Re: On Pre-existing Fields

2012-02-13 Thread meekerdb

On 2/13/2012 6:55 PM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 5:27 PM, acw wrote:

[SPK]  There is a problem with this though b/c
it assumes that the field is pre-existing; it is the same as the "block
universe" idea that Andrew Soltau and others are wrestling with.
Why is a pre-existing field so troublesome? Seems like a similar problem as the one you 
have with Platonia. For any system featuring time or change, you can find a meta-system 
in which you can describe that system timelessly (and you have to, if one is to talk 
about time and change at all). 

Dear Kermit,

OK, I will try to explain this in detail and check my math. I am good with pictures, 
even N-dimensional ones, but not symbols, equations and words...

 Think of a collection of different objects.  Now think of how many ways that they can 
be arranged or partitioned up. For N objects, I believe that there are at least N! 
numbers of ways that they can be arranged.

Now think of an Electromagnetic Field as we do in classical physics. At each point in 
space, it has a vector and a scalar value representing its magnetic and electric 

The EM field is a second order anti-symmetric tensor, F_mu_nu, so it has six independent 

How many ways can this field be configured in terms of the possible values of the 
potentials at each point? 

In classical physics it has uncountably many values at each point.  In QFT with boundary 
conditions it may be limited.

At least 1x2x3x...xM ways, where M is the number of points of space. 

An uncountable infinity.

Let's add a dimension of time so that we have a 3,1 dimensional field configuration. 

The dimensions of space are not the same as the possible values of fields at a point, nor 
are they the number of points of space.

How many different ways can this be configured? 

Uncountably many ways.

Well, that depends. We known that in Nature there is something called the Least Action 
Principle that basically states that what ever happens in a situation it is the one that 
minimizes the action. Water flows down hill for this reason, among other things... But 
it is still at least M! number of possible configurations.

The least action principle applied to the EM field in free space gives you Maxwell's 
equations for EM waves which have uncountably many possible solutions.  In order to get 
definite solutions though you need boundary conditions.

How do we compute what the minimum action configuration of the electromagnetic 
fields distributed across space-time? It is an optimization problem of figuring out 
which is the least action configured field given a choice of all possible field 
configurations. This computational problem is known to be NP-Complete and as such 
requires a quantity of resources to run the computation that increases as a 
non-polynomial power of the number of possible choices, so the number is, I think, 2^M! .

All this discussion of computational resources is irrelevant since you've postulated a 
system with uncountably many possible solutions, and you've not specified any boundary 
conditions so they just correspond to all possible photons.

The easiest to understand example of this kind of problem is the Traveling Salesman 
problem : "Given a list of 
cities and their pairwise distances, the task is to find the shortest possible route 
that visits each city exactly once. " The number of possible routes that the salesman 
can take increases exponentially with the number of cities, there for the number of 
possible distances that have to be compared to each other to find the shortest route 
increases at least exponentially. So for a computer running a program to find the 
solution it takes exponentially more resources of memory and time (in computational 
steps) or some combination of the two.

Now, given all of that, in the concept of Platonia we have the idea of "ideal 
forms", be they "the Good", or some particular infinite string of numbers. How exactly 
are they determined to be the "best possible by some standard". Whatever the standard, 
all that matters is that there are multiple possible options of The Forms with the 
stipulation that it is "the best" or "most consistent" or whatever. It is still an 
optimization problem with N variables that are required to be compared to each other 
according to some standard. Therefore, in most cases there is an Np-complete problem to 
be solved. How can it be computed if it has to exist as perfect "from the beginning"?

I figured this out when I was trying to wrap my head around Leindniz' idea of a 
"Pre-Established Harmony". It was supposed to have been created by God to synchronize 
all of the Monads with each other so that they appeared to interact with each other 
without actually "having to exchange substances" - which was forbidden to happen as 
Monads "have no windows". For God to have created such a PEH, it woul

Re: On Pre-existing Fields

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/13/2012 11:18 PM, acw wrote:

On 2/14/2012 02:55, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 5:27 PM, acw wrote:

[SPK] There is a problem with this though b/c
it assumes that the field is pre-existing; it is the same as the 

universe" idea that Andrew Soltau and others are wrestling with.

