STATUS UPDATED: 2 March 2001 


Pioneer 10 distance from Sun: 77.26 AU 
Speed relative to the Sun: 12.24 km/sec (27,380 mph) 
Distance from Earth: 11.54 billion kilometers (7.17 billion miles) 
Round-trip Light Time: 21 hours 23 minutes 

Today marks the 29th anniversary of the launch of Pioneer 10. Designed 
to complete its mission to Jupiter in 21 months, it has lasted over a 
order of magnitude longer than that as a testament to the brilliant 
management by the late Charlie Hall and the meticulous workmanship of 
the prime contractor TRW Space and Technology Group and a variety of 

Pioneer is fighting to maintain contact with Earth. Its fate should 
unfold in the next several months. 

Larry Lasher, Pioneer Project Manager

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