iterator protocol

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Working with grapheme clusters

2013-10-26 Thread Norbert Lindenberg
The internationalization working group is planning to support grapheme clusters 
through its text segmentation API - the strawman:

Note that Unicode Standard Annex #29 allows for tailored (language sensitive) 
grapheme clusters, which makes ECMA-402 a better fit than ECMA-262.


On Oct 24, 2013, at 7:02 , Claude Pache wrote:

 You might know that the following ES expressions are broken:
   text.charAt(0) // get the first character of the text
   text.length  100 ? text.substring(0,100) + '...' : text // cut the 
 text after 100 characters
 The reason is *not* because ES works with UTF-16 code units instead of 
 Unicode code points (it's just a red herring!), but
 because _graphemes_ (that is, what a human perceives as a character) may 
 span multiple code units and/or code points.
 For example, the letter n̈ (n with diaeresis) is coded using two code 
 points, namely 
 UTF-16 code units, 
 and it should be avoided to cut a string between these two codes in order to 
 keep the resulting text meaningful for humans.
 (Nota bene: I have carefully chosen a grapheme that exists in a current 
 written language and does not exist 
 as precomposed Unicode character.)
 The correct technical notion to use here, is the notion of grapheme 
 cluster, that is 
 a sequence of Unicode code points that represents a grapheme.
 See [UAX29] (Unicode Standard Annex #29: Unicode text segmentation), section 
 3, for more info.
 Therefore, I propose the following basic operations to operate on grapheme 
 (1) String.prototype.graphemeAt(pos)
 This method is similar to `String.prototype.charAt()`, but it returns a 
 grapheme cluster instead of a string 
 composed of a single UTF-16 code unit. More precisely, it returns the 
 shortest substring of `this` 
 beginning at position `pos` (inclusively) and ending at position `pos2` 
 (exclusively), where `pos2` is the 
 smallest position in `this` which is greater than `pos` and which is an 
 (extended) grapheme cluster boundary,
 according to the specification in [UAX29], section 3.1.
 If `pos` is out of bounds, an empty string is returned.
 (2) String.prototype.graphemes(start = 0)
 This method returns an iterator, enumerating the graphemes of `this`, 
 starting at position `start`. 
 Given the `String.prototype.graphemeAt` method as above,
 it could be approximatively expressed in ES6 as follows (ignoring edge cases):
   String.prototype.graphemes = function*(pos = 0) {
   pos = Math.floor(pos)
   if (pos  0 || Number.isNaN(pos))
   pos = 0
   while (pos  this.length) {
   let grapheme = this.graphemeAt(pos)
   pos += grapheme.length
   yield grapheme
 So, the two examples of the beginning of my message could be correctly 
 implemented as follows:
   text.graphemeAt(0) // get the first grapheme of the text
   // shorten a text to its first hundred graphemes
   var shortenText = ''
   let numGraphemes = 0
   for (let grapheme of text) {
   numGraphemes += 1
   if (numGraphemes  100) {
   shortenText += '…'
   shortenText += grapheme
 As a side note, I ask whether the `String.prototype.symbolAt 
 `/`` as proposed in a recent thread, 
 and the `String.prototype[@@iterator]` as currently specified, are really 
 what people need, 
 or if they would mistakenly use them with the intended meaning of 
 and `String.prototype.graphemes` as discussed in the present message?
 [UAX29]: Unicode Standard Annex #29: 
 Unicode text segmentation.
 es-discuss mailing list

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Re: Working with grapheme clusters

2013-10-26 Thread Norbert Lindenberg

On Oct 24, 2013, at 7:38 , Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Mathias Bynens wrote:
 Imagine you’re writing a JavaScript library that escapes a given string as 
 an HTML character reference, or as a CSS identifier, or anything else. In 
 those cases, you don’t care about grapheme clusters, you care about code 
 points, cause those are the units you end up escaping individually.
 Is that really a common operation? I would expect formatting,
 searching, etc. to dominate. E.g. whenever you do substr/substring you
 would want that to be grapheme-cluster aware.

There are cases where you don't care about grapheme clusters, e.g. if you want 
to replace any occurrence of { + varname + } in a string with the value of 
the variable named varname.

In cases where you do care about grapheme clusters, it's usually more efficient 
to search based on code points or code units first, and then check whether the 
substring found begins and ends on grapheme cluster boundaries (e.g., if a 
search for n finds the first character of Claude's example n̈, then you'll 
want to ignore that match).

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Working with grapheme clusters

2013-10-26 Thread Norbert Lindenberg

On Oct 25, 2013, at 18:35 , Jason Orendorff wrote:

 UTF-16 is designed so that you can search based on code units
 alone, without computing boundaries. RegExp searches fall in this

Not if the RegExp is case insensitive, or uses a character class, or ., or a 
quantifier - these all require looking at code points rather than UTF-16 code 
units in order to support the full Unicode character set.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Working with grapheme clusters

2013-10-26 Thread Bjoern Hoehrmann
* Norbert Lindenberg wrote:
On Oct 25, 2013, at 18:35 , Jason Orendorff wrote:

 UTF-16 is designed so that you can search based on code units
 alone, without computing boundaries. RegExp searches fall in this

Not if the RegExp is case insensitive, or uses a character class, or ., or a
quantifier - these all require looking at code points rather than UTF-16 code
units in order to support the full Unicode character set.

If you have a regular expression over an alphabet like Unicode scalar
values it is easy to turn it into an equivalent regular expression over
an alphabet like UTF-16 code units. I have written a Perl module that
does it for UTF-8,;
Russ Cox's is a popular
implementation. In effect it is still as though the implementation used
Unicode scalar values, but that would be true of any implementation. It
is much harder to implement something like this for other encodings like
UTF-7 and Punycode.

It is useful to keep in mind features like character classes are just
syntactic sugar and can be decomposed into regular expression primitives
like a choice listing each member of the character class as literal. The
`.` is just a large character class, and flags like //i just transform
parts of an expression where /a/i becomes something more like /a|A/.
Björn Höhrmann · ·
Am Badedeich 7 · Telefon: +49(0)160/4415681 ·
25899 Dagebüll · PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 · 
es-discuss mailing list

RE: Generic Bundling

2013-10-26 Thread François REMY
±  Because using a ZIP file is a bad practice we certainly should not
±  allow. As stated before, it will make the website slow [...]
± It seems what you're saying is that there are already superior ways to bundle
± JS modules and we don't need W3C to define another one.
± Perhaps—but this definitely has nothing to do with the ES module loaders
± proposal before TC39, which is bunding-system agnostic.
± We'll be working with the HTML standards folks to decide how the browser's
± default loader will work, but basically I expect it'll just fetch URLs. That 
± it'll support HTTP2 out of the box, if the server supports it, and zip urls 
± W3C decides to spec such a thing. Apps can of course customize the loader if
± they need some custom bundling scheme. So your beef is not with us or with
± the HTML WG but with the TAG—or wherever the work on zip urls is taking
± place these days (I really don't know).

