Re: Mootools and String.prototype.contains

2012-10-15 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 13/10/12 11:47, David Bruant wrote:

2012/10/12 Geoffrey

On 12/10/12 14:50, David Bruant wrote:

I was looking at Bugzilla and came across two bugs [1] [2] related to
Mootools-based (only Mootools 1.2-) websites being broken by the inclusion
of String.prototype.contains in SpiderMonkey.
I don't think it's been brought to the list yet, though I think it's

Given there were similar issues with Function.prototype.bind in the same
release of Mootools, I'm inclined to let it slide: Mootools 1.2 already
broke given ES5, and that was pushed through regardless.

By intuition, I'd say there is much more code with mystring.contains than
uses of myfunction.bind and so pushing .contains may have more impact than
.bind did.
But that's just an intuition.

My memory was Mootools itself depended on bind, so it was significantly 
more that broke, thus my conclusion. Someone (probably me!) should check 
what it was that actually broke, exactly. :)

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Mootools and String.prototype.contains

2012-10-12 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 12/10/12 14:50, David Bruant wrote:

I was looking at Bugzilla and came across two bugs [1] [2] related to
Mootools-based (only Mootools 1.2-) websites being broken by the inclusion
of String.prototype.contains in SpiderMonkey.
I don't think it's been brought to the list yet, though I think it's

Given there were similar issues with Function.prototype.bind in the same 
release of Mootools, I'm inclined to let it slide: Mootools 1.2 already 
broke given ES5, and that was pushed through regardless.

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Re: On __proto__ as a magical data property

2012-07-19 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 18/07/12 21:28, Brendan Eich wrote:

Ollie: IIRC, JSC used to do what Rhino still does (last I looked):
specialize __proto__ in the compiler or runtime (but either way, ahead
of property lookup). True?

That's definitely not on the table. Accessor vs. magic data property is
the high-order choice, which at the May TC39 meeting we made in favor of
magic data property.

This is the same as what Carakan had until recently (it was 
special-cased in both the compiler and property lookup, the latter 
needed to handle cases where it wasn't statically determinable).

From my point of view, what we have now is entirely less powerful than 
what we had previously, having an accessor property that can be deleted 
and having a setter that cannot be accessed (set on the property 
descriptor is poisoned). The latter is mainly done for the sake of not 
having a context check in [[ProtoSetter]], as the strawman:__proto__ 
accessor alternative had — we simply don't have the context for most 
objects, and I loath the add the overhead of it. Making the setter 
inaccessible resolves the SES concerns without adding further overhead 
(excluding the one extra branch in Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) in 
code that does that does not use __proto__.

One of the concerns raised before was mutating prototypes of host 
objects: this has always been possible in Carakan and hasn't caused any 
issues, so I don't see any reason to remove this capability. Given we've 
had issues before with the overridden [[Get]], [[Put]], etc. not 
special-casing everywhere correctly, I'd much rather minimize 
special-casing and use an accessor property.

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Error stack

2012-06-10 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 07/06/12 21:12, Jason Orendorff wrote:

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Erik  wrote:

  I wrote a new strawman for Error stack which is now available in some
  form in all major browser (if betas are considered).

  Feedback wanted.

This isn't machine parseable in all cases, since the .message may
contain newlines and can end with something like \n  at ...

Changing this in Firefox would affect any Firefox addons that use
Error.stack, but maybe we can take that hit.

It's not just Firefox addons that will break: GWT's output relies upon 
the exact format of Error.stack[1]. I know Google Wave depended upon 
this, and I believe other Google applications do too.

As such, I'm somewhat dubious as to whether we can actually change the 
format that much without breaking sites. For reference, we support 
Error.stack (supposedly identical to SpiderMonkey in format, though 
obviously not) and Error.stacktrace (which is meant to actually be human 
readable). Originally, we had Error.stacktrace as Error.stack, but it 
just broke too much (we spoof UA on some Google sites by default, and 
have to choose whether to go down IE/Fx/WK code-path, and often all 
three rely upon non-standard behaviour).


Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Legacy const

2012-04-18 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon
const is needed in non-strict/strict code, as well as in Harmony code, 
has historically been needed for web compatibility on non-IE code. 
Chakra interestingly doesn't support it. (May simply be a case of it 
being IE and not fed code that realizes upon it.)

Either we should spec it, likely block-scoped in modules as it is now 
and function-scoped otherwise, or everyone should drop it. (I doubt 
that's feasible, though.)

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Legacy const, attempt 2 (Re: Legacy const)

2012-04-18 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon
I've just had it pointed out to me that my original email made little 
sense, so let's try again:

const has historically been needed in non-strict/strict code for web 
compatibility on non-IE code (typically either down to server-side UA 
sniffing or just explicitly non-support of IE). IE still doesn't support 
it, which may suggest it's not needed for compatibility any more, but as 
far as I can tell removing it would break enough to make it infeasible.

As such, we should spec it: likely block-scoped in modules, and 
function-scoped otherwise. We should only really not spec it if we can 
get everyone who currently supports it to drop it.

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Re: __proto__ security

2012-03-01 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 26/02/12 09:39, David Bruant wrote:

Le 26/02/2012 01:23, Geoffrey Sneddon a écrit :

I've basically implemented something close to what is attributed to
Dave Herman on the wiki in Carakan now, albeit without the context
check, though I agree it's a good idea. I wonder if it's
web-compatible to disallow cross-context prototype chains (both
through __proto__ and Object.create).

What is asked to be disallowed is only changing the prototype with
__proto__ in a cross-context manner.
Creating cross-context chains with Object.create has not been discussed
I think and should be fine...

or not?
Given an attacker from context A, a defender from context D (I'll use
these letters to refer to the global object of each context). An
attacker can create an object like
var maliciousProto = Object.create(D.Object.prototype);
// Add whatever own properties to maliciousProto

someObjectInD.__proto__ = maliciousProto

I was enthusiastic by Gavin Object.prototype ownership-based solution,
but it seems that as long as an attacker has the possibility to create
cross-context objects, an Object.prototype-based solution actually does
not prevent anything.

I don't think there's much in the way of a security risk here (given 
that if you have access to D anyway you can execute arbitrary code 
within it). Even if __proto__ has been deleted you can just create a new 
object someObjectInD with mailiciousProto through Object.create.

The only reason to prefer to avoid cross-context prototype chains is one 
of elegance: in my view it seems somewhat inelegant, though the more I 
think about it the less I can justify that position.

The one thing I would prefer, however, would be that the setter is
optional (i.e., it is permissible to have __proto__ have just a getter
or have both a getter and a setter, but not just a setter).

I think that it's unrealistic since the web does use the setter as well.
If the setter was standardized as optional, all implementations would
implement it anyway.

I was speaking to Jeff Walden a few or two back about this — both of us 
at least still live in hope of someday getting rid of the setter. As far 
as either of us are aware, there isn't much legacy for the setter, 
mostly concentrated within a few libraries, which hopefully we can 
evangelize it out of — and then re-evaluate where we are in a few years 
and see whether the legacy has decreased, and older versions of the 
libraries have gone. Being obliged per spec to implement the setter 
forever seems undesirable, if we can manage to get rid of the legacy.

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Re: __proto__ security

2012-02-25 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 13/02/12 17:55, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

Let's try to get this back to concrete issues that I can incorporate into a 

The current draft is at

Gavin and Oliver seem to really want to use an accessor for  

On the whole this is my preference too, as it practically eliminates 
special-casing for the __proto__ property, which on the whole I'm in 
favour of.

I've basically implemented something close to what is attributed to Dave 
Herman on the wiki in Carakan now, albeit without the context check, 
though I agree it's a good idea. I wonder if it's web-compatible to 
disallow cross-context prototype chains (both through __proto__ and 

Brendan has expressed a willingness to accepting under specify some the 
Object.prototype.__proto__ property in ways that we normally wouldn't for 
mandatory parts of the specification.

I could accommodate these two perspective by changing the first paragraph of 
the draft B.3.1.1 to read:

The __proto__ property of the Object prototype property initially has the 
attributes {[[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}.  The state of other 
attributes and whether it is an accessor or data property is implementation 

This would allow implementations to use either a data property or a access 
property for Object.prototype.__proto__.  However, the internal method 
extensions are still needed in order to define the semantics in a manner that 
allows either implementation approach to be used.

