OK  ok...  sorry, I'm on a VIA Kick this warm fall afternoon.

Please don't think of it as a PITCH for VIA specifically, but the arguments, data, and such are for EV's in general.

But here below is one of the many presentations on the Via Web site. I found the information and charts and figures very compelling. One could show this short Video to ANY skeptic, but especially business folks, to PROVE that Electric IS the way to go. $$ Dollars and Sense. ( not a typo )

And with $$ Millions of orders in their order bank, I think VIA is on their way !!

( http://www.viamotors.com/videos/via-presentation-at-plug-in-2013-by-alan-perriton/ )

Steven S Lough
President EMERITUS
Seattle EV Association
206 524 1351
WEB: www.seattleeva.org

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