RE: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-28 Thread BelleveInvis

 Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 09:09:26 -0700
 Subject: Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement
 BelleveInvis wrote:
   Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 14:11:38 -0700
   Subject: Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement
   Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
But I don't think we should ban people from
using `import *` because sometimes it's hard to reason about.
   Just to focus on import *, here's where I am:
   I'm in favor of deferring (not to say cutting) import *, in order to
   ES6 modules spec'ed and avoid protracted maybe-good/maybe-bad arguments.
   If someone prototyping or REPL'ing feels the pain, they should wail in
   agony. Enough wailing and we'll figure out something for their use case
   -- but not on the critical path for ES6.
   es-discuss mailing list
   http s://
  `import *` is just a variant of `with`
 No, it's not.

Only explicitly exposed members? that will be a lot better. 
es-discuss mailing list

RE: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-27 Thread BelleveInvis

 Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 14:11:38 -0700
 Subject: Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement
 Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
  But I don't think we should ban people from
  using `import *` because sometimes it's hard to reason about.
 Just to focus on import *, here's where I am:
 I'm in favor of deferring (not to say cutting) import *, in order to get 
 ES6 modules spec'ed and avoid protracted maybe-good/maybe-bad arguments.
 If someone prototyping or REPL'ing feels the pain, they should wail in 
 agony. Enough wailing and we'll figure out something for their use case 
 -- but not on the critical path for ES6.
 es-discuss mailing list

Agree. `import *` is just a variant of `with` -- everyone knows it is evil. 
`import x, y, z from xxx` is enough for most cases. 
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-27 Thread Russell Leggett
On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 But I don't think we should ban people from
 using `import *` because sometimes it's hard to reason about.

 Just to focus on import *, here's where I am:

 I'm in favor of deferring (not to say cutting) import *, in order to get
 ES6 modules spec'ed and avoid protracted maybe-good/maybe-bad arguments.

 If someone prototyping or REPL'ing feels the pain, they should wail in
 agony. Enough wailing and we'll figure out something for their use case --
 but not on the critical path for ES6.

+1 I'm all for deferring on this. Its easy to add later, but you can't take
it back. I'm used to using import * with Java, but I think the pattern
matching should be concise enough, and I think it probably the right level
of explicitness.

- Russ


 es-discuss mailing list**listinfo/es-discuss

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Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-27 Thread Brendan Eich
BelleveInvis wrote:
  Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 14:11:38 -0700
  Subject: Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement
  Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
   But I don't think we should ban people from
   using `import *` because sometimes it's hard to reason about.
  Just to focus on import *, here's where I am:
  I'm in favor of deferring (not to say cutting) import *, in order to
  ES6 modules spec'ed and avoid protracted maybe-good/maybe-bad arguments.
  If someone prototyping or REPL'ing feels the pain, they should wail in
  agony. Enough wailing and we'll figure out something for their use case
  -- but not on the critical path for ES6.
  es-discuss mailing list
  http s://



 `import *` is just a variant of `with`

No, it's not.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-24 Thread Claus Reinke

On the subject of 'exporting one value', there are a few things to say:

1. It's been asserted repeatedly that libraries that export 'just one
value' are a better design, but while this is excellent style in lots
of cases, I don't think a persuasive case has been made that this
should be the *only* style.  Dave listed a number of key Node
libraries that don't follow this rule, and if you look at other
libraries or other languages you mostly see the same thing --
sometimes it's the right thing, and sometimes it isn't.

As Isaac replied, those exceptions are not examples to follow.
As I've tried to point out in my summary, separate exports in ES6
won't be as hard to untangle as separate export assignments in ES5.

Personally, my problem is not so much with different styles, but
with which style is taken as the basis of the export system design.


   module M {
   .. lots of code ..
   export var x = ..;
   function helper(..) {..}
   export var y = helper(..);


   module M {
   .. lots of code ..
   var x = ..;
   function helper(..) {..}
   var y = helper(..);
   export {x,y}// or, without punning: export {x: x, y: y}

The former is using the harder-to-read style, but the (top level of)
export interface can still be extracted without running the code, so
even with this style, we have an improvement over ES5 modules.

However, the export object is implicit, and local variable names
are directly tied to export object properties. In my experience with
module systems, separating local names from exported/imported
names is important (for preserving the static/dynamic phase
distinction when adding more dynamic features to the design).

The latter variant not just makes it easier for humans to find the 
export interface, which -as you say- is a matter of style. It also
has an explicit export object, and it separates the local names 
from the exported properties. Using property punning (x 
aas a shortcut for x : x), we can still have the convenience of 
just listing the exported names but the desugared version 
shows that we have separated local from exported names.

To give just one example of why this is important: imagine a
renaming refactoring applied to this module. In the former
variant (the current spec), renaming a variable that happens
to be exported implies propagating that renaming to all importers!

2. Exporting a value *as* the module runs into tricky issues in the
relationship between the prototype hierarchy, the exports, and the
definition of module instances.  For example, should exporting a
function as *the* export of a module named `M` mean that `` is
also available?

Hm, I hadn't thought about that, but my intuition tells me that
there should be an export object for every module, with just the
exports, and that this export object should be accessible from 
the module object. 

The module object might have other properties, and depending 
on how this is organized (module system properties in the

prototype chain of the export object, or the export object as
component of the module object), the module object itself
might not support '', but there should be a way to get to
the export object within the module object, and that should
definitely support something like '' if M's export
is a function.

[splitting my reply here]

To summarize: I have no problem with separate exports as
a convenience on top of an export system that maintains an
explicit export object and separates local from exported names.

I do have a problem with an export system that conflates
local and exported names and does not provide access to
an unmodified export object.

Does this clarify my concerns?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-24 Thread Wes Garland
On 24 July 2012 05:03, Claus Reinke wrote:

 Hm, I hadn't thought about that, but my intuition tells me that
 there should be an export object for every module, with just the
 exports, and that this export object should be accessible from the module

Being able to access the export object from the module object enables a
pattern we use locally, which is roughly

require(myModule).configParameter = xyz;


require(myModule).errorReporter = function(err){alert(err)};

exports.errorReporter, exports.configParameter are then used heavily within
the module -- normally, they are not even set by the user, but they there
in case the user needs to override some behaviour.


Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-24 Thread Claus Reinke

Being able to access the export object from the module object enables a
pattern we use locally, which is roughly

require(myModule).configParameter = xyz;
exports.errorReporter, exports.configParameter are then used heavily within

the module -- normally, they are not even set by the user, but they there
in case the user needs to override some behaviour.

Shouldn't that already be possible? Only the (top-level) exports
are non-modifiable, so I think this would work:

module M {
let configParameter = default;
export function setConfigParameter(value){ configParameter = value }
export ..other code using configParameter..

Looking forward to modules shims and implementations, so 
that we can verify and harmonize our interpretations of the spec.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-24 Thread Claus Reinke
[I've elided some points and comments: I was trying to summarize 
what seemed to me the core issues in this discussion; if my summary 
was unclear, it won't help to add more text; if my summary was clear, 
but the disagreements persist, adding more text won't help, either]

   Here I've come around to Isaac's opinion that 'import *' is a
   step too far. Previously, I said this is a convenient bad habit
   that might be left to linters. But that was based on experience
   with statically typed languages, where modules and their
   import/export interfaces could still be analyzed in separation.

   In ES, that is not the case: if 'System.set' and 'import *' are
   combined, humans and tools would have to *run* dependencies
   to discover the import interface. That makes it impossible to
   analyze/understand such modules in separation, statically.

This is not correct.  You can look at a single module in isolation,
and learn exactly the same things about its interface that you can in
Haskell, for example.

Haskell isn't a good role model wrt module systems - the main
design goal there was simplicity, so it doesn't use advanced 
module system ideas (at least not in the standard module system). 
Also, some good aspects have disappeared, and some aspects 
haven't quite scaled up with the increased use. 

One thing that disappeared (because it wasn't done well) was 
interface files, which allowed to develop modules wrt module 
interfaces rather than module implementations. So, yes, Haskell 
suffers from a combination of 'import * from M' with no easy 
way to pin down M's expected export interface.

Standard ML, and variants that support higher-order or even
first-class functors (parameterized modules), might be more
interesting in this context. Even when it can't be statically
(before running the module-level code) determined which 
module will provide the imports, one can pin down which 
interface that module will provide. So one can understand 
each module in isolation, with the import and export interfaces 
acting as boundaries.

But we can stay in ES6 for this discussion - consider

System.set('X',(Math.random()  0.5) ? {x:hi} : {u:oops};

module M1 {
import * from X;
module M2 {
import {x} from X;

I cannot look at 'M1' and know whether or not 'x' is bound,
because the import interface is unspecified. So I'd have to
look at 'X' and, in this case, I'd have to run 'X' before I could
tell whether 'x' in 'M1' is going to be defined. 

In contrast, I can look at 'M2' and know, because the import 
interface is specified, that, if 'X' is accepted as dependency 
for 'M2', then 'x' will be available. There might still be a

problem at runtime, but it will be outside 'M2', and it will be
about matching an export interface to an import interface,
not about static scoping in 'M2'.

(Such dynamic module aspects are another reason why one
wants to keep exported, imported, and local names separate.)

   In brief, in the context of a language as dynamic as JS, the
convenience of 'import *' is not worth the damage it does to
modular program understanding. Instead, we should ensure
   that import interfaces are clearly and statically defined.

I disagree.  Clearly and statically defined interfaces are a great
thing for some software.  Other programs, be they scripts written 
by middle school kids or dynamically-reflective towers of
meta-programming, don't want or need them.  What's the 
interface to `$`, in the face of jQuery plugins -- you can't tell, 
statically.  But that doesn't mean plugins are a bad thing.

The question is not the export interface of '$', which can change
with every plugin or new release. The question is whether 
importers of '$' can isolate themselves from such changes by 
specifying an import interface. Any export interface that 
provides the import interface will do.

Of course, it is not just handy but a pragmatic necessity not 
having to write out 'standard' imports, but as with physical

'constants', things can go awry if 'standards' change. It would
be great if I could abstract over import interfaces, so that I
don't have to write them out on every import declaration.

One way to do this is via tools: for Haskell, I had a Vim plugin
that would allow me to write an unqualified variable, and
then have the plugin search the available module exports to
make suggestions about imports, adding the selected imports
and qualifiers. So I'd be free of worrying about writing import 
declarations, but my code would have the import interfaces 

Another way would use module loaders: the default System
loader already inserts implicit imports for some standard
modules, so it could insert those with explicit import lists.

And I could have a project-specific loader adding import
declarations for my 'standard' project imports.

And for school kids, one could have a course-specific loader

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-24 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Claus Reinke wrote:
Here I've come around to Isaac's opinion that 'import *' is a
step too far. Previously, I said this is a convenient bad habit
that might be left to linters. But that was based on experience
with statically typed languages, where modules and their
import/export interfaces could still be analyzed in separation.

In ES, that is not the case: if 'System.set' and 'import *' are
combined, humans and tools would have to *run* dependencies
to discover the import interface. That makes it impossible to
analyze/understand such modules in separation, statically.

 This is not correct.  You can look at a single module in isolation,
 and learn exactly the same things about its interface that you can in
 Haskell, for example.

 Haskell isn't a good role model wrt module systems - the main
 design goal there was simplicity, so it doesn't use advanced module system
 ideas (at least not in the standard module system). Also, some good aspects
 have disappeared, and some aspects haven't quite scaled up with the
 increased use.
 One thing that disappeared (because it wasn't done well) was interface
 files, which allowed to develop modules wrt module interfaces rather than
 module implementations. So, yes, Haskell suffers from a combination of
 'import * from M' with no easy way to pin down M's expected export

 Standard ML, and variants that support higher-order or even
 first-class functors (parameterized modules), might be more
 interesting in this context. Even when it can't be statically
 (before running the module-level code) determined which module will provide
 the imports, one can pin down which interface that module will provide. So
 one can understand each module in isolation, with the import and export
 interfaces acting as boundaries.

There's a *lot* to say about module systems in Haskell, ML and other
languages, but we *really* don't want to try to make JS push the
boundaries on what can be effectively statically checked.  The current
design adds a very small amount of static information and checking to
modules, and leaves open room for some more. The SML module system,
while impressive, is most certainly not the goal.

 But we can stay in ES6 for this discussion - consider

 System.set('X',(Math.random()  0.5) ? {x:hi} : {u:oops};

 module M1 {
 import * from X;
 module M2 {
 import {x} from X;

 I cannot look at 'M1' and know whether or not 'x' is bound,
 because the import interface is unspecified. So I'd have to
 look at 'X' and, in this case, I'd have to run 'X' before I could
 tell whether 'x' in 'M1' is going to be defined.
 In contrast, I can look at 'M2' and know, because the import interface is
 specified, that, if 'X' is accepted as dependency for 'M2', then 'x' will be
 available. There might still be a
 problem at runtime, but it will be outside 'M2', and it will be
 about matching an export interface to an import interface,
 not about static scoping in 'M2'.

