EV Digest 6990

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: Wheel alignment Or How to significantly reduce rolling    
   resistance! .. hill climbing ..
        by "John G. Lussmyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2) Re: might be the electric car of the future
        by "Tom S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  3) Re: might be the electric car of the future
        by "Tom S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  4) Re: .. hill climbing ..
        by M Bianchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  5) Re: Evette
        by "Tom S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  6) Re: [EV] Re: might be the electric car of the future
        by "Tom S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  7) Free energy
        by Dan Frederiksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  8) Re: The Pontiac Fiero as an EV
        by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  9) Re: BB 600's
        by Steven Ciciora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 10) RE: BB 600's
        by "Garret Maki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 11) RE: BB 600's
        by Steven Ciciora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 12) OT:  Free energy
        by "Lawrie, Robin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 13) Re: BB 600's
        by "John G. Lussmyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 14) Re: High voltage cable protection and color coding
        by "joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 15) Re: Hill climbing (Was: Re: Wheel alignment)
        by "Richard Acuti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 16) Motor Inquiry And Response
        by "Rob Hogenmiller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 17) Re: Motor Inquiry And Response
        by "Peter VanDerWal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 18) Highlighting EV's To Others
        by "Rob Hogenmiller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 19) Re: Motor weight
        by Jeff Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 20) Re: OT:  Free energy
        by Dan Frederiksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 21) Re: [EV] USA Today sticks foot in mouth with 25 cars that made a 
        by "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 22) Free energy
        by Dan Frederiksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 23) Re: Hill climbing (Was: Re: Wheel alignment)
        by "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 24) Re: BB 600's
        by "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 25) Re: BB 600's
        by "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 26) Re: Hill climbing (Was: Re: Wheel alignment)
        by "Roland Wiench" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 27) conversions
        by "Tom S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--- Begin Message ---
At 07:36 AM 7/3/2007, peekay wrote:
ev's are totally unsuitable for up-hill climbs

Why? Cause it uses more energy? So cars with gas engines are unsuitable for hills cause they use more gasoline?

My Sparrow handles both of the 1 mile long hills I have to travel over just fine. Just takes a bit more power out of the batteries.

John G. Lussmyer      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dragons soar and Tigers prowl while I dream....         

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Bob,

Good morning, don`t know a 
Jim Sines, could be a relation. yes it is a great car, and fun to drive.

Tom Sines

-----Original Message-----
>From: Bob Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jul 3, 2007 1:27 PM
>To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
>Subject: Re: might be the electric car of the future
>  Tom Sines? Any relation to JIM Sines, who was in the Connecticut DOT EV 
>program, years ago?Aren't very many Sines around<g>?
>   A Sine of the times? Sorry! Couldn't resist. Interesting car ya got in 
>the works.
>  Seeya
>  Bob 

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Jeff,

Actually the car will turn in irs own tracks. I`ve beem driving this car for 
years, and it runs great. Its also a lot of fun to drive. As it turns out,the 
car is so maneuverable it can stay out of bad situations.

Tom Sines

-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeff Shanab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jul 3, 2007 10:59 PM
>To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
>Subject: Re: might be the electric car of the future
>A conventional vehicle pivots around a point at the center of it's
>turning radius, this is usually ~30 feet?
>It looks like the evette can claim a turning radius of -1/2 the track?
>So a total failure that allows the wheels remain tracked makes a
>uncontrolled stop in basically a straight line
>a failure that allows a wheel to go to lock and the vehicle tracks in a
>striaght line at 1/2 the turning angle, < 25 degrees
>Although a severly dangerous situation, the failure modes have limited
>Also at the instant that you have for example a 25 degree shift in the
>steering, you don't get it. The vehicle will push.
>Just stand on the brakes and the front wheels will lock and it will go
>in a straight line, the natural reaction of the driver.
>In the evette the powered and steering wheels are togather.
>So what happens when 1 motor fails on and the driver slams on the
>brakes? 1 wheel locks and the other is fighting the motor ?
>The ability to turn 90 degrees in the width of the vehicle is kinda
>scary to me. The failure mode has to much range.

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
peekay wrote:
> ev's are totally unsuitable for up-hill climbs

Tell that to the people whose EVs have climbed Mount Washington.
See the Tour de Sol Reports for 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2001.