Why is a pre-existing field so troublesome? Seems like a similar
problem as the one you have with Platonia. For any system featuring
time or change, you can find a meta-system in which you can describe
that system timelessly (and you have to, if one is to talk about time
and change at all).

Dear Kermit,

OK, I will try to explain this in detail and check my math. I am good
with pictures, even N-dimensional ones, but not symbols, equations and

Think of a collection of different objects. Now think of how many ways
that they can be arranged or partitioned up. For N objects, I believe
that there are at least N! numbers of ways that they can be arranged.

Now think of an Electromagnetic Field as we do in classical physics. At
each point in space, it has a vector and a scalar value representing its
magnetic and electric potentials. How many ways can this field be
configured in terms of the possible values of the potentials at each
point? At least 1x2x3x...xM ways, where M is the number of points of
space. Let's add a dimension of time so that we have a 3,1 dimensional
field configuration. How many different ways can this be configured?
Well, that depends. We known that in Nature there is something called
the Least Action Principle that basically states that what ever happens
in a situation it is the one that minimizes the action. Water flows down
hill for this reason, among other things... But it is still at least M!
number of possible configurations.

How do we compute what the minimum action configuration of the
electromagnetic fields distributed across space-time? It is an
optimization problem of figuring out which is the least action
configured field given a choice of all possible field configurations.
This computational problem is known to be NP-Complete and as such
requires a quantity of resources to run the computation that increases
as a non-polynomial power of the number of possible choices, so the
number is, I think, 2^M! .
The easiest to understand example of this kind of problem is the
Traveling Salesman problem
: "Given a
list of cities and their pairwise distances, the task is to find the
shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once. " The number
of possible routes that the salesman can take increases exponentially
with the number of cities, there for the number of possible distances
that have to be compared to each other to find the shortest route
increases at least exponentially. So for a computer running a program to
find the solution it takes exponentially more resources of memory and
time (in computational steps) or some combination of the two.

Yet the problem is decidable in finite amount of steps, even if that 
amount may be very large indeed. It would be unfeasible for someone 
with bounded resources, but not a problem for any abstract TM or a 
physical system (are they one and the same, at least locally?).



OK, please help me understand how we can speak of computations for 
situations where I have just laid out how computations can't exist. If 
we take CTT at face value, then it requires some form of implementation. 
Some kind of machine must be run. Are you sure that you are not 
substituting your ability to imagine the solution of a computation as an 
intuitive proof that computations exist as purely abstract entities, 
independent from all things physical? My difficulty may just be a simple 
failure of imagination but how can it make any sense to believe in 
something in whose very definition is the requirement that it cannot be 
known or imagined?
 Knowing and imagining are, at least, computations running in our 
brain hardware. If your brained stopped, the knowing, imagining and even 
dreaming that is "you" continues? So you do believe in disembodies 
spirits, you are just not calling them that. I apologize, but this is a 
bit hard to take. The inconsistency that runs rampant here is making me 
a bit depressed.

Now, given all of that, in the concept of Platonia we have the idea of
"ideal forms", be they "the Good", or some particular infinite string of
numbers. How exactly are they determined to be the "best possible by
some standard". Whatever the standard, all that matters is that there
are multiple possible options of The Forms with the stipulation that it
is "the best" or "most consistent" or whatever. It is still an
optimization problem with N variables that are required to be compared
to each other according to some standard. Therefore, in most cases there
is an Np-complete problem to be solved. How can it be compu

Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread John Clark
On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 7:56 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

> > We've only changed the name from God's Will to
> evolution/mechanism/probability
A good theory explains how something simple can produce something more
complex and is very explicit about the details. A bad theory describes how
something more complex can produce something less complex and waves its
metaphorical hands around about the details. Darwin explained how something
as simple as natural selection and random mutation can produced ever more
complex varieties of life and he went into details; that's why many say
that Charles Darwin had the single best idea that any human being ever had
and I agree with them. The God hypothesis explains how something infinity
complex (God) produced something finitely complex (you and me) and gives no
details about how He did it except that He (God has a sex apparently) did
it all in 6 days and the process of making finite stuff was exhausting for
this infinite being and He needed to rest for a day.