First, that dynamic module construction is going to be hard to reason
about -- that's the price we pay for all the great things about a
dynamic language.  Second, if you want `M2`, we're making it possible,
even easy, to write.  But I don't think we should ban people from
using `import *` because sometimes it's hard to reason about.

 (Such dynamic module aspects are another reason why one
 wants to keep exported, imported, and local names separate.)

In brief, in the context of a language as dynamic as JS, the
 convenience of 'import *' is not worth the damage it does to
 modular program understanding. Instead, we should ensure
that import interfaces are clearly and statically defined.

 I disagree.  Clearly and statically defined interfaces are a great
 thing for some software.  Other programs, be they scripts written by
 middle school kids or dynamically-reflective towers of
 meta-programming, don't want or need them.  What's the interface to `$`,
 in the face of jQuery plugins -- you can't tell, statically.  But that
 doesn't mean plugins are a bad thing.

 The question is not the export interface of '$', which can change
 with every plugin or new release. The question is whether importers of '$'
 can isolate themselves from such changes by specifying an import interface.
 Any export interface that provides the import interface will do.

Right now, jQuery works without its users specifying such an
interface. Again, people who want to specify such an interface have
their reasons, and we want to support them.  But people who don't
should also find a home in the design.

import .. from 'loader!resource'

 Dave and I have been talking about this, and fortunately it doesn't
 require changing the core elements of the module system -- it just
 means making the `System` loader somewhat more configurable at

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-24 Thread Brendan Eich

Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

But I don't think we should ban people from
using `import *` because sometimes it's hard to reason about.

Just to focus on import *, here's where I am:

I'm in favor of deferring (not to say cutting) import *, in order to get 
ES6 modules spec'ed and avoid protracted maybe-good/maybe-bad arguments.

If someone prototyping or REPL'ing feels the pain, they should wail in 
agony. Enough wailing and we'll figure out something for their use case 
-- but not on the critical path for ES6.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-23 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 5:03 AM, Claus Reinke wrote:
 If you want to export a bag of functions, then put the functions on an
 object, and export the object.

 It *is* making it trickier to figure out how to add types and macros,
 but I'm less excited about those features than I am about making our
 existing problems easier to solve.

 It's not trickier, it's essentially impossible. If we don't support static
 imports and exports, those doors are shut.

 1. It should be possible to reconcile the two styles:

- if the single export object is an object literal, then one-level
early checking against imports should be possible

- if the single export object is not an object literal (eg, a function),
early checking could limit static imports to that single object
(the properties of which could still be selected dynamically).

On the subject of 'exporting one value', there are a few things to say:

1. It's been asserted repeatedly that libraries that export 'just one
value' are a better design, but while this is excellent style in lots
of cases, I don't think a persuasive case has been made that this
should be the *only* style.  Dave listed a number of key Node
libraries that don't follow this rule, and if you look at other
libraries or other languages you mostly see the same thing --
sometimes it's the right thing, and sometimes it isn't.

2. Exporting a value *as* the module runs into tricky issues in the
relationship between the prototype hierarchy, the exports, and the
definition of module instances.  For example, should exporting a
function as *the* export of a module named `M` mean that `` is
also available?

 2. Why the focus on an early -limited to one-level- check in the
current spec can seem non-optimal:

- if one wants to export a single object, one has to introduce
a level of indirection: 'import {theThing: thing} from module';
this is a workaround, for a newly design module system

- one level of indirection is sufficient to defeat the early checks:
'import {jquery:$} from jquery' give no guarantees whatsoever
about the components of '$'

JS is a dynamic language -- there's no way we're taking away the
ability to export JS objects from modules, so I don't see what this
objection is about. You could write your whole program in a string,
and give up early syntax errors, too.

 3. There is the question of explicit module export interfaces:

- in ES5, a single explicit export object (as an object literal) makes
 the export interface obvious; while assignments to exports don't

- in ES6, export declarations are syntactically limited so that tools
can unambiguously identify (one level of) the export interface;

that doesn't mean that humans should have to hunt for export
declarations spread throughout the module, though

You can use one `export` declaration at the top of the module, but
we're not requiring that style.

 4. The same question arises for import dependencies:

- in ES5, scanning for calls to 'require' and their parameters gives
no guarantees if conventions are not followed

- in ES6, 'import' conventions are enforced statically, so tools can
discover dependencies statically; again, humans should not
have to hunt for 'import' declarations

I don't understand you point here.  The point of the module system is
not to mandate one preferred code organization style.

 5. and for import interfaces:

- ES5 modules make no guarantees
- ES6 modules rely on static checks so hard that they allow
'import *' to interact with the importer's lexical environment

Here I've come around to Isaac's opinion that 'import *' is a
step too far. Previously, I said this is a convenient bad habit
that might be left to linters. But that was based on experience
with statically typed languages, where modules and their
import/export interfaces could still be analyzed in separation.

In ES, that is not the case: if 'System.set' and 'import *' are
combined, humans and tools would have to *run* dependencies
to discover the import interface. That makes it impossible to
analyze/understand such modules in separation, statically.

This is not correct.  You can look at a single module in isolation,
and learn exactly the same things about its interface that you can in
Haskell, for example.

In brief, in the context of a language as dynamic as JS, the
 convenience of 'import *' is not worth the damage it does tomodular
 program understanding. Instead, we should ensure
that import interfaces are clearly and statically defined.

I disagree.  Clearly and statically defined interfaces are a great
thing for some software.  Other programs, be they scripts written by
middle school kids or dynamically-reflective towers of
meta-programming, don't want or need them.  What's the interface to
`$`, in the face of 

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-21 Thread David Herman
On Jul 20, 2012, at 9:23 PM, Isaac Schlueter wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 4:33 PM, David Herman wrote:
 var fs = require('fs')
 // no path here...
 function notCoveredByTests () {, ...)
 How would any of this solve that?
 Because `path` is unbound, and static variable checking reports that as an 
 And this works because modules don't share global namespace with one
 another?  (If they do share global space, then how would the static
 checker know that it won't be assigned to a global 'path' by that

They do share a global namespace, and the static checker doesn't know that a 
new global won't be assigned. It's an early error to refer to a variable that 
doesn't exist at the time of checking.

 But we should not force this style on programmers.
 It's not forcing anything on programmers.
 If you want to export a bag of functions, then put the functions on an
 object, and export the object.
 It *is* making it trickier to figure out how to add types and macros,
 but I'm less excited about those features than I am about making our
 existing problems easier to solve.

It's not trickier, it's essentially impossible. If we don't support static 
imports and exports, those doors are shut. Not to mention the other things I 
mentioned in my blog post, including straightforward optimizations and 
interoperability with modules written in other languages.

 Even Node itself does not adhere strictly to that style -- look at the 
 'path' or 'fs' libraries, for example.
 I consider that a mistake.  And even there, there's a single exports
 object that methods are assigned to.

I'm still having a hard time telling whether your just one export thing 
descends into tautology. I mean, clearly a set of n things can be thought of 
either as n things or 1 set. But does that actually tell us anything?

 Same with the ES standard library: Math and JSON are both multi-export 
 (pseudo-)modules that just export functions.
 They export a single object that has functions attached to it.
 Math.pow(), JSON.parse, etc.
 export { parse: parse, stringify:stringify }

Again, this is obvious, so I'm not sure what you're demonstrating. Clearly if 
we don't care about any of the benefits of static modules, then multiple 
operations can be provided as properties of a single object. But you've been 
claiming that it's a *mistake* for modules to support multiple operations (such 
as 'fs' or 'path' or Math). And I disagree with that.

 In these cases, there's no natural data abstraction needed, no class or 
 object with methods, just functions. To quote John Carmack, Sometimes the 
 elegant implementation is just a function. Not a method. Not a class. Not a 
 framework. Just a function.
 The Carmack quote is exactly why export one thing is so important.
 Most modules should be a single function; not several things, not a
 collection of utility methods.

I don't share your interpretation, but let's not quibble over what Carmack 
meant. What I mean is, JSON.parse and JSON.stringify don't really function as 
methods. They don't care about `this`. They're just functions, and they happen 
to be stored on an object because at the time JSON came out, that was the only 
way to provide multiple functions.

If I want to write a module that provides n functions, what is inherently 
superior about providing a Thing with n methods, instead of just directly 
providing the n functions?

BTW, I'm *not* saying that I don't like libraries that use method chaining and 
abstract types and all that good stuff -- I love it! jQuery, optimist -- these 
are all great! But they are not the *only* way to write good libraries.

 Moreover, it would be hostile to adding static constructs in the future, 
 such as macros, that can be exported from a module.
 Can you elaborate on that?
 It took me a few days, but I wrote up some rationale for static module 
 resolution on my blog:
 At the risk of seeming like a little bit of a luddite, it seems weird
 to me to make the modules that export stuff use case (which we have
 now) less awesome, in favor of the modules that exports macros and
 types use case (which is not a compelling problem right now).

I don't see what you're saying is less awesome. I already wrote a blog post 
about all the ways I think it's more awesome. It's *certainly* more awesome to 
be able to do callback-free module loading without synchronous I/O, which 
neither Node nor AMD can do. It's more awesome to be able to put 'export' in 
front of a local var/function/let/class declaration without having to write 
separate code elsewhere that constructs an export object. It's more awesome to 
get early binding optimization. It's more awesome to get built-in error 
checking for *everyone*, not just the fraction of people that use linters. It's 
more awesome to support language interoperability. 

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-21 Thread Claus Reinke

If you want to export a bag of functions, then put the functions on an
object, and export the object.

It *is* making it trickier to figure out how to add types and macros,
but I'm less excited about those features than I am about making our
existing problems easier to solve.

It's not trickier, it's essentially impossible. If we don't support static 
imports and exports, those doors are shut. 

1. It should be possible to reconcile the two styles:

   - if the single export object is an object literal, then one-level
   early checking against imports should be possible

   - if the single export object is not an object literal (eg, a function),
   early checking could limit static imports to that single object
   (the properties of which could still be selected dynamically)

   In other words, one could permit

   module M { export { x: .. , y: ..} }
   import {x,y} from M


   module M { var obj = .. ; export obj}
   import obj from M
   .. obj.x ..

   but not

   module M { var obj = .. ; export obj}
   import {x,y} from M// early error, even if obj.x/obj.y exist

2. Why the focus on an early -limited to one-level- check in the
   current spec can seem non-optimal:

   - if one wants to export a single object, one has to introduce
   a level of indirection: 'import {theThing: thing} from module';
   this is a workaround, for a newly design module system

   - one level of indirection is sufficient to defeat the early checks:
   'import {jquery:$} from jquery' give no guarantees whatsoever
   about the components of '$'

3. There is the question of explicit module export interfaces:

   - in ES5, a single explicit export object (as an object literal) makes 
   the export interface obvious; while assignments to exports don't

   - in ES6, export declarations are syntactically limited so that tools
   can unambiguously identify (one level of) the export interface;

   that doesn't mean that humans should have to hunt for export
   declarations spread throughout the module, though

4. The same question arises for import dependencies:

   - in ES5, scanning for calls to 'require' and their parameters gives
   no guarantees if conventions are not followed

   - in ES6, 'import' conventions are enforced statically, so tools can
   discover dependencies statically; again, humans should not
   have to hunt for 'import' declarations

5. and for import interfaces:

   - ES5 modules make no guarantees
   - ES6 modules rely on static checks so hard that they allow
   'import *' to interact with the importer's lexical environment

   Here I've come around to Isaac's opinion that 'import *' is a
   step too far. Previously, I said this is a convenient bad habit
   that might be left to linters. But that was based on experience
   with statically typed languages, where modules and their
   import/export interfaces could still be analyzed in separation.

   In ES, that is not the case: if 'System.set' and 'import *' are
   combined, humans and tools would have to *run* dependencies
   to discover the import interface. That makes it impossible to
   analyze/understand such modules in separation, statically.

   In brief, in the context of a language as dynamic as JS, the 
   convenience of 'import *' is not worth the damage it does to 
   modular program understanding. Instead, we should ensure

   that import interfaces are clearly and statically defined.

Not to mention the other things I mentioned in my blog post, 
including straightforward optimizations and interoperability with 
modules written in other languages.

As others have tried to point out before, and I've tried to pin down 
in the thread

   ES modules: syntax import vs preprocessing cs plugins

current dynamic JS module systems (both AMD and node's) 
handle language interoperability and preprocessing in ways 
that the currently spec-ed ES6 modules cannot:

While all three systems provide for loader plugins in some
form, ES6 modules currently make it very hard to use such
plugins, requiring a switch away from the new static module
system to dynamic and asynchronous features.

The solution seems straightforward, and has been championed
by James here: allow loader plugins to be specified on import,
without leaving the new world of static and syntactic module
imports. If you don't like 

   import .. from 'loader!resource'

then perhaps

   import .. from 'resource' using 'loader'

might do (in both cases, 'loader' itself would be loaded as a


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-20 Thread Isaac Schlueter
Sorry for my long delay in responding.