 Mike Bianchi

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Ed,

Its an experimental car, however I`ve been driving the car for years,and it 
runs great.  Those things don`t seem to happen.

Tom Sines

-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Jul 3, 2007 12:07 PM
>To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
>Subject: Re: Evette
>It looks fun, looks really nice.
>Let me rephrase the question that a couple of others have asked, if I may.
>Have you actually tested killing one controller (or one motor) to see what 
>the vehicle does?
>Without actual manual steering, and a motor dies, a motor cable becomes 
>disconnected, one side continues to motive force, and the other does not.
>Suppose that safety features shut down both controllers/motors in the 
>event that something incorrect happens.
>Does the vehicle drift in any way, or does emergency braking take place 
>(which can of course, create an accident also, in the event that you're 
>crossing a lane.. and it stops there).
>How is the direction of the vehicle controlled in a turn, should a 
>controller shut down?
>Fun or not, I'd hate to be at the mercy of a corroded wire that I somehow 
>missed in my weekly inspection -  at any speed, in any condition, and have 
>the vehicle do somethng 'unexpected' - such as drift towards oncoming 
>traffic, or a bridge abutment...
>Various vehicles I've driven in the past - when "out of alignment" - 
>rapidly dive towards the edge of something... such as the edge of the 
>road, the edge of an oncoming lane, a tree (it hates me, I can tell).
>Vehicles that don't have any actual steering input outside of 'one wheel 
>gets slightly less power than the other' means that - when one wheel gets 
>'slightly less power (intentional or not)' - it goes in that direction...
>Thanks for the info!
>I hope that it succeeds beyond your wildest imagination!
>Ed Cooley
>07/03/2007 11:45
>Please respond to
>Re: Evette
>Hi Dan,
>There again, inertia at higher soeeds is the driving force, and left and 
>right brake controls the car. By the way this car is really  fun to drive!
>Tom Sines
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Dan Frederiksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Jul 3, 2007 10:28 AM
>>To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
>>Subject: Re: Evette
>>what if one motor loses power and the other is full on?
>>Tom S. wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>> Yes we`ve had it up to 60 mph, it runs great. Inertia makes the car 
>want to go straight.
>>> Tom Sines
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Dan Frederiksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Sent: Jul 3, 2007 7:53 AM
>>>> To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
>>>> Subject: Re: Evette
>>>> It's a funny car but it seems like a very dangerous configuration. 
>>>> you tried driving it at high way speeds? not sure but seems to me that 
>>>> the slighest flick of the hand at full speed could be fatal, let alone 
>>>> an actual failure in the controllers.
>>>> Dan
>>> ________________________________________
>>> PeoplePC Online
>>> A better way to Internet
>>> http://www.peoplepc.com
>PeoplePC Online
>A better way to Internet

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Grayfoot,

Sounds like you`re on the right track.  By the way did I tell you this car is a 
lot of fun to drive.

Tom Sines

-----Original Message-----
>From: TrotFox Greyfoot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jul 3, 2007 10:53 PM
>To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
>Subject: Re: [EV] Re: might be the electric car of the future
>Well, that would nicely explain the huge wheel/tire choice...
>Trot, the ever-curious, fox...
>On 7/3/07, Eduardo Kaftanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> you can if you have the center of gravity lower than the axle of
>> the wheels.
>> ok, the front wheel will have some load, but very little. it should self
>> balance even without it. Think child swing..
>> --
>> Eduardo K.            |
>> http://www.carfun.cl  | I'm white and nerdy
>> http://ev.nn.cl       |               Weird Al
>>                       |
>|  /\_/\       TrotFox         \ Always remember,
>| ( o o ) AKA Landon Solomon \ "There is a
>|  >\_/<       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       \ third alternative."