> >> The discovery in the 1950's about how DNA can not only duplicates
>> itself but contains the program that tells cellular machinery how to
>> assemble enormously complex proteins confirms the idea that a living cell
>> is a purely mechanical factory.
> > Which would have solved the problem, except that we don't experience
> ourselves as enormously complex proteins.
Exactly, we don't experience the world as proteins so I don't understand
why only they and not transistors can be at the root of experience when we
don't experience them. We don't experience the world as neurons either and
would not even be conscious of them unless we read about them in a book, so
I don't understand why only neurons and not microprocessors can be at the
root of experience when we don't experience them. Therefore the key thing
must be what those proteins and neurons and transistors and microprocessors
do rather than what they are, and there can be things other than proteins
and neurons that can do those things. We are not directly conscious of
atoms or proteins or neurons, we are conscious at the level of symbols, and
computers can manipulate symbols just fine, if they could not nobody would
even bother to make computers.

> > We don't experience the world as irrelevant spectators to a purely
> mechanical process.
True, because we don't know what we will do until we do it, just as we
don't know what the result of a calculation will be until we have finished
calculating it.

> > The complete failure of mechanism to generate any possible explanation
> for consciousness or experience
If mechanism can't explain it then non-mechanism can't explain it either, a
free floating glow is not a explanation. And a paucity of explanations for
consciousness has not prevented human beings from making judgments about
what is conscious and what is not, humans have been doing it for many
thousands of years and they do it by using the only tool they had for such
things, determining if the thing in question behaved intelligently or not.

> > If the discovery of DNA explained the existence of the feeling and
> awareness of life, then we would not be having this conversation,
DNA was discovered in 1869 but in the 1950's it was discovered how DNA
could make things that DID have the feeling and awareness of life, things
like you and me. And there was nothing mystical about this construction
process, it was purely mechanical. And after these things got made no new
laws of physics were needed to explain their operation, in every brain ever
examined all that is seen is very very complex electro-chemistry; and all
that machinery is hidden from consciousness because as I've said it
operates at the symbol level not the chemistry level. I agree completely
when you said "we don't experience ourselves as enormously complex
proteins", so protein is not essential for experience.

> Invoking vitalism or religion to characterize my views is a similar low
> stooping resort. [...] It is exactly what it  seems to be. Experience,
> feeling...private, signifying sensorimotive events. [...] It is a
> description of the cosmos precisely as we experience it, nothing more and
> nothing less.
So your revolutionary new theory is that experience is experience and
feelings are feelings and "sensorimotive" is a fine sounding word that
tends to impress the rubes. Well there is not much in your theory to
disagree with, but I don't see how you go from there to the inability of
computers to do what brains can do because they are not squishy squashy and
don't smell bad.

> >What does that have to do with imprisonment? Does North Korea intend to
> rehabilitate the software?
Yes it does, North Korea insists that programs it does not like be

> > Does it employ behavior modification
You bet! Programs behave very differently after North Korea is through with

> > It's real arithmetic to us, but not to the computer.
So arithmetic is subjective it's nature chan

Re: The Anthropic Trilemma - Less Wrong

2012-02-13 Thread acw

On 2/14/2012 03:00, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 5:54 PM, acw wrote:

On 2/12/2012 17:29, Stephen P. King wrote:

Hi Folks,

I would like to bring the following to your attention. I think that we
do need to revisit this problem.

The Anthropic Trilemma


I gave a tentative (and likely wrong) possible solution to it in
another thread. The trillema is much lessened if one considers a
relative measure on histories (chains of OMs) and their length. That
is, if a branch has more OMs, it should be more likely.

The first horn doesn't apply because you'd have to keep the copies
running indefinitely (merging won't work).
The second horn, I'm not so sure if it's avoided: COMP-immortality
implies potentially infinite histories (although mergers may make them
finite), which makes formalizing my idea not trivial.
The third horn only applies to ASSA, not RSSA (implicit in COMP).
The fourth horn is acceptable to me, we can't really deny Boltzmann
brains, but they shouldn't be that important as the experience isn't
spatially located anyway(MGA). The white rabbit problem is more of a
worry in COMP than this horn.
The fifth horn is interesting, but also the most difficult to solve:
it would require deriving local physics from COMP.

