Re: 4 June 2014 TC39 Meeting Notes

2014-06-12 Thread David Bruant

Le 11/06/2014 18:08, Ben Newman a écrit :

AWB: Should we try to replace WebIDL? (fourth bullet point from the 
gist above)

For what purpose? Replacing WebIDL isn't an end in itself.
Who would be the target of this replacement? Spec writers (TC39 or 
W3C)?  authors? Implementors? All of these together?

DH: Browser implementors love WebIDL, so anything that replaces it has 
to be as convenient as that. YK's idea: the new interface description 
language would prepend Legacy to existing WebIDL types, but still 
support them


MM: What about a design language that compiles to WebIDL?

DH: Problem: people explicitly argue against better interface design 
because it's not convenient/expressible in WebIDL.

MM: Right, the path of least resistance in WebIDL is not good JavaScript.
Why? (I'm not saying I disagree, but I'm trying to understand what 
WebIDL lacks)
What are people opinions on the path of least resistance in describing 
interfaces in TypeScript?

DH, AR: TypeScript seemed like a way to define signatures of APIs, but 
was solving a different problem.

DH: Need a way to express what kind of implicit conversions are 
applied to passed-in values (something that TypeScript doesn't have).
As far as developers are concerned, it doesn't seem like an issue, so it 
looks like the TypeScript interface language is sufficiently expressive 
for most developer needs.
However, it looks like the notion of interface for standard features 
changes whether it's taken from the point of view of an implementor or 
an author.
Implementors have an imperative of interoperability with legacy APIs 
which is a constraint authors don't have.

YK: Also want to be able to express APIs in terms of function/method 
overloading (different behaviors for different input types), which is 
more like TypeScript than WebIDL.

AWB: If no work happens to build a better IDL, we'll be stuck with the 
status quo.

YK: Want to be able to describe `PromiseT` result types as such, 
rather than `{ then: ???, catch: ??? }`
I want to agree, but IIRC thenables are considered like promises by 
built-in algorithms, so apparently, the consensus is not that people 
want a `PromiseT` type as such separate from {then, catch?}.

SK: Willing to start working on a new IDL design, with help.

DH: Want to capture duality between Array.isArray arrays and 
array-like objects, and instanceof-Promise objects vs. { then: 
Function } objects.

SK: Can we improve whatever was lacking about TypeScript?
An annotation system like there is now in WebIDL might be enough an 
addition to express legacy behaviors.

AR, YK: TypeScript types don't mean quite what you think they mean 
(Number, String).
A new interface language could keep the TypeScript syntax and adapt the 
semantics as felt appropriate.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: 4 June 2014 TC39 Meeting Notes

2014-06-12 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 6/12/14, 4:53 AM, David Bruant wrote:

DH: Problem: people explicitly argue against better interface design
because it's not convenient/expressible in WebIDL.

To the extent that it's the latter, we should fix WebIDL.

To the extent that it's people just being lazy, that's just not acceptable.

Obviously we should try to make the path of least resistance be good 
interface design; WebIDL aimed at that from the start.  It doesn't help 
that the concept of good interface design is not universally agreed on 
and not time-invariant

So with that in mind, we want something that will allow us to express 
existing DOM APIs (which are by and large not good interface design in 
various ways), something that allows us to express whatever people 
actually want to express (and we better come to some agreement about 
what that is), and a way to transition from the current WebIDL to the 
new thing with minimal pain in some way, both in terms of rewriting all 
the existing specs that use WebIDL and browser implementations that do.

This all would have been way easier 3-4 years ago when WebIDL was first 
being put together.  :(

es-discuss mailing list

4 June 2014 TC39 Meeting Notes

2014-06-11 Thread Ben Newman
# June 4 2014 Meeting Notes

Brian Terleson (BT), Dmitry Lomov (DL), Waldemar Horwat (WH), Allen
Wirfs-Brock (AWB), John Neumann (JN), Rick Waldron (RW), Eric Ferraiuolo
(EF), Jafar Husain (JH), Jeff Morrison (JM), Mark Honenberg (MH), Caridy
Patino (CP), Yehuda Katz (YK), Niko Matsakis (NM), Ben Newman (BN), Filip
Pizlo (FP), Sebastian Markbage (SM), Rafael Weinstein (RWS), Jaswanth
Sreeram (JS), Alex Russell (AR), Istvan Sebestyen (IS), Simon Kaegi (SK),
Arnoud Le Hors (ALH), Reid Burke (RB), Erik Arvidsson (EA), Brendan Eich
(BE), Mark Miller (MM), Peter Jensen (PJ)

