Andreas Rossberg wrote:
let a = [], b = [], c = [], d = []
for (int i = 0, f = function(){ return function() { ++i } }; i<  10;
d[i] = function() { return i }, ++i) {
  a[i] = f;
  b[i] = f();
  c[i] = function(){ return i }

But note that the environment in b's closures is not the for-loop
environment. Instead, it is a local environment, whose parent is the
for-loop environment. To make that case work, it is not enough to be
able to modify the [[Scope]] environment of closures -- in general,
you'd need to swap out arbitrary parts of an environment chain.

Oww, that's a problem. Copies are hard here... refs can do it, but no one likes them.

I am fine with either. So far I have favoured
fresh-variables-per-iteration, but the current discussion has raised
some doubts in the back of my mind.

This whole discussion leads me to completely different opinion: what about to embrace "explicit is better than implicit" for this case, and allow let/const without initializer to create local copy of an outer variable?

Then, if you need to capture a value, you write it down (I know this appeared to avoid capturing by hand in (function (i) { ... })(i), but reusing normal blocks to do it may work, wouldn't it?

It disallows some of the ninjutsu (init-closures will work with different i than localized closures), but it will be clearly visible:

  let a = [], b = [], c = [], d = [], e = []
  for (int i = 0, f = function(){ return function() { ++i } }; i<  10;
    d[i] = function() { return i }, ++i) {
    a[i] = f; // this
    b[i] = f(); // and this
    c[i] = function(){ return i } // and this work with loop-level i
       let i;
       e[i] = function () { return i; } // this has local i


There can be even shorter syntax, like
       e[i] = function () let i { return i; } // this has local i
       e[i] = function () { let i; return i; } // this has local i
whoch can avoid need of {} block, but it must be thought of if it is possible consistently (the former should, the latter may be questionable).

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