I'm with Mark on this: I'd much rather see there be (rough) consensus on 
this than divergent implementations.

The one thing I would prefer, however, would be that the setter is 
optional (i.e., it is permissible to have __proto__ have just a getter 
or have both a getter and a setter, but not just a setter).

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Feedback request: a ES spec. organization experiment

2011-10-17 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 12/10/11 01:32, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

Which style do you think I should use in the specification?

On the whole, I don't think it matters. I don't think it's really the 
right way to solve the problem (finding cross-referenced functions). 
What would be (far) better, IMO, is to link cross-references (i.e., so 
PutValue is a hyperlink to the PutValue definition).

As for the changing document, I guess at least some (most of what is 
from ES5.1, for a start) is almost certainly going to say around, so 
that effort probably isn't a waste.

(On a side-note, with the discussion of HTML, I wonder how hard it would 
be to write a print style-sheet targetting something like PrinceXML to 
cope with all the publication rules?)

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

__proto__ in Annex B (was: Re: Sep 27 meeting notes)

2011-09-29 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 28/09/11 00:06, Waldemar Horwat wrote:

Should we standardize __proto__ in Annex B?
MarkM + a few others:  Yes
Waldemar, Doug:  No

Unless we have a definite plan that no ES.Next impl will support 
__proto__, then by all means don't standardize it. However, seeming the 
conclusion before was that not all use-cases of __proto__ are handled 
currently, once they are addressed in ES.Next, there will still be some 
transitional phase. I'd rather specify it in ES.Next, even if we do then 
agree to drop it in ES.(Next+1).

That said about any transitional phase, if it turns out we can make it 
[[Writable: false]] in ES.Next, then all the better (thereby only 
providing a transitional phase for those who can already use 

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Re: __proto__ in Annex B

2011-09-29 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 29/09/11 19:10, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Sep 29, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:

On 28/09/11 00:06, Waldemar Horwat wrote:

Should we standardize __proto__ in Annex B?
MarkM + a few others:  Yes
Waldemar, Doug:  No

Unless we have a definite plan that no ES.Next impl will support __proto__, 
then by all means don't standardize it.

It is a standard (de-facto), we were just talking about making a non-mandatory 
normative spec for it. That does carry some weight but not much more than the 
de-facto standard, IMHO.

Well, de-jure standard is what I meant (even a non-mandatory one).

However, seeming the conclusion before was that not all use-cases of __proto__ 
are handled currently, once they are addressed in ES.Next, there will still be 
some transitional phase. I'd rather specify it in ES.Next, even if we do then 
agree to drop it in ES.(Next+1).

That said about any transitional phase, if it turns out we can make it 
[[Writable: false]] in ES.Next, then all the better (thereby only providing a 
transitional phase for those who can already use Object.getPrototypeOf).

Making the spec break the existing use-cases won't make browsers break those 
case. We don't get free-lunch rewrites from busy/absent developers who used 
writable __proto__ some time in the past for content that is still in service. 
The spec can only do so much.

It would be better to remove __proto__ once the horses have found the new, 
healthy vegetables that replace it, and only then (based on surveys, web scans 
a la the sawzall study Hixie did [1], etc.).

Indeed. I'm not expecting browsers to change behaviour blindingly based 
upon the spec, but from what I can see the number of instances of people 
writing __proto__ breaks almost nothing, so it may be entirely possible 
to make it non-writable.

But, in general, in any case like this, I'd say the spec should follow 
implementations, not the other way around. If browsers are still going 
to support it, we should spec it.

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Re: this vs thi\u0073

2011-06-21 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 21/06/11 00:50, Luke Hoban wrote:

My read of the spec is that thi\u0073 is a ReservedWord and should not be 
allowed as an Identifer.  So the following part of the examples quoted below 
should be an early error:

   var thi\u0073 = 42;

The text in 7.6 seems to address this with:

All interpretations of identifiers within this specification are based upon their 
actual characters regardless of whether or not an escape sequence was used to contribute 
any particular characters.