I agree with you here. I think the word allow is an overstatement I didn't 
really intend. As I said further in the mail, a platform should always be 
flexible enough to make sure you can do something if you so want (i.e. with a 
Domain Controller). What I meant is indeed that the ZIP bundling is a 
measurably suboptimal practice overall and should not be promoted (i.e. made 
simpler than the state-of-art approach and/or mentioned as an acceptable 

If ZIP URLs are found necessary for other use cases and are added to the 
platform, there's no reason to ban them from the Module Loader spec. But it 
remains that it's not a good practice in most cases. 

Bundling in general is not going to be a valid approach for any purpose related 
to efficiency soon (except maybe archive-level compression where grouping 
similar files may improve compression rate slightly). My point is that I'm not 
sure it's worth exploring bundling in the case of new standards that are going 
to be used in a future that someone can expect to come after HTTP2 birth. 

My intuition is that by the time every browser supports ES6, they will most 
likely support HTTP2 too - most of the already support drafts of it. It's not 
sure that most servers will support HTTP2 at that time, though. Therefore, I 
don't say this approach isn't worth exploring at all, but it's a temporary 
solution at best.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Working with grapheme clusters

2013-10-26 Thread Jason Orendorff
On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 11:42 PM, Norbert Lindenberg wrote:

 On Oct 25, 2013, at 18:35 , Jason Orendorff wrote:

 UTF-16 is designed so that you can search based on code units
 alone, without computing boundaries. RegExp searches fall in this

 Not if the RegExp is case insensitive, or uses a character class, or ., or 
 a quantifier - these all require looking at code points rather than UTF-16 
 code units in order to support the full Unicode character set.

Can you explain this more?  ISTM case insensitive searches and
character classes don't require finding boundaries in the string being
searched. Matching /./ does, sometimes. The common use is /.*/ and in
that case you don't have to find all boundaries in the text being
matched, only at the end or (again, only in certain cases) if you have
to backtrack.

Of course all those things have code-point-oriented *semantics*, which
is great. But the implementation can be faster than that.

I'd like to know what you have in mind regarding quantifiers though.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Generic Bundling

2013-10-26 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 9:05 AM, François REMY wrote:

 Bundling in general is not going to be a valid approach for any purpose 
 related to efficiency soon (except maybe archive-level compression where 
 grouping similar files may improve compression rate slightly). My point is 
 that I'm not sure it's worth exploring bundling in the case of new standards 
 that are going to be used in a future that someone can expect to come after 
 HTTP2 birth.

This is a very narrow perspective. Bundling may not necessarily serve
the use cases that it currently serves once HTTP2 is deployed.
However, we should consider why real game engines use sprites, why
Java uses JAR files, and why native applications are constantly
reconsidering tradeoffs around single vs multiple dynamically-loaded
shared libraries -- all on local file systems. I/O isn't free,
multiple I/O requests are not free, and there will always be tradeoffs
in this space.

es-discuss mailing list

Object.create() VS functions

2013-10-26 Thread Michaël Rouges
Bonjour à tous,

`Knowing that every function is an object, I am surprised that the
Object.create() method doesn't really allow cloning function.

So I made ​​an implementation as follows:

`Object.create = (function () {
'use strict';

var slice,

slice = (function () {
var method;

method = [].slice;


curry = function curry(fn) {
var args;

args = slice(arguments, 1);

return function() {
return fn.apply(

getOwnPropertyNames = curry(Object.getOwnPropertyNames);

getOwnPropertyDescriptor = curry(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor);

defineProperty = curry(Object.defineProperty);

onProperty = function onProperty(prototype, property) {
var descriptor;

descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, property);

if (descriptor === undefined || descriptor.writable ||
descriptor.configurable) {
defineProperty(this, property,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, property));

onDescriptor = function onDescriptor(propertyDescriptors, property) {
defineProperty(this, property, propertyDescriptors[property]);

create = function create(prototype, propertyDescriptors) {
var returnValue, onProtoProperty, onPropertyDescriptor;

returnValue = prototype instanceof Function
? curry(prototype)
: {};

.forEach(onProperty.bind(returnValue, prototype));

if (typeof propertyDescriptors === 'object') {
.forEach(onDescriptor.bind(returnValue, propertyDescriptors));

return returnValue;

return create;

Is there a reason not to do that, please?

Thanks in advance.

Michaël Rouges - - @Lcfvs
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.create() VS functions

2013-10-26 Thread Brandon Benvie

On 10/26/2013 7:44 AM, Michaël Rouges wrote:
Knowing that every function is an object, I am surprised that the 
Object.create() method doesn't really allow cloning function.

Object.create creates Objects. You run into the same limitation when 
trying to create Arrays with Object.create (doesn't work correctly). 
You're looking for Function.create [1], which doesn't yet exist 
(although you can get pretty close using Proxies for functions).

[1] A sample implementation of Function.create can be found on

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Working with grapheme clusters

2013-10-26 Thread Bjoern Hoehrmann
* Claude Pache wrote:
You might know that the following ES expressions are broken:

   text.charAt(0) // get the first character of the text
   text.length  100 ? text.substring(0,100) + '...' : text // cut the 
 text after 100 characters

The reason is *not* because ES works with UTF-16 code units instead of 
Unicode code points (it's just a red herring!), but because _graphemes_ 
(that is, what a human perceives as a character) may span multiple 
code units and/or code points.

The example is deceptively simple. Truncating a string is a hard problem
and a high quality implementation would probably be language-specific to
avoid problematic truncations like when a suffix changes the meaning of
a prefix; it would also take special characters into account, say you do
not want the last character before the ... to be an open quote mark,
and if the string is 101 characters ending in ... turning that into a
string of 103 characters ending in . would also be silly.

Another issue that is often ignored is that you might want to use the
truncated text in combination with other text, say in a HTML document
with a more or permalink or some such link after it. Something like

  pABC #x202E; DEF #x202C; GHI a href='...'more/a/p
  pABC #x202E; DEF ...  a href='...'more/a/p

The second paragraph will render ABC erom ... FED because the control
character that restores the bidirectional text state got lost when the
string was truncated. These are all issues that counting graphemes in-
stead of 16 bit units does not address and it is not clear to me that it
would actually be an improvement.

User-perceived character is not an intuitive notion especially once
you leave the realm of letters from a familiar script. In a string that
contains 1 user-perceived character, what is the maximum number of zero-
width spaces in that string? The maximum number of scalar values? What
is the maximum width and maximum height of such a string when rendered,
the maximum number of UTF-8 bytes needed to encode such a string? Should
one perceive a horizontal ellipsis as three characters, or is it just
one? How many are two thin spaces?

