Re: RegExp.escape

2015-06-12 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
I made an initial repo

I've added a reference to that gist - I'll start poking around and have
scheduled to meet with some local people interested in helping next week.
I'll keep you updated.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 9:57 PM, Juriy Zaytsev wrote:

 I made this gist back in the days —
 — and I believe Rick was going to bring it up at one of the meetings. I
 don't have time to set up repo and work with TC39 member so if you can
 continue carrying that torch, that would be awesome!


 On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 2:52 PM, Benjamin Gruenaum

 You know what? Why not. I'm going to try to champion this.

 I talked to Domenic and he said he's willing to help me with this which
 is a big help (this would be my first time).

 I'll open a GitHub repo and see what I can come up with.

 es-discuss mailing list

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Re: `new Object` vs `Object` difference

2015-06-12 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
That's good to know and it's good to know I'm not the first one to spot

While we're visiting the spec on that:

Why is it specified that When called as a constructor it creates a new
ordinary object. When Object is called as a function rather than as a
constructor, it performs a type conversion. - wouldn't it make more sense
to remove that or specify behaves the same way?

Where is it actually explained what Object does when called as a

The difference - at least in the phrasing of Object vs Array seems to be
just as present in the latest spec draft from what I can tell.

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 12:38 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock

 ES6 eliminates the (possible) special treatment of host objects passed as
 the argument to the Object constructor. As far as anybody seems to know, no
 implementation had ever made use of that allowance.

 The ES6 spec. also unifies the [[Call]] and [[Constructor]] behavior of
 Object into a single algorithm
 ES6  unifies all  [[Call]] and [[Construct]] algorithms for built-in
 constructors in this same manner.


 On Jun 12, 2015, at 1:19 PM, Benjamin Gruenaum wrote:

 Ok, so I gave this a few hours in the open.

 So, I'm looking at the ES5 specification (also checked the current ES
 draft which is similar) at the definition of what new Object and Object do.
 To my surprise:

 - `new Object` describes a whole algorithm of how the object constructor
 works - treating what happens with different kinds of values. Basically
 calls `ToObject` on non objects - identity on objects and builds on null
 and undefined.
  - `Object` has a special first step for null and undefined where it
 builds an object and then calls `ToObject` on primitives and identity on

 After reading the description a few times - they seem identical. However,
 clearly from the spec they do *something* different. For example in Array -
 calling new Array is specified as the function call Array(…) is equivalent
 to the object creation expression new Array(…) with the same arguments.`

 The only difference I've been able to identify with the help of a friend
 is that the behaviour can be different on host objects. Where `Object` must
 return the same host object and `new Object` _may_ return the same host

 I've taken a look at the ES3 specification and it too uses the same
 definition so I suspect this is something that has been there for a long

  - Why are `Object` and `new Object` specified differently?
  - If there is no actual reason, can the definition be simplified for the
 next version of the spec? (I think simplifying the spec is important and
 possibly underrated)

 Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.

 Originally asked on Stack Overflow -
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: `new Object` vs `Object` difference

2015-06-12 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
Thanks, Array and Function (as well as RegExp) actually directly specify
that calling them with and without new produces equivalent results where
`Object` doesn't and actually has a hole (in what it _may_ do to host

It's just baffling that `Object` is defined so differently. I wonder if
there are old browsers that differ on this, or there is a bigger reason for
this behaviour.

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 12:05 AM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 I think historically `Array`, `Function`, and `Object` can be used with or
 without `new` and the result is exactly the same ... since, about, ever.

 Agreed if that's actually indeed the case, we could have just one
 definition for those 3 constructors (not just Object)


 On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 10:19 PM, Benjamin Gruenaum

 Ok, so I gave this a few hours in the open.

 So, I'm looking at the ES5 specification (also checked the current ES
 draft which is similar) at the definition of what new Object and Object do.
 To my surprise:

 - `new Object` describes a whole algorithm of how the object constructor
 works - treating what happens with different kinds of values. Basically
 calls `ToObject` on non objects - identity on objects and builds on null
 and undefined.
  - `Object` has a special first step for null and undefined where it
 builds an object and then calls `ToObject` on primitives and identity on

 After reading the description a few times - they seem identical. However,
 clearly from the spec they do *something* different. For example in Array -
 calling new Array is specified as the function call Array(…) is equivalent
 to the object creation expression new Array(…) with the same arguments.`

 The only difference I've been able to identify with the help of a friend
 is that the behaviour can be different on host objects. Where `Object` must
 return the same host object and `new Object` _may_ return the same host

 I've taken a look at the ES3 specification and it too uses the same
 definition so I suspect this is something that has been there for a long

  - Why are `Object` and `new Object` specified differently?
  - If there is no actual reason, can the definition be simplified for the
 next version of the spec? (I think simplifying the spec is important and
 possibly underrated)

 Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.

 Originally asked on Stack Overflow -

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

`new Object` vs `Object` difference

2015-06-12 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
Ok, so I gave this a few hours in the open.

So, I'm looking at the ES5 specification (also checked the current ES draft
which is similar) at the definition of what new Object and Object do. To my

- `new Object` describes a whole algorithm of how the object constructor
works - treating what happens with different kinds of values. Basically
calls `ToObject` on non objects - identity on objects and builds on null
and undefined.
 - `Object` has a special first step for null and undefined where it builds
an object and then calls `ToObject` on primitives and identity on objects.

