Re: types

2008-08-14 Thread P T Withington
I'd like to relate an interesting data point from Dylan. We found that  
with generic functions, where you _have_ to specify parameter type for  
dispatch, and a decent type inferencer, you seldom needed to specify  
types anywhere else. When people specified types on locals, often the  
compiler would ignore the declaration because it already knew, or it  
would complain that it would have to insert a runtime check -- often  
because the programmer had underestimated the actual type.

On Aug 14, 2008, at 1:40 PM, Steven Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 8/14/08 6:25 AM, Neil Mix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It sounds like static type checking infers a certain
 amount of hard failure, i.e. you can't run this until you fix your
 code.  That's not really what I'm voting for.  I just want it to be
 possible, somehow, to catch simple type errors very early in the
 development process, and then to run the same type annotated code
 unchanged in the browser.

 Depends on what you mean by hard failure. If we have a function like

// n must be a numeric type
function sqrt(n) { ... }

 then the ability to say

function sqrt(n:Number) { ... }

 only requires that n by convertible-to-Number at runtime. (If not,  
 required that a TypeError be thrown.)

 This does make it possible to do some static type checking at  
 of course (and the AS3 compiler can optionally do this).

 Personally, I like catching stupid mistakes of this sort as early as
 possible, so I tend to use type annotations everywhere I can when I  
 code in
 AS3. Your mileage may vary.

 Es4-discuss mailing list
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ECMAScript Harmony

2008-08-13 Thread P T Withington
[Trimmed recipients]

On 2008-08-13, at 17:26EDT, Brendan Eich wrote:

 One possible semantic addition to fill a notorious gap in the
 language, which I sketched with able help from Mark Miller: a way to
 generate new Name objects that do not equate as property identifiers
 to any string. I also showed some sugar, but that is secondary at
 this point. Many were in favor of this new Name object idea.

Is this Name object what we old Lispers would call a SYMBOL?
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: How to escape implicit 'with (this)' of a method body

2008-07-31 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-07-31, at 12:34EDT, Peter Hall wrote:

 Here's my take at an example of brittleness:

 var bar = 42;

 class foo {
  function zot () { return bar; }


 class subfoo extends foo {
  var bar = 'oops!';

 (new foo).zot() = 42
 (new myfoo).zot() = ?

 In AS3, the reference to bar in the zot function would be bound to

I don't follow.  There is no `` in the class where zot is  

 so, even in the subclass, there is no ambiguity and both
 cases would output 42. I assume that ES4 would follow this behaviour.

 The fragility is more likely to be in the opposite situation, where a
 method in a class intends to access a global variable, but the
 superclass has declared it too.

That was my original example, which would also exhibit fragility if  
the superclass is developed/evolves independently.  In either case,  
the fragility stems from the implicit (unreformed) `with this` in  
method bodies.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: How to escape implicit 'with (this)' of a method body

2008-07-29 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-07-29, at 01:19EDT, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Jul 28, 2008, at 10:05 PM, Jon Zeppieri wrote:

 The original code used without (this), not with, which I took to  
 mean avoid instance properties shadowing globals.

Indeed.  Perhaps I was being too clever in my pseudo-code.

 If you read the original as with, then there is no such problem.  
 But if you construct a problematic case using 'with' and dynamic  
 properties, then I concede that 'global' could be shadowed. This is  
 a reason to avoid 'with'. In the ES4 proposals last sent out, you  
 could always use __ES4__::global if you really wanted to avoid  
 conflicts -- unless someone perversely added '__ES4__' as a dynamic  
 instance property.

 There's no solution to this problem other than reserving at least  
 one name, and we can't do that compatibly. We could reserve __ES4__  
 in version-selected ES4 mode, but that seems unnecessary.