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- I know some of you can't imagine something like that but whether you believe it or not, the irish company Steorn which back in august took out a full page ad in the economist with a white glove slap in the face of the 'scientific' community, is claiming a 10 day public demonstration in London of the device starting this week and various reports indicate that it will be today.

part of me hopes that today we will be able to say 'today we celebrate our independence day'


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
The Fiero has a hydraulic clutch.  The only cables down the center tunnel are 
throttle, shift selector, and shift.
The shift selector cable is famous for getting stiff due to debris working 
its way into the cable housing, but, on average that takes about 15 years.  
is 20 years old and still has the original cable. I have never heard of a 
binding throttle cable.
I have a 87GT that is my daily driver and I am an active member of the Alamo 
Area Fiero Owners Club.  I also frequent the Pennock's Fiero forum which has 
12,014 members.  The car was produced for four years; 1984 - 1988.  Internal 
disputes between Pontiac and GM killed it.
Parts are readily available.  The car has such a large following that 
after-market vendors can afford to manufacture parts that have been 
discontinued by 
I am converting my Fiero to electric, but it is currently on funding hold and 
still driven as an ICE.  So far, I have a WarP-11, adaptor plate and vacuum 
pump.  Still waiting funds for more stuff.  It already has suspension upgrades 
I really love this car.  It is a blast to drive and has proven very reliable. 
 I just can't wait till it's electric!
In a message dated 7/3/2007 8:04:12 PM Central Daylight Time, 
The only negative thing I've ever heard is issues with
a binding clutch cable or some cabling (throttle?)
down the center tunnel.  That may have been just one
model, and three-five years ago...

************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hey Bob,
  How many, and how much?  I can get them back to
Colorado in Bill Dube's rig, so shipping won't cost

- Steven Ciciora

--- Bob Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi EVerybody;
>   Micro Sloth is up to it's old stuff! My note an
> BB600's bounced, said I 
> wasn't subscribed to the List? Like hell! Have been
> for YEARS, but I'll use 
> one of my notes that DID get through.Wipe it clean
> and forward.
>   Point here, Oh, I'm GETTING to it! Anybody
> want/need some BB600's, like 
> for a bike, scooter? A reasonable load for a Prius,
> as I would deliver on my 
> Portland Pilgrimage in a few daze.Would help defray
> the expences, too.
>   Seeya at PDX
>   Bob 

Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the 
tools to get online.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Oh OH OHHH!!!! Can I get about 25 of those in Denver too.  Please!!
That would let me get a second motorcycle project up and running again.
I've got one running BB600s now if you want to check it out and share
performance data. 
-Garret Maki

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Steven Ciciora
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 8:01 AM
To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
Subject: Re: BB 600's

Hey Bob,
  How many, and how much?  I can get them back to
Colorado in Bill Dube's rig, so shipping won't cost

- Steven Ciciora

--- Bob Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi EVerybody;
>   Micro Sloth is up to it's old stuff! My note an
> BB600's bounced, said I 
> wasn't subscribed to the List? Like hell! Have been
> for YEARS, but I'll use 
> one of my notes that DID get through.Wipe it clean
> and forward.
>   Point here, Oh, I'm GETTING to it! Anybody
> want/need some BB600's, like 
> for a bike, scooter? A reasonable load for a Prius,
> as I would deliver on my 
> Portland Pilgrimage in a few daze.Would help defray
> the expences, too.
>   Seeya at PDX
>   Bob 

Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you
all the tools to get online.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Well, I started kicking myself for screwing up and
replying on_list, but maybe it was a good thing. 
Sounds like you can use them more than I can?  Bob,
Garret, let's work out details off-list.  My email is
karmannelectric (@t] yahoo, etc.

- Steven Ciciora

--- Garret Maki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Oh OH OHHH!!!! Can I get about 25 of those in Denver
> too.  Please!!
> That would let me get a second motorcycle project up
> and running again.
> I've got one running BB600s now if you want to check
> it out and share
> performance data. 
> -Garret Maki
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Steven Ciciora
> Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 8:01 AM
> To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
> Subject: Re: BB 600's
> Hey Bob,
>   How many, and how much?  

Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows. 
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
as a sceptic, and also as someone who works 1 min from the demostration site, i 
shall be popping down tomorrow lunch to see just what is on "show"
it is still being set up behind black curtains at the moment.
incredibly OT, but i tell you, if their demonstration is undisputable (is that 
possible?)   then i will let the list know all the world's problems are solved..


