Plug-and-play wheel unit designed to boost production of EVs
March 18, 2019  Ben Coxworth

Prof. Amir Khajepour poses with a prototype three-wheeled vehicle that uses
the new self-contained wheel units(Credit: University of Waterloo)

Although Teslas and whatnot may get a lot of attention, many electric cars
are actually small vehicles designed solely for urban use [
], made by struggling startup companies. A new wheel module could help
increase the economic viability of building such vehicles, by simplifying
the design and production processes.

Created by a team at Canada's University of Waterloo, each self-contained
unit consists of a wheel with an integrated electric motor, along with
braking, suspension, steering and control systems (power is supplied by the
vehicle's existing battery pack).

Instead of having to design and fabricate all these separate components from
scratch, automakers could simply bolt the pre-made wheel units to the
corners of their cars' frames. Steering, acceleration and braking commands
would then be relayed from the cabin electronically, not mechanically.

As a side benefit of this arrangement, which does away with parts such as a
steering column, there would be more room inside the car for passengers or
The units incorporate a dual four-bar linkage mechanism, to tilt the wheel
on side-slopes

In the technology's current state, each module weighs about 40 kg (88 lb).
And because small electric cars do tend to be tall for their width, the
units incorporate an active wheel cambering system – this means that when
the car is driving along a slope that would otherwise tip the vehicle to one
side, the wheels automatically compensate by tilting to keep the car

"The idea is modularity and plug-and-play control capability," says Prof.
Amir Khajepour. "Our wheel unit, in a sense, is a full vehicle with only one
wheel. All that's missing is a body."

Plans now call for the system to be scaled up, so it could also be used on
larger utility and commercial electric vehicles. A paper on the technology
was recently published in the Journal of Automobile Engineering [
] ... [©]

Karma teases Pininfarina-designed electric luxury car
12 Mar 2019  Karma has released the first teaser image of the new concept
that it's developing with Italian design house Pininfarina ... unnamed
luxury model will be revealed ...

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