I guess this is considered a small penalty to pay in exchange for  
adding the magical instance scope to methods (which O-O programmers  
seem to expect these days).  Something we'd regret more if we had  
multi-methods, perhaps...
Es4-discuss mailing list

Questions about setters

2008-07-24 Thread P T Withington
Can I override a setter?  Can I call the setter I override using  
super?  How exactly?

 class foo {
   var barstate;
   function set bar (value) { barstate = bar }
   function get bar () { return barstate }

 class annotatedFoo {
   override function set bar (value) {
 note('setting bar');
 // how do I call my super?
 super['set bar'](value);
   override function get bar () {
 note('getting bar');
 // how do I call my super?
 return super['get bar']();

Can `super` by itself mean call next method?  That would seem like a  
useful shortcut, and avoid the question of how you call a method with  
a space in its name.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: getter and setter inheritance

2008-05-12 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-05-09, at 12:46 EDT, Lars Hansen wrote:

 (One bike ride and one cup of coffee later.)

 Clearly there is a difference between class/interface inheritance on  
 one hand and prototype inheritance on the other.

 In either case I think the introduction of a setter and/or a getter  
 in a
 context introduces definitions for both in that context, essentially a
 special property that holds a getter/setter pair.  A missing
 getter/setter is generated (that's what ES4 specifies now.)  That  
 that in prototype contexts, if an object has a getter or a setter  
 for a
 field, the prototype will never be searched for the missing half.   
 In a
 class context, getters and setters can be overridden because the class
 instance only has the one special property with the getter/setter  
 and the values in that property depend on the class that the  
 instance is
 an instance of.  So different classes have different pairs.

(I've only been to spin class, but I've had 1 coffee and 2 teas.)

When A missing getter/setter is generated, what is its  
functionality?  Does it just error?

Can I call a super getter/setter method (I hope)?  What is the syntax  
for that?

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: defineProperty/getProperty design sketch

2008-04-23 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-04-23, at 18:35 EDT, Brendan Eich wrote:

 The StrawName column contains some proposed names for the
 combinations or N/A where the combination is nonsense. These flag-bit-
 combination names do not always add clarity compared to |'ed flag-bit
 manifest constant names, IMHO.

I have to admit, those don't clarify it for me either.  I'm trying to  
understand:  what would I say in a class attribute declaration to get  
the corresponding properties.  If the name were mnemonic for that, it  
might help.  If there is no way to get the corresponding properties  
with a class attribute declaration, why would we support doing so   

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Controlling DontEnum (was: ES4 draft: Object)

2008-04-20 Thread P T Withington
[Coming late to the party]

On 2008-03-13, at 12:47 EDT, Lars Hansen wrote:
  function __createProperty__(name:EnumerableId,
  readOnly:boolean=false): void

If I did my math right there are 8 possible flag combinations, but  
only 6 make sense.  Why not a single parameter that is a member of an  
enumeration?  Maybe the enumeration values could be named mnemonically  
to match the ES4 declarative syntax?

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Dynamic class default (was Re: Class method addition...)

2008-04-20 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-04-07, at 12:25 EDT, Lars Hansen wrote:
 But there is a mixture of constrained and unconstrained
 defaults in our current choices

FWIW, Dylan used only sealed/open for classes and methods and had the  
interesting default that classes and methods were open within a module  
(the equivalent of a package, if we still have them) but sealed  
outside the module unless explicitly declared otherwise.  To put it in  
implementation terms, you don't burden the programmer with annotating  
code that the compiler can clearly analyze to determine intent, but  
you also let the complier make optimizations that would be painful or  
impossible to make in a linker.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Dynamic class default (was Re: Class method addition...)

2008-04-19 Thread P T Withington
I'm late to the party here, but agree 100% with Steven's point that a  
language cannot create security.

In Dylan, we called the need to declare to get dynamic-ness pay as  
you go.  The programmer is made aware, by requiring a non-default  
declaration, that the feature asked for costs more.

If you're counting votes, I vote for not dynamic by default.  But my  
reason is performance, not security.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Name

2008-03-21 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-03-20, at 23:07 EDT, Lars Hansen wrote:
 Names depend on object identity insofar as some namespace values
 are equal only to themselves.  I don't know how serialization is
 a problem that figures into this, though clearly some namespaces
 values can't be printed and then reconstituted in the language.