There's also 
which states (after saying this is very rough):

Identifiers containing escape sequences are not equivalent to fully 
unescaped identifiers in the case that, after fully unescaping 
identifier, it is a ReservedWord. In particular it is possible to create 
Identifiers that unescape to a reserved word so long as at least one 
character is fully escaped. Subsequent use of such identifiers must also 
have at least one character escaped (otherwise the reserved word will be 
used instead) but it need not be the same character(s) as that 
originally used to create the identifier.

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Standardizing __proto__

2011-04-21 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 18/03/11 20:05, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Mar 18, 2011, at 9:20 AM, Oliver Hunt wrote:

I believe the current hope is to kill off __proto__ as quickly as is possible.  
I'm not taking a position in this argument, this is just my current 

This makes it sound quick. There's no way to guarantee that.

Also, to kill it we need replacements for the valid use-cases, assuming we agree on those. These 
replacements need to have the right fit as well as form, i.e., they must be 

Here's my framework for thinking about deprecation and obsolescence of 

1. A get equivalent: Object.getPrototypeOf in ES5.

2. A define (initialize on a newborn and otherwise inaccessible object) 
equivalent: see Object.create, but people criticize it on usability grounds. So, see 
Allen's mail and the strawman he is championing:

3. Ship in multiple browsers, so library authors can detect and start to use 

4. Wait a decent interval to evaluate usability.

5. Announce removal of __proto__ in subsequent releases of those multiple 

6. Evaluate market share of downrev browsers as those release dates approach.

7. If all looks good, remove __proto__, done.

8. Else goto one of the earlier steps, possibly adjusting specs and impls based 
on feedback and uptake.

This is *not* going to be quick.

Is there much to be gained by removing __proto__ entirely? IIRC the 
original proposal was just to change it to being [[Writeable]]: false. 
Sure, still having it around isn't as nice as removing it entirely, but 
the cost of removing it would appear to be fairly high (it's fairly 
widely used in a read-only sense, and getting all that content to change 
is a lot of work for IMO not that much gain).

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Codifying de-facto standards

2010-11-13 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 27/10/10 21:38, Brendan Eich wrote:

  Is there consensus that this is defacto standard behavior that is needed for 
interoperability among browsers and that it should be incorporated into Harmony?

I suspect this is a de-facto standard we should codify in Harmony. Thanks for 
bringing it up.

How much of de-facto standards are going to be codified? What about 
things which aren't entirely interoperability implemented, but the basic 
premise is an absolute requirement for web compatibility (e.g., the 
recent thread on function hoisting). What about things which are needed 
for web compatibility, interoperability implemented, but disallowed in 
ES5/Strict (e.g., Function.arguments, Function.caller, octal escapes 
(which are defined differently to all impls as raised before ES5 was 
finalized), etc.)?

I'd very much like to get to a point where you can implement something 
web compatible from the spec, which would mean defining things some 
don't like, and changing other definitions that people don't like 
either… At the moment, it's impossible to implement a fully compliant 
ES5 implementation without sacrificing web compatibility.

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Function.prototype.toString to discover function dependencies

2010-09-19 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 16/09/10 04:04, Erik Arvidsson wrote:

As far as I remember some Opera mobile versions don't return the code
in Function.prototype.toString.

A lot of JS frameworks today use the Function.prototype.toString to
find references to super/base but they do fallback on slower paths if
the toString method does not provide the code of the function.

FWIW, there should be no difference between Desktop and Mobile with Carakan.

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list

Copy/paste error in Array.prototype.reduce

2009-12-09 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon


In Array.prototype.reduce there exists the following text basically 
copy/pasted from Array.prototype.filter:

The range of elements processed by reduce is set before the first
call to callbackfn. Elements that are appended to the array after the
call to reduce begins will not be visited by callbackfn. If existing
elements of the array are changed, their value as passed to
callbackfn will be the value at the time reduce visits them; elements
that are deleted after the call to filter begins and before being
visited are not visited.

the call to filter is wrong, it should refer to the call to reduce. 
Array.prototype.reduceRight contains a similar typo.

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software
es-discuss mailing list