My smartphone comes with a News application that displays the latest
headlines from various news sources and links to corresponding articles.
If you use it for a day or two you will notice that it's not of German
design, but one for a language that uses fewer or narrower grapheme
clusters per unit of information if you will. Many of the headlines do
not convey what the article might be about. A current example is 'Code-
name Lustre - Frankreich liefert' which is roughly 'code name lustre
- France supplies' ... what? What does France supply? Or Dortmund droht
historische Pleite im roughly Dortmund faces historic ... in where
Pleite could be bankruptcy, defeat, failure, ... could be sport,
could be finance, can't tell.

That makes the application rather frustrating to use with german news. I
imagine it works better with english headlines which tend to use fewer
grapheme clusters. So truncating news headlines after a certain number
of grapheme clusters untailored to the specific script and language is
not the right design choice. Actually, it might be truncated by pixel
measures because there is a visual space to fit, but english and german
are very similar in their pixels per grapheme cluster metrics...

So it seems rather unlikely for someone to say so we need the first 100
extended grapheme clusters as defined in UAX #29 of the string and then
someone responding yes, that is clearly the right solution.
Björn Höhrmann · ·
Am Badedeich 7 · Telefon: +49(0)160/4415681 ·
25899 Dagebüll · PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 · 
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.create() VS functions

2013-10-26 Thread David Bruant

Le 26/10/2013 15:44, Michaël Rouges a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,


`Knowing that every function is an object, I am surprised that the 
Object.create() method doesn't really allow cloning function.

I don't follow the logic of this sentence.
In any case, the purpose of Object.create is to create a normal object, 
that is an object as commonly understood when it comes to its own 
properties (no magic property like array's length), without private 
state (like Date objects) and that is not callable.

Also, Object.create does not create a clone, but a new object.

If you don't care about |this|, f2 = f.bind(undefined) can be considered 
as a way to clone a function.

  function f2(){
return f.apply(this, arguments);
works too.

  f2 = new Proxy(f, {})
is a form of function cloning as well.

Very much like object cloning, function cloning does not have one unique 

Is there a reason not to do that, please?
I would ask the opposite question: is there a reason to do that? Usually 
features are added because there is a driving use case which you haven't 

Also, usually, changing the semantics of an existing built-in isn't a 
good idea given that it may break existing code relying on it.

Last, if you can implement it yourself, why do you need it to be part of 
the language? There are hundreds of convenience functions that could be 
added. Why this one more than others?


es-discuss mailing list

RE: Object.create() VS functions

2013-10-26 Thread Nathan Wall
Before getting into the exact situation with `Object.create` and functions, the 
first thing to understand is that `Object.create(proto)` creates an object with 
prototype of `proto`.  As others have said, this is different from cloning.

Here's a simple example which should show the differences between the built-in 
`Object.create` and your version which creates a clone.

    var A = { foo: 1 },
        B = Object.create(A); = 7;
    console.log(; // = 7

With your version of `Object.create`, the last line would log `1` instead of 
`7`.  With built-in `Object.create` it's `7` because `A` is the prototype of 
`B`, so on property access all own properties of `B` are checked first and if a 
match isn't found then the properties of `A` are checked.

To continue the above example: = 8;
    console.log(; // = 8

    console.log(; // = 7

Make sense?


 Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:44:53 +0200 
 Subject: Object.create() VS functions 
 Bonjour à tous, 
 `Knowing that every function is an object, I am surprised that the 
 Object.create() method doesn't really allow cloning function. 
 So I made ​​an implementation as follows: 
 `Object.create = (function () { 
 'use strict'; 
 var slice, 
 slice = (function () { 
 var method; 
 method = [].slice; 
 curry = function curry(fn) { 
 var args; 
 args = slice(arguments, 1); 
 return function() { 
 return fn.apply( 
 getOwnPropertyNames = curry(Object.getOwnPropertyNames); 
 getOwnPropertyDescriptor = curry(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor); 
 defineProperty = curry(Object.defineProperty); 
 onProperty = function onProperty(prototype, property) { 
 var descriptor; 
 descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, property); 
 if (descriptor === undefined || descriptor.writable || 
 descriptor.configurable) { 
 defineProperty(this, property, 
 getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, property)); 
 onDescriptor = function onDescriptor(propertyDescriptors, property) { 
 defineProperty(this, property, propertyDescriptors[property]); 
 create = function create(prototype, propertyDescriptors) { 
 var returnValue, onProtoProperty, onPropertyDescriptor; 
 returnValue = prototype instanceof Function 
 ? curry(prototype) 
 : {}; 
 .forEach(onProperty.bind(returnValue, prototype)); 
 if (typeof propertyDescriptors === 'object') { 
 .forEach(onDescriptor.bind(returnValue, propertyDescriptors)); 
 return returnValue; 
 return create; 
 Is there a reason not to do that, please? 
 Thanks in advance. 
 Michaël Rouges - - @Lcfvs 
 ___ es-discuss mailing list   
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Object.create() VS functions

2013-10-26 Thread Michaël Rouges
Thank you for your answers.

Sorry for my misnomer, I meant to copy a function, not to clone a

In fact, it's been a while I do the technical research around the JavaScript
, and this research has led me to realize that there is no feature to simply
copy a function (or class) , including the properties thereof.

Regarding your exremièrement, there is a major difference between fn.bind()
and new Proxy(fn), fn.bind() doesn't copy the properties of the initial

Then, new Proxy(fn) doesn't allow to add properties to the returned function as
my Object.create().

@Nathan : Thanks, a little too excited in my mind, I have made ​​a mistake, I
will correct it. ;)

Michaël Rouges - - @Lcfvs
es-discuss mailing list

Proposal to simplify Generators impact

2013-10-26 Thread Lucio Tato
It's really needed to make js syntax more complex in order to implement
It's function* really needed?
can you just expose Generator as a core function?
can yield be a function-call-like-construct instead of a new language

function fibonacci() {
let [prev, curr] = [0, 1];
for (;;) {
[prev, curr] = [curr, prev + curr];

Generators can be iterated over in loops:

for (n of new Generator(fibonacci) {
// truncate the sequence at 1000
if (n  1000)

Generators are iterators:

let seq = new Generator(fibonacci);print(; //
1print(; // 2print(; // 3print(; //
5print(; // 8

Advantages: No new syntax, no function* (Cognitive dissonance, every good
C programmer can't stop reading function* as function pointer). No
yield new construction. No added complexity to the language syntax.

By not adding new elements and complexity to the language, you're keeping
it consistent.

By using new Generator(fn) to create a Object-Generator, you can also
expose a done property and other useful info in a standard way.

Note: why yield syntax should be like a function call:
In actual implementations (V8 --harmony) yield will return the value
passed in the call to .next

function giveNext(){ //generator
  let actual = 10;
  while (actual100){
   skip = yield(actual);
   actual = actual + skip || 5;
let seq = new Generator(giveNext);print(; //
10print(; // 15print(; // 35print(;
*// 40let* seq = new Generator(giveNext);
while (!seq.done)
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal to simplify Generators impact

2013-10-26 Thread Rick Waldron
On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Lucio Tato wrote:

 It's really needed to make js syntax more complex in order to implement
 It's function* really needed?