On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 4:33 PM, David Herman wrote:
 var fs = require('fs')
 // no path here...
 function notCoveredByTests () {, ...)


 How would any of this solve that?

 Because `path` is unbound, and static variable checking reports that as an 

And this works because modules don't share global namespace with one
another?  (If they do share global space, then how would the static
checker know that it won't be assigned to a global 'path' by that

 I'm going to mull this more. I agree it's a worthwhile goal. But I'd like to 
 find a way to keep the syntax as lightweight as possible and yet not 
 interfere with static resolution.

Sounds good.  I'm interested in what you come up with.

 But we should not force this style on programmers.

It's not forcing anything on programmers.

If you want to export a bag of functions, then put the functions on an
object, and export the object.

It *is* making it trickier to figure out how to add types and macros,
but I'm less excited about those features than I am about making our
existing problems easier to solve.

 Even Node itself does not adhere strictly to that style -- look at the 'path' 
 or 'fs' libraries, for example.

I consider that a mistake.  And even there, there's a single exports
object that methods are assigned to.

 Same with the ES standard library: Math and JSON are both multi-export 
 (pseudo-)modules that just export functions.

They export a single object that has functions attached to it.
Math.pow(), JSON.parse, etc.

export { parse: parse, stringify:stringify }

 In these cases, there's no natural data abstraction needed, no class or 
 object with methods, just functions. To quote John Carmack, Sometimes the 
 elegant implementation is just a function. Not a method. Not a class. Not a 
 framework. Just a function.

The Carmack quote is exactly why export one thing is so important.
Most modules should be a single function; not several things, not a
collection of utility methods.

 Moreover, it would be hostile to adding static constructs in the future, 
 such as macros, that can be exported from a module.
 Can you elaborate on that?
 It took me a few days, but I wrote up some rationale for static module 
 resolution on my blog:

At the risk of seeming like a little bit of a luddite, it seems weird
to me to make the modules that export stuff use case (which we have
now) less awesome, in favor of the modules that exports macros and
types use case (which is not a compelling problem right now).

Granted, we don't have that use case because it doesn't exist.  But
maybe it could be done in a different way that doesn't necessitate
multiple exports.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-30 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 30 June 2012 01:49, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

 So packages are like 30% of a module system.

Coming from ML, I have to disagree strongly -- Java's packages are at most
3% of a module system. ;)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-30 Thread Alex Russell
Strongly concur with Andreas. Citing Java is fraught beyond belief.

Andreas Rossberg wrote:

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Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-29 Thread David Herman
On Jun 27, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Isaac Schlueter wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:51 AM, David Herman wrote:
 That bug was particularly bad because it was *assigning* to an accidentally 
 global variable. But in my personal experience I certainly forget to import 
 common libraries like 'path' and 'fs' in Node all the time and end up with 
 unbound variable references. When this happens in a control flow that got 
 missed by tests, then it can end up in production.
 You mean something like this?
 var fs = require('fs')
 // no path here...
 function notCoveredByTests () {, ...)


 How would any of this solve that?

Because `path` is unbound, and static variable checking reports that as an 

 var Foo = require(foo)
 var f = new Foo()
 Just import it directly:
 import Foo from foo;
 var f = new Foo();
 But wait... those are two different things, aren't they?  Isn't yours
 more akin to: `var Foo = require('foo).Foo`?

Yes. I was thinking there wasn't any significant difference in convenience, but 
was forgetting (until SubStack pointed it out to me on IRC) that the main 
difference is that the library is required to give the abstraction a name, and 
the client must import it by that name. The client can rename it explicitly if 
they like, but that's strictly less convenient than having the export be 
completely anonymous.

James Burke has also urged us to consider allowing modules to export a single 
distinguished thing. I'm going to mull this more. I agree it's a worthwhile 
goal. But I'd like to find a way to keep the syntax as lightweight as possible 
and yet not interfere with static resolution.

 I'm having trouble articulating why it is that module.exports=blah is
 better than exports.blah=blah.

I think I can make at least a partial case for why it's a good style. In many 
languages, I think a natural pattern emerges where a module provides a central 
organizing data abstraction, and there's a special distinguished export 
representing that data abstraction. Obviously this is popular in NPM, but you 
see it all over. In Java, they didn't even *have* a module system because 
classes did double-duty as a data abstraction, a constructor, a type definition 
and a module. In ML, people use the pattern where a module exports a 
distinguished type that conventionally is called `t` -- so you would name the 
module after the type, and the type would be MyWidget.t.

But we should not force this style on programmers. Even Node itself does not 
adhere strictly to that style -- look at the 'path' or 'fs' libraries, for 
example. Same with the ES standard library: Math and JSON are both multi-export 
(pseudo-)modules that just export functions. In these cases, there's no natural 
data abstraction needed, no class or object with methods, just functions. To 
quote John Carmack, Sometimes the elegant implementation is just a function. 
Not a method. Not a class. Not a framework. Just a function.

 Moreover, it would be hostile to adding static constructs in the future, 
 such as macros, that can be exported from a module.
 Can you elaborate on that?

It took me a few days, but I wrote up some rationale for static module 
resolution on my blog:

 That's sort of like unfinished objects, then, but with the keys all
 set to undefined.
 So, then `export x = 10` hoists the `export x` and leaves the `x = 10`
 where it is, var-like?


 Does a_c === c, or not?

The syntax wasn't quite right. You had:

 // c.js
 import a from a
 export c_a = a
 export c = 10
 // does c_a === c?

You could write:

// c.js
import a from a
export var c_a = a
export var c = 10

In this case, it acts like traditional hoisting as you say. So the answer 
depends on the order of execution of the modules. With cycles, there's always a 
bit of arbitrariness about it; we'll of course make it deterministic, but you 
can't avoid the possibility of one module referring to another one before it's 
executed. So if c_a will only be === to a if a.js executes first. And NaN 
notwithstanding, of course. :)

Alternatively, you could write:

// c.js
import a from a
export { c_a: a }

In this case, you're re-exporting the same binding from a, and they are 
aliases. No matter what you do, c_a and a will be the same.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-29 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
 In Java, they didn't even *have* a module system because classes did 
 double-duty as a data abstraction, a constructor, a type definition and a 

Not that it affects your arguments, but that is not entirely true. With 
packages, you’ve always had a namespacing mechanism that was easy to understand 
(because it mapped directly to directories) and prevented name clashes (thanks 
to its reverse domain name convention). And there was package-private 
visibility. So packages are like 30% of a module system. Classes were mainly 
used as modules when Java needed to work around not having functions (via 
static methods), a bit like JSON, Math, et al.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-28 Thread Aymeric Vitte

I think we all agree that global isolation is the core purpose of a
module system.  (Is that incorrect?)

Partly agree? I believe that obviating the *need* for globals is the core 
purpose of a module system. I don't believe that modules should necessarily be 
strictly separated. Modules should be given clean local scopes so that they 
don't overwrite each other, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to 
still communicate via the global object.

Yes, exactly, if I can dare a comparison, a module could behave 
somewhere like the theorical 'wrap' here 
(sorry to bother with this), contexts are separated, you can not create 
global vars inside the 'wrap' but can access them, you decide what 
should come into the 'wrap' and what goes out, so what you can/want to 
share, a bit like having a super global outside and multiple globals 
inside the 'wraps' (or modules)

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Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-28 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:
    script src=/assets/add_blaster.js
    module main {
      import go from add_blaster;

 That's *not* what I'd call a forward-compatible solution since you still
 have to use the script tag prior to importing.  What's needed is a way to
 tell the loader that add_blaster can be fetched from

What James asked for was a solution for how libraries such as jquery
or backbone could be implemented so that they work in both worlds,
which is what I provided.

 I believe that's what James is referring to: a declarative set of mappings
 that inform the loader where to fetch certain modules from.  Creating a
 custom loader which overrides the default loader's resolve behavior is going
 to be too much work for this simple use case.  That's the argument, anyway.
  If it's not difficult, then I think we as a community need to see examples
 of how that would work.

 It seems that a better way to enable forward-compatibility would be to
 provide an imperative way to set the exports of the current module:

     if (this.System)
       System.setCurrentModuleExports({ ... }); // A shorter name, of course!

 The forward-compatible module is then relieved of the necessity of naming
 itself using some arbitrary module name (which would obviously pollute the
 global module namespace: not acceptable).

 Trying to keep this message short, but it seems to me that once we allow the
 possibility of custom loader behavior (even as simple as declaratively
 remapping URLs), then the arguments for static import/export start to fall
 apart.  In order to keep the supposed benefits of static analysis, our tools
 (i.e. IDE) are going to have to be aware of that custom loading behavior to
 continue to be useful.  And if modules are dynamically injected into the
 module namespace with System.set, then static analysis (and the
 typo-checking that is deemed so important) is completely out-the-window.

 Does this indicate that the static analysis arguments are on shaky ground?

No, it doesn't.  It's important to distinguish between the code that
runs to set up an environment (such as the call to `System.set` in my
mail) and code that runs *in* that environment (such as the `import`
statement in my mail).  What is runtime for one of these is
compilation time for the other.
sam th
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-28 Thread Kevin Smith

 What James asked for was a solution for how libraries such as jquery
 or backbone could be implemented so that they work in both worlds,
 which is what I provided.

From James' point-of-view, though (correct me if I'm wrong, James), this
would be a step backward from current AMD usability.

No, it doesn't.  It's important to distinguish between the code that
 runs to set up an environment (such as the call to `System.set` in my
 mail) and code that runs *in* that environment (such as the `import`
 statement in my mail).  What is runtime for one of these is
 compilation time for the other.

I see your point.  If add_blaster.js does not export go, then we get an
early binding error when we compile the main module.

That's fine for the execution environment, but static analysis tools that
do not execute code will not be able to tell what the exports are for a
given module URL, in general.  This point has a bearing on the IDE
argument, I think.

- Kevin
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-28 Thread James Burke
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 7:56 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:
    script src=/assets/add_blaster.js
    module main {
      import go from add_blaster;

 That's *not* what I'd call a forward-compatible solution since you still
 have to use the script tag prior to importing.  What's needed is a way to
 tell the loader that add_blaster can be fetched from

 What James asked for was a solution for how libraries such as jquery
 or backbone could be implemented so that they work in both worlds,
 which is what I provided.

As Kevin says later, that is not what I asked for.

A developer using a module system does not want to have to manually
know that some dependencies need to be included as script tags before
starting loading. Often they are using modules that have dependencies,
that have dependencies, and they do not want to know that they have to
manually inspect the dependency tree to figure out what modules need
to be inlined as script tags before using modules themselves.

So, they will rely on a someone to provide a script loader library to
handle this. But that is what module support should do by default.
Otherwise, forms like AMD will continue to thrive, and worse yet cause
confusion in the minds of developers. There should be one module
format, usable with existing code as dependencies for es modules.

This is a real use case because it comes up all the time in AMD. Ask
any AMD+backbone user. Backbone does not use a module format, but it
is used all the time as a dependency in AMD modules.

This is why relying on parse all the dependencies before eval for
exports is a problem. My proposal of eval dependencies, get those
exported values, then use that exported value to modify the AST of the
current module, then eval approach in the other thread is an attempt
to solve that problem.

With that, you can support these older libraries that need to use the
runtime API so they can live in both worlds, but you still have a shot
at supporting things like import checking.

I think working this out in person or in online, real time may work
better. Sam or Dave, feel free to contact me offline if you want to do

I will also try to set up a repo with some test scenarios, because the
optimization case when combining modules also needs more work.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Brendan Eich

David Bruant wrote:

Le 26/06/2012 16:44, David Bruant a écrit :
Also relevant to this thread, post on the same topic by Isaacs 
(node.js lead) :
Furthermore, |let| already gives us destructuring assignment. If a 
module exports a bunch of items, and we want several of them, then do 
|var {x,y,z} = import 'foo'| or some such.
= Excellent idea. That combined with the single export idea reduces 
the amount of new syntax to introduce.

Declarations can nest under control flow constructs, but import or 
module dependencies must be prefetched. They're static.

  if (some_rare_condition()) { let x = import m; ... }

either always prefetches m, which does not say what is meant; or it 
nests an event loop, violating run-to-completion, which is not going to 

The Module proposal has a local renaming feature which I think should 
be kept:

Initial proposal:
import { draw: drawShape } from shape;
import { draw: drawGun } from cowboy;
Could become:
let {draw: drawShape} = import './shape.js'
let {draw: drawGun} = import './cowboy.js'

I would actually reverse the order:
let {drawShape: draw} = import './shape.js'
let {drawGun: draw} = import './cowboy.js'
But that's a matter of taste.

