Within a generator body Arrow function formals treat yield as keyword but function declarations and expressions do not

2015-03-27 Thread Ian Halliday
Is this intentional?

14.1 Function Definitions
FunctionDeclaration[Yield, Default]  :
function BindingIdentifier[?Yield] ( FormalParameters ) { FunctionBody }
[+Default] function ( FormalParameters ) { FunctionBody }

FunctionExpression :
function BindingIdentifieropt ( FormalParameters ) { FunctionBody }

14.2 Arrow Function Definitions
When the production
ArrowParameters[Yield]  : 
is recognized the following grammar is used to refine the interpretation of 
ArrowFormalParameters[Yield, GeneratorParameter] :
 ( StrictFormalParameters[?Yield, ?GeneratorParameter] )

Following the production rules for StrictFormalParameters and FormalParameters 
you can end up at SingleNameBinding

SingleNameBinding[Yield, GeneratorParameter]  :
[+GeneratorParameter] BindingIdentifier[Yield] Initializer[In]opt
[~GeneratorParameter] BindingIdentifier[?Yield] Initializer[In, ?Yield]opt

This looks like it suggests following:

var yield;
function* gf() {
function f(yield = yield) { } // valid parse, both yields are identifiers, 
second binds to the global var
var f = function (yield = yield) { }; // same deal
var a = (yield = yield) = { }; // first yield is treated as keyword, 
doesn't parse, second is treated as identifier and again binds to the global var

Binding to the global var in the default argument expressions is weird and 
perhaps confusing but acceptable I suppose.

The inconsistency of the formal name treatment between functions and arrow 
functions feels wrong to me given that the formal names are created in 
non-generator scopes.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Specification of use before declaration errors

2013-11-13 Thread Ian Halliday
Wait, so is there no variable shadowing allowed then?

 Static Semantics: Early Errors
Block : { StatementList }

* It is a Syntax Error if the LexicallyDeclaredNames of StatementList 
contains any duplicate entries.

* It is a Syntax Error if any element of the LexicallyDeclaredNames of 
StatementList also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of StatementList.
StatementList can contain Blocks whose LexicallyDeclaredNames and 
VarDeclaredNames algorithms return the values for their StatementLists, so it 
recursively collects the names from all nested lexical and var declarations.

It looks like VarDeclaredNames is missing a definition for VariableStatement 
because I can't see any way for the bound names of a VariableStatement to get 
added to VarDeclaredNames lists.

But barring for the moment that I cannot find an algorithm definition that adds 
BoundNames of a VariableStatement to VarDeclaredNames, this second early error 
bullet implies that shadowing of bound names is not allowed at all.

Is this correct?


From: Allen Wirfs-Brock [mailto:al...@wirfs-brock.com]
Sent: Friday, November 8, 2013 4:16 PM
To: Ian Halliday
Cc: es-discuss@mozilla.org
Subject: Re: Specification of use before declaration errors

On Nov 8, 2013, at 3:35 PM, Ian Halliday wrote:

Hello es-discuss,

I'm having difficulty figuring out where the ES6 draft spec specifies that a 
use before declaration error should be thrown.  My last understanding of the 
temporal dead zone was that ECMAScript would always issue a use before 
declaration error at runtime, regardless whether it can be statically 
determined or not.  However it seems like the evaluation semantics of var 
declarations, for example, do not lead to any line that throws a ReferenceError.

That is, consider this code:

function f() {
var x = 5;
let x;
declaring the same name using a let and a var is an early error: 
or for the function level 


I think the var declaration creates a binding for x in the function's lexical 
environment, but then binds to the x in the block's environment for the 
initialization.  As such, the initialization should throw a use before 
declaration error.  But this is what I cannot find in the spec.  Maybe I am 
wrong about the semantics here?

because an early error exists, the surround script or module is never evaluated.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Specification of use before declaration errors

2013-11-13 Thread Ian Halliday
Oh, is shadowing a let declaration with a var declaration a syntax error?  

let x;
var x;

From: es-discuss [mailto:es-discuss-boun...@mozilla.org] On Behalf Of Ian 
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 4:14 PM
To: Allen Wirfs-Brock
Cc: es-discuss@mozilla.org
Subject: RE: Specification of use before declaration errors

Then for 13.1.8 shouldn't there be something like this

StatementListItem : Statement

1.   If Statement is a Block then return a new empty List.

2.   Else return VarDeclaredNames of Statement

defined in order to prevent the var names from spreading into enclosing blocks?