After reading the description a few times - they seem identical. However,
clearly from the spec they do *something* different. For example in Array -
calling new Array is specified as the function call Array(…) is equivalent
to the object creation expression new Array(…) with the same arguments.`

The only difference I've been able to identify with the help of a friend is
that the behaviour can be different on host objects. Where `Object` must
return the same host object and `new Object` _may_ return the same host

I've taken a look at the ES3 specification and it too uses the same
definition so I suspect this is something that has been there for a long

 - Why are `Object` and `new Object` specified differently?
 - If there is no actual reason, can the definition be simplified for the
next version of the spec? (I think simplifying the spec is important and
possibly underrated)

Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.

Originally asked on Stack Overflow -
es-discuss mailing list

Re: RegExp.escape

2015-06-12 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
You know what? Why not. I'm going to try to champion this.

I talked to Domenic and he said he's willing to help me with this which is
a big help (this would be my first time).

I'll open a GitHub repo and see what I can come up with.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: RegExp.escape

2015-06-12 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
Reviving this, a year passed and I think we still want this.

We have even more validation than we had a year ago (added by libraries
like lodash) and this is still useful.

What would be the required steps in order to push this forward to the
ES2016 spec?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: When should we define a function as async

2015-06-03 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
 If you want a special Promise (subclass or extended), you should not use
async function since it casts the return value to a standard Promise

Right, there was a proposal that let you override how await works ( but I don't think it's
currently actively persued (Jafar, feel free to correct me here).

 If you want to return a promise and attach callbacks to it (not returning
promise that spawns by then), you should not use async

This is also correct.

  it’s quite hard to determines if one method is actual async (with
Promise) or sync (immediately return values), so I may preferr to mark all
async function async for better read experience

I don't think the distinction is correct. For the consumer - it is
irrelevant if a function is async or just returns a promise. If you're
writing an API and your function _sometimes_ return promises it is best to
make them always return promises - more generally if a function is
sometimes asynchronous (with callbacks too) it should always be

 Never write return await xxx;, it seems useless either xxx is a promise
or not

Yes, unless of course you're also doing other things inside the function.

 Anyway this is not an issue about spec itself, it’s more like an open
discussion, thanks for reply :)

Correct - I'm in no position to tell you what you can and cannot do but in
the future I think it is best to ask these questions in Stack Overflow, IRC
and on discussion groups. If you have issues about style, usage or anything
else that is not the spec it is best to keep them off esdiscuss which is
quite a noisy list anyway :)

Feel free to send me an email (rather than the whole list) if you have
other issues with `async` that are not spec related.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: When should we define a function as async

2015-06-03 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
A function needs to be defined `async` if you intend to possibly use the
await keyword inside it.

 If a function is returning Promise, it MUST be async If a function
depends on an async function, it **MUST be async A further question could
be, if one function only contains some simple then calls to promise, should
it become an async function and use await in all possible cases to
eliminate then calls?

No, it's possible to have legitimate use cases where this is not the case,
for example:

async function foo() { ...}  // queries an API

async function bar() { ... } // queries an API

function fooBar() {
return Promise.all([foo(), bar()]);

It's a contrived simplified example but the point is you might have
functions that work on promises that should not themselves be `async`.

For example, in your updateUser function, you can remove `async` and
`await` and get the same value (as you observed in growUp1).

To clarify, there is no _semantic_ distinction in your examples between an
async function and a regular function that returns a promise - it's just
syntax sugar - just like generators and regular functions that return
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Promise sub-class: super((resolve, reject) = this) ?

2015-06-03 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
Am I missing something obvious in `super((resolve, reject) = this)` ?

First of all, it makes perfect sense for `this` not work work before super
has been called - and it has not been called yet. I think that the crux is
that the promise constructor runs _synchronously_ so when you pass it
`this` it has not finished running yet.

Of course, the workaround as domenic has pointed is to extract `resolve`
and `reject` from the `super` call since it is synchronous.

(also I'm assuming you're not really mapping `(resolve, reject)` to `this`?
`this` is an object and the promise constructor ignores return values
anyway, you might as well pass a no-op in.)
es-discuss mailing list

Actual WeakSet Use Cases

2015-06-02 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
So umm... not to be annoying but I've been digging through esdiscuss and
various blog posts online. I couldn't really find any use case for WeakSet
(plenty of threads about naming things :P).

Most material about it online fails to distinguish it from what one would
use a regular Set for. All the use cases I know for `WeakSet` for tagging
objects aren't really relevant in JS (for example - in shared memory
threading scenarios).

Can someone show me a convincing actual use case for WeakSet that can't
better be solved without it?

Thanks, and sorry,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Actual WeakSet Use Cases

2015-06-02 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
Thanks Domenic,

Elaborating on your example with more details. Let's say you need to make
sure at a certain point that an object has not been tinkered with by user
code (for security reasons). You can't check the prototype or a symbol
since those can be faked and you can't keep a regular `Set` because that
would prevent any `Foo` object from ever being garbage collected.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal to add EventEmitter to core [ES7]

2015-06-01 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
Note that when/if observables land we get an event-emitter mechanism in the
language anyway.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Consider javascript already support for default parameters, so maybe we can use the default parameter to specify the strong type.

2015-05-18 Thread Benjamin Gruenaum
What about non-default parameters?
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