No, you can't so reorder, it's not a matter of taste. Destructuring is 
the dual of 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread David Bruant

Le 27/06/2012 10:31, Brendan Eich a écrit :

David Bruant wrote:

Le 26/06/2012 16:44, David Bruant a écrit :
Also relevant to this thread, post on the same topic by Isaacs 
(node.js lead) :
Furthermore, |let| already gives us destructuring assignment. If a 
module exports a bunch of items, and we want several of them, then do 
|var {x,y,z} = import 'foo'| or some such.
= Excellent idea. That combined with the single export idea reduces 
the amount of new syntax to introduce.

Declarations can nest under control flow constructs, but import or 
module dependencies must be prefetched. They're static.

  if (some_rare_condition()) { let x = import m; ... }

either always prefetches m, which does not say what is meant;

It could be considered to allow 'let x = import m;' only at the top level.
But if it's the case, having a specific lexical form makes clearer that 
it's a module import and not a regular assignment.

or it nests an event loop, violating run-to-completion, which is not 
going to happen.
Event loops and run-to-completion aren't even part of ECMAScript, so I 
wouldn't allow myself to think about such a thing.
Also having played with nested event loops in Firefox chrome code, I'm 
not really sure they're a good idea the way they are currently designed 
at least.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Brendan Eich

David Bruant wrote:

Le 27/06/2012 10:31, Brendan Eich a écrit :

David Bruant wrote:

Le 26/06/2012 16:44, David Bruant a écrit :
Also relevant to this thread, post on the same topic by Isaacs 
(node.js lead) :
Furthermore, |let| already gives us destructuring assignment. If a 
module exports a bunch of items, and we want several of them, then 
do |var {x,y,z} = import 'foo'| or some such.
= Excellent idea. That combined with the single export idea reduces 
the amount of new syntax to introduce.

Declarations can nest under control flow constructs, but import or 
module dependencies must be prefetched. They're static.

  if (some_rare_condition()) { let x = import m; ... }

either always prefetches m, which does not say what is meant;

It could be considered to allow 'let x = import m;' only at the top 
But if it's the case, having a specific lexical form makes clearer 
that it's a module import and not a regular assignment.

The other point people seem to miss about import as a special binding 
form is not just that it can be restricted grammatically to be 
control-insensitive by construction: it's that static export vs. import 
checking can be done to catch typos.

This is a significant point, but it's either missed or assumed 
insignificant. I think we should have a stand-up argument about it. 
Static module systems are static, in dependency prefetching, in binding, 
and in export vs. import checking.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread David Bruant

Le 27/06/2012 11:09, Brendan Eich a écrit :

David Bruant wrote:

Le 27/06/2012 10:31, Brendan Eich a écrit :

David Bruant wrote:

Le 26/06/2012 16:44, David Bruant a écrit :
Also relevant to this thread, post on the same topic by Isaacs 
(node.js lead) :
Furthermore, |let| already gives us destructuring assignment. If a 
module exports a bunch of items, and we want several of them, then 
do |var {x,y,z} = import 'foo'| or some such.
= Excellent idea. That combined with the single export idea 
reduces the amount of new syntax to introduce.

Declarations can nest under control flow constructs, but import or 
module dependencies must be prefetched. They're static.

  if (some_rare_condition()) { let x = import m; ... }

either always prefetches m, which does not say what is meant;

It could be considered to allow 'let x = import m;' only at the top 
But if it's the case, having a specific lexical form makes clearer 
that it's a module import and not a regular assignment.

The other point people seem to miss about import as a special binding 
form is not just that it can be restricted grammatically to be 
control-insensitive by construction: it's that static export vs. 
import checking can be done to catch typos.

This is a significant point, but it's either missed or assumed 
insignificant. I think we should have a stand-up argument about it. 
Static module systems are static, in dependency prefetching, in 
binding, and in export vs. import checking.
Import checking is definitely a feature that's worth it, but Isaacs idea 
to being able to import jQuery (or any library of course) as is by 
having the module global scope into the export object without 
polluting the actual global object seems to is definitely a win.
Being able to import existing libraries as modules without changing a 
bit of the library, without even having to read it or worry about global 
leaks is a strong win in my opinion. It's worth not having the typo 
check for this particular case.

Import checking can still be added afterward.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Brendan Eich

David Bruant wrote:
Import checking is definitely a feature that's worth it, but Isaacs 
idea to being able to import jQuery (or any library of course) as is 
by having the module global scope into the export object without 
polluting the actual global object seems to is definitely a win.

That's maybe a win, but we don't use JQuery that way today. Speculating 
about future usability is perilous. We'd need to implement and test, but 
see below for some questions to answer first.

If it's important, then people can build such a system using loaders. 
But it's at this point completely undemonstrated that exposing JQuery's 
few top-level bindings in an imported object beats (for usability, 
simplifying old vs. new clients, or any other measure) modifying JQuery 
to export those bindings and then importing what the client uses.

Being able to import existing libraries as modules without changing a 
bit of the library, without even having to read it or worry about 
global leaks is a strong win in my opinion. It's worth not having the 
typo check for this particular case.

Either way, there's a different client code obligation from today's pattern.

It's true you can use today's JQuery as is, but why would you use a new 
client API or syntax and require only new browsers or else 
trans-compilation? What's the benefit?

Import checking can still be added afterward.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Kevin Smith

 The other point people seem to miss about import as a special binding form
 is not just that it can be restricted grammatically to be
 control-insensitive by construction: it's that static export vs. import
 checking can be done to catch typos.

As long as the exported names are static, it's possible to catch typos
using Isaac's form as well though, right?

- Kevin
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Isaac Schlueter
I think a stand-up fight about this sounds wonderful.

I am not at all convinced that typo-checking is anywhere near worth
the price tag, or is even a problem.  Most of the alleged needs for
type-checking are a bit dubious to me; that's not really what JS is
all about.

It would be great for one of the static-export proponents to catalog
some current problems in the wild today that this would address, with
code examples that use modern module systems.

Re: Conditional Importing

Only allowing `import` at the top level sounds like an ok idea, but
I'm not so sure it's necessary.  Consider the current require() style:

if (some_rare_condition()) {
  foo = require('foo')

In requirejs and browserify the 'foo' module will be *defined*, but
never loaded (ie, prefetched, evaluated for deps, bundled, etc).  In
Node, it won't be read from the disk or evaluated (but if it's not
there ON the disk, you'll have problems eventually, which is
conceptually equivalent to having already been fetched, but without
the pre-run safety check.)

if (some_rare_condition()) {
  foo = import 'foo'

could be treated similarly.  There is an import statement, so resolve
it and define it.  However, it's never actually evaluated/run until
the first time the condition is hit, so the program text will be
parsed for `import`s, but never actually executed.

I am not aware of this being a surprise to many people in the current systems.

 It's true you can use today's JQuery as is, but why would you use a new 
 client API or syntax and require only new browsers or else trans-compilation? 
 What's the benefit?

I'm confused.  Isn't `module jquery { ... $teh.Codez() ... }`
already going to require only new browsers, as well as code editing or
trans-compilation?  Why is that less onerous than a new API or html
tag, especially when the tag can desugar to the API?

But, that being said, as I mentioned in the cited blog post,
auto-exporting the global is a bit weird, at least.  Making changes to
old libraries is costlier than we tend to think, but usually not
prohibitively so (and when it is, we just write new libraries).

I definitely agree that speculating about the future is hazardous,
which is exactly why I think that the module specification (and all ES
specs, actually) should focus on the problems we have today, and aim
to deliver value to today's programs.  We should look at current
common problems, and ask, What is the minimum change to the
language's semantics and syntax that will make *this problem* go away,
without causing new problems, or preventing other solutions?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Brendan Eich

Kevin Smith wrote:

The other point people seem to miss about import as a special
binding form is not just that it can be restricted grammatically
to be control-insensitive by construction: it's that static export
vs. import checking can be done to catch typos.

As long as the exported names are static, it's possible to catch typos 
using Isaac's form as well though, right?

Not as I understood Isaac's proposal:


// x.js
export { real: 'x' }


// y.js
var x = import './x.js'


assert.same(x.real, 'x')

x.typo // undefined, not an early error


obscured_call could have deleted the 'real' property, and added (or not) 
'typo'. There is no way in general to statically check property 
references in JS. Static analysis is by definition approximate and while 
we have some hot analyses in SpiderMonkey and (to be brought back up 
soon) DoctorJS, they are way too much to mandate in the standard.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Brendan Eich

Isaac Schlueter wrote:

I think a stand-up fight about this sounds wonderful.

Ok, great. But:

I am not at all convinced that typo-checking is anywhere near worth
the price tag, or is even a problem.  Most of the alleged needs for
type-checking are a bit dubious to me; that's not really what JS is
all about.

This is not stand-up fighting.

First, what we propose is not type-checking. Names are not types. It's 
not even structural record typing, one level deep. We're talking about 
the same checking done to make sure

var foo = 42;
... foop ...

throws at runtime in ES1-5 if evaluation reaches the foop use, and (if 
you wrap a module around that hunk of code, and there's no global foop 
property) at compile-time (EarlyError) in ES6.

Second, you are not at all convinced. Ok, that's either attitudinizing 
and padding an already long reply, or a line in the sand that doesn't 
say how you would be convinced, so unanswerable.

Third, what JS is all about arguments fall into the endless 
meta-discussion Ugly talking points I decried at the

slide in this talk:

We will never agree on what JS is all about.

Let's please instead argue about exact semantics of the proposals, so we 
have a hope of even talking about the same thing.

Then we should try to agree on gaps in the language to fill.

You seem to say lack of typo checking is not a gap in the language. Is 
this a fair statement?

Stopping here, to avoid ever-increasing message length. Also because we 
need to agree on stand-up fighting rules.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread David Herman
On Jun 27, 2012, at 8:46 AM, Isaac Schlueter wrote:

 I am not at all convinced that typo-checking is anywhere near worth
 the price tag, or is even a problem.  Most of the alleged needs for
 type-checking are a bit dubious to me; that's not really what JS is
 all about.

Well, not JavaScripty is a circular argument.

JavaScript serves many communities. One community we talk to is game developers 
that get a lot of mileage out of static types in other languages, and would 
love to have a typed dialect of JS. Then there's people who use the Closure 
compiler, which adds a type discipline to JS.

But we're not even talking about type checking here, just *variable name* 
checking (although if we don't have static import/export we never will be able 
to even experiment with interoperable typed dialects of JS -- that door will be 
permanently shut). IME, a dynamic language with statically checked variables is 
a nice sweet spot. It catches the really simple errors, because while you may 
want to do all sorts of dynamic computations in a program, you always want the 
scoping structure to be fixed and static. But it leaves you free to do all the 
dynamic stuff you can do today.

 We should look at current
 common problems, and ask, What is the minimum change to the
 language's semantics and syntax that will make *this problem* go away,
 without causing new problems, or preventing other solutions?

Hill climbing is famous for reaching local maxima and getting stuck. We have to 
keep an eye on the longer term at the same time as we solve near-term problems. 
This is why I have worked for years (not in haste, as your blog post suggests) 
on a module system that addresses both today's problems and lays foundations 
for tomorrow.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Isaac Schlueter
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:39 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
 First, what we propose is not type-checking.

Oh, ok.  I misunderstood.  Let's not say another word about type checking :)

 var foo = 42;
 ... foop ...

 throws at runtime in ES1-5 if evaluation reaches the foop use, and (if you
 wrap a module around that hunk of code, and there's no global foop property)
 at compile-time (EarlyError) in ES6.

I don't think that's a real problem.  Can you point to in-the-wild
bugs caused by this?  Maybe it's a failure of imagination on my part.

The cost I was referring to was:
1. added syntax
2. less obvious-for-humans-to-read programs


module foo {
  export let x = 100;
  export let y = { z: 'zed' }

// far far away in another file entirely...
import * from foo;
import * from baz;
console.log(x) // what?  where did THAT come from?
x++; // do other importers of foo see x change? if so, spooky! if not,
why not? is it foo's x or not?
y.z = 'zoo' // surely that must be shared, right?

The compiler knows about x, but I don't.  This is probably my biggest
complaint about using C and C++.  Managing exported symbols is not
hard to automate, but it is hard to not-automate, and that makes it
more painful than just fixing the bugs.  Compare with:

var foo = import foo;
console.log(foo.x) // maybe undefined, but so what?

We deal with undefined properties of objects all the time, and it's
not really such a big deal.  Typos are not a problem worth giving up
export one thing semantics for, and dealing with symbol conflicts is
worse.  Just let me call my vars whatever I want; when I ask for your
thing, give me your thing.  Dumping a bunch of symbols into my local
scope is intrusive.

 Second, you are not at all convinced. Ok, that's either attitudinizing and
 padding an already long reply, or a line in the sand that doesn't say how
 you would be convinced, so unanswerable.

Sorry, you're right, that was unclear.

I would be convinced by examples showing bugs in modern programs that
would have been prevented by the proposed static export syntax.  Ie,
bugs that current state of the art module systems do not or cannot
address, and which are causing actual problems.

 We will never agree on what JS is all about.