Maybe the question is: Why do we need un-interned Names?
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Object initializers

2008-03-21 Thread P T Withington
I can ask `o[f] !== undefined` to determine if a defined property  
named `f` exists in `o`, whether `f` is a fixture or not, correct?  If  
I only have `o`, is there a way for me to detect whether `f` is  
implemented as a getter in `o`, or is that completely invisible to me?

On 2008-03-20, at 19:42 EDT, Lars Hansen wrote:
 I've attempted to sum up everything we have decided about object
 initializers (aka object literals).  A short draft spec is included.
 Comments welcome from everyone, especially from ES4 WG members who  
 remember about things I've forgotten, or correct misunderstandings.

 Es4-discuss mailing list

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Error classes

2008-03-20 Thread P T Withington
+1 to Lars Error context/backTrace proposal.

Can we also have something like #file and #line, so that the various  
Javascript translators (ours, Dojo, various compressors, etc.) can  
relate context back to the original source, rather than the executed  

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Object

2008-03-08 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-03-07, at 22:43 EST, Brendan Eich wrote:

 The goal is to find the minimum amount of mutating meta-programming
 sharpness for this make certain properties non-enumerable tool. If
 it can be done with a one-time namespace qualification step, that  

A few comments:

I am confused.  I guess I thought everything was in a namespace, just  
that there is a default namespace that things with no explicit  
namespace are in.  Which makes me wonder how the namespace/not- 
enumerable proposal will really work.

I think it is absolutely right that fixtures are not enumerable.  And  
a bug that things that would have been fixtures if you had them are  
enumerable in es3.  It seems to me that for-in/enumerability are all  
about Maps, maybe now that we have Maps (and classes with fixtures),  
we don't have to worry about enumerability in Objects so much.

Finally, for debugging, I would want to be able to find all the  
properties of an object, non-enumerable and fixtures included.  Will  
there be a way to introspect like that?
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Triple quoted strings

2008-03-06 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-03-06, at 02:24 EST, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Mar 5, 2008, at 11:17 PM, Nathan de Vries wrote:

 On Thu, 2008-03-06 at 00:14 +, Peter Hall wrote:
 Except that it would have a few unexpected behaviours, especially
 around the  and  characters.

 What would those unexpected behaviours be? Here document syntax is
 available (and relatively standard) in UNIX shell, PHP, Perl  Ruby.
 Python seems to be the only language that has strayed from the
 traditional syntax, and I'm not entirely sure why ES4 is planning to
 follow suite.

 I'm an old Unix hacker, I remember the Bourne Shell (source too, in C-
 gol). E4X may have given people the idea that ES4 will add even more
 (mis-)appropriated syntax but we aren't doing pipelines or command
 substitution. I don't see why we need here documents in all their
 glory, although I like and use them.

 Triple-quoted strings are simply for embedding quote and newline
 characters, verbatim and freely. If no one (including you
 Pythonistas) would find them useful then we should defer the proposal.

I'm an older Unix hacker (old enough to either remember sh before the  
invention of heredocs, or to forget that they were there from the  
beginning :P), and Lisp, and Python.

I'd like to see us keep triple-quoted strings.  But with a simpler  
(tried and true?) syntax, say that of Python 'long strings'.  (Which  
to my mind are just heredocs without a choice of delimiter.)  Seems to  
me we just tried to be too clever parsing triple-quoted strings,  
leading to all those funny edge cases that started this thread.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: New Operator

2008-03-06 Thread P T Withington
Don't you want to be able to express rounding mode?  And if so, do you  
need 4 operators? floor/, ceiling/, round/, truncate/?  Oh, maybe they  
should be named /-, /+, /~ and /0.  Yow.

Is div truncate/, or round/?  I can never remember.

On 2008-03-05, at 18:18 EST, Lars Hansen wrote:

 Just \ would work if we're happy with not allowing its use at the  
 end of
 a line.  A little dodgy, syntactically, IMO.  I've advocated \\ in  
 past, which by normal lexing rules would be unambiguous by the
 longest-token lexing rule.

 (/. is ambiguous, consider 3/.5.)