Yes, because `yield` is only reserved in strict mode code, which means this
is valid today:

  function g() { yield = 1; return yield; }

Since the starred generator function is a new syntactic form, there is no
existing code that it can possibly break by making yield a keyword.

 can you just expose Generator as a core function?
 can yield be a function-call-like-construct instead of a new language

No, because there may already be code that defines a function called
`yield`, which would be broken if suddenly yield was a special
language-owned function. Consider this:

  // your code defines this...
  function yield() { return Number.MAX_VALUE; }

  // you then include my library, which exposes this fibonacci():

 function fibonacci() {
 let [prev, curr] = [0, 1];
 for (;;) {
 [prev, curr] = [curr, prev + curr];

What does yield() do? It returns Number.MAX_VALUE every time.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Generic Bundling

2013-10-26 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
Is it possible to not put HTTP in the middle of your thoughts?

Why is **non HTTP** bundling a no go?

Don't you donwload a single blob to install chrome and then eventually have
incremental updates?

Why that single blob at the beginning should not be possible only in JS
since every other programming langauge has one and working without HTTP in
the middle? Without servers? Without an internet connection ?


On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:17 AM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 Ilya ... just to re-clarify what was the discussion about: Generic
 Bundling ... not HTTP Bundling.
 I don't know why many keep coupling and confining HTML5 over HTTP and
 nothing else.
 Bundling as you do with executables or apps, bundling as you send a
 single file update for your customer to replace instead of unzipping,
 overwriting each file, etcetera.
 Why is in your opinion bundling bad for non HTTP, offline, apps created
 using these technologies ?
 Every programming language I know have some bundle support that works as
 single package/file ... C has the executable, then we have phar, war, jar,
 python has many ... what about JS ? Won't work without HTTP ? Why ?

 I'm not saying it won't work. I'm saying there are many downsides to
 distributing large blobs of data. Case in point, once you start
 distributing large blobs, you'll soon realize that it sucks that you have
 to download the entire blob every time a single byte has changed. As a
 result, you end up developing binary-diff formats.. like Courgette [1] that
 we use to update Chrome. A much simpler solution for web apps is to do
 exactly what AppCache did, create a manifest which lists all the resources,
 and let HTTP do the rest: each file can be downloaded and updated
 individually, etc.



 On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Ilya Grigorik igrigo...@gmail.comwrote:

 + 1 to François's comments.

 You're not saying that gzipping and wise pre-fetching and parallel
 download of scripts don't improve page load times. Or are you?

 - We already have transfer-encoding in HTTP, and yes, you should
 definitely use it!
 - Prefetching is also an important optimization, but in the context of
 this discussion (bundling), it's an orthogonal concern.

 In the equation you paint above something important is missing: the
 fact that there's a round-trip delay per request (even with http2.0), and
 that the only way to avoid it is to bundle things, as in .zip bundling, to
 minimize the (number of requests and thus the) impact of latencies.

 With HTTP 1.x (and without sharding) you can fetch up to six resources
 in parallel. With HTTP 2.0, you can fetch as many resources as you wish in
 parallel. The only reason bundling exists as an optimization is to work
 around the limit of six parallel requests. The moment you remove that
 limitation, bundling is unnecessary and only hurts performance.

 And there's something else I think .zip bundling can provide that
 http2.0 can't: the guarantee that a set of files are cached by the time
 your script runs: with such a guarantee you could do synchronous module
 require()s, à la node.js.

 This is completely orthogonal... if you need to express dependencies
 between multiple resources, use a loader script, or better.. look into
 using upcoming promise API's. As I mentioned previously, bundling breaks
 streaming / incremental execution / prioritization.


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es-discuss mailing list

Re: Generic Bundling

2013-10-26 Thread François REMY
I can’t help but repeat, what you describe is called an app package format. 
Windows 8 has one, Chrome has one, Firefox OS has one; others may have one, 
too. There are discussions about a standardized app package format going on, 
but they are not happening on es-discuss. 

Why do you think this discussion belongs to es-discuss? Did I miss something?

De : Andrea Giammarchi
Envoyé : ‎samedi‎ ‎26‎ ‎octobre‎ ‎2013 ‎22‎:‎15
À : 'Ilya Grigorik'
Cc : es-discuss

Is it possible to not put HTTP in the middle of your thoughts?

Why is **non HTTP** bundling a no go?

Don't you donwload a single blob to install chrome and then eventually have 
incremental updates?

Why that single blob at the beginning should not be possible only in JS since 
every other programming langauge has one and working without HTTP in the 
middle? Without servers? Without an internet connection ?


On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:17 AM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

Ilya ... just to re-clarify what was the discussion about: Generic Bundling ... 
not HTTP Bundling.
I don't know why many keep coupling and confining HTML5 over HTTP and nothing 

Bundling as you do with executables or apps, bundling as you send a single file 
update for your customer to replace instead of unzipping, overwriting each 
file, etcetera.

Why is in your opinion bundling bad for non HTTP, offline, apps created using 
these technologies ?

Every programming language I know have some bundle support that works as single 
package/file ... C has the executable, then we have phar, war, jar, python has 
many ... what about JS ? Won't work without HTTP ? Why ?

I'm not saying it won't work. I'm saying there are many downsides to 
distributing large blobs of data. Case in point, once you start distributing 
large blobs, you'll soon realize that it sucks that you have to download the 
entire blob every time a single byte has changed. As a result, you end up 
developing binary-diff formats.. like Courgette [1] that we use to update 
Chrome. A much simpler solution for web apps is to do exactly what AppCache 
did, create a manifest which lists all the resources, and let HTTP do the rest: 
each file can be downloaded and updated individually, etc. 




On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:

+ 1 to François's comments.

You're not saying that gzipping and wise pre-fetching and parallel download of 
scripts don't improve page load times. Or are you?

- We already have transfer-encoding in HTTP, and yes, you should definitely use 

- Prefetching is also an important optimization, but in the context of this 
discussion (bundling), it's an orthogonal concern.


In the equation you paint above something important is missing: the fact that 
there's a round-trip delay per request (even with http2.0), and that the only 
way to avoid it is to bundle things, as in .zip bundling, to minimize the 
(number of requests and thus the) impact of latencies.

With HTTP 1.x (and without sharding) you can fetch up to six resources in 
parallel. With HTTP 2.0, you can fetch as many resources as you wish in 
parallel. The only reason bundling exists as an optimization is to work 
around the limit of six parallel requests. The moment you remove that 
limitation, bundling is unnecessary and only hurts performance. 


And there's something else I think .zip bundling can provide that http2.0 
can't: the guarantee that a set of files are cached by the time your script 
runs: with such a guarantee you could do synchronous module require()s, à la 


This is completely orthogonal... if you need to express dependencies between 
multiple resources, use a loader script, or better.. look into using upcoming 
promise API's. As I mentioned previously, bundling breaks streaming / 
incremental execution / prioritization. 


es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Generic Bundling

2013-10-26 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
Apologies, I just answered what Ilya answered but I'd like to see this
discussion ... where is this happening? Thanks a lot and send even off
thread if you can.

