Proposal: Typeof Trap

2019-07-27 Thread ViliusCreator
Proxy’s typeof trap. Example:
class ClassA {}
const proxyHandler = {
type(target) {
return target instanceof ClassA ? `object_a` : typeof target
const instanceA = new ClassA
const proxyA = new Proxy(instanceA, proxyHandler)
typeof proxyA // ‘object_a’
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Re: Re: Removing the space in `a+ +b`?

2019-07-09 Thread ViliusCreator
Lexer already sees `++` as operator, not `+` operator**s**. It can be hard to 
implement something like that.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Proposal: native XML object support.

2019-05-20 Thread ViliusCreator
> the client, it could still somehow shine in NodeJS though.

The only way it can shine is only passing HTML objects as arg to website. 
That’s it. And still, you can use string to do that for you. People already use 
JSON and I don’t think they would use XML in Node js. There are already tons of 
libs for XML stuff, yet they don’t have a lot of downloads, as far as I 

So basically, Node js doesn’t need XML. That would be useless.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Proposal: native XML object support.

2019-05-20 Thread ViliusCreator
> With strings and even E4X, you don't get the same experience that react 
> supports. Things like property completion in XML mode, XML internal logic, 
> etc.

Pretty sure you can do this:

// ... xml function definition
 * @type {Element}
 * @prop {string} href
const xmlObj = xml`something`

This should make editor auto-complete xml object for you.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Proposal: native XML object support.