   From: Michael O'Brien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: 5. mars 2008 15:06
   To: Lars Hansen
   Cc: TNO;
   Subject: Re: New Operator
   I'll vote for that also. It improves readability quite a bit.
   But is there a better operator than \?
   Shame // is taken.  What about  /.
   Lars Hansen wrote:

   I have been pushing for this in the past on several
 occasions, but enthusiasm in the WG has been scant, unfortunately.
 Maybe I haven't been pushing hard enough.


 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TNO
   Sent: 5. mars 2008 14:13
   Subject: New Operator
   Is it too late to propose an integer division
 operator into the spec? I do quite a bit of WSH programming in both
 VBScript an JScript and sometimes its a bit of an irritant during a
 translation, it would be nice to see this operator \ available in  
 new ECMAScript instead of having to rely on more inefficient
   Dim result
   result = 19 \ 4 '(result = 4)


   Es4-discuss mailing list

 Es4-discuss mailing list

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Map

2008-03-03 Thread P T Withington
You and Lars missed my sarcasm marks.  I hope there is _not_ a  

On 2008-03-03, at 12:14 EST, Brendan Eich wrote:

 We've talked about V~ for (V|undefined). It would have a few uses in  
 the RI, but not enough to close the deal.


 On Mar 3, 2008, at 5:48 AM, Lars Hansen wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: P T Withington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 P T Withington
 Sent: 3. mars 2008 13:47
 To: Lars Hansen
 Cc: Waldemar Horwat;
 Subject: Re: ES4 draft: Map

 On 2008-03-03, at 02:26 EST, Lars Hansen wrote:

 function get(key:K, default:(V|undefined)=undefined):(V|
 undefined) ...

 If V? is shorthand for (V|null), what is the shorthand for
 (V|null| undefined)?  Perhaps [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Well, at least that
 expresses how I feel about a language with 'two nulls'.  :P

 There is no shorthand for (V|null|undefined), though if V is
 a nullable type then (V|undefined) works just as well.

 Es4-discuss mailing list

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: AOP Compatibility

2008-02-20 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-02-20, at 17:20 EST, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Feb 20, 2008, at 10:17 AM, Kris Zyp wrote:

 Is there any way this compatibility can be mitigated? I am assuming
 there is
 no conceivable way to actually replace methods ad-hoc with arbitrary
 functions and retain sane typing and class expectations.

 I'm not sure why you assume this. Latest RI downloaded from http:// :

I thought the question was about annotating class fixtures?

But your reply made me think:  So, built-ins cannot be classes,  
because they require backward compatibility?  Or maybe I missed that  
there are sealed/class versions of built-ins (in some other  
namespace?) with just a thin veneer of prototype around them for back  

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Function inside if statement?

2008-02-06 Thread P T Withington
On 2008-02-05, at 18:53 EST, Brendan Eich wrote:

 SpiderMonkey has for about a decade implemented three kinds of
 function forms: definitions, expressions, and statements. This is an
 example of the last -- it's a function definition, syntactically,
 except produced as a child of another statement, possibly even a
 block -- a position which the ES3 grammar cannot produce a function
 definition. Only if control flow reaches the function statement does
 it bind its name.

 This is an extension allowed by ES3 chapter 16.

I would endorse standardizing this behavior.

FWIW, the Openlaszlo compiler/translator extends es3 in a similar  
fashion to support conditional compilation.  An `if` that tests a  
compile-time constant will be optimized away by the compiler.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: proper tail calls

2008-01-21 Thread P T Withington
I think talking about stacks and stack overflows might be muddying  
this discussion.  The language is a garbage-collected language and a  
function context (stack frame) should be subject to garbage collection  
just like any other object.  A stack frame that is no longer  
'reachable' (because it will be returned through) should be  
collected.  A clever implementation trick is to notice this at compile  
time and simply reuse the frame.

The use of `goto` is darn cute, and a nice way to make that assertion  
to the compiler and give a clue to the reader.  It's a lot like  
`delete` though.  `delete` doesn't mean that the referenced object  
will actually be collected, it just drops that reference.  You may  
intend that by deleting a reference an object will be collected, but  
the language has no way for you to assert that.