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Dan Frederiksen
Sent: Wed 04/07/2007 13:04
To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
Subject: Free energy

I know some of you can't imagine something like that but whether you
believe it or not, the irish company Steorn which back in august took
out a full page ad in the economist with a white glove slap in the face
of the 'scientific' community, is claiming a 10 day public demonstration
in London of the device starting this week and various reports indicate
that it will be today.

part of me hopes that today we will be able to say 'today we celebrate
our independence day'


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X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.5
Subject: OT:  Free energy
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 15:12:29 +0100
Thread-Topic: Free energy
Thread-Index: Ace+PFA1y5wVirwmRQqY12k21kyRHQACQsyO
From: "Lawrie, Robin--
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 07:22:29 -0700
To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
From: "John G. Lussmyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: BB 600's
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At 11:49 PM 7/3/2007, Bob Rice wrote:
>  Point here, Oh, I'm GETTING to it! Anybody want/need some BB600's, 
> like for a bike, scooter? A reasonable load for a Prius, as I would 
> deliver on my Portland Pilgrimage in a few daze.Would help defray 
> the expences, too.

You really need to post this to the BB600 group as well...
(actually, I'll forward it there.)

John G. Lussmyer      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dragons soar and Tigers prowl while I dream....         
From: "joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Subject: Re: High voltage cable protection and color coding
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 07:31:13 -0700
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Natural gas or fiber optic pipe is yellow and orange respectively, and would 
be a better choice, IMHO.

Joseph H. Strubhar

Web: www.gremcoinc.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger Stockton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 2:37 PM
Subject: RE: High voltage cable protection and color coding

> Steve Peterson wrote:
>> You can get orange cpvc which is intended for fire sprinkler systems
>> (sometimes known as "fire pipe" in the plumbing trade). It's easy to
>> work with--just like regular pvc. A good plumbing store can get it for
>> you.
> Ah, that's good to know.  The conduit I used is the flexible stuff, but
> I was thinking of using a length or two of rigid PVC to carry the
> charger connections from the rear of the car to the engine bay.
> I wonder if I might be better off sticking with grey rather than mixing
> colours and confusing someone into thinking that the grey flexible
> conduit is safe to cut through since the orange rigid lengths ~must~ be
> the high voltage ones?  ;^>  Maybe someone will solve my dilemma by
> advising that the flexible conduit is available in orange also?
> Cheers,
> Roger.
From: "Richard Acuti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
Subject: Re: Hill climbing (Was: Re: Wheel alignment)
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:48:36 -0400
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Not to mention, making a blanket statement that "EV's are not suitable for 
hill climbing" or other similar statements does not exactly advance our 

I'm not suggesting we ignore any truths, but if overall, that's the case 
then maybe we as a group need to design them so they DO climb well instead 
of just saying that it can't be done. :)

I know better though. There's a lot of guys out on the Left Coast living in 
the mountains and hills. More in fact, than those of us in the flats on the 
East coast.

Rich A.

Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 11:53:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jeff Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Wheel alignment Or How to significantly reduce rolling
resistance! .. hill climbing ..
To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
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--- peekay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>my own view is that ev's are very suitable for flat
>lands ..
>and very modest climbs (like approaches to fly-overs
>or bridges)
>ev's are totally unsuitable for up-hill climbs

Hey Peekay,

Battery powered EVs go up Pike's Peak, tallest
mountain in US (lower 48).


That is elevation gain of 4700 feet in 12.4 miles.

It can be done.  And I think Lee pointed out, most
times you come down those hills, so regen and get some
energy back.  Your combustion engine cars cannot do
that.  Maybe EVs are better on hills.


From: "Rob Hogenmiller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "EV Discussion" <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Subject: Motor Inquiry And Response
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 09:51:06 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I recently contacted a company with interest in motor.
Also is there response. I was wondering if anyone could confirm their 


I was wondering what 24v motor would you recommend.

I'm hoping to find one that can produce 100ft/lbs of torque around
800-2200rpm range.


Thanks for your inquiry.
If your parameters are correct, that Motor, at a nomimal speed of 1500 RPM, 
would need to develop 28.55 HP, according to my calculations..
At 24 Volts, you'd need 887 Amps of current to achieve that torque. 
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 09:42:55 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Motor Inquiry And Response
From: "Peter VanDerWal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Did you have a question or were you just stating the obvious?

FWIW  887 amps assumes the motor is 100% efficient.  This doesn't happen
in real life.  In real life a 24V motor is probably 80-90% at best, so
your current will actually be 10-25% higher than that.

