Tesla Batteries Power This 500-Year-Old Cheese Farm
March 22, 2019  Mike Brown

(pv panels in background)  Night or day, a farm in the UK is making
carbon-neutral cheddar  / Winterdale Cheese Farm
The Tesla Model X at the Winterdale Cheese Farm

Robin Betts has put the finishing touches on his latest project: a
six-kilowatt wind turbine. And, frankly, it’s a remarkable moment for his
dairy farm.

“It’s like a beacon of hope, I suppose,” Betts, 49, tells Inverse. “In terms
of a visual, I think it’s just amazing, and we’ve had no end of positive
comments about it.”

Betts’ family has been farming in the southeast of England for over 500
years, but the Winterdale Cheese Farm in Kent actually feels like something
out of the near-future, akin to the self-reliant house concept Tesla CEO
Elon Musk first demonstrated in 2016.

On this cheese farm, Tesla “Powerwall” batteries store wind energy from that
turbine and solar energy from the panels in the cow’s pasture. It all goes
toward the production of 2 million liters of milk and 52 tons of cheese. It
also charges a Tesla Model X, that’s used to deliver produce to customers.

Betts is part of a growing movement toward sustainable, renewable energy as
costs continue to drop. Solar installation prices in the US have declined
from $6.65 per watt in 2010 to $2.89 per watt in 2018, while wind energy
costs have dropped by $795 per kilowatt in eight years to $1,610 per
kilowatt in 2017.

This shift has been seen worldwide, with global renewables capacity jumping
8.3 percent for the past seven years.

Mike O’Boyle, director of electricity policy for the San Francisco-based
think tank, EnergyInnovation, says he doesn’t see this growth as a blip but
the start of a widening pattern.

“In the US in particular, but also globally, solar production will continue
to increase at a rapid rate growing year-on-year,” O’Boyle tells Inverse.

“Costs will continue to fall. It will be probably the largest addition of
capacity to the US grid over the next five to 10 years.”

[image]  Cows graze in a field at the Winterdale Cheese Farm in Kent in the
Southeast of England.

Kent is known as the “Garden of England” in part due to its farmland that
produces exceptional food and drink. Betts’ family has been in farming in
the area since 1495. His brother owns Church Farm in Offham down the hill,
land previously owned by King Harold’s brother, as recorded in the 1086
Domesday Book. Betts’ grandfather started the Winterdale dairy farm shortly
after World War II, when the country “desperately needed food.”

It was in 2006 that Betts’ green instincts came into play. He opted to
diversify into making cheddar, avoiding the fate of smaller dairy farms that
struggled in an increasingly centralized industry.

“I’ve always had a passion about utilizing energy as efficiently as
possible,” Betts says.

The problem with cheddar is it needs to mature for between 10 months to a
year at 10 to 12 degrees Celsius (50-53 degrees Fahrenheit), which Betts
describes as “the real killer in terms of energy.”

“We had this wacky idea, following this traditional principle: We dug out a
man-made cave,” Betts says. After they press the cheese for three days, they
wrap it in cloth, open the door, and lower it 10 feet to the cave floor.
“People may have laughed at the beginning, but now they’re all following! An
even bigger cheesemaker, down in the West Country, have done their own cave

Betts has taken this approach to other aspects of operations. The farm takes
the ton-and-a-half of morning milk straight from the cow at a body
temperature of around 32.5 degrees Celsius (90.5 degrees Fahrenheit). This
is a half-degree away from perfect cheesemaking temperatures, cutting a
further source of energy.

[image]  Robin Betts, cheese farmer.

In 2011, Betts’ installed 10 kilowatts of solar panels and a ground-source
heat pump. The pump would provide hot water required for the cheese dairy
and offer underfloor heating. The solar panels would power the heat pump and
lighting around the farm.

He also converted the building lights into LEDs to save more power. The farm
started using electric vehicles in 2013, initially with a Nissan Leaf that
“could get around 100 kilos of cheese in the boot” — although its maximum
range of 80 miles left a lot to be desired. They then switched to the BMW i3
with a 20 kilowatt-hour battery and range extender before going all-electric
by trading in their gas-powered station wagon for a 100 kilowatt-hour Tesla
Model X that could handle longer journeys.

In March 2018, Betts installed three Tesla Powerwall systems — large
residential-use battery packs — on a three-phase supply, one on each phase.

At the start of this year, Betts put the finishing touches on his master
plan: the six-kilowatt wind turbine.

[image]  (wind turbine)

“Now we can run nighttime, daytime, pretty much off-grid,” Betts says.
Although the farm sometimes depends on grid power during bad weather days,
Betts says that “over the year, we’ll be completely carbon-neutral.”

It was no easy feat getting the turbine installed. It was manufactured in
Glasgow, so Betts says he had a “crazy idea” to use his Model X to tow the
ton-and-a-half turbine head 450 miles down from Scotland using a twin-axle

The turbine was installed in February, and Betts is now turning his
attention to new projects. He’s looking at the 200 tons of water that falls
annually from his roof, considering how to harness the hydro energy before
it falls down the valley to a bottom of a lagoon. He also recently completed
a trip to Corsica, where he proposed to his wife, traveling nearly 1,000
miles to France’s southernmost city to deliver a lump of cheese,
emissions-free. These projects could inspire more people to follow him on
his route.

“I think people’s perceptions and mindsets are changing now to turbines, and
the fact that we do need to bloody well give ourselves a shake and sort out
our energy,” Betts says.

“We can’t carry on the way we are. I think people are coming around.”
Carbon Neutral Cheese (loaded into Leaf EV)
Winterdale Cheese Barn  +44 1732 820021  robin
20 Platt House Lane, Fairseat, Sevenoaks TN15 7LX, UK  (map)

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