You could still argue that in strict mode the compiler should complain  
if a frame you `goto` out of is not going to be unreachable (and hence  
collected) after all (either because you don't really have a tail  
call, or because a closure or type error may capture the frame).  But  
by the same token, I might like the compiler to warn me if I am  
allocating closures in a loop (easy to overlook).

What I wonder is, why are we obsessing about this particular garbage  
collection problem?  Because there is a clever implementation trick  
that solves it?  Do we have other requirements on implementation's of  
garbage collection?  Or just a general assumption that the garbage  
collector has to work?

If I re-write my recursive tail-call algorithm as a loop that  
allocates a state object each time around the loop (and drops the  
reference to the previous state), do we require all implementations to  
not run out of space because I have a 'proper' bounded resource  
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: super.apply(this, arguments)

2007-12-20 Thread P T Withington
Interesting.  One wonders why we keep the silly fiction of naming the  
constructor after the class if it is really going to show up in the  
class as the `construct` method.  It's always bothered me that I have  
to write the class name in two places, and fix it in two places if I  
change my mind, or copy/paste a class to create a new class.

But, does the construct method cause allocation?  If so, it doesn't  
really solve my problem, since I really only want the initialization  
of the superclass constructor, not allocation.

It seems to me that what I really want is for there to be separate  
ways to apply `new` (to allocate a new instance using apply) and to  
apply the constructor method (to initialize a new instance using apply).

I want to be able to say:

class Foo extends Bar {

   function Foo () {
 super.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

I don't want to call `super.construct` because I don't want to  
allocate a new instance of my superclass, I just want to run the  
initialization that my superclass does.

I suppose I have to say:

 Bar.apply(this, arguments);

but now I have to type not only my class name, but also my superclass  
name in two places.

Or maybe we are going to be told this is yet another outdated wiki  
page that is leading us astray?

On 2007-12-20, at 00:02 EST, Garrett Smith wrote:

 There's a proposal that, I think, addresses that using construct:

 Though in the context of a subclass' constructor, I don't know what
 the syntax would be.


 On Dec 19, 2007 9:46 AM, P T Withington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is this permitted syntax in a constructor:

   super.apply(this, arguments);

 for the case where I want to pass all my arguments to my superclass
 constructor?  If not, how does one do that, especially if the
 constructor I am calling from takes a arg?
 Es4-discuss mailing list

 Monkey, so they say, is the root of all people today.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Eval-invisible let bindings

2007-12-07 Thread P T Withington
On 2007-12-07, at 05:06 EST, Lars Hansen wrote:

 That may in turn require heap-allocating individual
 captured storage cells in order to avoid capturing entire rib objects,
 which in its turn may cause overall slowdowns in code that does use

My experience is that closures are poorly implemented in current es3  
runtimes because they don't do this analysis and instead capture the  
entire environment, making them _much_ more expensive than allocating  
an instance.  My Lisp experience is that the compiler can warn when an  
'indefinite extent' (upward) closure is being created to help the  
programmer avoid those (and the compiler can stack-allocate the  
captured state for 'dynamic extent' (downward) ones).  Some languages  
eschew closures altogether because they are isomorphic to instances,  
but with explicit allocation.  Personally, I find downward closures a  
powerful structuring tool, so I am glad we have them; but upward  
closures can be difficult for even the expert to spot, so I hope  
implementors will give us a hand there.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Anyone got an emacs mode file for es4?

2007-12-05 Thread P T Withington
javascript-mode doesn't quite cut it.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Dylan 'nullable' types [Was: Close review of Language Overview whitepaper]

2007-11-15 Thread P T Withington
On 2007-11-14, at 19:22 EST, Graydon Hoare wrote:

 (As far as I can tell -- not being a dylan hacker -- dylan doesn't  
 go as far as having a global sentinel type like nil)

The Dylan equivalent of a nullable type is a union of your type with a  
singleton that acts as the sentinel.  Most often a singleton of the  
boolean false value is used.  So there is a macro `false-or(type)`  
that expands to `type-union(type, singleton(#f))`.  This works for  
any type other than a nullable boolean.  Because any value other than  
#f coerces to true in a boolean context, #f is very similar to nil.   
I've never known anyone to need a nullable boolean.  (Although I have  
seen whacky es3 code that uses true/false/null as a sloppy 3-valued  
enumeration -- with attended bug reports when null is passed expecting  
it to behave like false.)