> I recently contacted a company with interest in motor.
> Also is there response. I was wondering if anyone could confirm their
> information.
> I was wondering what 24v motor would you recommend.
> I'm hoping to find one that can produce 100ft/lbs of torque around
> 800-2200rpm range.
> Thanks for your inquiry.
> If your parameters are correct, that Motor, at a nomimal speed of 1500
> RPM,
> would need to develop 28.55 HP, according to my calculations..
> At 24 Volts, you'd need 887 Amps of current to achieve that torque.

If you send email to me, or the EVDL, that has > 4 lines of legalistic
junk at the end; then you are specifically authorizing me to do whatever I
wish with the message.  By posting the message you agree that your long
legalistic signature is void.
From: "Rob Hogenmiller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "EV Discussion" <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Subject: Highlighting EV's To Others
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 10:05:26 -0500
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I was wanting to make a highlight of Electric Vehicles for others on 
I came up with the 4 categories below and was wondering what cars you might 
suggest. I put the ones I was potentially thinking in parenthesis.

Near Unlimited Budget
(Tesla) (Zero)(Lotus/Zap)(The one from Japan with 8 Wheels)

Currently For Sale
(Don't know of any vehicles that someone can go buy now at a dealer.)

Very Budget Minded
(Was hoping for someone home built project)

Non Traditional
(Was thinking of that skinny motorcycle type car) 
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 08:30:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jeff Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Motor weight
To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hi Jim,

Forth of July.  Had to come into town for a store run
and stopped to check email.  

--- Jim Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey Lee, Jeff, all
> Thought I'd finish some thoughts and throw back into
> the pot 8^)
> --- Jeff Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Anyway, I'm wondering, would this cause a
> >> field imbalance and if so by what degree?
> > Actually, I'd say not.  
> Now, how is someone like me suppose to get the
> straight dope when you and Lee give me opposing
> answers, LMAO 8^P

Not like the first time we disagree.  What are we
goin' to do?  Get in there with a gauss meter?  And,
were you going to replace the frame on that one?  Why
did you have it in the first place?  Failure due to
field inbalance?  That frame piece must have come off
the end of the pipe stock or something.  Should never
have been put into motor production. 

> I wrote:
> > > Lastly, The small 6.7" GE motors have a much
> > thinner
> > > housing than their Prestolite or ADC's
> compatable
> > > direct replacement motors which usually amounts
> to
> > a
> > > 10 lbs difference between them, much in housing
> > > weight
> > > reducing them from 55/60 lbs to 45ish. 
> Jeff wrote: 
> > I think the GE motors have a magnetic frame inside
> > that thin shell.  Using a laminated pole and
> > magnetic
> > frame punched from one piece of sheet steel.  This
> > is
> > why they don't have pole bolts.  
> No, those aren't the ones I was talking about, those
> are throw away piles of crap 8^o
> I was refering to the 48 and 48 series GE's like the
> one I sent to Chip for this years PODC.  GE made
> lots
> of replacement motors for Pretolite replacements
> MEE,
> MEA, MSS, MSU, MCP's, lots of them.  GE uses square
> wire and what always appeared less field coils but
> their arms were very close bar count, slots, etc.
> Anyway I just wanted to clear up that thin walled GE
> thingy 8^)

I'd like to see what you're talking about.  Next
chance, send me some photos of the GEs.

Off to the store and maybe fireworks later.

Happy 4th.


Get the free Yahoo! toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware 
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 16:35:31 +0200
From: Dan Frederiksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
Subject: Re: OT:  Free energy
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

first off, a potential carte blanche solution to the battery problem in 
an electric car is not off topic

nice that you are that close to kinetica. do you have any pictures of 
the preparation? see the people there?
you are welcome to join a few others in #steorn on irc.freenode.net, 
would love to hear from someone on the ground