## Adoption of the agenda

AWB: Adding section 8: Other ES6 Technical Issues
AWB: Adding Report from ECMA secretariat to HTML integration section

SK: Add an agenda item to discuss JSDoc and its use in editors

AWB: add ArrayBuffer neutering to ES6 agenda items

## Conclusion/Resolution

- Agenda Approved
- Minutes from April 2014 approved

## Scheduling of TC39 meeting

JN: Meeting schedule changes are problematic

- In november, we'll select for next year.
- The current meeting dates need to be approved now and committed to

YK: Didn't weigh scheduling concerns of champions vs. non-champions well

AWB: Hard to weigh those concerns until we know what will be talked about


- 29-31 July 2014 at Microsoft in Redmond, WA (USA)
- 23-25 September 2014 at Bocoup in Boston, MA (USA)
- 18-20 November 2014 at PayPal in San Jose, CA (USA)

(posted: )

AWB: Should set agendas based on schedule, rather than other way around

JN: I will propose meeting dates in September for your consideration

## Agenda for this meeting

DH: Talk about generators tomorrow (Thursday), to accommodate Brendan Eich
and potentially Andy Wingo

## 4.2 Schedule Review

AWB: Goal was to present ES6 to ECMA general assembly for approval later
this year, meaning we need to approve finished draft at September meeting,
meaning we need a finished draft at July meeting. I don't see any way we
can have even an approximately finished draft by July. Also starting to get
good implementer feedback which is causing spec churn, but there are pieces
missing review. If we ratified what we have now we'd be missing serious
implementation feedback.
AWB: Propose we slip our publication target by 6 months. Spec will still be
feature frozen. We're just fixing bugs and accepting implementer feedback.
Concern 1: is this opening the door to feature creep? Important it doesn't
do that.
Concern 2: Will this simply delay implementer work by 6 months?
Concern 3: Perception of committee failure?

DH: We should move forward on the work and message that we're doing so.
Spec is not what drives the work, spec is the final capture of a stable
consensus. I'm OK with the spec slipping.

WH: Don't want to repeat E4X (ECMAScript-for-XML) experience of shipping
buggy spec, and later abandoning it.

?: Hazy distinction between calling something a bug vs. a revisited

WH: The issues with E4X were clearly bugs.

AWB: This committee can tell the difference between fixing bugs and
revisiting conclusions.

AWB: Focus energy on ES7 [if you want to revisit conclusions]!

AWB: Other factor playing into spec review is test262, to which we've just
gotten approval to accept contributions

JN: Can we approve the change of dates (presenting finished draft to TC39
committee in November rather than July)?

AWB: Everything we want to include is in the spec at some level of quality,
it's just a matter of ensuring quality.

YK: If you're an implementer, you shouldn't treat this as a slippage.

AWB: Should we start naming spec editions using years rather than an
incrementing number (ES2015 vs. ES6)?

AWB: Let's not throw this in with messaging about the schedule postponement.

YK: The fact that people are used to ES5/ES6/etc. will make the change
important as a messaging technique.

BE: Let's sleep on it.

## Conclusion/Resolution

- Postponement of presentation of final ES6 draft agreed upon
- Switch to yearly naming convention to be slept on

## Update on changes to spec since last meeting

AWB: See Draft Rev 25 section of

AWB: will be either [object Object]
or [object Function] depending on whether the proxy is callable, so that
there is no way to tell that an object is a Proxy
MM: Have to choose between use cases, and being able to hide Proxy-ness is
the better choice
AWB: Already considered/dropped isProxy, so using O.p.toString as a
back-door would have been inconsistent with that decision

AWB: Another Proxy issue MM and I talked about: custom property descriptor
attributes on Proxies, specifically adding additional attributes to the
descriptor that the Proxy could recognize.

Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {
  value: whatever,
  customAttribute: attrValue

// Should the 

Re: 4 June 2014 TC39 Meeting Notes

2014-06-11 Thread Ben Newman
Expanded Conclusion/Resolution for the ArrayBuffer neutering discussion:

## Conclusion/Resolution

- Don't add isNeutered yet, and expect clients use try-catch when accessing
properties to determine status.
- Also remember to change the name. Released? Vacated?
- Any attempt to access (read or write) binary data elements of an
ArrayBuffer that has been neutered will throw a TypeError exception.
- Accessing the byteLength property of an ArrayBuffer that has been
neutered will throw TypeError exception.
- Have not yet decided what happens to the the length, byteOffset, and
byteLength  properties of a TypedArray whose underlying ArrayBuffer gets
- Keep the behavior that out of bounds reads of a TypedArray (whose buffer
has not been neutered) returns undefined (MM: or throws, in strict mode)
and that out of bounds write are no-ops (MM: throws in strict mode).