I must say, coming from Dylan, es3's undefined _and_ null seem like  
overkill... but we're stuck with them now!
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Is ES3 good enough? Was incrementally strengthening ES3 paradigms considered?

2007-11-14 Thread P T Withington
On 2007-11-14, at 00:14 EST, Yuh-Ruey Chen wrote:

 Oh come on :) I was referring to the syntax of the class system, which
 is undoubtedly Java-esque. Lot of Java haters in the functional (no
 1st-class functions!) and scripting (too verbose!) programming crowd.
 Pretty much everyone's first impression of the class system in ES4 is
 that Java is being merged into the language. Kinda like how everyone
 thinks that Java inherited its type system from C++ instead of  

A key difference from Java is that types are optional.  There is not  
enough experience with es4 yet to know, but in other type-optional  
languages I have worked with, I did not have a Java-esque feeling of  
verbosity.  Perhaps this is because I was coming from a dynamically- 
typed background, so I did not have the reaction that given types I  
had to declare them everywhere.  Someone coming from a statically- 
typed background might just continue their old habits and never  
discover the freedom and power of leaving out unnecessary declarations.

In my experience with Dylan, it worked best to only specify types to  
enforce contracts and to dispatch generic functions.  In particular,  
you almost never declared the types of local variables, the compiler  
would work that out for you.  Ideally, a type-inferencing compiler  
should be able to warn you when the lack of a type declaration will  
cause a run-time type check (safety warning) or run-time dispatch  
(performance warning). 
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: need some clarification on compile-time type vs. run-time type

2007-11-13 Thread P T Withington
On 2007-11-12, at 02:04 EST, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Imagine explicit
 parenthese (not allowed because they mean union type, but pretend)

I was just thinking how clever it was that parentheses meant both  
union type and expression grouping, because a union type of only one  
type is that type, so you could use parentheses here?

   x is (like T)

What am I missing?
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: need some clarification on compile-time type vs. run-time type

2007-11-11 Thread P T Withington
On 2007-11-11, at 00:57 EST, Brendan Eich wrote:

 There are questions about exactly what strict mode analyses might be
 mandated as normative if an implementation supports strict mode. This
 may be clearer to Graydon and Cormac than to me, so I'd welcome their
 comments. For example:

 function g(a_not_null: T!) ...

 function f(a: T) {
 if (a !== null)
 g(a);   // no cast required?

IMO, mandating that level of analysis violates the spirit of the goal  
of permitting simple compilers.  You should use `type switch` if you  
want to avoid the cast (and guarantee no redundant runtime overhead).

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Syntax for union types

2007-11-10 Thread P T Withington
+1 for |

On 2007-11-09, at 13:21 EST, Brendan Eich wrote:

 As Lars suggested, we have bigger fish to fry, but we settled on
 union syntax quickly and were content to stay there. I'm not against
 | instead of , and if enough people think it's the right user
 interface, we could consider it again. I'm not saying it's a good use
 of time to fuss over this, but it's fixable if (T, U, ...) is not
 as good as (T | U | ...).

 Recall that ES4 and indeed JavaScript do not have tuples, so we want
 to use [T, U] for the array structural type describing a tuple of at
 least index 0 of type T and index 1 of type U. If we ever did add
 tuples, then Yuh-Ruey has a point I think: we might rather use (T |
 U) for union of T and U, and (T, U) -- or possibly (T, U,) to match
 expression syntax (which would have to be (e1, e2,) to avoid
 ambiguity with comma expression) for tuple type.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Possibility of standardized sprintf() in ES4?