Lawrie, Robin wrote:
> as a sceptic, and also as someone who works 1 min from the demostration site, 
> i shall be popping down tomorrow lunch to see just what is on "show"
> it is still being set up behind black curtains at the moment.
> incredibly OT, but i tell you, if their demonstration is undisputable (is 
> that possible?)   then i will let the list know all the world's problems are 
> solved..
> ________________________________
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Dan Frederiksen
> Sent: Wed 04/07/2007 13:04
> To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
> Subject: Free energy
> I know some of you can't imagine something like that but whether you
> believe it or not, the irish company Steorn which back in august took
> out a full page ad in the economist with a white glove slap in the face
> of the 'scientific' community, is claiming a 10 day public demonstration
> in London of the device starting this week and various reports indicate
> that it will be today.
> part of me hopes that today we will be able to say 'today we celebrate
> our independence day'
> Dan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.5
> Subject: OT:  Free energy
> Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 15:12:29 +0100
> X-MS-Has-Attach: 
> Thread-Topic: Free energy
> Thread-Index: Ace+PFA1y5wVirwmRQqY12k21kyRHQACQsyO
> From: "Lawrie, Robin--
From: "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Subject: Re: [EV] USA Today sticks foot in mouth with 25 cars that made a 
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:53:12 -0400
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew Kane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 3:01 AM
Subject: Re: [EV] USA Today sticks foot in mouth with 25 cars that made a 

>     Of course the article's title *actually* refers to the Impact, a
> one-off (or at least few-off) show-car predecessor to the EV1, which
> AFAIK was never offered for sale- hence no buyers. Also if only two
> Impacts were built and one caught fire that would yield an "alarming"
> rate of car fires...
>  Hi EVeybody;

      I don't remember many, if ANY EV-1 fires, but the GEM cars were real 
burners, not in a Waylandesque Way! THEY burned and it was a charger issue. 
I particularry remember a NY Post article about a "Killer Electric Car" Some 
celebs house burned up and it was the CARS fault, they said. I woulda sued 
them IF I were GEM Co.But I think Crapsler was happy for the bum press. "See 
EV's aren't any good!" Lottsa gas cars have burned up too, but there are so 
godamn MANY of them, the averages are good that they would. After all Gas is 
a Hazmat on the RR! If ya have, say, a tankcar full of it!

  Just a few thoughts.

  Seeya at PIR?

> On 7/3/07, Joseph T. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Please...GM could've made the EV1 fire-proof. Few went on fire anyway;
>> it's not like it cause chaos.
>> On 7/3/07, Zeke Yewdall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > No buyers huh.... perhaps that was because GM refused to sell
>> > them?????   I'd buy one if they were available.
>> >
>> > On 7/3/07, Eduardo Kaftanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > On Tue, Jul 03, 2007 at 04:05:21PM -0700, Lawrence Rhodes wrote:
>> > > > http://www.usatoday.com/news/top25-vehicles.htm
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > ouch.
>> > >
>> > > did at least one catch fire recharging?
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > Eduardo K.            |
>> > > http://www.carfun.cl  | I'm white and nerdy
>> > > http://ev.nn.cl       |               Weird Al
>> > >                       |
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Zeke Yewdall
>> > Chief Electrical Engineer
>> > Sunflower Solar, A NewPoint Energy Company
>> > Cell: 720.352.2508
>> > Office: 303.459.0177
>> > FAX documents to: 720.269.1240
>> > www.cosunflower.com
>> >
>> > CoSEIA Certified
>> > Certified BP Solar Installer
>> > National Association of Home Builders
>> >
>> > Quotable Quote
>> >
>> > "In the dark of the moon, in flying snow,
>> > in the dead of winter, war spreading,
>> > families dying, the world in danger,
>> > I walk the rocky hillside
>> > sowing clover."
>> >
>> > Wendell Berry
>> >
>> >
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 
> 269.9.14/885 - Release Date: 7/3/2007 10:02 AM
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 17:54:23 +0200
From: Dan Frederiksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Subject: Free energy
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Steorn now claims the demo will happen at 6pm UK time which is 1pm 
eastern us
it will allegedly be available online as a webcast and run for 10 days
the test site just came online:

this might be a very revolutionary day although I dare not hope.
if you have oil stocks, smoke em if you got em : )

From: "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Subject: Re: Hill climbing (Was: Re: Wheel alignment)
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 12:12:26 -0400
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Acuti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: Hill climbing (Was: Re: Wheel alignment)

