Re: Putting `global` reference in specs

2015-04-17 Thread Mameri, Fred (HBO)
At some point in the past, I proposed that we introduce syntax for that. In my 
proposal, prefixing an identifier with a . would create an unambiguous 
reference to the global version of that variable.

For example:
var x;
function f(x) {
   x; // local
   .x; // global

This is an idea I borrowed from C++'s :: operator.

From: Mark Miller
Date: Friday, April 17, 2015 at 8:53 AM
To: Glen Huang
Cc: Mark S. Miller,
Subject: Re: Putting `global` reference in specs

This is one of several cases where, post ES6, we can provide a std module 
import that provides a built-in that carries authority. Another example is the 
constructor for making weak references, which necessarily provide the ability 
to read a covert channel. As with shadowable globals, this module import must 
be easy to virtualize. We purposely postponed this along with the Loader and 
Realm API as it is security sensitive and we don't yet have enough usage 
experience with modules to know how to design this separation well.

In particular, we rejected the obvious as it bundles the global 
together with authority-free safe things, which makes virtualization of the 
global alone needlessly unpleasant.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 8:45 AM, Glen Huang wrote:
You guys are talking about referencing the global object in modules right? 
Since in scripts you can reliably get hold of the global object by using this 
in the root scope.

And es 2015 made an explicit choice to clobber this in the root scope of a 
module, I guess that means module code really isn't supposed to get hold of the 
global object?

On Apr 17, 2015, at 11:34 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

I almost omitted it, but one should never need to encounter or think about 
sloppy code unless absolutely necessary. For my brain, adding the use strict; 
makes this snippet of code much simpler.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:
On 17 April 2015 at 17:27, Mark S. Miller wrote:
(1,eval)('use strict; this')

Is the 'use strict' relevant here? Seems overkill.


On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 8:23 AM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:
there's actually no way, officially, to reference what ES2015 call *the global 
object*, just pointless fragmentation between engines.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:
 So I'd say we should not have `self` (if stays on global and Worker I don't
 actually care) and add a `global` that nobody needs explanation to
 understand what it is in JavaScript

Indeed, three ways to reference the global object is not nearly enough.


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Date.prototype.toISOString and fractional parts

2014-08-05 Thread Mameri, Fred (HBO)
According to the spec, the toISOString is currently defined to return a string 
in the format -MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ.
Specifically, there's a 3-digit fractional part introduced by a . (that's the 
.sss above) appended to the seconds.

It is my understanding of the ISO8601 spec that fractional parts can start with 
either a dot or a comma, and that the number of digits in the fractional part 
needs to be agreed upon by both parties using that format. If my interpretation 
is correct, the current behavior seems to be problematic, in that if an API 
accepts more (or fewer) than 3 fractional digits, the result of this function 
needs to be further modified before they can be used against said API. Same 
goes for dot vs. comma.

Would it make sense then to augment the spec to have toISOString take optional 
parameters Date.prototype.toISOString([precision[, separator]])?


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Re: Object copy

2014-06-10 Thread Mameri, Fred (HBO)
And maybe there should be a Object.move for value types...

From: Frankie Bagnardi
Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 2:47 PM
To: Alex Kocharin
Subject: Re: Object copy

I'd like Object.merge(source, dest), and Object.clone(source).

Object.clone would be best if it cloned almost any object, like more advanced 
clone functions.  This includes plain objects, arrays, instances of classes 
(preserving base class, etc.), regExp, promise, and ideally DOM nodes in 
browsers (along with anything else that can be cloned).  If something can't be 
cloned, including primitives and functions, it should throw an error.

Object.merge would be a much simpler copy enumerable own properties function.

Object.merge({a: 1}, {}); and Object.clone({a: 1}); would be equivalent, but 
they differ in most other cases.

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 10:38 AM, Alex Kocharin wrote:

Object.create() ?

It's not exactly cloning, but it'll probably work better than cloning in most 

10.06.2014, 20:33, Maxime Warnier
Hi All

Do you know if it is planned or maybe in discussion for ES7 to have a simple 
clone system on objects ?

There are different notations, from :

 - jquery

Object.clone( [withDataAndEvents ] [, deepWithDataAndEvents ] )

( but only for DOM element )

 - underscore


( return the cloned object )

 - angular

angular.copy(source, [destination]);

(return the object, same as underscore, or copy into an optional destination )

Maybe an Object.copy([options?]) would be interesting ?