2007-10-15 Thread P T Withington
I would be very interested in this.  Have a look at our  
implementation (not called sprintf, but has similar goals).  Our  
implementation has an additional goal of keeping an association  
between the result string and the objects it represents.  Being a  
dynamic language, I think es4 should aspire to more than just C sprintf. 

Our source is licensed under CPL.

On 2007-10-15, at 08:27 EDT, Dan Scott wrote:


 I've been working on a project requiring i18n support in ES
 (, and it's become clear that a standard sprintf()
 implementation in ES would have been very useful. There are currently
 some open-source sprintf() implementations written in ES, but all of
 the ones I've looked at so far seem to either have unusual licenses or
 incomplete implementations (positional specifier support is absolutely
 necessary for i18n, for example.) is probably the closest
 thing I've found to a solution yet.

 For something as basic as string formatting, it would be great to be
 able to count on a core implementation of sprintf() (or something
 equivalent) in a future version of ES. Jon Udell made a comment to the
 effect that string formatting was a part of the TG1 wiki at 
 but I've been unable to find that section in the wiki (unless that is
 limited strictly to String.replace()).

 Is there any other interest in adding a native sprintf() (probably as
 String.sprintf()) to the ES4 specs?

 Dan Scott
 Laurentian University
 Es4-discuss mailing list

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isPrototypeOf considered useless

2007-09-30 Thread P T Withington
If the prototype property of an object is not going to be exposed, is  
there going to be a way that I can tell whether or not there are  
intervening prototypes?

js function objectWithPrototype (proto) { function xtor () {};  
xtor.prototype = proto; return new xtor; }
js bar = { b: 2 }
[object Object]
js foo = objectWithPrototype(bar)
[object Object]
js foo instanceof Object
js Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(foo)
js foo.__proto_ === Object.prototype

How can I detect that `bar` lies between `foo` and `Object.prototype`?
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: New Feature to JS 1.7

2007-09-27 Thread P T Withington
I am saying that the OpenLaszlo framework implements a class system  
on top of JS1 (as do many other AJAX frameworks).  I don't expect JS1  
to ever support this natively.  As you wrote, that is what JS2 is for.

On 2007-09-27, at 08:33 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry for my English
 We implement `nextMethod` with annotation on the method function  
 When will you implement 'nextMethod'?

 - Original Message -
 From: P T Withington [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 7:10 PM
 Subject: Re: New Feature to JS 1.7

 Your best bet for js1+ is to use one of the many class-like
 frameworks, prototype, dojo, or my favorite, [OpenLaszlo](http://  We
 implement `nextMethod` with annotation on the method function  

 On 2007-09-25, at 02:33 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 As js4 will support OOP natively, this feature will useless for it
 but for js1.7 it will be usefull.
 In js1.7 I can not call next function from prototype chain
 For example:
 function A(){};
 A.prototype.f1= function(){};
 function B(){};
 B.prototype= new A(){};
 B.prototype.f1= function(){ /*How call f1 from prototype A?*/}
 There will be usefull to have next property:

 B.prototype.f1= function() { arguments.inherit( this, arguments ); /
 *use full feature to call next function in prototype chain */ };
   - Original Message -
   From: Brendan Eich
   Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 7:29 PM
   Subject: Re: New Feature to JS 1.7

   JS1.7 shipped in Firefox 2 and it is done. This list is for
 discussion of ECMA-262 Edition 4 (ECMAScript 4, es4) features and
 design decisions. See


   On Sep 24, 2007, at 12:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Where can I post request for new feature to JavaScript 1.7?
 Es4-discuss mailing list

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 Es4-discuss mailing list

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 Es4-discuss mailing list

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: New Feature to JS 1.7

2007-09-26 Thread P T Withington
Your best bet for js1+ is to use one of the many class-like  
frameworks, prototype, dojo, or my favorite, [OpenLaszlo](http://  We  
implement `nextMethod` with annotation on the method function objects.