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 2:10 PM, François REMY wrote:

  I can’t help but repeat, what you describe is called an app package
 format. Windows 8 has one, Chrome has one, Firefox OS has one; others may
 have one, too. There are discussions about a standardized app package
 format going on, but they are not happening on es-discuss.

 Why do you think this discussion belongs to es-discuss? Did I miss

 *De :* Andrea Giammarchi
 *Envoyé :* samedi 26 octobre 2013 22:15
 *À :* 'Ilya Grigorik'
 *Cc :* es-discuss

 Is it possible to not put HTTP in the middle of your thoughts?

 Why is **non HTTP** bundling a no go?

 Don't you donwload a single blob to install chrome and then eventually
 have incremental updates?

 Why that single blob at the beginning should not be possible only in JS
 since every other programming langauge has one and working without HTTP in
 the middle? Without servers? Without an internet connection ?


 On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Ilya Grigorik igrigo...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:17 AM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 Ilya ... just to re-clarify what was the discussion about: Generic
 Bundling ... not HTTP Bundling.
 I don't know why many keep coupling and confining HTML5 over HTTP and
 nothing else.
 Bundling as you do with executables or apps, bundling as you send a
 single file update for your customer to replace instead of unzipping,
 overwriting each file, etcetera.
 Why is in your opinion bundling bad for non HTTP, offline, apps created
 using these technologies ?
 Every programming language I know have some bundle support that works as
 single package/file ... C has the executable, then we have phar, war, jar,
 python has many ... what about JS ? Won't work without HTTP ? Why ?

 I'm not saying it won't work. I'm saying there are many downsides to
 distributing large blobs of data. Case in point, once you start
 distributing large blobs, you'll soon realize that it sucks that you have
 to download the entire blob every time a single byte has changed. As a
 result, you end up developing binary-diff formats.. like Courgette [1] that
 we use to update Chrome. A much simpler solution for web apps is to do
 exactly what AppCache did, create a manifest which lists all the resources,
 and let HTTP do the rest: each file can be downloaded and updated
 individually, etc.



 On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Ilya Grigorik igrigo...@gmail.comwrote:

 + 1 to François's comments.

 You're not saying that gzipping and wise pre-fetching and parallel
 download of scripts don't improve page load times. Or are you?

 - We already have transfer-encoding in HTTP, and yes, you should
 definitely use it!
 - Prefetching is also an important optimization, but in the context of
 this discussion (bundling), it's an orthogonal concern.

 In the equation you paint above something important is missing: the
 fact that there's a round-trip delay per request (even with http2.0), and
 that the only way to avoid it is to bundle things, as in .zip bundling, to
 minimize the (number of requests and thus the) impact of latencies.

 With HTTP 1.x (and without sharding) you can fetch up to six resources
 in parallel. With HTTP 2.0, you can fetch as many resources as you wish in
 parallel. The only reason bundling exists as an optimization is to work
 around the limit of six parallel requests. The moment you remove that
 limitation, bundling is unnecessary and only hurts performance.

 And there's something else I think .zip bundling can provide that
 http2.0 can't: the guarantee that a set of files are cached by the time
 your script runs: with such a guarantee you could do synchronous module
 require()s, à la node.js.

 This is completely orthogonal... if you need to express dependencies
 between multiple resources, use a loader script, or better.. look into
 using upcoming promise API's. As I mentioned previously, bundling breaks
 streaming / incremental execution / prioritization.


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Generic Bundling

2013-10-26 Thread François REMY
I think it was once discussed at 


At some point there was also a community group but I’m not sure it’s still 
active; it published some interesting format comparisons:


There are a lot of links you can follow from there.

De : Andrea Giammarchi
Envoyé : ‎samedi‎ ‎26‎ ‎octobre‎ ‎2013 ‎23‎:‎29
À : François REMY
Cc : 'Ilya Grigorik', es-discuss

Apologies, I just answered what Ilya answered but I'd like to see this 
discussion ... where is this happening? Thanks a lot and send even off thread 
if you can.

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 2:10 PM, François REMY 

I can’t help but repeat, what you describe is called an app package format. 
Windows 8 has one, Chrome has one, Firefox OS has one; others may have one, 
too. There are discussions about a standardized app package format going on, 
but they are not happening on es-discuss. 

Why do you think this discussion belongs to es-discuss? Did I miss something?

De : Andrea Giammarchi
Envoyé : samedi 26 octobre 2013 22:15
À : 'Ilya Grigorik'
Cc : es-discuss

Is it possible to not put HTTP in the middle of your thoughts?

Why is **non HTTP** bundling a no go?

Don't you donwload a single blob to install chrome and then eventually have 
incremental updates?

Why that single blob at the beginning should not be possible only in JS since 
every other programming langauge has one and working without HTTP in the 
middle? Without servers? Without an internet connection ?


On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:17 AM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

Ilya ... just to re-clarify what was the discussion about: Generic Bundling ... 
not HTTP Bundling.
I don't know why many keep coupling and confining HTML5 over HTTP and nothing 

Bundling as you do with executables or apps, bundling as you send a single file 
update for your customer to replace instead of unzipping, overwriting each 
file, etcetera.

Why is in your opinion bundling bad for non HTTP, offline, apps created using 
these technologies ?

Every programming language I know have some bundle support that works as single 
package/file ... C has the executable, then we have phar, war, jar, python has 
many ... what about JS ? Won't work without HTTP ? Why ?

I'm not saying it won't work. I'm saying there are many downsides to 
distributing large blobs of data. Case in point, once you start distributing 
large blobs, you'll soon realize that it sucks that you have to download the 
entire blob every time a single byte has changed. As a result, you end up 
developing binary-diff formats.. like Courgette [1] that we use to update 
Chrome. A much simpler solution for web apps is to do exactly what AppCache 
did, create a manifest which lists all the resources, and let HTTP do the rest: 
each file can be downloaded and updated individually, etc. 




On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:

+ 1 to François's comments.

You're not saying that gzipping and wise pre-fetching and parallel download of 
scripts don't improve page load times. Or are you?

- We already have transfer-encoding in HTTP, and yes, you should definitely use 

- Prefetching is also an important optimization, but in the context of this 
discussion (bundling), it's an orthogonal concern.


In the equation you paint above something important is missing: the fact that 
there's a round-trip delay per request (even with http2.0), and that the only 
way to avoid it is to bundle things, as in .zip bundling, to minimize the 
(number of requests and thus the) impact of latencies.

With HTTP 1.x (and without sharding) you can fetch up to six resources in 
parallel. With HTTP 2.0, you can fetch as many resources as you wish in 
parallel. The only reason bundling exists as an optimization is to work 
around the limit of six parallel requests. The moment you remove that 
limitation, bundling is unnecessary and only hurts performance. 