2019-05-18 Thread ViliusCreator
XML in JS without React could totally bring usage in Node js, not only JS. For 
example, you could pass XML object as parameter to website from server and 
server would change it to right way, so XML object would be turned to HTML 
However, in non web-development environment, it would have no usage. Since 
sometimes Node js is used for general-purpose and not web-development, XML 
would be practically useless and JSON would be used. And things such as E4X 
already exist.
The benefit of XML is that you can do `d `(which is 
equivalent to
‘//name’: ‘a’,
‘//inner’: [‘d ’, {...}],
b: ‘c’
```) and it’s more readable than JSON version of it.`

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Re: Re: Proposal: Static Typing

2019-03-25 Thread ViliusCreator
> Hello, to play the devils advocate: why does JavaScript need static typing? 
> Your proposal doesn't really answer that. Sure, it mentions tooling and IDEs 
> that can provide you with type hints and complain on mistakes
I actually did. It keeps unwanted type mutations and bad values away. For 
let a = 10
a += ‘1’ // ‘101’
// or
a += undefined // NaN
VS this:
let a: number = 10
a += ‘1’ // Error, cannot convert type string to type number.
// or
a += undefined // Error, number doesn’t have nullable mark.
This can help developer itself, in runtime, not only at development time. “But 
IDE wouldn’t allow that.” But what if property in required json(node js), is 
undefined? Some IDEs don’t have JSON intellisense, so this is where it can get 
> but things like Flow and Typescript do this today already. 
Yes, but they are compile-time only. Meaning, that in runtime, type mutation 
and unwanted values can happen.
> What's your goal, to have JS engines run Typescript(-like) code natively 
> without transpiling?
First of, this is compiling. TypeScript is higher level than JS, so it’s 
compiling. Second, TypeScript code is completely compile-time only. Classes(And 
other ES8+ code), imports, exports and probably namespaces are the only things 
which are at runtime also.
> What's the point of building this feature into engines? It just provides 
> additional complexity.
I said reasons above. Also as I said, they are optional. Meaning, new comers 
can still learn old js code without static types. Besides, doesn’t async, 
await, classes and other new stuff add complexity to new people to JS?
> Where (when) do you expect types to be checked? Should the engine throw early 
> errors (during parsing)?
Languages normally check types during compile-time. I expect JS to throw errors 
in runtime, meaning that if you make code which would throw type error and it’s 
untouched, then it doesn’t throw an error.
> What does "static typing" even mean to you in a dynamic scripting language?
Same thing as in real statically typed languages. Type checking.
> and what happens when you introduce new types with `eval` or by loading 
> another script?
Since as I said, they are runtime only type checking.

> However I would be curious to know if anybody has a usage for them at run time
They have. `eval` can make type mutation(and if it checks the string, you can 
still overcome them(inputs or array joining)).

Also, if transpiling and compiling is better, why not leave JS dead? I mean, 
compilers can do job instead of JS. It’s just basically useless, compilers can 
do awesome stuff, so “no need for new features in JS”(and then if we did, wasm 
would take over in web development, or browsers would overcome ES and use 
something else instead).

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es-discuss mailing list

Proposal: [Symbol.equals]

2019-01-18 Thread ViliusCreator
What about having Symbol.equals?
For example, for now this is what it does:
class Position {
constructor(o) {
this.x = o.x instanceof Number ? o.x : 0
this.y = o.y instanceof Number ? o.y : 0
this.z = o.z instanceof Number ? o.z : 0
console.log(new Position({x: 10, y: 10, z: 10}) === new Position({x: 10, y: 10, 
z: 10})
Output is of course, false.
With `Symbol.equals`, we could make it easier, instead of 

For example:
class Position {
[Symbol.equals](oIn) {
return oIn.x === this.x && oIn.y === this.y && oIn.z === this.z
constructor(o) {
this.x = o.x instanceof Number ? o.x : 0
this.y = o.y instanceof Number ? o.y : 0
this.z = o.z instanceof Number ? o.z : 0
console.log(new Position({x: 10, y: 10, z: 10}) === new Position({x: 10, y: 10, 
z: 10})
Now output would be true.
This would save most of the time, instead of writing .equals and then 
surrounding everything with ().

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Re: Re: Proposal: Class Templates

2019-01-17 Thread ViliusCreator
But then `Abc(4, 5, 6) !== Abc(4, 5, 6)`. Using `Abc.constructor = class Abc$ 
{}` and then returning `Abc.constructor` won’t make it work.

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Re: Re: Proposal: Class Templates

2019-01-16 Thread ViliusCreator
Also, using `new (Abc(4, 5, 6))(1, 2, 3)` causes error ` Uncaught TypeError: 
Abc(...) is not a constructor`.

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Re: Re: Proposal: Class Templates

2019-01-16 Thread ViliusCreator
You could use
new Abc`abc`(‘abc’)
But you could only use strings. What about constructors? You would need to use
const thatConstructor = (new Function(‘return ’ + t))()
But it would only give what is defined in that constructor.

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es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Proposal: Class Templates

2019-01-16 Thread ViliusCreator
Yes, you can do that. But then doesn’t that look ugly?
`new (Abc(1, 2, 3)(4, 5, 6)`, vs `new Abc<4, 5, 6>(1, 2, 3)`.

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es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Proposal: Class Templates

2019-01-16 Thread ViliusCreator
“Strongly typed” Strongly typed is not Statically typed. Python is strongly 
typed for example. Strongly typed language means that `”something” + 1` will 
throw error, Weakly typed means that `”something” + 1` will turn `1` into 
string and add it to `something`, which will result in `something1`.

Statically typed language means that once you do `Boolean Abc = true`, or `let 
Abc: Boolean = true`, you can’t change it to number, but you can change it to 
`false`, or `true`.

Did you mean Statically typed language?

Also, I think that there can be usefulness in class templates, without language 
being Statically typed.

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Re: Re: Proposal: Symbol Linked to `typeof`

2019-01-15 Thread ViliusCreator
I could definitely see usage of this when using custom Constructors. But this 
could confuse current code of JS:

function A(B, C) {
if(typeof B === ‘string’) // ...
A({[Symbol.typeof]: ‘string’})

This would make new code to use not only `typeof B === ‘String’`, but also `B 
instanceof ‘String’`.

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