> Not to mention, making a blanket statement that "EV's are not suitable for 
> hill climbing" or other similar statements does not exactly advance our 
> cause.
> I'm not suggesting we ignore any truths, but if overall, that's the case 
> then maybe we as a group need to design them so they DO climb well instead 
> of just saying that it can't be done. :)
> I know better though. There's a lot of guys out on the Left Coast living 
> in the mountains and hills. More in fact, than those of us in the flats on 
> the East coast.
> Rich A.
> Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 11:53:39 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Jeff Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Wheel alignment Or How to significantly reduce rolling
> resistance! .. hill climbing ..
> To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> --- peekay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>my own view is that ev's are very suitable for flat
>>lands ..
>>and very modest climbs (like approaches to fly-overs
>>or bridges)
>>ev's are totally unsuitable for up-hill climbs
>>Hey Guyz! EV's go up hills, too. Ya gotta be patient! I have a few 400 amp 
>>hills here in hilly Corrupticut, too. Oh not as impressive as, say, the 
>>Rocky Mtns but still amp sucking hills.I can do it at 50mph @400plus amps 
>>or gear down and do 100 amps at 20-25 mph or less. Depends on HOW much 
>>battery I have left at the bottom!Or how many SUV's are RIGHT on my 


> Hey Peekay,
> Battery powered EVs go up Pike's Peak, tallest
> mountain in US (lower 48).
> http://www.electrifyingtimes.com/pikes_peak_ER3.html
> That is elevation gain of 4700 feet in 12.4 miles.
> It can be done.  And I think Lee pointed out, most
> times you come down those hills, so regen and get some
> energy back.  Your combustion engine cars cannot do
> that.  Maybe EVs are better on hills.
> Jeff
> _________________________________________________________________
> http://imagine-windowslive.com/hotmail/?locale=en-us&ocid=TXT_TAGHM_migration_HM_mini_2G_0507
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 
> 269.9.14/885 - Release Date: 7/3/2007 10:02 AM
From: "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Subject: Re: BB 600's
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 12:20:10 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

  Hi EVerybody;

 Didn't realize that the B  600 thing would be such a popular subject! I'm 
adressing generally here. I have old, and almost new AND new bb's. I didn't 
wanna dump them ALL, just a Prius load, I had in mind?

  Prices, oldies but probably goodies? 5bux

  Newbees or slightly used  ten bux a throw? Sound reasonable, at 3 bux a 
gal gas daze!

   Keep on trukin'

   Bob, How MUCH CAN a prius carry?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 2:49 AM
Subject: BB 600's

> Hi EVerybody;
>  Micro Sloth is up to it's old stuff! My note an BB600's bounced, said I 
> wasn't subscribed to the List? Like hell! Have been for YEARS, but I'll 
> use one of my notes that DID get through.Wipe it clean and forward.
>  Point here, Oh, I'm GETTING to it! Anybody want/need some BB600's, like 
> for a bike, scooter? A reasonable load for a Prius, as I would deliver on 
> my Portland Pilgrimage in a few daze.Would help defray the expences, too.
>  Seeya at PDX
>  Bob
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 
> 269.9.14/885 - Release Date: 7/3/2007 10:02 AM
From: "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Subject: Re: BB 600's
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 12:22:40 -0400
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steven Ciciora" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: BB 600's

> Hey Bob,
>  How many, and how much?  I can get them back to
> Colorado in Bill Dube's rig, so shipping won't cost
> anything...
> - Steven Ciciora
>  Hi Steve;

 Seems like a lot of guyz in the Denvir area are interested and YOU could 
haul them there?So I could make the drop in PDX?

> --- Bob Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi EVerybody;
>>   Micro Sloth is up to it's old stuff! My note an
>> BB600's bounced, said I
>> wasn't subscribed to the List? Like hell! Have been
>> for YEARS, but I'll use
>> one of my notes that DID get through.Wipe it clean
>> and forward.
>>   Point here, Oh, I'm GETTING to it! Anybody
>> want/need some BB600's, like
>> for a bike, scooter? A reasonable load for a Prius,
>> as I would deliver on my
>> Portland Pilgrimage in a few daze.Would help defray
>> the expences, too.
>>   Seeya at PDX
>>   Bob
> ____________________________________________________________________________________
> Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all 
> the tools to get online.
> http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/webhosting
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.9.14/885 - Release Date: 7/3/2007 
> 10:02 AM
From: "Roland Wiench" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Subject: Re: Hill climbing (Was: Re: Wheel alignment)
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 11:07:02 -0600
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hello all,

I drove every day on a 7-8 percent 2 mile long hill every day from 1976 to 
1986 in one or Robert Aronsson electric highway vehicles call Transformer I 
from the Electric Fuel Propulsion Company.  Before I hit the base of that 
hill, I would get the EV up to 65 to 70 mph in a gear of 5.57:1 at 5000 rpm. 
As I went up the hill I could hold it at about 60 mph at 600 motor amps and 
about 300 battery amps using 300 AH cobalt batteries that never sag below 
the low voltage limit of the 900 amp controller.