And there's something else I think .zip bundling can provide that http2.0 
can't: the guarantee that a set of files are cached by the time your script 
runs: with such a guarantee you could do synchronous module require()s, à la 


This is completely orthogonal... if you need to express dependencies between 
multiple resources, use a loader script, or better.. look into using upcoming 
promise API's. As I mentioned previously, bundling breaks streaming / 
incremental execution / prioritization. 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal to simplify Generators impact

2013-10-26 Thread Lucio Tato
Rick: I understand. But it is always a trade-off.

If the reason to introduce a new construct is because there may already be
code that defines a function called `yield`, it seems to me as a bad
trade-off. (advantages vs disadvantages)

In your example...
function yield() {... - will raise a parsing error.

Anyway, there are other ways to solve that.
You can put the asterisk in yield instead of the important function.
It's a lot less confusing.

function fibonacci() {
let [prev, curr] = [0, 1];
for (;;) {
[prev, curr] = [curr, prev + curr];

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Lucio Tato wrote:

 It's really needed to make js syntax more complex in order to implement
 It's function* really needed?

 Yes, because `yield` is only reserved in strict mode code, which means
 this is valid today:

   function g() { yield = 1; return yield; }

 Since the starred generator function is a new syntactic form, there is no
 existing code that it can possibly break by making yield a keyword.

 can you just expose Generator as a core function?
 can yield be a function-call-like-construct instead of a new language

 No, because there may already be code that defines a function called
 `yield`, which would be broken if suddenly yield was a special
 language-owned function. Consider this:

   // your code defines this...
   function yield() { return Number.MAX_VALUE; }

   // you then include my library, which exposes this fibonacci():

  function fibonacci() {
 let [prev, curr] = [0, 1];
 for (;;) {
 [prev, curr] = [curr, prev + curr];

 What does yield() do? It returns Number.MAX_VALUE every time.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal to simplify Generators impact

2013-10-26 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
Another reason: you can’t have empty generators without marking them in some 

 On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Lucio Tato wrote:
 It's really needed to make js syntax more complex in order to implement 
 It's function* really needed? 

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal to simplify Generators impact

2013-10-26 Thread Till Schneidereit
On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 1:59 AM, Lucio Tato wrote:


Note that, in difference to `function* foo`, that is valid ES5. In fact, I
bet there is real code along the lines of `yield*(time - offset)` out there.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal to simplify Generators impact

2013-10-26 Thread Brendan Eich


Look (Licio), we've been over this many times, recorded here in 
es-discuss (directly in posts and in TC39 meeting notes). We are not 
adding generator syntax lightly. It is necessary to preserve backward 


Till Schneidereit
October 26, 2013 8:19 PM
On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 1:59 AM, Lucio Tato wrote:

es-discuss mailing list
Lucio Tato
October 26, 2013 7:59 PM
Rick: I understand. But it is always a trade-off.

If the reason to introduce a new construct is because there may 
already be code that defines a function called `yield`, it seems to me 
as a bad trade-off. (advantages vs disadvantages)

In your example...
function yield() {... - will raise a parsing error.

Anyway, there are other ways to solve that.
You can put the asterisk in yield instead of the important 
function. It's a lot less confusing.

function fibonacci() {
let [prev, curr] = [0, 1];
for (;;) {
[prev, curr] = [curr, prev + curr];

es-discuss mailing list
Rick Waldron
October 26, 2013 3:08 PM

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Lucio Tato wrote:

It's really needed to make js syntax more complex in order to
implement generators?
It's function* really needed?

Yes, because `yield` is only reserved in strict mode code, which means 
this is valid today:

  function g() { yield = 1; return yield; }

Since the starred generator function is a new syntactic form, there is 
no existing code that it can possibly break by making yield a keyword.

can you just expose Generator as a core function?
can yield be a function-call-like-construct instead of a new
language construction?

No, because there may already be code that defines a function called 
`yield`, which would be broken if suddenly yield was a special 
language-owned function. Consider this:

  // your code defines this...
  function yield() { return Number.MAX_VALUE; }

  // you then include my library, which exposes this fibonacci():

function  fibonacci()  {
 let  [prev,  curr]  =  [0,  1];
 for  (;;)  {
 [prev,  curr]  =  [curr,  prev  +  curr];

What does yield() do? It returns Number.MAX_VALUE every time.

es-discuss mailing list
Lucio Tato
October 26, 2013 1:01 PM

It's really needed to make js syntax more complex in order to 
implement generators?

It's function* really needed?
can you just expose Generator as a core function?
can yield be a function-call-like-construct instead of a new 
language construction?

function fibonacci() {
let [prev, curr] = [0, 1];
for (;;) {
[prev, curr] = [curr, prev + curr];

Generators can be iterated over in loops:

for (n of new Generator(fibonacci) {
// truncate the sequence at 1000
if (n  1000)

Generators are iterators:

let seq = new Generator(fibonacci);
print(; // 1
print(; // 2
print(; // 3
print(; // 5
print(; // 8

Advantages: No new syntax, no function* (Cognitive dissonance, every 
good C programmer can't stop reading function* as function pointer). 
No yield new construction. No added complexity to the language syntax.

By not adding new elements and complexity to the language, you're 
keeping it consistent.

By using new Generator(fn) to create a Object-Generator, you can 
also expose a done property and other useful info in a standard way.

Note: why yield syntax should be like a function call:
In actual implementations (V8 --harmony) yield will return the 
value passed in the call to .next


print(;// 10
print(;// 15
print(;// 35
print(;/// 40
while (!seq.done)

es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Proposal for new floating point and integer data types

2013-10-26 Thread Brandon Andrews
I've seen posts asking for optional strong typing (often relating to 
typescript), but not many asking for data types. I think since the process 
takes a while it would be a good idea to consider adding extra data types on 
top of the already existing dynamic ones. I'll keep each comment short since 
everyone here is probably familiar with how Actionscript did their type specs. 
I'd like to discuss proposing these data types to start:

single (32-bit IEEE 754)
double (64-bit IEEE 754 as an alias for Number)

These correspond to most computer hardware and have fairly standard instruction 
set operations on them. The goal here is mostly to bring ECMAScript closer to a 
generic bit based computer. These types are fairly standard across hardware and 
are well understood in other languages.

var foo: uint16 = 100;
var bar: uint64 = foo;
var baz = bar  58;

This would in turn expand things that JavaScript was never able to do, which is 
to work with 64-bit types. (The idea being this could be expanded later for 
higher bit types).

This would translate to functions:
function Foo(a: int32, b: int32): int32
    return a + b;
var foo = new function(): void { }

Then expanding more, users would be allowed to type functions making function 
parameters easy to understand:

function Foo(a: function(a: int32, b: int32): int32): void

Other type specifications allowed would be bool, string, and object with the 
concept that classes would fit seamlessly into the typing when added later.

Some specific rules would be applied. Integer data types would not throw 
exceptions when overflowing keeping them simple. Any binary operation would 
immediately convert a single and double type to corresponding uint32 and uint64 
data types.

