National Drive Electric Week Combats Koch-Funded Lies With Real World
September 11, 2017 Ben Jervey

In Aiken, South Carolina, Cafe Scientifique Aiken's teen board member Sydney
Maddox sits behind the wheel of a Tesla Modle X. Credit: Cafe Scientifique
Credit: National Drive Electric Week

National Drive Electric Week
2 days ago - Uploaded by DeSmog Blog
National Drive Electric Week is September 9-17. The Koch brothers and their
fossil fuel industry allies are ...

There’s a war being waged against electric cars, the frontlines of which are
dug in on Facebook feeds and embedded Youtube videos. The ammunition,
supplied by the Koch brothers and their most loyal, PR savvy affiliates, are
talking points meant to sow doubt in the minds of American drivers about the
quality, costs, reliability, and even environmental-friendliness of electric
cars. Though many automotive experts—including some Big Oil majors—see the
transition to electric vehicles (EVs) as inevitable, this war is being waged
to keep the gas-guzzling internal combustion engine king for as long as
possible. They are fighting to keep oil demand high enough to justify
drilling, refining, and selling petroleum.

In the face of this war, Plug-In America, the country’s leading EV advocacy
organization, and its partners are organizing the seventh annual National
Drive Electric Week. And in the context of these PR attacks, this year’s
week long event—running from September 9-17th—might be more important than

National Drive Electric Week is a decentralized expo of sorts, an umbrella
under which EV drivers, fans, and advocates can organize their own electric
car showcases. There are more than two hundred events planned in all 50
states and in dozens of foreign countries. Most will offer test drives to
the public, and all will showcase current EV models to help Americans see
EVs for what they really are: practical vehicles that most households could
integrate into their current driving routines.

Critically, real EV drivers will be on hand at every event to offer their
real world perspectives on driving electric, which will help counter many of
the deceptive talking points that the Kochs and the oil companies are

On Saturday, I was fortunate to be a part of the Upper Valley EV Expo in
White River Junction, Vermont. An estimated 500 people came to peek under
the hoods and take test drives of 15 different EV models, ranging from the
luxurious Tesla Roadster to the much more modest, sub-$30,000 models like
the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt.

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