I just love it in the winter time, when the roads were very icy and all the 
ICE were slipping and sliding all other the place, where I walk right up 
this hill passing up ICE's because they were lose traction.

Coming down this hill was something else.  In the summer, I would let it all 
hang out and the EV gets up to 80 mph passing the ICE's again.  In the 
winter if icy, all I had to do was turn on all my accessory power which the 
main motor drives and acts just like compression on a ICE.  Had extended 
studed tires on all fours.

EFP even gave me a giant load resistor which was so big, you had to hang it 
on the front bumper which they test out for regen braking.  Never use it. No 
room to put it.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: Hill climbing (Was: Re: Wheel alignment)

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Richard Acuti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 10:48 AM
> Subject: Re: Hill climbing (Was: Re: Wheel alignment)
> > Not to mention, making a blanket statement that "EV's are not suitable 
> > for
> > hill climbing" or other similar statements does not exactly advance our
> > cause.
> >
> > I'm not suggesting we ignore any truths, but if overall, that's the case
> > then maybe we as a group need to design them so they DO climb well 
> > instead
> > of just saying that it can't be done. :)
> >
> > I know better though. There's a lot of guys out on the Left Coast living
> > in the mountains and hills. More in fact, than those of us in the flats 
> > on
> > the East coast.
> >
> > Rich A.
> >
> > Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 11:53:39 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: Jeff Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: Wheel alignment Or How to significantly reduce rolling
> > resistance! .. hill climbing ..
> > To: ev@listproc.sjsu.edu
> > MIME-Version: 1.0
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> > --- peekay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>my own view is that ev's are very suitable for flat
> >>lands ..
> >>and very modest climbs (like approaches to fly-overs
> >>or bridges)
> >>
> >>ev's are totally unsuitable for up-hill climbs
> >>
> >>..peekay
> >>
> >>Hey Guyz! EV's go up hills, too. Ya gotta be patient! I have a few 400 
> >>amp
> >>hills here in hilly Corrupticut, too. Oh not as impressive as, say, the
> >>Rocky Mtns but still amp sucking hills.I can do it at 50mph @400plus 
> >>amps
> >>or gear down and do 100 amps at 20-25 mph or less. Depends on HOW much
> >>battery I have left at the bottom!Or how many SUV's are RIGHT on my
> >>bumper?
>   Seeya
>    Bob
> >
> > Hey Peekay,
> >
> > Battery powered EVs go up Pike's Peak, tallest
> > mountain in US (lower 48).
> >
> > http://www.electrifyingtimes.com/pikes_peak_ER3.html
> >
> > That is elevation gain of 4700 feet in 12.4 miles.
> >
> > It can be done.  And I think Lee pointed out, most
> > times you come down those hills, so regen and get some
> > energy back.  Your combustion engine cars cannot do
> > that.  Maybe EVs are better on hills.
> >
> > Jeff
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
> > http://imagine-windowslive.com/hotmail/?locale=en-us&ocid=TXT_TAGHM_migration_HM_mini_2G_0507
> >
> >
> >
> > -- 
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database:
> > 269.9.14/885 - Release Date: 7/3/2007 10:02 AM
> >
> >
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 13:09:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Tom S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ev list  <ev@listproc.sjsu.edu>
Subject: conversions
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Hi Everyone,

I`ve worked on about 30 conversions,  and will tell you they will never go very 
far unless you spend a lot of money on batteries,.  even then you just can`t 
get enough batteries in a conversion. You can say I`m full of bull which is 
gutsy,  you can agree which is intelligent, or you can pretend I`m not here 
which is silly,. pick one,. see ya.

Tom Sines

PeoplePC Online
A better way to Internet

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