The untyped Number data type would convert to any of the other types if 
possible. It would be up to the programmer to ensure a Number variable fits 
into the required data type.

var foo = 1000;
var bar: uint8 = foo; // 232

However a programmer could explicitly convert the type with the following 

var foo = (10 * 100): uint8;

This proposal would also include changes to Array, Map, and Set with a generic 
type syntax found in C#:
var foo = new Arrayint8(100); // Identical to Int8Array
var foo = new Arraystring, int8();
var foo = new Mapint32,object();
var foo = new Setobject();
It would work as one would expect only accepting a specifically defined type.

int and uint would correspond to big integer data types which would remove any 
current limitation with integer based math. they would support syntax for typed 
array like views.
var foo: uint = 9;
var bar: Arrayuint8 = foo;
var baz: uint8 = bar[0];

These views would also work with the non-big integer types. So:
var foo: uint32 = 42;
var bar: Arrayuint16 = foo;
var baz: uint16 = foo[0];

They would also be the only way to go from an uint32/64 and int32/64 to a 
single or double like:

var foo: uint32 = 42;

var bar: single = (foo: Arraysingle)[0];

While more verbose than other possible proposals it keeps with one syntax for 
all bitwise conversions.

The last edge case I'd like to cover is making the changes work with Math:

var foo: uint32 = 42;
var bar: single = Math.cos((foo * 42):double);

By default the return type would be inferred by the input type or storage type 
(in this case single) and the function would be overloaded for different 
inputs. As another example Math.min and Math.max would return their input data 
type rather than Number when the types are specified.

Benefits to this proposal would be easier optimization to map to hardware and 
operators. It would also help to alleviate the issues that caused the need for 
the TypeArray spec. That is allowing the user to work with types that map to 
native hardware on the CPU and GPU.

For developers who work with binary formats this simplifies the usage of 
integer and floats along with their respective binary operators.

The main issue I see is that big integers are niche so it might be a bit naive 
to include them, but it's something I'd prefer was included as it makes the 
language flexible for the future. The other issue is defining any type of 
generic syntax using  would need serious discussion if there are any issues 
making the system compatible.

Future additions this would allow would be function overloading, but I left 
that out as it complicates the proposal.

I've been looking through the archive for similar discussions as I assume 
something like this has been proposed before. If anyone has any related links 
that would be appreciated along with a discussion of issues or compatibility 
conflicts. (Or general feelings toward adding types in general as ECMAscript 
has been fairly unchanged over the years with regards to types).
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Working with grapheme clusters

2013-10-26 Thread Norbert Lindenberg

On Oct 26, 2013, at 5:39 , Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

 * Norbert Lindenberg wrote:
 On Oct 25, 2013, at 18:35 , Jason Orendorff 
 UTF-16 is designed so that you can search based on code units
 alone, without computing boundaries. RegExp searches fall in this
 Not if the RegExp is case insensitive, or uses a character class, or ., or 
 quantifier - these all require looking at code points rather than UTF-16 code
 units in order to support the full Unicode character set.
 If you have a regular expression over an alphabet like Unicode scalar
 values it is easy to turn it into an equivalent regular expression over
 an alphabet like UTF-16 code units. I have written a Perl module that
 does it for UTF-8,;
 Russ Cox's is a popular
 implementation. In effect it is still as though the implementation used
 Unicode scalar values, but that would be true of any implementation. It
 is much harder to implement something like this for other encodings like
 UTF-7 and Punycode.
 It is useful to keep in mind features like character classes are just
 syntactic sugar and can be decomposed into regular expression primitives
 like a choice listing each member of the character class as literal. The
 `.` is just a large character class, and flags like //i just transform
 parts of an expression where /a/i becomes something more like /a|A/.

OK, if Jason's comment was meant to say that RegExp searches specified based on 
code points can be implemented through an equivalent search based on code 
units, then that's correct. I was assuming that we're discussing API design, 
and requiring developers to provide those equivalent UTF-16 based regular 
expressions (as the current RegExp design does) is a recipe for breakage 
whenever supplementary characters are involved.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal to simplify Generators impact

2013-10-26 Thread Oliver Hunt

On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:59 PM, Lucio Tato wrote:

 Rick: I understand. But it is always a trade-off.
 If the reason to introduce a new construct is because there may already be 
 code that defines a function called `yield`, it seems to me as a bad 
 trade-off. (advantages vs disadvantages)
 In your example... 
 function yield() {... - will raise a parsing error.

You can’t make yield a reserved word — which is what you’re asking for here.  
This isn’t a matter of whether or not you use generators, it’s a matter of 
whether other code in the same environment ever uses a property named yield.  
All of the options necessarily require breaking yield in existing code

 Anyway, there are other ways to solve that.
 You can put the asterisk in yield instead of the important function. It's 
 a lot less confusing.
 function fibonacci() {
 let [prev, curr] = [0, 1];
 for (;;) {
 [prev, curr] = [curr, prev + curr];

This already parses a (yield)*(curr)

Please stop trying to get rid of the *, there isn’t any other viable option, 
and this has been covered ad nauseum on es-discuss

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Working with grapheme clusters

2013-10-26 Thread Norbert Lindenberg

On Oct 26, 2013, at 6:58 , Jason Orendorff wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 11:42 PM, Norbert Lindenberg wrote:
 On Oct 25, 2013, at 18:35 , Jason Orendorff 
 UTF-16 is designed so that you can search based on code units
 alone, without computing boundaries. RegExp searches fall in this
 Not if the RegExp is case insensitive, or uses a character class, or ., or 
 a quantifier - these all require looking at code points rather than UTF-16 
 code units in order to support the full Unicode character set.

 I'd like to know what you have in mind regarding quantifiers though.

When I write /{2}/, I mean //, but the current code unit based RegExp will 
interpret it as /\uDCA9/, which can't match any well-formed UTF-16 string.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal for new floating point and integer data types

2013-10-26 Thread Rick Waldron
Sorry for the top post, but I recommend reading this:


On Saturday, October 26, 2013, Brandon Andrews wrote:

 I've seen posts asking for optional strong typing (often relating to
 typescript), but not many asking for data types. I think since the process
 takes a while it would be a good idea to consider adding extra data types
 on top of the already existing dynamic ones. I'll keep each comment short
 since everyone here is probably familiar with how Actionscript did their
 type specs. I'd like to discuss proposing these data types to start:

 single (32-bit IEEE 754)
 double (64-bit IEEE 754 as an alias for Number)

 These correspond to most computer hardware and have fairly standard
 instruction set operations on them. The goal here is mostly to bring
 ECMAScript closer to a generic bit based computer. These types are fairly
 standard across hardware and are well understood in other languages.

 var foo: uint16 = 100;
 var bar: uint64 = foo;
 var baz = bar  58;

 This would in turn expand things that JavaScript was never able to do,
 which is to work with 64-bit types. (The idea being this could be expanded
 later for higher bit types).

