Re: Proposal: export ** from './FooBar'

2019-03-02 Thread Jordan Harband adds `export * as someName from
'path'`; is the
proposal that you're looking for.

On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 6:48 AM Mike Samuel  wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 1:35 AM Cyril Auburtin 
> wrote:
>> Sometimes, (particularly in React codebases) you have to write many lines
>> like:
>> ```js
>> export { default as FooBar } from './FooBar';
>> ```
>> It could be automated of course
>> It could also be tuned into
>> ```js
>> export * from './FooBar';
>> ```
>> only if FooBar is also a named export in that file, but usually files
>> with one export just use a default export
>> --
>> This proposed syntax:
>> ```js
>> export ** from './FooBar';
>> ```
>> Would do:
>> ```js
>> export * from './FooBar';
>> export { default as FooBar } from './FooBar';
>> ```
>> the filename is used as default export name.
>> If the filename isn't a valid JS identifier, like 'foo-bar' for example,
>> it would throw
> ES doesn't impose many constraints on the string content of a module
> specifier but in practice it maps fairly directly to a URL per
> so filename is probably broadly available.
> Would this use the filename from the module specifier or from the URL
> (assuming import.meta.url)?
> IIRC, only the module specifier is available within ES currently.
> The translation between specifiers and URLs (if that happens) is up to a
> host callback (HostResolveImportedModule) and does not surface inside the
> ES engine.
> That import.meta.url exists is up to another host callback so assuming
> it's existence might require constraining host implementations of
> HostGetMetaProperties(?).
> What would this do when import.meta.url/specifier has a query part, or
> that look like a non-hierarchical URL?
> export ** from "path?foo=bar";
> export ** from "?foo=bar";
> export ** from "data:application/javascript+module,export default
> null;"
> Does anyone know if existing CDNs use the path component for something
> other than the path contributed by the uploader and expect the original
> filename in the query, like
> host.cdn/path/to/tarball?p=path/within/tarball.js ?
>> ___
>> es-discuss mailing list
> ___
> es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: switch expressions

2019-03-02 Thread Isiah Meadows
IIUC the "object dispatch integer"/"object dispatch string" benchmarks
are the things you were referring to. Those simulate what the engine
would see with virtual dispatch and completely different type maps,
just without the source overhead of creating an entire class just for
a little benchmark.

And also, engines *won't* be able to optimize them generally, because
there could be infinitely many type maps, and after about 200 or so
types, the `switch` statement ends up *much* slower.


Isiah Meadows

On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 3:43 AM Naveen Chawla  wrote:
> I don't think those benchmarks test exactly what we are talking about. They 
> have a dictionary/array look up followed by method dispatch, vs switch case 
> and execute. Removing the look up it would be: `x.doStuff()` vs 
> `switch(x.type)...`. Make sense? Don't have time to do it right now.
> Logically I think the JS engine can make them perform identically, so even if 
> benchmarks show something today, I would not be concerned for the future and 
> so would prefer to opt for the paradigm that offers the best manageability, 
> which I think is inheritance by a significant margin, in the cases mentioned. 
> Other types of cases could of course be a whole different story.
> On Sat, 2 Mar 2019, 5:24 am Isiah Meadows,  wrote:
>> > It would be unthinkable for it to use pattern matching or explicit code 
>> > branchinI'm g instead of method inheritance for type disambiguation during 
>> > render
>> But it frequently does internally. For example:
>> - Calculating object projections:
>> - Rendering object *lists*:
>> - Setting the rendering mode and controlling basic rendering:
>> Obviously, it exposes a data-oriented, object oriented API. And it
>> does appear it's not *exclusively* conditionals:
>> - It invokes an dynamic `render` method for "immediate render
>> objects": 
>> - In `renderBufferDirect`, it does virtual method dispatch on `render`
>> based on one of two possible types, but it otherwise uses conditionals
>> for everything:\*
>> - It uses a fair bit of functional programming in `compile`:
>> However, I'm finding exceptions in its core and renderers, and it
>> doesn't appear virtual dispatch is *that* broadly and pervasively
>> used, even though it uses methods a lot.
>> \* This seems like overkill when the diff between the two renderers in
>> question [1] [2] consist of an extra method + 2 extra variables [3]
>> [4], a few changed method invocations [5] [6], and the rest just due
>> to a different name and a useless `var`.
>> [1]: 
>> [2]: 
>> [3]: 
>> [4]: 
>> [5]: 
>> [6]: 
>> > I'm curious where you got the idea that method invocation is "far" slower 
>> > than explicit code branching?
>> - In C++:
>> - JS benchmark with 4 variants (typed method dispatch is polymorphic):
>> - JS benchmark with 12 variants (typed method dispatch is
>> megamorphic):
>> And in my experience, the speed difference in real-world
>> performance-critical code is not unlike that microbenchmark and is
>> sometimes even more drastic, especially if it's a linked list instead
>> of just a simple array lookup.
>> I'd like to emphasize I'm specifically referring to the case where the
>> engine can't reliably assume a single method receiver, i.e. when it
>> *has* to fall back to dynamic dispatch.
>> -
>> Isiah Meadows
>> On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 6:25 AM Naveen Chawla  wrote:
>> >
>> > The entire renderers, cameras, meshes etc. hierarchy uses method 
>> > inheritance and many of those methods are called during scene rendering 
>> > (which is performance sensitive as it happens per frame). It would be 
>> > unthinkable for it to use