Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 08:23:50 -0500
Subject: New from Princeton University Press

For Members of Princeton University Press's E-mail List for
Physics and Astroscience

We are pleased to send you the following information about this
newly published book:

New Paperback
Stars and Planets
Ian Ridpath
Illustrated by Wil Tirion

For sample pages, visit:

In this new edition of their classic guide, Ian Ridpath and 
Wil Tirion bring the night sky down to earth with brand new 
sky charts, diagrams, and photos that enrich the clear, 
engaging text. Stars and Planets will delight both latent 
astronomers who have yet to touch a telescope and the more 
star-savvy who have spent many a night outside craning their 
necks behind a lens.

The introduction presents the basics of astronomical 
observation while answering such questions as: How did 
constellations come to be? Do the stars within them have 
anything to do with one another? Do stars really flicker? 
Next comes the book's centerpiece: an excellent series of 
maps of the night sky from hemisphere to hemisphere, month 
to month and, above all, charts showing all 88 
constellations, including some 5,000 stars. The text vividly 
relates the human history behind each constellation and 
notes their most prominent stars while offering sundry 
stimulating facts.

The second section focuses on the astrophysics behind stars, 
galaxies, the sun, the planets, comets and meteors, and 
more. Striking full-color photos, maps, and illustrations 
appear on almost every page. The guide concludes with 
helpful tips on the optical tools of the trade and on 
astrophotography. Astrophysicists and amateur skywatchers 
agree that Stars and Planets is simply the most user-
friendly, compact source of celestial information available. 
No one should leave home at night without it.

Up-to-date full-color photos and data, including recent 
planetary images.

Monthly maps of the night sky as seen from latitudes 
throughout the world.

Charts of all 88 constellations, with data and notes on 
bright stars and other objects of interest.

Illustrated introduction to stars, nebulae, galaxies, and 
the solar system.

Advice on choosing and using binoculars and telescopes.

Ian Ridpath, an amateur astronomer, is an author and 
broadcaster on stars and planets for a general audience. He 
is the editor of, among other titles, Norton's Star Atlas, 
The Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy, and The Monthly Sky 
Guide. Wil Tirion is among the world's foremost celestial 
photographers and illustrators.

Princeton Field Guides

0-691-08913-2 Paper $19.95 U.S. and L12.95 UK
0-691-08912-4 Cloth $49.50 U.S. and L33.50 UK
408 pages, 142 charts, 95 color photos, 45 figures, 
4.5 x 7.5 inches.

For sale only in North America and the Philippines

We're very interested in your comments and suggestions on this new service.
Feel free to e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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