TC39 recognizes that the above are breaking changes relative to the
 Khronos spec. but we believe that the behavior of silently treating
neutered buffers as 0-length buffers is seriously flawed and would set a
terrible precedent for any future transferable data types.


His errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery.
-- James Joyce

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 9:08 AM, Ben Newman

 # June 4 2014 Meeting Notes

 Brian Terleson (BT), Dmitry Lomov (DL), Waldemar Horwat (WH), Allen
 Wirfs-Brock (AWB), John Neumann (JN), Rick Waldron (RW), Eric Ferraiuolo
 (EF), Jafar Husain (JH), Jeff Morrison (JM), Mark Honenberg (MH), Caridy
 Patino (CP), Yehuda Katz (YK), Niko Matsakis (NM), Ben Newman (BN), Filip
 Pizlo (FP), Sebastian Markbage (SM), Rafael Weinstein (RWS), Jaswanth
 Sreeram (JS), Alex Russell (AR), Istvan Sebestyen (IS), Simon Kaegi (SK),
 Arnoud Le Hors (ALH), Reid Burke (RB), Erik Arvidsson (EA), Brendan Eich
 (BE), Mark Miller (MM), Peter Jensen (PJ)

 ## Adoption of the agenda

 AWB: Adding section 8: Other ES6 Technical Issues
 AWB: Adding Report from ECMA secretariat to HTML integration section

 SK: Add an agenda item to discuss JSDoc and its use in editors

 AWB: add ArrayBuffer neutering to ES6 agenda items

 ## Conclusion/Resolution

 - Agenda Approved
 - Minutes from April 2014 approved

 ## Scheduling of TC39 meeting

 JN: Meeting schedule changes are problematic

 - In november, we'll select for next year.
 - The current meeting dates need to be approved now and committed to

 YK: Didn't weigh scheduling concerns of champions vs. non-champions well

 AWB: Hard to weigh those concerns until we know what will be talked about


 - 29-31 July 2014 at Microsoft in Redmond, WA (USA)
 - 23-25 September 2014 at Bocoup in Boston, MA (USA)
 - 18-20 November 2014 at PayPal in San Jose, CA (USA)

 (posted: )

 AWB: Should set agendas based on schedule, rather than other way around

 JN: I will propose meeting dates in September for your consideration

 ## Agenda for this meeting

 DH: Talk about generators tomorrow (Thursday), to accommodate Brendan Eich
 and potentially Andy Wingo

 ## 4.2 Schedule Review

 AWB: Goal was to present ES6 to ECMA general assembly for approval later
 this year, meaning we need to approve finished draft at September meeting,
 meaning we need a finished draft at July meeting. I don't see any way we
 can have even an approximately finished draft by July. Also starting to get
 good implementer feedback which is causing spec churn, but there are pieces
 missing review. If we ratified what we have now we'd be missing serious
 implementation feedback.
 AWB: Propose we slip our publication target by 6 months. Spec will still
 be feature frozen. We're just fixing bugs and accepting implementer
 Concern 1: is this opening the door to feature creep? Important it doesn't
 do that.
 Concern 2: Will this simply delay implementer work by 6 months?
 Concern 3: Perception of committee failure?

 DH: We should move forward on the work and message that we're doing so.
 Spec is not what drives the work, spec is the final capture of a stable
 consensus. I'm OK with the spec slipping.

 WH: Don't want to repeat E4X (ECMAScript-for-XML) experience of shipping
 buggy spec, and later abandoning it.

 ?: Hazy distinction between calling something a bug vs. a revisited

 WH: The issues with E4X were clearly bugs.

 AWB: This committee can tell the difference between fixing bugs and
 revisiting conclusions.

 AWB: Focus energy on ES7 [if you want to revisit conclusions]!

 AWB: Other factor playing into spec review is test262, to which we've just
 gotten approval to accept contributions

 JN: Can we approve the change of dates (presenting finished draft to TC39
 committee in November rather than July)?

 AWB: Everything we want to include is in the spec at some level of
 quality, it's just a matter of ensuring quality.

 YK: If you're an implementer,