Thanks for the POST yesterday on the European EV Rally "Wave 2016" We are good friends with their
main guy Louis Palmer.  Came through Seattle some years ago.

My question for the EVDL is this: I have his e-mail address from years ago, and may not be correct.

Any one out there, have a Known Current E-Mail address for Louis. ?? If so please forward it to us. Thanks
( )

Many folks from the SEVA group wish to contact the fellow with the early 50's Buick, which received a trophy for his conversion and they wish tp ask him more detail about their conversion. 90+ MPH in a 50's Buick is something worth knowing about.

Kind of reminds me of what Mitch, and Bloodshed Motors is doing with vintage Hot Rod's from the 60's and 70's in Austin TX. By the way Black Zombie 222 has spawned TWO orders ! Congratulations ! One for another 60's Mustang, and one 4 door Lincoln !!
 So Mitch, and John Wayland are very busy again.

Steven S Lough
Seattle EV Association
2026 524 1351

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