[Evergreen-general] Evergreen Cataloging Interest Group – July 12

2022-06-29 Thread Jennifer Weston via Evergreen-general
*Join us for the July Evergreen Cataloging Interest Group meeting!*

*Evergreen Cataloging Interest Group*

*Tuesday, July 12, 2022*

*2:00pm ET*

*July Program: *

   - Evergreen Conference -- Review and Inspiration
   - Group Holds Demo and Lackawanna Library Custom Patron Holds Sign-Up

In July, we will review topics discussed and ideas sparked during the
Evergreen conference. Links to conference content are provided below. Bring
your questions, comments, ideas, and suggestions!  Also, Elizabeth Davis
from Pennsylvania Integrated Library System will join us to demo how
Lackawanna Library is using a custom online form for patrons to sign-up for
Group Holds.

*Conference Content:*

   - Presentation Slides

   (posted to Program Descriptions page on conference website)
   - Cataloging Interest Group Annual Meeting Notes

   - Authority-Fest: Slides

   and Notes

   (Note: We will resume the Authorities discussion in the August meeting.)

*Meeting Link:*

Join the July meeting by logging into:

*You can also dial in to use your phone for audio.*

United States (Toll Free): +1 877 309 2073

Canada (Toll Free): +1 888 455 1389

*Access Code:  468-490-533 #*

The Cataloging Interest Group meets on the second Tuesday of each month.
Everyone is welcome. For more information, please visit the Cat IG wiki
at:  https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=cataloging:cwg

We are looking forward to our next discussion and we hope to see you there!

Jennifer Weston, MLIS
Product and Education Specialist
Equinox Open Library Initiative
*https://equinoxOLI.org *
phone:  877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
direct:  770-709-5574
Evergreen-general mailing list

[Evergreen-general] An action trigger for sending emails after bib records are created?

2022-06-29 Thread Linda Jansová via Evergreen-general

Dear all,

We are trying to make our action triggers work - we are on a 3.6 system 
and so far we have not found a working solution for a trigger that would 
send an email after a bib record is created.

As we suspect that there might be something wrong with our crontab, 
attached is its current crontab setup.

Bellow are two action triggers which we have (both unsuccessfully) 
tried. The first one uses our original template code (which - for some 
reason - had worked before we upgraded to 3.6 last year) and the second 
one uses the template code from a 3.9 community demo system 
I am well aware that there is a version mismatch in the second case but 
we decided to at least give it a try before digging deeper.


*Action trigger with original template code and settings (Evergreen 3.6):*

*Owning Library: *CONS*
Name:* biblio.record_entry.email*
Hook: *biblio.format.record_entry.email*
Enabled:* ticked*
Processing Delay:* 00:00:00*
Processing Delay Context Field:* empty*
Processing Group Context Field:* owner*
Reactor:* SendEmail*
Validator:* NOOP_True*
Event Repeatability Delay:* empty

***Definition ID:* 165*
Failure Cleanup:* DeleteTempBiblioBucket*
Granularity:* empty*
Max Event Validity Delay:* empty*
Message Library Path:* empty*
Message Template:* empty*
Message Title:* empty*
Message User Path:* empty*
Opt-In Setting Type:* empty*
Opt-In User Field:* empty*
Retention Interval:* empty*
Success Cleanup:* DeleteTempBiblioBucket*

[%- SET user = target.0.owner -%]

To: [%- params.recipient_email || user.email %]

From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]

Subject: Informace o dokumentech v katalogu

[% FOR cbreb IN target %][% title = '' %]

[% FOR item IN cbreb.items;

bre_id = item.target_biblio_record_entry;

bibxml = helpers.unapi_bre(bre_id, {flesh => '{mra}'});

FOR part IN bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="245"]/*[@code="a" or @code="b"]');

title = title _ part.textContent;


author = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="100"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;

item_type = 

publisher = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260" or 

pubdate = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260" or 

isbn = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="020"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;

issn = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="022"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;

upc = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="024"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;


Číslo záznamu [% bre_id %]

[% title %] [% author %]

[% publisher %] [% pubdate %]

[% IF isbn %]ISBN: [% isbn %][% END %][% IF issn %]ISSN: [% issn %][% END %]

Odkaz na záznam ve Společném katalogu Evergreen: 
http://spok.jabok.cuni.cz/eg/opac/record/[% bre_id %]

[% END %]

[% END %]


TIP: Odkaz na záznam(y) v katalogu vaší knihovny:

Pokud chcete vytvořit odkaz na knihu/dokument přímo do katalogu vaší 
knihovny, přidejte čísla záznamu na konec níže uvedeného URL vaší 
knihovny (za poslední lomítko):

- Knihovna Jabok: https://knihovna.jabok.cuni.cz/eg/opac/record/

- Evangelikální teologický seminář: 

- Jáchymka: https://jachymka.jabok.cuni.cz/eg/opac/record/

- Katolický domov studujících: https://kds.jabok.cuni.cz/eg/opac/record/

- Člověk v tísni: https://clovekvtisni.jabok.cuni.cz/eg/opac/record/

- Hospic Dobrého Pastýře: https://dobrypastyr.jabok.cuni.cz/eg/opac/record/

*Action trigger with template code from the community demo server 
(Evergreen 3.9):*

*Owning Library:* CONS*
Name:* BibliografickeZaznamyEmail*
Hook:* biblio.format.record_email

*Enabled:* ticked*
Processing Delay:* 00:00:00*
Processing Delay Context Field:* empty*
Processing Group Context Field:* owner*
Reactor: *SendEmail*
Validator:* NOOP_True*
Event Repeatability Delay:* empty*
Definition ID:* 213*
Failure Cleanup:* DeleteTempBiblioBucket*
Granularity:* empty*
Max Event Validity Delay:* empty*
Message Library Path:* empty*
Message Template:* empty*
Message Title:* empty*
Message User Path:* empty*
Opt-In Setting Type:* empty*
Opt-In User Field:* empty*
Retention Interval:* empty*
Success Cleanup:* DeleteTempBiblioBucket*

[%- USE date -%]

[%- SET user = target.0.owner -%]

To: [%- params.recipient_email || user_data.0.email || user.email %]

From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]

Date: [%- date.format(date.now, '%a, %d %b %Y %T -', gmt => 1) %]

Subject: [%- user_data.0.subject || 'Bibliographic Records' %]

Auto-Submitted: auto-generated

[%- FOR cbreb IN target;

flesh_list = '{mra';

IF user_data.0.type == 'full';

flesh_list = flesh_list _ ',holdings_xml,acp';

IF params.holdings_limit;

flimit = 'acn=>' _ params.holdings_limit _ ',acp=>' _ params.holdings_limit;



flesh_list = flesh_list _ '}';

item_list = he