Well, apparently we do wrt static type checking, actually :)

But you're right.  I'll leave esthetics out of it.  Let's focus on practicality.

 You seem to say lack of typo checking is not a gap in the language. Is this
 a fair statement?

Yes that is a fair statement.  I don't see how we can add typo
checking without also adding you get to tell me what to call my local
vars.  In every other place in the language, I get to decide what my
vars are called, and typo-checking happens locally, not at a distance.
 That's not a gap, that's a feature.

The main gap in the language that I'd like to see filled by a
module/loader spec is global leakage.  As I see it, the rest is simply
how do we do that, without also removing module communication.
Removing global leakage removes global communication, so in
module-mode, we need a way for modules to communicate to one another,
and for the host system to know which programs to load.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread David Herman
On Jun 27, 2012, at 10:32 AM, Isaac Schlueter wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:39 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
 var foo = 42;
 ... foop ...
 throws at runtime in ES1-5 if evaluation reaches the foop use, and (if you
 wrap a module around that hunk of code, and there's no global foop property)
 at compile-time (EarlyError) in ES6.
 I don't think that's a real problem.  Can you point to in-the-wild
 bugs caused by this?  Maybe it's a failure of imagination on my part.

Well, this was a relatively high-profile example:

 // far far away in another file entirely...
 import * from foo;
 import * from baz;
 console.log(x) // what?  where did THAT come from?

The client chose to use *. You don't have to use * if you don't want to. It's a 

 x++; // do other importers of foo see x change? if so, spooky! if not,
 why not? is it foo's x or not?

Clients are disallowed from mutating another module's exports. (That's one of 
the things we're able to accomplish by making modules declarative rather than 
totally dynamic.)

 Dumping a bunch of symbols into my local scope is intrusive.

The module did not dump anything. The client chose to bulk-import them. The 
client is perfectly free not to.

 Yes that is a fair statement.  I don't see how we can add typo
 checking without also adding you get to tell me what to call my local
 vars.  In every other place in the language, I get to decide what my
 vars are called, and typo-checking happens locally, not at a distance.
 That's not a gap, that's a feature.

Here I have no idea what you're talking about. Nothing about ES6 modules 
prevents you from locally controlling names. Local control over scope has 
always been one of the foremost principles of the entire design.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Anton Kovalyov
On Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Isaac Schlueter wrote:
 I don't think that's a real problem. Can you point to in-the-wild
 bugs caused by this? Maybe it's a failure of imagination on my part.

Not sure if it's relevant but based on feedback I receive spotting typoed 
variables is one of the most popular JSHint features.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Kevin Smith

 The client chose to use *. You don't have to use * if you don't want to.
 It's a convenience.

The convenience of * comes with a price, of course:  (a) the inability to
statically catch undeclared names without also anlayzing external files,
(b) the hazard of name collisions, and (c) the inability for a reader to
tell where names are coming from without automated analysis.

Is it worth it?  How can we tell?

-  Kevin
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Jussi Kalliokoski
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 8:43 PM, David Herman wrote:

 On Jun 27, 2012, at 10:32 AM, Isaac Schlueter wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:39 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 var foo = 42;

 ... foop ...

 throws at runtime in ES1-5 if evaluation reaches the foop use, and (if you

 wrap a module around that hunk of code, and there's no global foop

 at compile-time (EarlyError) in ES6.

 I don't think that's a real problem.  Can you point to in-the-wild
 bugs caused by this?  Maybe it's a failure of imagination on my part.

 Well, this was a relatively high-profile example:

I don't see how that's at all related to modules or how modules would have
prevented this.


 // far far away in another file entirely...
 import * from foo;
 import * from baz;
 console.log(x) // what?  where did THAT come from?

 The client chose to use *. You don't have to use * if you don't want to.
 It's a convenience.

For this, if it's actually that convenient, I'd actually suggest another
destructuring pattern, because it might be useful in general as well:

let * = Math;
console.log(PI); // 3.141592653589793
console.log(cos(0)); // 1

 x++; // do other importers of foo see x change? if so, spooky! if not,
 why not? is it foo's x or not?

 Clients are disallowed from mutating another module's exports. (That's one
 of the things we're able to accomplish by making modules declarative rather
 than totally dynamic.)

What about exported objects then? Are they immutable to clients as well?
That would make this unusable for libraries that have a plugin system, such
as jQuery.

 Dumping a bunch of symbols into my local scope is intrusive.

 The module did not dump anything. The client chose to bulk-import them.
 The client is perfectly free not to.

 Yes that is a fair statement.  I don't see how we can add typo
 checking without also adding you get to tell me what to call my local
 vars.  In every other place in the language, I get to decide what my
 vars are called, and typo-checking happens locally, not at a distance.
 That's not a gap, that's a feature.

 Here I have no idea what you're talking about. Nothing about ES6 modules
 prevents you from locally controlling names. Local control over scope has
 always been one of the foremost principles of the entire design.


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread David Herman
On Jun 27, 2012, at 11:00 AM, Jussi Kalliokoski wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 8:43 PM, David Herman wrote:
 I don't see how that's at all related to modules or how modules would have 
 prevented this. 

Because we're talking about static checking of unbound variables within 
modules. A reference to or assignment to an unbound variable would result in an 
early error.

 For this, if it's actually that convenient, I'd actually suggest another 
 destructuring pattern, because it might be useful in general as well:
 let * = Math;

This is dynamic scoping. The difference between import * and let * is that the 
former is statically scoped, and the latter is dynamically scoped.

 What about exported objects then? Are they immutable to clients as well? That 
 would make this unusable for libraries that have a plugin system, such as 

Of course not. You can export a mutable object if you want to. You can export 
whatever you want.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread David Herman
On Jun 27, 2012, at 10:58 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:

 The client chose to use *. You don't have to use * if you don't want to. It's 
 a convenience.
 The convenience of * comes with a price, of course:  (a) the inability to 
 statically catch undeclared names without also anlayzing external files, (b) 
 the hazard of name collisions, and (c) the inability for a reader to tell 
 where names are coming from without automated analysis.

We intend to rule out (b) by disallowing import * from shadowing. But yes, the 
convenience does mean that the bindings are not explicitly named. That's the 
trade-off. I prefer to leave this trade-off to developers. Others prefer to 
make a unilateral ban on *. Reasonable people can disagree. But in my calculus, 
that argues for inclusion in the language and letting developers or teams make 
the decision for themselves whether to use it.

 Is it worth it?  How can we tell?

By implementing it in SpiderMonkey! :) Seriously, though, we intend to build 
modules so people can get a feel for it.

I understand that import * is controversial. ES6 modules don't depend 
inherently on them. I believe that they're an important convenience for 
scripting. But they're not fundamental.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Isaac Schlueter
 Well, this was a relatively high-profile example:

That was a bug caused by a lack of global isolation, which current
module systems cannot fix.  (Well, node *can* fix it with separate
contexts, but only by harshly penalizing performance and breaking
typeof, which we're not willing to do.)

I think we all agree that global isolation is the core purpose of a
module system.  (Is that incorrect?)

The question was whether there are in-the-wild bugs caused by typo-ing
export names in current module systems.

 The client chose to use *. You don't have to use * if you don't want to.
 It's a convenience.

It's unnecessary, afaict, and causes demonstrable harm in languages
that have it.  If it's just a convenience, then it should be cut out.

 Clients are disallowed from mutating another module's exports. (That's one
 of the things we're able to accomplish by making modules declarative rather
 than totally dynamic.)

Mutating *at all*?  Ie, they're frozen?  If I export an object, you
can't decorate it?  (If so, what does that restriction buy us?  It
seems kind of harsh.)

 Here I have no idea what you're talking about. Nothing about ES6 modules
 prevents you from locally controlling names. Local control over scope has
 always been one of the foremost principles of the entire design.

It's not exactly clear to me how I'd import foo's x as something
other than x, from reading  (Admittedly,
I'm a lot better at parsing JavaScript than parsing JavaScript parsing

Something like this?

import {myX: x, myY: y, z} from foo
// comparable to:
let {myX: x, myY: y, z} = require(foo)

Does this allow any way for the foo module to export *just* a single
thing, as the top level result?  How would this be expressed?

var Foo = require(foo)
var f = new Foo()

If the answer is that's not supported, then I think that's a
significant gap.  It encourages a one module = one thing style and
is very easy to reason about.  It would be better to give up
multi-exporting in favor of exporting one thing, only.  If I could get
away with making that change in Node, I would have by now.

How does this proposal address transitive dependency cycles?
Unfinished export objects?

// a.js
import b from b
export a = b

// b.js
import c from c
export b = c

// c.js
import a from a
export c_a = a
export c = 10
// does c_a === c?

This was one area where I mentioned in my blog post that new syntax
for exporting seems like it might be warranted.  With require()
systems today, c_a is undefined, because the c export wasn't set
yet.  It's of course much worse when these are functions that call one

All of the problems that I'm bringing up, which you're saying are
solved by the Harmony:Modules proposal, is it possible to solve them
with less new syntax and boilerplate?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Jussi Kalliokoski
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:02 PM, David Herman wrote:

 On Jun 27, 2012, at 11:00 AM, Jussi Kalliokoski wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 8:43 PM, David Herman wrote:

 I don't see how that's at all related to modules or how modules would have
 prevented this.

 Because we're talking about static checking of unbound variables within
 modules. A reference to or assignment to an unbound variable would result
 in an early error.

For this, if it's actually that convenient, I'd actually suggest another
 destructuring pattern, because it might be useful in general as well:

 let * = Math;

 This is dynamic scoping. The difference between import * and let * is that
 the former is statically scoped, and the latter is dynamically scoped.

I'm sorry, I'm not entirely sure what static scoping means in the context
of JavaScript. Could you clarify? Does it mean that it's only applicable in
the context of the current file, module, domain or something like that?
Does it mean that it can't be shadowed by the dynamic scope, for example:

import a from b;
var a = 'foo';

What is a? 'foo', error or something else?

 What about exported objects then? Are they immutable to clients as well?
 That would make this unusable for libraries that have a plugin system, such
 as jQuery.

 Of course not. You can export a mutable object if you want to. You can
 export whatever you want.

Good. I might as well clear another question I had, say I have


module foo {
  exports bar = {}


module foo at './foo.js';
export bar from foo;

bar.baz = zen;


module foo at './foo.js';
// insert some way to load foo-plugin here
console.log(; // What should this be?


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Isaac Schlueter
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Isaac Schlueter wrote:
 import {myX: x, myY: y, z} from foo
 // comparable to:
 let {myX: x, myY: y, z} = require(foo)

Um.. I got the destructuring backwards, didn't I?

 Of course not. You can export a mutable object if you want to. You can export 
 whatever you want.

I seem to have missed that you already answered my question about
freezing.  Consider it withdrawn.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Modules: execute deps, modify, execute (was Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement)

2012-06-27 Thread John J Barton
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:47 AM, James Burke wrote:

 The discussion on what is allowed, in particular import *, could still
 happen, but at least there would be a baseline that would allow for
 them in a way that makes it easier for existing code to transition to
 the new world.

I hope for a min/max module proposal to replicate the progress that the
min/max class proposal produced.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Modules: execute deps, modify, execute (was Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement)

2012-06-27 Thread Jussi Kalliokoski
This brings up an interesting point about the modules, that being lazy
loading. One appealing reason to use a module loader instead of just
concatenating the scripts or using multiple script tags is that you can do
feature detection and load polyfills for things you need instead of just
forcing the client to download all the polyfills, regardless of whether
they need them or not. Does the modules proposal attempt to solve this in
any way?


On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:34 PM, John J Barton

 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:47 AM, James Burke wrote:

 The discussion on what is allowed, in particular import *, could still
 happen, but at least there would be a baseline that would allow for
 them in a way that makes it easier for existing code to transition to
 the new world.

 I hope for a min/max module proposal to replicate the progress that the
 min/max class proposal produced.

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread David Herman
On Jun 27, 2012, at 11:15 AM, Isaac Schlueter wrote:

 That was a bug caused by a lack of global isolation, which current
 module systems cannot fix.

It was caused by accidentally creating a global variable instead of a local 
variable. Not totally sure what you mean by global isolation? If you mean 
giving separate modules separate global objects, I don't agree that that would 
solve this kind of bug. He doesn't show us the whole code, but it looks like it 
was local code that was accessing the (accidentally) global variable, but 
probably different event handlers were interleaving and causing data races.

 I think we all agree that global isolation is the core purpose of a
 module system.  (Is that incorrect?)

Partly agree? I believe that obviating the *need* for globals is the core 
purpose of a module system. I don't believe that modules should necessarily be 
strictly separated. Modules should be given clean local scopes so that they 
don't overwrite each other, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to 
still communicate via the global object.

 The question was whether there are in-the-wild bugs caused by typo-ing
 export names in current module systems.