Maxime Warnier

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Re: A bit confused by B.3.2 - Web Legacy Compatibility for Block-Level Function Declarations

2014-06-05 Thread Mameri, Fred (HBO)
We don't need an identifier for global. Much like with the :: operator in C++, 
a member expression starting with a . would always refer to the global object.
So if you want to refer to member foo in the global object, .foo would be 
I feel like it's a simple, yet elegant solution.


From: John Barton
Date: Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 10:55 AM
To: Andreas Rossberg
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: A bit confused by B.3.2 - Web Legacy Compatibility for Block-Level 
Function Declarations

Assigning to 'this' because it happens that 'this' is global is no better and 
perhaps worse than using undeclared variables for globals. Assignments to 
global have, well, non-local consequences: they should be explicit not context 

Even if you don't agree, node has made global the de facto standard; lots of 
code is now written with the (function(global) {...}(typeof global !== 
'undefined' ? global : this)); goop.  Modules avoid the smaller part of that 
boilerplate but we still don't solve it all without a way to say global.

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 7:34 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:
On 5 June 2014 16:08, John Barton wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 2:06 AM, Andreas Rossberg

 On 4 June 2014 23:46, John Lenz wrote:
  I don't personally want to write sloppy mode code, but there are places
  need it (using eval to introduce new symbols into global scope).

 You don't necessarily need sloppy mode for that. In strict mode, you
 can still express it as assignment to the global object.

 This excellent solution would be much more widely adopted if the global
 object had a standard identifier, like say global.

Hm, I'm not sure why that would be a problem. What's wrong with using
'this' inside those evals?


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Re: Bytecode

2014-05-16 Thread Mameri, Fred (HBO)
I kind of feel that even if such a bytecode existed, it should be immaterial to 
the design of ES. What I'm trying to say is that probably a better place for 
this discussion is at the web standards level. This decision can be completely 
outside of the design of any individual language, provided a generic enough 
Now obviously being able to have web apps written in different languages while 
maintaining performance and debuggability would be nice. But for me, the main 
benefit of the bytecode is having my engineering team be able to adopt newer 
versions of the language at our convenience (instead of waiting 10 years until 
some ancient client updates their script engine)...

From: Andrea Giammarchi
Date: Friday, May 16, 2014 at 3:25 PM
To: Oliver Hunt
Cc: es-discuss list
Subject: Re: Bytecode

Sure Oliver, it's just funny to read very old unmaintained libraries as the 
base code to test LLVM IR on top ... what you say makes sense but then I'd 
expect some new library maybe based on some new ES5 feature too, that's all I 
was trying to say and there was nothing about criticizing the awesome job 
WebKit did there.

Take Care

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 9:43 AM, Oliver Hunt wrote:

On May 15, 2014, at 10:24 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

 but you mentioned very old one I think nobody cares much anymore ;-)

People may not care about them today, but that doesn't mean that no one uses 
them - there are many millions of webpages that use these libraries still, and 
that means performance of those libraries is extremely important to end _users_.

Regarding the original topic of this thread: I think there have been many many 
prior discussions of a standardised bytecode on es-discuss, and people should 
really be reading those before bringing this up again.  It's not going to 
happen as no one has ever demonstrated an actual benefit over simply using JS.


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Re: ToPropertyDescriptor, [[HasProperty]], [[HasOwnProperty]]

2014-05-08 Thread Mameri, Fred (HBO)
I agree with you that this would be a much better design, but it would break 
backwards compatibility with ES5, no?
Minor nitpick: I guess you mean to say that ToPropertyDescriptor should use the 
abstract operation HasOwnProperty, not [[HasOwnProperty]]...


From: John-David Dalton
Date: Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 1:25 PM
To: es-discuss Steen
Subject: ToPropertyDescriptor, [[HasProperty]],  [[HasOwnProperty]]

ES6 additions like Object.assign use [[OwnPropertyKeys]] for getting the keys 
of `source` objects. This helps avoid the method gotchas faced by developers 
previously with things like `Object.prototype.writable = true` and 
`Object.defineProperty(o, 'foo', { value: 'bar' })`.

 (bottom of section)

Bear in mind that these options are not necessarily own properties so, if 
inherited, will be considered too. In order to ensure these defaults are 
preserved you might freeze the Object.prototype upfront, specify all options 
explicitly, or point to null as __proto__ property.

It's the reason I pre-populate my descriptor attributes with false even though 
false is the default. See

With methods like Object.assign using [[OwnPropertyKeys]] does it make sense to 
make things like ToPropertyDescriptor use [[HasOwnProperty]] too. I think it 
would be a win for consistency and dev use.



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