On 2007-09-25, at 02:33 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 As js4 will support OOP natively, this feature will useless for it
 but for js1.7 it will be usefull.
 In js1.7 I can not call next function from prototype chain
 For example:
 function A(){};
 A.prototype.f1= function(){};
 function B(){};
 B.prototype= new A(){};
 B.prototype.f1= function(){ /*How call f1 from prototype A?*/}
 There will be usefull to have next property:

 B.prototype.f1= function() { arguments.inherit( this, arguments ); / 
 *use full feature to call next function in prototype chain */ };
   - Original Message -
   From: Brendan Eich
   Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 7:29 PM
   Subject: Re: New Feature to JS 1.7

   JS1.7 shipped in Firefox 2 and it is done. This list is for  
 discussion of ECMA-262 Edition 4 (ECMAScript 4, es4) features and  
 design decisions. See


   On Sep 24, 2007, at 12:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 Where can I post request for new feature to JavaScript 1.7?
 Es4-discuss mailing list

   __ NOD32 2547 (20070924) Information __

   This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.
 Es4-discuss mailing list

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: __proto__

2007-09-26 Thread P T Withington
On 2007-09-22, at 17:52 EDT, liorean wrote:

 Which could be done, of course, it should be a simple thing to add
 that in the algorithm for [[Construct]]. But then we have the question
 of what to do with constructors that return other objects than that
 set up by steps 1 through 5 of the [[Construct]] algorithm. A
 constructor can return other objects, you know. You'd have to decide
 whether this property should be set up prior to step 6 in the
 algorithm or subsequent to step 7. If prior, only the original object
 that was created in step 1 gets it, if subsequent, return values get
 it even if they are not the same as the original object.

Dylan has a rule that the constructor must return an object that is a  
subtype of the constructor.  If that were enforced, I would see no  
reason to reset the constructor property of the returned object.

 Actually, I think this would be a nice and simple fix to ES3 that
 probably wouldn't hurt much code out there.

Agreed.  As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, we do this manually  
in our framework for now.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: 9.6.2 - 'this' or 'super' in a static method

2007-09-03 Thread P T Withington
On 2007-09-03, at 07:41 EDT, Lars T Hansen wrote:

 Now I see what you mean.  You would like this class to be
 dynamically scoped like this.  Yet when we were talking earlier
 about this function and this generator, they are both statically
 scoped entities -- unlike this.  And that's how I've been thinking
 about this class -- as static.  The motivation for this function
 was to be able to reference the function enclosing the reference not
 by name, but  by some mechanism resilient to name change, and similar
 for this generator.  So I figure, why not the class.

 Taking this further, would not this in your class-static method
 capture exactly what you want to capture (except that it's illegal
 right now and probably used by mistake about 25% of the time?)

 Well, that takes us full circle...

Indeed.  What I wanted was a way in a class method to say 'yes, I  
mean `this`, and it is not a mistake'.  `this class` seemed like a  
pretty good idea for that.  But not if it is going to be static.

Your solution is not quite what I had expected to do, but it will  
work, so I guess this is not a pressing need.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Question about joined function object of ECMA-262 3rd edition

2007-07-31 Thread P T Withington
On 2007-07-31, at 07:52 EDT, Lars T Hansen wrote:

 On 7/30/07, P T Withington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, what the spec meant to say is:  If the compiler writer can think
 of an optimization that will save time or space and not break the
 semantics of Javascript, they are permitted to make that
 optimization. :)

 Joining is more sinister than that and several messages in this thread
 have approached the problem from various angles.  The worst of it is
 that side effects on function objects are unpredictable, as Neil Mix
 wrote earlier.

Indeed.  I was suggesting that the spec was broken; that it meant to  
prescribe an optimization to avoid unnecessary closures, but that it  
got it wrong (perhaps because it overlooked the mutability of the  
function object itself?).  Surely backwards compatibility should not  
trump correctness?  You don't want to have to force users to contrive  
to create a closure just to be able to add properties to a function?

Oh.  Ha, ha.  Now I understand a piece of code in our runtime that  
did exactly that (since removed).  I think the test case you are  
looking for might be the SWF version 5 interpreter.
Es4-discuss mailing list