That bug was particularly bad because it was *assigning* to an accidentally 
global variable. But in my personal experience I certainly forget to import 
common libraries like 'path' and 'fs' in Node all the time and end up with 
unbound variable references. When this happens in a control flow that got 
missed by tests, then it can end up in production.

 The client chose to use *. You don't have to use * if you don't want to.
 It's a convenience.
 It's unnecessary, afaict, and causes demonstrable harm in languages
 that have it.  If it's just a convenience, then it should be cut out.

You're not alone in this opinion. I disagree, but I think it's largely an 
orthogonal question.

 Something like this?
 import {myX: x, myY: y, z} from foo
 // comparable to:
 let {myX: x, myY: y, z} = require(foo)

Right, except flipped, as you said in your followup.

 Does this allow any way for the foo module to export *just* a single
 thing, as the top level result?  How would this be expressed?
 var Foo = require(foo)
 var f = new Foo()

Just import it directly:

import Foo from foo;
var f = new Foo();

 If the answer is that's not supported, then I think that's a
 significant gap.  It encourages a one module = one thing style and
 is very easy to reason about.  It would be better to give up
 multi-exporting in favor of exporting one thing, only.  If I could get
 away with making that change in Node, I would have by now.

I just disagree. I think it's fine if you like that style, and you can use it. 
But we shouldn't force it on users.

Moreover, it would be hostile to adding static constructs in the future, such 
as macros, that can be exported from a module.

 How does this proposal address transitive dependency cycles?

Better than yours. ;-P

 Unfinished export objects?

The exports are all there from the beginning but uninitialized.

 All of the problems that I'm bringing up, which you're saying are
 solved by the Harmony:Modules proposal, is it possible to solve them
 with less new syntax and boilerplate?

Maybe! Happy to discuss. I don't believe there's that much boilerplate. In 
fact, there's *less* boilerplate than either CommonJS or AMD, and compared to 
your sketches on your post I suspect the differences in character count could 
be counted on one hand.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Isaac Schlueter wrote:
 The linked blog post is a very rough cut of where my thoughts are on
 the subject.  Expect changes and cleanup.  It does not represent a
 fully-baked (or even half-baked) idea, but more like a general

Your post makes four criticisms of the module system design.  The
first two are about the runtime module loaders API, and the second two
are about the language extensions for writing modules in source code.

 It seems to be based on the assumption that nesting module systems is a thing 
 people want.

 It puts too many things in JavaScript (as either API or syntax) which belong 
 in the
 host (browser/node.js).

These first two misunderstand what the module loaders API provides.
In particular, you *don't* have to write a module system to use it.
We agree that almost everyone just wants the defaults to work, and
we've tried to design for that.  Here's a really simple example:

System.load(;, function(mod) { return
mod.do_stuff(); } )

Here's another example, constructing and installing a module at runtime:

System.set(add_blaster, { go : function(n,m) { return n + m; } })

Then we can use the module like this:

System.load(add_blaster, function(ab) { return ab.go(4,5); })

or, since we know that add_blaster is a local module:

let { go } = System.get(add_blaster);

or, if we put the call to `System.set` in the previous script tag, we
can just do:

import go from add_blaster;

At no point here did we have to write a module system.

Of course, the loader API is designed to give programmers more
flexibility than this. If you want to create a sandbox, or set up
modules to be cached in localStorage, or rerouted through a CDN, then
you can make that happen.  But you don't have to use these facilities
to get your work done.

 It borrows syntax from Python that many Python users do not even recommend

Certainly, `import *` makes it easier to get name clashes, and we've
designed the system to be resistant to a lot of them.  However, it's
great for getting things done quickly, which I hope we all want to
keep supporting.  Maybed IDEs for JS will eventually support the same
features that they do for Java, to unfold the * into a bunch of
specific imports, but for hacking something together, convenience and
not repeating lots of names is a big win.

 It favors the “object bag of exported members” approach, rather than the 
 user-defined export” approach.

Here I just disagree.  I think supporting this:

module m {
export function f() { ... }
export function g() { ... }

is important.  Otherwise, you have to repeat yourself, like so:

module m {
function f() { ... }
function g() { ... }
export {f : f, g : g }

Of course, the latter is supported too, so if you want to do all your
exports in one place, that's fine.  However, I have not seen any
discussion of why the single export approach is superior -- just
saying that it is widely acknowledged isn't very persuasive,
especially given the troubles with cycles.  In contrast, the more
declarative approach makes handling cycles straightforward.

sam th
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Modules: execute deps, modify, execute (was Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement)

2012-06-27 Thread James Burke
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:40 AM, Jussi Kalliokoski wrote:
 This brings up an interesting point about the modules, that being lazy
 loading. One appealing reason to use a module loader instead of just
 concatenating the scripts or using multiple script tags is that you can do
 feature detection and load polyfills for things you need instead of just
 forcing the client to download all the polyfills, regardless of whether they
 need them or not. Does the modules proposal attempt to solve this in any

You may be able construct something with the Module Loaders API, but
nothing by default, so it would mean shipping a library to enable it.
I prefer built in support for loader plugins a la AMD though.

If you want to explore that further, I suggest starting a different
thread. I prefer this thread to be very targeted on the
eval/modify/eval approach. The code examples I had in my original
message were to give context on that approach.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Modules: execute deps, modify, execute (was Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement)

2012-06-27 Thread David Herman
On Jun 27, 2012, at 11:40 AM, Jussi Kalliokoski wrote:

 This brings up an interesting point about the modules, that being lazy 
 loading. One appealing reason to use a module loader instead of just 
 concatenating the scripts or using multiple script tags is that you can do 
 feature detection and load polyfills for things you need instead of just 
 forcing the client to download all the polyfills, regardless of whether they 
 need them or not. Does the modules proposal attempt to solve this in any way?

System.load gives you dynamic loading.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread David Bruant
As a starter, I'd like to say that jQuery may not be the best example
since it's heavily maintained and it's certainly an exception by
comparison to the massive amount of JavaScript library out there.
Also, jquery seems to attach its properties to the 'window' alias rather
than the top-level 'this'. I'm shooting myself in the foot here, but
it's worth noting that it would be an easy change (like a couple of
characters) to make jQuery as usable today and potentially directly
compatible with the ES module syntax.

Le 27/06/2012 11:48, Brendan Eich a écrit :
 David Bruant wrote:
 Import checking is definitely a feature that's worth it, but Isaacs
 idea to being able to import jQuery (or any library of course) as is
 by having the module global scope into the export object without
 polluting the actual global object seems to is definitely a win.

 That's maybe a win, but we don't use JQuery that way today.
 Speculating about future usability is perilous. We'd need to implement
 and test, but see below for some questions to answer first.

 If it's important, then people can build such a system using loaders.
 But it's at this point completely undemonstrated that exposing
 JQuery's few top-level bindings in an imported object beats (for
 usability, simplifying old vs. new clients, or any other measure)
 modifying JQuery to export those bindings and then importing what the
 client uses.
Old clients don't need to change anything. They're neither simplifyed
nor complexified. It makes new client simplified in the sense that they
don't need to work on the library to make it ECMAScript module compliant.

 Being able to import existing libraries as modules without changing a
 bit of the library, without even having to read it or worry about
 global leaks is a strong win in my opinion. It's worth not having the
 typo check for this particular case.

 Either way, there's a different client code obligation from today's

 It's true you can use today's JQuery as is, but why would you use a
 new client API or syntax and require only new browsers or else
 trans-compilation? What's the benefit?
The benefit is only that libraries would be compatible with the new
'import' syntax without a change. Current clients wouldn't have to
change anything. ES6 clients could use the new import syntax.

 Import checking can still be added afterward.
By afterward, I meant by changing the library afterward. This would
be done by tracking down things that are exported and using the proper
syntax to replace them.
But the point is that once a client has written

import jQuery from ./jQuery.js

then, whether the module has explicitely exported or not, you're good to
go. If later 'jQuery.js' has turned its top-level binding into 'export'
statements, client code doesn't need to change. It acts exactly the same
I realize I was wrong, import/export matching can still happen even
without 'export' statements. It just happens later. Without export
statement, import/export matching requires to evaluate the code, while
with 'export' statement, it can be done at parse-time.

I'd like to take a different perspective on that topic.

import x from './x.js'

At the very least, this statement will trigger the download of x.js and
parsing of it. If the parsing is successful, then there are 2 cases:
either the code has 'export' statements and that's what will be
imported. Or the code has no 'export' statement. Then what happens?
One solution could be to say that 'x' is not in the exports (since there
is none) and throw an error. Or, it could be considered that this
library exposes its exports in its top-level binding. The latter idea
would turn all existing and
future-until-ECMAScript-modules-are-mainstream JavaScript libraries into
modules for free, because exposing global properties is what JavaScript
programmers have been doing while waiting for a proper module system
(until recently with CommonJS, AMD, etc.)

The downsides are weaker checking (no 'export' statement turns into
'your top-level binding is an implicit export area') and later import vs
export name checking. It sounds like a decent trade-off to leverage all
existing code.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Kevin Smith

 obscured_call could have deleted the 'real' property, and added (or not)
 'typo'. There is no way in general to statically check property references
 in JS. Static analysis is by definition approximate and while we have some
 hot analyses in SpiderMonkey and (to be brought back up soon) DoctorJS,
 they are way too much to mandate in the standard.

I was thinking that if Isaac's proposal were modified such that exported
names are static, and import expressions always return an object whose
properties cannot be set, then we wouldn't need a special import binding
form.  We could just use let/var.

But at that point, it's more or less the same semantics and I prefer Dave's
spelling (particularly variant A).

- Kevin
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread James Burke
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
 Then we can use the module like this:

    System.load(add_blaster, function(ab) { return ab.go(4,5); })

 or, since we know that add_blaster is a local module:

    let { go } = System.get(add_blaster);

 or, if we put the call to `System.set` in the previous script tag, we
 can just do:

    import go from add_blaster;

 At no point here did we have to write a module system.

This is not usually how we have found loading to be done in AMD.
'add_blaster' is usually not loaded before that import call is first
seen. Call this module foo:

   import go from add_blaster;

The developer asks for foo first. foo is loaded, and parsed.
'add_blaster' is seen and then loaded and parsed (although not sure
how 'add_blaster' is converted to a path…):

add_blaster calls the runtime:

   System.set(add_blaster, { go : function(n,m) { return n + m; } });

What happens according to the current modules proposal?

Does an error get generated for foo's import line stating that
add_blaster does not export go, or are those checks optional, as David
Bruant suggests on another message in this thread?

My previous interaction on this list led me to believe that I would
have to construct a userland library to make sure I load and execute
the script that does System.set(add_blaster) before foo is parsed.

If that is true, then that is what is fueling my particular feedback
about the eval deps, modify module, then eval module feedback.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Kevin Smith

 By implementing it in SpiderMonkey! :)

That's cheating!  : )

A social note:  designing the module system for ES6 is a difficult position
to be in because there's already a more or less de facto module system in
place (derived from CommonJS).  It's like an empty field has been
transformed into a garden by the local community, and then the owner of the
plot wants to plow it up to create a better garden.

I personally really like the current module proposal - I think we could
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Kevin Smith

 I personally really like the current module proposal - I think we could

...benefit from working out how ES6 modules are going to interoperate with
current module systems, though.

(my 17 mo. old hit the send button early)

- Kevin
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Mikeal Rogers
Sure, but I would hate it if this opportunity to create a **better** module 
system was dragged down by compatibility with existing ones. We can migrate the 
node modules if we need to, but the new system has be compelling enough for us 
to do so.

We should identify the short comings of the existing module systems and improve 
upon them. We should take the learnings of what **does** work and has been 
successful in those modules systems with a greater degree of importance. 

One thing we've learned in node is that you can't let the past drag you down in 
building a better future. We religiously break compatibility for the sake of 
improvement and if we can get this proposal to a place that node people feel it 
is an improvement then a break in compatibility is an easy thing for us to do.


On Jun 27, 2012, at June 27, 201212:50 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:

 I personally really like the current module proposal - I think we could 
 ...benefit from working out how ES6 modules are going to interoperate with 
 current module systems, though.
 (my 17 mo. old hit the send button early)
 - Kevin
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Isaac Schlueter
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:51 AM, David Herman wrote:
 On Jun 27, 2012, at 11:15 AM, Isaac Schlueter wrote:

 That was a bug caused by a lack of global isolation, which current
 module systems cannot fix.

 It was caused by accidentally creating a global variable instead of a local 
 variable. Not totally sure what you mean by global isolation? If you mean 
 giving separate modules separate global objects, I don't agree that that 
 would solve this kind of bug. He doesn't show us the whole code, but it looks 
 like it was local code that was accessing the (accidentally) global variable, 
 but probably different event handlers were interleaving and causing data 

So, I've encountered two flavors of this in production, in my own
programs:  (The first in npm, the second in the portal)

1. leaked global

app.route(/my/login, function (req, res) {
  x = res.query.x || 100
  if (x  100) blerg()

In testing, you don't spot the leaked global, and things work, because
there's only one request at a time.  Linters all catch this, and tests
can check for leaked globals.