 This would translate to functions:
 function Foo(a: int32, b: int32): int32
 return a + b;
 var foo = new function(): void { }

 Then expanding more, users would be allowed to type functions making
 function parameters easy to understand:

 function Foo(a: function(a: int32, b: int32): int32): void

 Other type specifications allowed would be bool, string, and object with
 the concept that classes would fit seamlessly into the typing when added

 Some specific rules would be applied. Integer data types would not throw
 exceptions when overflowing keeping them simple. Any binary operation would
 immediately convert a single and double type to corresponding uint32 and
 uint64 data types.

 The untyped Number data type would convert to any of the other types if
 possible. It would be up to the programmer to ensure a Number variable fits
 into the required data type.

 var foo = 1000;
 var bar: uint8 = foo; // 232

 However a programmer could explicitly convert the type with the following

 var foo = (10 * 100): uint8;

 This proposal would also include changes to Array, Map, and Set with a
 generic type syntax found in C#:
 var foo = new Arrayint8(100); // Identical to Int8Array
 var foo = new Arraystring, int8();
 var foo = new Mapint32,object();
 var foo = new Setobject();
 It would work as one would expect only accepting a specifically defined

 int and uint would correspond to big integer data types which would remove
 any current limitation with integer based math. they would support syntax
 for typed array like views.
 var foo: uint = 9;
 var bar: Arrayuint8 = foo;
 var baz: uint8 = bar[0];

 These views would also work with the non-big integer types. So:
 var foo: uint32 = 42;
 var bar: Arrayuint16 = foo;
 var baz: uint16 = foo[0];

 They would also be the only way to go from an uint32/64 and int32/64 to a
 single or double like:

 var foo: uint32 = 42;

 var bar: single = (foo: Arraysingle)[0];

 While more verbose than other possible proposals it keeps with one syntax
 for all bitwise conversions.

 The last edge case I'd like to cover is making the changes work with Math:

 var foo: uint32 = 42;
 var bar: single = Math.cos((foo * 42):double);

 By default the return type would be inferred by the input type or storage
 type (in this case single) and the function would be overloaded for
 different inputs. As another example Math.min and Math.max would return
 their input data type rather than Number when the types are specified.

 Benefits to this proposal would be easier optimization to map to hardware
 and operators. It would also help to alleviate the issues that caused the
 need for the TypeArray spec. That is allowing the user to work with types
 that map to native hardware on the CPU and GPU.

 For developers who work with binary formats this simplifies the usage of
 integer and floats along with their respective binary operators.

 The main issue I see is that big integers are niche so it might be a bit
 naive to include them, but it's something I'd prefer was included as it
 makes the language flexible for the future. The other issue is defining any
 type of generic syntax using  would need serious discussion if there are
 any issues making the system compatible.

 Future additions this would allow would be function overloading, but I
 left that out as it complicates the proposal.

 I've been looking through the archive for similar discussions as I assume
 something like this has been proposed before. If anyone has any related
 links that would be appreciated along with a discussion of issues or
 compatibility conflicts. (Or general feelings toward adding types in
 general as 

RE: Proposal for new floating point and integer data types

2013-10-26 Thread Domenic Denicola
Also, presented in convenient 
video form at

From: es-discuss [] On Behalf Of Rick 
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2013 00:06
To: Brandon Andrews
Subject: Re: Proposal for new floating point and integer data types

Sorry for the top post, but I recommend reading this:


On Saturday, October 26, 2013, Brandon Andrews wrote:
I've seen posts asking for optional strong typing (often relating to 
typescript), but not many asking for data types. I think since the process 
takes a while it would be a good idea to consider adding extra data types on 
top of the already existing dynamic ones. I'll keep each comment short since 
everyone here is probably familiar with how Actionscript did their type specs. 
I'd like to discuss proposing these data types to start:

single (32-bit IEEE 754)
double (64-bit IEEE 754 as an alias for Number)

These correspond to most computer hardware and have fairly standard instruction 
set operations on them. The goal here is mostly to bring ECMAScript closer to a 
generic bit based computer. These types are fairly standard across hardware and 
are well understood in other languages.

var foo: uint16 = 100;
var bar: uint64 = foo;
var baz = bar  58;

This would in turn expand things that JavaScript was never able to do, which is 
to work with 64-bit types. (The idea being this could be expanded later for 
higher bit types).

This would translate to functions:
function Foo(a: int32, b: int32): int32
return a + b;
var foo = new function(): void { }

Then expanding more, users would be allowed to type functions making function 
parameters easy to understand:

function Foo(a: function(a: int32, b: int32): int32): void

Other type specifications allowed would be bool, string, and object with the 
concept that classes would fit seamlessly into the typing when added later.

Some specific rules would be applied. Integer data types would not throw 
exceptions when overflowing keeping them simple. Any binary operation would 
immediately convert a single and double type to corresponding uint32 and uint64 
data types.

The untyped Number data type would convert to any of the other types if 
possible. It would be up to the programmer to ensure a Number variable fits 
into the required data type.

var foo = 1000;
var bar: uint8 = foo; // 232

However a programmer could explicitly convert the type with the following 

var foo = (10 * 100): uint8;

This proposal would also include changes to Array, Map, and Set with a generic 
type syntax found in C#:
var foo = new Arrayint8(100); // Identical to Int8Array
var foo = new Arraystring, int8();
var foo = new Mapint32,object();
var foo = new Setobject();
It would work as one would expect only accepting a specifically defined type.

int and uint would correspond to big integer data types which would remove any 
current limitation with integer based math. they would support syntax for typed 
array like views.
var foo: uint = 9;
var bar: Arrayuint8 = foo;
var baz: uint8 = bar[0];

These views would also work with the non-big integer types. So:
var foo: uint32 = 42;
var bar: Arrayuint16 = foo;
var baz: uint16 = foo[0];

They would also be the only way to go from an uint32/64 and int32/64 to a 
single or double like:

var foo: uint32 = 42;

var bar: single = (foo: Arraysingle)[0];

While more verbose than other possible proposals it keeps with one syntax for 
all bitwise conversions.

The last edge case I'd like to cover is making the changes work with Math:

var foo: uint32 = 42;
var bar: single = Math.cos((foo * 42):double);

By default the return type would be inferred by the input type or storage type 
(in this case single) and the function would be overloaded for different 
inputs. As another example Math.min and Math.max would return their input data 
type rather than Number when the types are specified.

Benefits to this proposal would be easier optimization to map to hardware and 
operators. It would also help to alleviate the issues that caused the need for 
the TypeArray spec. That is allowing the user to work with types that map to 
native hardware on the CPU and GPU.

For developers who work with binary formats this simplifies the usage of 
integer and floats along with their respective binary operators.

The main issue I see is that big integers are niche so it might be a bit naive 
to include them, but it's something I'd prefer was included as it makes the 
language flexible for the future. The other issue is defining any type of 
generic syntax using  would need serious discussion if there are any issues 
making the system compatible.

Future additions this would allow would be function overloading, but I left 
that out as it