I might be misunderstanding VarDeclaredNames.  I am guessing that it should be 
a collection of all the names declared via var declaration statements, i.e. 
VariableStatement, but there isn't a definition of VarDeclaredNames for 
 Static Semantics: VarDeclaredNames

See also: 
Block : { }
1.  Return a new empty 
StatementList : StatementList StatementListItem
1.  Let names be VarDeclaredNames of StatementList.
2.  Append to names the elements of the VarDeclaredNames of 
3.  Return names.
StatementListItem : Declaration
1.  Return a new empty 

From: Allen Wirfs-Brock [mailto:al...@wirfs-brock.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 3:49 PM
To: Ian Halliday
Cc: es-discuss@mozilla.orgmailto:es-discuss@mozilla.org
Subject: Re: Specification of use before declaration errors

On Nov 13, 2013, at 3:41 PM, Ian Halliday wrote:

Wait, so is there no variable shadowing allowed then?

this is saying that things like the following are illegal:

{var x;
  let x;

But shadowing, like the following is fine:

var x;
{let x;

 Static Semantics: Early Errors
Block : { StatementList }

* It is a Syntax Error if the LexicallyDeclaredNames of StatementList 
contains any duplicate entries.

* It is a Syntax Error if any element of the LexicallyDeclaredNames of 
StatementList also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames ofStatementList.
StatementList can contain Blocks whose LexicallyDeclaredNames and 
VarDeclaredNames algorithms return the values for their StatementLists, so it 
recursively collects the names from all nested lexical and var declarations.

It looks like VarDeclaredNames is missing a definition for VariableStatement 
because I can't see any way for the bound names of a VariableStatement to get 
added to VarDeclaredNames lists.

But barring for the moment that I cannot find an algorithm definition that adds 
BoundNames of a VariableStatement to VarDeclaredNames, this second early error 
bullet implies that shadowing of bound names is not allowed at all.

Is this correct?


From: Allen Wirfs-Brock [mailto:al...@wirfs-brock.com]
Sent: Friday, November 8, 2013

Should arrow functions have arguments or capture arguments bindings

2013-11-13 Thread Ian Halliday
The draft spec has a note in 9.2.13 Function Declaration Instantiation about 
arrow functions and arguments:

Issure: should concise methods also not get an arguments object?
From rev16 it appears.

Section 9.2.13 also has a large banner stating that it is old and will change 
re concensus made in the Sept 2013 TC39 meeting.

I can't see any mention of arguments and arrow functions in the Sept 2013 
meeting notes so is it safe to assume this behavior hasn't changed?  Given the 
note is this still an open issue?

If arguments is not added to the arrow function's var bindings, does this mean 
an arrow function should capture variables named arguments from the enclosing 


function f () {
var x = () = arguments; // captures f()'s implicit arguments
let arguments;
var y = () = arguments; // captures lexical local variable

es-discuss mailing list

Specification of use before declaration errors

2013-11-08 Thread Ian Halliday
Hello es-discuss,

I'm having difficulty figuring out where the ES6 draft spec specifies that a 
use before declaration error should be thrown.  My last understanding of the 
temporal dead zone was that ECMAScript would always issue a use before 
declaration error at runtime, regardless whether it can be statically 
determined or not.  However it seems like the evaluation semantics of var 
declarations, for example, do not lead to any line that throws a ReferenceError.

That is, consider this code:

function f() {
var x = 5;
let x;

I think the var declaration creates a binding for x in the function's lexical 
environment, but then binds to the x in the block's environment for the 
initialization.  As such, the initialization should throw a use before 
declaration error.  But this is what I cannot find in the spec.  Maybe I am 
wrong about the semantics here?

If I am not wrong then this raises the question of order of operations.  Is the 
RHS evaluated first, then the error is thrown?  Or is the LHS name evaluated 
first, throwing if it is a binding that is currently in its TDZ?

E.g. is g() called here before throwing?

function g() {
return 0;

function f() {
var x = g();
let x;


How about for-in/of loops?  Is g() called here?
function g() {
return { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };

function f() {
for (var x in g()) {
let x;

Ian Halliday

es-discuss mailing list