2. Module-local var

var x = someThing
// ... many lines later ..
app.route(/my/login, function (req, res) {
  x = res.query.x || 100
  if (x  100) blerg()

A linter *won't* catch this, since it'll assume that you meant to do
exactly what you did.  Global isolation won't catch it either, and
neither will Harmony Modules or any existing require() thing.  (And in
fact, often you DO mean to do what this does!)

I think this is one of the cases where we just have to make
programming easier, by making choices that encourage smaller, more
discrete modules.

 Partly agree? I believe that obviating the *need* for globals is the core 
 purpose of a module system. I don't believe that modules should necessarily 
 be strictly separated. Modules should be given clean local scopes so that 
 they don't overwrite each other, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able 
 to still communicate via the global object.

Right, perhaps isolation is the wrong word.  Missing a var keyword
should not be so hazardous, that's what I'm saying.

 That bug was particularly bad because it was *assigning* to an accidentally 
 global variable. But in my personal experience I certainly forget to import 
 common libraries like 'path' and 'fs' in Node all the time and end up with 
 unbound variable references. When this happens in a control flow that got 
 missed by tests, then it can end up in production.

You mean something like this?

var fs = require('fs')
// no path here...
function notCoveredByTests () {, ...)

How would any of this solve that?

 var Foo = require(foo)
 var f = new Foo()

 Just import it directly:

 import Foo from foo;
 var f = new Foo();

But wait... those are two different things, aren't they?  Isn't yours
more akin to: `var Foo = require('foo).Foo`?

 I just disagree. I think it's fine if you like that style [one module exports 
 one thing], and you can use it. But we shouldn't force it on users.

I'm having trouble articulating why it is that module.exports=blah is
better than exports.blah=blah.  Surely, you can just choose to only
put one thing on the exports object, right?  It seems obviously better
to allow the flexibility, and I was strongly in favor of this early in
node's history.

However, after using it a lot, I've found that ` = bar`
often ends up being more painful than `module.exports = foo`, even
with the transitive issues.  I'm not sure why that is, and Go write
couple hundred KLoC of module JS and then you'll get it is not an
argument, I know.

 Moreover, it would be hostile to adding static constructs in the future, such 
 as macros, that can be exported from a module.

Can you elaborate on that?

 How does this proposal address transitive dependency cycles?

 Better than yours. ;-P

 Unfinished export objects?

 The exports are all there from the beginning but uninitialized.

That's sort of like unfinished objects, then, but with the keys all
set to undefined.

So, then `export x = 10` hoists the `export x` and leaves the `x = 10`
where it is, var-like?

Does a_c === c, or not?

 Maybe! Happy to discuss. I don't believe there's that much boilerplate. In 
 fact, there's *less* boilerplate than either CommonJS or AMD, and compared to 
 your sketches on your post I suspect the differences in character count could 
 be counted on one hand.

It's quite a lot of new syntax, including special syntax for things
that are not obviously required by the stated goals. (Not obvious to
me anyway, I'm definitely willing to be educated.)  The existing AMD
and CommonJS patterns are a good must be at least this useful bar.

But if we're changing the language, we should crush them and make them
no longer even worth considering, because this new thing is so good,
in the same way that ()={} absolutely cruses function(){}.bind(this).
 I consider AMD to be too much 

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Wes Garland
On 27 June 2012 15:45, Kevin Smith wrote:

 By implementing it in SpiderMonkey! :)

 That's cheating!  : )

 A social note:  designing the module system for ES6 is a difficult
 position to be in because there's already a more or less de facto module
 system in place (derived from CommonJS).  It's like an empty field has been
 transformed into a garden by the local community, and then the owner of the
 plot wants to plow it up to create a better garden.

Professional gardeners who feed millions plow up their gardens on a regular
basis.  So-called green manure, usually a nitrogen-fixing legume such as
white clover, is grown after the money-making crop.  This crop will add
nitrogen (a key element in plant growth) from the atmosphere into the soil
through the action of bacteria growing in its roots. Then this crop is
plowed under, allowing it decompose to add organic matter to the soil
before the next crop is sown.

Similarly, while I have a *LOT* of time, money, and effort invested in and
around the CommonJS ecosystem, I eagerly await the addition of a native
module system to the language.   The CommonJS experience helped to generate
a lot of fertile ideas and willpower in the community, and when it is time
for a better crop to be sewn, I see no reason not to plow it under in order
to grow something better.

Remember that CommonJS is not all about modules -- CommonJS modules only a
means to and end, which is to create a base-level environment for executing
ES code on a wide variety of host platforms.  It's impossible to have large
systems without modules.

There are some serious issues which remain to be addressed with CommonJS
modules, in particular,  good ways to handle the global var scope, which
cannot be addressed in the browser... and to address them on the server, I
had to do some things to SpiderMonkey which would probably make Brendan cry.

One thing I hope we can still have in ES6 modules, though, is the ability
to lazy-load modules in a server-side context without altering the
semantics of the program.  I'll have to give that some thought in the


Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 3:37 PM, James Burke wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt 
 Then we can use the module like this:

    System.load(add_blaster, function(ab) { return ab.go(4,5); })

 or, since we know that add_blaster is a local module:

    let { go } = System.get(add_blaster);

 or, if we put the call to `System.set` in the previous script tag, we
 can just do:

    import go from add_blaster;

 At no point here did we have to write a module system.

 This is not usually how we have found loading to be done in AMD.
 'add_blaster' is usually not loaded before that import call is first
 seen. Call this module foo:

   import go from add_blaster;

 The developer asks for foo first. foo is loaded, and parsed.
 'add_blaster' is seen and then loaded and parsed (although not sure
 how 'add_blaster' is converted to a path…):

 add_blaster calls the runtime:

   System.set(add_blaster, { go : function(n,m) { return n + m; } });

 What happens according to the current modules proposal?

I'm not quite sure what you're asking.  If the question is: does
importing foo automatically compile add_blaster, then yes, that
happens automatically.  You can think about that as doing something
internal that's similar to `System.set`.  But that's all implicit.  If
we are in a system like NPM, where add_blaster might map
automatically to add_blaster.js, we could have:


import go from add_blaster


export function go(n,m) { return n + m; };

 Does an error get generated for foo's import line stating that
 add_blaster does not export go, or are those checks optional, as David
 Bruant suggests on another message in this thread?

add_blaster does export `go` in my example, so I'm not sure what you mean.

 My previous interaction on this list led me to believe that I would
 have to construct a userland library to make sure I load and execute
 the script that does System.set(add_blaster) before foo is parsed.

Certainly you shouldn't have to create a userland loader in order to
get examples like I've written to work.  You should only ever need to
create a loader if you want to customize things, such as redirecting
some things to localStorage, or setting up a sandbox.
sam th
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Claus Reinke

let * = Math;

This is dynamic scoping. The difference between import * and let * is 

the former is statically scoped, and the latter is dynamically scoped.

I'm sorry, I'm not entirely sure what static scoping means in the context
of JavaScript. Could you clarify? Does it mean that it's only applicable 

the context of the current file, module, domain or something like that?

Perhaps I can answer this, though I'm not involved with ES Modules.

Static scoping means that scoping does not depend on runtime
behavior. If Math is the Module object for the module Math, then
we have a dynamic object (dependent on runtime behavior). If let
destructuring were to support *, the variables in scope after such
a statement would depend on the properties of a dynamic object,
so scoping would no longer be static:

   let * = flip_coin() ? {sin: .., cos: .. } : {apples: .., bananas: ..}
   console.log( sin(3.14) ); // is 'sin' bound or not?

That doesn't mean that static vs dynamic is a clear-cut distinction
in JS, where code can be constructed and loaded at runtime. But that
just makes it even more important to have clear phase separations,
so that one can tell when the static and dynamic phases of each piece
of code begin (construction followed by static followed by dynamic).

Language designs that try to unite dynamic modules with static
scoping are a well-known case of needing very careful design.
import * is barely on the safe side, if done right, let * is
just on the wrong side of this dangerous border.

Hope this helps,

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Wes Garland
On 27 June 2012 17:21, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 Certainly you shouldn't have to create a userland loader in order to
 get examples like I've written to work.  You should only ever need to
 create a loader if you want to customize things, such as redirecting
 some things to localStorage, or setting up a sandbox.

Hopefully it will be possible to create userland loaders somehow which can
fetch multiple modules at once.  We are able to fetch multiple CommonJS
modules at once, often satisfying an entire dependency tree with a single
HTTP 304 status response.


Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 5:29 PM, Wes Garland wrote:
 On 27 June 2012 17:21, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 Certainly you shouldn't have to create a userland loader in order to
 get examples like I've written to work.  You should only ever need to
 create a loader if you want to customize things, such as redirecting
 some things to localStorage, or setting up a sandbox.

 Hopefully it will be possible to create userland loaders somehow which can
 fetch multiple modules at once.  We are able to fetch multiple CommonJS
 modules at once, often satisfying an entire dependency tree with a single
 HTTP 304 status response.

What request do you send to ask for multiple modules?  Or does the
server just know to use 304 in response to requests for particular
modules?  And does this work for the non-cached situation (that is,
how did the client get to the place where 304 was the right thing --
by doing multiple requests previously?)?
sam th
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Jussi Kalliokoski
Thanks Claus, it helped! But I still kind of like the idea I threw in. It's
a footgun, for sure, but a pretty convenient one, kinda like `with`.


On Jun 28, 2012 12:25 AM, Claus Reinke wrote:

 let * = Math;

 This is dynamic scoping. The difference between import * and let * is
 the former is statically scoped, and the latter is dynamically scoped.

 I'm sorry, I'm not entirely sure what static scoping means in the context
 of JavaScript. Could you clarify? Does it mean that it's only applicable
 the context of the current file, module, domain or something like that?

 Perhaps I can answer this, though I'm not involved with ES Modules.

 Static scoping means that scoping does not depend on runtime
 behavior. If Math is the Module object for the module Math, then
 we have a dynamic object (dependent on runtime behavior). If let
 destructuring were to support *, the variables in scope after such
 a statement would depend on the properties of a dynamic object,
 so scoping would no longer be static:

   let * = flip_coin() ? {sin: .., cos: .. } : {apples: .., bananas: ..}
   console.log( sin(3.14) ); // is 'sin' bound or not?

 That doesn't mean that static vs dynamic is a clear-cut distinction
 in JS, where code can be constructed and loaded at runtime. But that
 just makes it even more important to have clear phase separations,
 so that one can tell when the static and dynamic phases of each piece
 of code begin (construction followed by static followed by dynamic).

 Language designs that try to unite dynamic modules with static
 scoping are a well-known case of needing very careful design.
 import * is barely on the safe side, if done right, let * is
 just on the wrong side of this dangerous border.

 Hope this helps,

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Mikeal Rogers

On Jun 27, 2012, at June 27, 20121:06 PM, Isaac Schlueter wrote:

 I just disagree. I think it's fine if you like that style [one module 
 exports one thing], and you can use it. But we shouldn't force it on users.
 I'm having trouble articulating why it is that module.exports=blah is
 better than exports.blah=blah.  Surely, you can just choose to only
 put one thing on the exports object, right?  It seems obviously better
 to allow the flexibility, and I was strongly in favor of this early in
 node's history.
 However, after using it a lot, I've found that ` = bar`
 often ends up being more painful than `module.exports = foo`, even
 with the transitive issues.  I'm not sure why that is, and Go write
 couple hundred KLoC of module JS and then you'll get it is not an
 argument, I know

I think I might be able to articulate it a little.

Substack had this great quote while Max and I were trying to name our module: 
libraries should never be nouns, they should be verbs.

That's not just about naming, that's pretty much his entire design philosophy 
for modules. Small discreet pieces of code that do one task well. A healthy 
module ecosystem is built from thousands of small components and not from 
dozens of frameworks and other nouns.

The single function export encourages this design pattern while exporting a 
hash with several properties encourages the module to be more of a noun.

This isn't a theory, you can observe that the most popular node modules are the 
simplest to use anda, with the exception of express and underscore, are single 
function exports.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Wes Garland
On 27 June 2012 17:40, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 What request do you send to ask for multiple modules?

We send a request like

The client canonicalizes each CommonJS dependency to its full (canonical)
path and tells the server where the module system root is.  The server then
examines each module last modification time, comparing against the
Last-Modified-Since header. Dependent modules are likewise examined
recursively. If any module is newer, all of the modules are sent,
otherwise, an HTTP 304 response is returned and the browser reads all
modules from its cache.

 And does this work for the non-cached situation (that is,
 how did the client get to the place where 304 was the right thing --
 by doing multiple requests previously?)?


This pattern is obviously more useful for some sites than others.  But I
think it's interesting enough to mention.


Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread James Burke
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 2:21 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 3:37 PM, James Burke wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt 
 Then we can use the module like this:

    System.load(add_blaster, function(ab) { return ab.go(4,5); })

 or, since we know that add_blaster is a local module:

    let { go } = System.get(add_blaster);

 or, if we put the call to `System.set` in the previous script tag, we
 can just do:

    import go from add_blaster;

 At no point here did we have to write a module system.

 This is not usually how we have found loading to be done in AMD.
 'add_blaster' is usually not loaded before that import call is first
 seen. Call this module foo:

   import go from add_blaster;

 The developer asks for foo first. foo is loaded, and parsed.
 'add_blaster' is seen and then loaded and parsed (although not sure
 how 'add_blaster' is converted to a path…):

 add_blaster calls the runtime:

   System.set(add_blaster, { go : function(n,m) { return n + m; } });

 What happens according to the current modules proposal?

 I'm not quite sure what you're asking.  If the question is: does
 importing foo automatically compile add_blaster, then yes, that
 happens automatically.  You can think about that as doing something
 internal that's similar to `System.set`.  But that's all implicit.  If
 we are in a system like NPM, where add_blaster might map
 automatically to add_blaster.js, we could have:


    import go from add_blaster


    export function go(n,m) { return n + m; };

I was using the original code for 'add_blaster', say as you say, it is
in add_blaster.js:

System.set(add_blaster, { go : function(n,m) { return n + m; } });

My understanding that since add_blaster.js uses the runtime API and
not the export, the above code will not work unless I construct a
loader library that first loads and executes add_blaster.js before
foo.js is parsed.

The use case: scripts, like jquery/backbone/others that want to live
in a non-harmony and harmony world, I would expect that they could be
adapted to call the System.set() API, but not use the new syntax

I am under the impression that library developers do not want to
provide two different versions of their scripts, just to participate
in es modules, but rather use a runtime check to register as part of
one script that works in es harmony and non-harmony browsers.
Otherwise, it feels like a 2 javascripts world.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-26 Thread David Bruant
Also relevant to this thread, post on the same topic by Isaacs (node.js 
lead) :


Le 26/06/2012 06:24, James Burke a écrit :

Posted here:

Some of it is a retread of earlier feedback, but some of it may have
been lost in my poor communication style. I did this as a post instead
of inline feedback since it is long, it has lots of hyperlinks and it
was also meant for outside es-discuss consumption.

I am not expecting a response as it should mostly be a retread, maybe
just phrased differently. Just passing along the link in the interest
of full disclosure, maybe the rephrasing helps understand the earlier

es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-26 Thread Thaddee Tyl
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 10:12 AM, John J Barton wrote:
 As I understand it, two issues drive the need for standardization of
   1) we want one environment for all JS,
   2) to move beyond the limitations of RequireJS and CommonJS requires
 parsing, and that is considered too expensive for library implementations.
 The first point is obvious, the second one is implicit in the blog posts by
 Isaac and James.

Another point that I believe Isaac is making is that too much syntax
is likely to confuse developers and allowing certain features, such as
nested modules or `import *`, can be harmful to programmer efficiency
in the long term, if used.

For the purpose of discussion, I made a gist [0] of Isaac's proposal.
Most of the module examples [1] are there.


Isaac, feel free to correct it.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-26 Thread David Bruant
Le 26/06/2012 16:44, David Bruant a écrit :
 Also relevant to this thread, post on the same topic by Isaacs
 (node.js lead) :
Furthermore, |let| already gives us destructuring assignment. If a
module exports a bunch of items, and we want several of them, then do
|var {x,y,z} = import 'foo'| or some such.
= Excellent idea. That combined with the single export idea reduces the
amount of new syntax to introduce.
The Module proposal has a local renaming feature which I think should be
Initial proposal:
import { draw: drawShape } from shape;
import { draw: drawGun } from cowboy;
Could become:
let {draw: drawShape} = import './shape.js'
let {draw: drawGun} = import './cowboy.js'

I would actually reverse the order:
let {drawShape: draw} = import './shape.js'
let {drawGun: draw} = import './cowboy.js'
But that's a matter of taste.

By the way, the local renaming for destructuring is relevant regardless
of modules.

function f(point1, point2){
let {x1:x, y1:y} = point1,
 {x2:x, y2:y} = point2;
// ...

I'd like to answer on this post proposal as it brings some interesting
points, but also raises some questions:

3) Loader.define(path, program text) defines a module at the
specified path, with the program text contents. That program text
is statically analyzed for any import statements.
= I don't understand this part. Why would you need to define a module
at a specified path? Either there is a JS file at this path already or
there is none, no?

4) Whenever an import path is encountered in program text then the
Loader.resolve(requestPath, callerPath, callback) is called. This method
should return a fully qualified path. If this method returns boolean
true, then it will not be considered resolved until the callback is
called. (The argument to the callback is the string path.) If it does
not return true, and does not return a string path, then this is an
error, and throws.
= If syntax calls the Loader.resolve method, I don't understand who
sets the callback.
Regardless, Loader.resolve(requestPath, callerPath) seems like it could
be a synchronous operation without too big of a performance penalty.
I disagree with the idea of calling the dynamic value of Loader.resolve
on syntax. We have seen that this resulted in potential attack (like
when the dynamic Array constructor was used in Chrome's JSON.parse).

For security, the Loader object could be frozen with |Object.freeze| to
prevent additional changes.
= This is not enough. People shouldn't have to opt-in for security,
mostly because they don't do it. I woud call for security by default
here and having import path call the built-in Loader.resolve instead
of the dynamic one.
If people want to override the Loader API, they would have to forget
about syntax. Or a new syntax could be introduced, making clear that
it's dangerous. Maybe something like importDyn.

5) Once a module is resolved to a full path string, then
Loader.load(fullPath, callback) is called. callback should not be called
until Loader.define(fullPath, contents) is called. This should be called
at most once for any given fullPath. (Is the callback even necessary?
Why not just wait for Loader.define and throw any errors encountered?)
= I guess I understand better Loader.define, but I intuit that the API
could be reworked to remove it.

6) The Loader.main(fullPath) method executes the module referenced by
fullPath (which must have already been defined), as well as evaluating
each of the modules that it imports.
= It seems that the method should be called Loader.load, here, but
that's a nitpick

7) Within a module, the export expression statement marks the result
of expression as the exported value from the module. There can be at
most one export statement in a module, and the exported expression is
the module's export. To export more than one thing, export an object
with more than one thing on it.
= This and destructuring. I love the combinaison.

Modules export a single value. Exporting a second time throws.
= This can even be made a parse-time error.

Maybe this is not a valid cause for syntax addition. I'm not sure.
There are hairy problems around cyclic dependencies, so it's worth at
least having the option to address with static magic that has not yet
been fully imagined.

8) The global object within a module context is equivalent to
Object.create(global) from the main global context. (The important
thing is that leaks aren't leaky outside the module, but for example, x
typeof Error still works, because it uses the same Error function.)
9) If a module does not contain an export statement, then its global
object is its export. This is to provide support for legacy modules that
create a global object (such as jQuery) rather than using an export
statement. (Too magical? Probably. Also, what about having exports
inheriting from global is weird. Is there a simpler way to make 

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-26 Thread Isaac Schlueter
The linked blog post is a very rough cut of where my thoughts are on
the subject.  Expect changes and cleanup.  It does not represent a
fully-baked (or even half-baked) idea, but more like a general

I expect to clean it up and propose something at least half-baked to
this list soon, incorporating some of the feedback that I've gotten
from that blog post.

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Thaddee Tyl wrote:
 Another point that I believe Isaac is making is that too much syntax
 is likely to confuse developers

Developers are very good at getting un-confused by new syntax, and
newbies are very good at becoming less new.  That's not *much* of a

The bigger hazard is that we can't remove the syntax we add, and
historically, humans don't have a perfect track record at expecting
consequences, so we should try to reduce additions to the smallest set
possible to deliver the more important functionality.  In other words,
if some % of what we do is a mistake, we halve our mistakes by doing
half as much.  If we can focus what we do on the things that are very
essential to what we need, we can probably beat those odds :)

 and allowing certain features, such as
 nested modules or `import *`, can be harmful to programmer efficiency
 in the long term, if used.

Bingo.  Favoring the `exports` object instead of `module.exports` was
a mistake.  Implementing `import *` in Python and Java was a mistake.

Copying existing successful systems is good, but we should avoid
copying their mistakes if possible.

 Isaac, feel free to correct it.

Will do.  Probably not until after NodeConf early next week.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-26 Thread Kevin Smith
Hi Isaac,

I share some of your concerns as well.  I like the idea of import just
returning an object, which can be destructured using let.  I also like the
idea of eliminating the import * syntax.  However, I think that dynamic
exports (export expression) might not be as useful as it seems.

In my modules, I use the export expression form for the following

1.  When I want to export a single function (perhaps a constructor), and I
don't want importers to unnecessarily repeat the function name:

var MyClass = require(MyClass).MyClass; // Boo!
var MyClass = require(MyClass); // Better!

2.  When I want to rename an export:

function shortName() { ... }

module.exports = { longName: shortName };

3.  When I want to group together the exported API, instead of having it
spread across the file:

function A() { ... }
function B() { ... }
function C() { ... }

module.exports = { A: A, B: B, C: C };

For case 1, destructuring allows us to eliminate the repetition:

let { MyClass } = import MyClass.js;

A static multiple export syntax (export { ... }) would work just fine for
cases 2 and 3:

export {
  longName: shortName,

Are there any other cases where dynamic exports are useful?

- Kevin
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-26 Thread Wes Garland
On 26 June 2012 16:45, Kevin Smith wrote:

 Hi Isaac,

 I share some of your concerns as well.  I like the idea of import just
 returning an object, which can be destructured using let.  I also like the
 idea of eliminating the import * syntax.  However, I think that dynamic
 exports (export expression) might not be as useful as it seems.

 In my modules, I use the export expression form for the following

 1.  When I want to export a single function (perhaps a constructor), and I
 don't want importers to unnecessarily repeat the function name:

 var MyClass = require(MyClass).MyClass; // Boo!
 var MyClass = require(MyClass); // Better!

var { MyClass } = require(MyClass);  // Best!

Best of both worlds!   My code is full of this.


Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-26 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 26/06/2012 20:54, Isaac Schlueter a écrit :

The linked blog post is a very rough cut of where my thoughts are on
the subject.  Expect changes and cleanup.  It does not represent a
fully-baked (or even half-baked) idea, but more like a general

I expect to clean it up and propose something at least half-baked to
this list soon, incorporating some of the feedback that I've gotten
from that blog post.


If we can focus what we do on the things that are very
essential to what we need, we can probably beat those odds :)

Regarding modules I don't know right now what would be the best in terms 
of syntax.

Node.js's way is good, except the transitive dependency issue 
mentioned  in your post which in some cases indeed can cause problems.

I had some hard time to get used to this commonjs/node.js way of 
separating modules which can not interact between each others, but now I 
don't find it bad (even good).

What I find bad (1) is the need of VMs, let's take node.js's one, it's 
calling c++ stuff, calling itself js's stuff, and at the end things are 
coming back to js (with some imperfections like node.js's VM not binding 
things correctly in some cases)

And what I find bad (2) is that the fact that a module could be a normal 
web js code (ie not a module, the web is composed of js code, not 
modules) seems to be minimized, and (3)  why should we continue to load 
cross-domain scripts via the script .. tag using onload to get the 
result (normal browsers) or onreadystatechange (abnormal browser) and 
then process it via global variables ? Using xhr for example (var 
code=xhr_result(xxx);eval(code)), this breaks the same origin policy but 
it's already broken by the capability of inserting scripts (then I am 
not sure about your proposal In Web Browsers with script..).

And what I find bad (4) is the impossibility of wrapping things as I 
describe here (maybe impossible, but at 
least it shows the idea, and the need) instead of being forced to 
transform js code into modules and play with globals, bindings and clone 

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Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-26 Thread Wes Garland
On 26 June 2012 18:36, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

 Node.js's way is good, except the transitive dependency issue mentioned
  in your post which in some cases indeed can cause problems.

Does Node not handle transitive dependencies per CommonJS Modules/1.0?

 What I find bad (1) is the need of VMs, let's take node.js's one, it's
 calling c++ stuff, calling itself js's stuff, and at the end things are
 coming back to js (with some imperfections like node.js's VM not binding
 things correctly in some cases)

Can you explain this in more detail?  I don't really understand what you're
getting at .

Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-26 Thread Isaac Schlueter
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Wes Garland wrote:
 On 26 June 2012 18:36, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

 Node.js's way is good, except the transitive dependency issue mentioned
  in your post which in some cases indeed can cause problems.
 Does Node not handle transitive dependencies per CommonJS Modules/1.0?

Yes, node handles transitive dependencies via unfinished objects, much
like the old CommonJS Modules/1.0 style.

However, it's generally better to return a single thing from a module
if possible, rather than a bunch of stuff on an object.  We use
`module.exports` to accomplish that, and it's mostly good, but it
doesn't handle cycles well.
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