My solution doesn't really solve the first horn though, it just makes
it more difficult: if you do happen to make 3^^^3 copies of yourself
in the future and they live very different and long lives, that might
make it more likely that you end up with a continuation in such a
future, however making copies and merging them shortly afterwards
won't work.


This solution only will work for finite and very special versions of
infinite sets. For the infinities like that of the Integers, it will not
work because any proper subset of the infinite set is identical to the
complete set as we can demonstrated with a one-to-one map between the
odd integers and the integers.
Hence why it's a measure, not a sets cardinality. Although, you're 
right, it's not obvious to me how this can be solved in a satisfactory 
manner with infinite non-merging histories. One could give up on finding 
a computable measure and just consider each history as it is, without 
trying to quantify directly over all histories. Such a measure would be 
most likely uncomputable, although it'd still be better than nothing. 
It's not obvious that some histories wouldn't be finite if one considers 
their mergers with other histories (consider the case of humans which 
have finite brains and memories, eventually a loop/merge would exist if 
they don't self-modify somehow, simply because of finite amount of 
memory, even in the case of a SIM which never dies or deteriorates due 
to biological issues).

Given that the number of computations that a universal TM can run is at
least the countable infinity of the integers, we cannot use a comparison
procedure to define the measure. (Maybe this is one of the reasons many
very smart people have tried, unsuccessfully, to ban infinite sets...)

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?), one cannot avoid the countable 
infinity of naturals.



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Re: On Pre-existing Fields

2012-02-13 Thread Brian Tenneson
Lots of interesting ideas going about.
It sounds like you're pondering how many elements are in the set of all
world-lines consistent with the true laws of physics (e.g., possibly, the
least action principle).  (Incidentally, that set oddly enough is timeless
yet the "bundles" of world-lines that comprise our selves evidently
perceive change.)
Proof by throwing in an axiom isn't very satisfying but I would like to say
that Banach-Tarski is no more strange than Gabriel's Horn or Cantor's
hierarchy of infinities.  Strangeness is of course a matter of opinion and
mine is that the existence of nonmeasurable sets is not a heavy price to
pay for that poof (a proof by throwing in an axiom).


On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 6:55 PM, Stephen P. King wrote:

>  On 2/13/2012 5:27 PM, acw wrote:
>  [SPK]  There is a problem with this though b/c
> it assumes that the field is pre-existing; it is the same as the "block
> universe" idea that Andrew Soltau and others are wrestling with.
> Why is a pre-existing field so troublesome? Seems like a similar problem
> as the one you have with Platonia. For any system featuring time or change,
> you can find a meta-system in which you can describe that system timelessly
> (and you have to, if one is to talk about time and change at all).
> Dear Kermit,
> OK, I will try to explain this in detail and check my math. I am good
> with pictures, even N-dimensional ones, but not symbols, equations and
> words...
>  Think of a collection of different objects.  Now think of how many ways
> that they can be arranged or partitioned up. For N objects, I believe that
> there are at least N! numbers of ways that they can be arranged.
> Now think of an Electromagnetic Field as we do in classical physics. At
> each point in space, it has a vector and a scalar value representing its
> magnetic and electric potentials. How many ways can this field be
> configured in terms of the possible values of the potentials at each point?
> At least 1x2x3x...xM ways, where M is the number of points of space. Let's
> add a dimension of time so that we have a 3,1 dimensional field
> configuration. How many different ways can this be configured? Well, that
> depends. We known that in Nature there is something called the Least Action
> Principle that basically states that what ever happens in a situation it is
> the one that minimizes the action. Water flows down hill for this reason,
> among other things... But it is still at least M! number of possible
> configurations.
> How do we compute what the minimum action configuration of the
> electromagnetic fields distributed across space-time? It is an optimization
> problem of figuring out which is the least action configured field given a
> choice of all possible field configurations. This computational problem is
> known to be NP-Complete and as such requires a quantity of resources to run
> the computation that increases as a non-polynomial power of the number of
> possible choices, so the number is, I think, 2^M! .
> The easiest to understand example of this kind of problem is the Traveling
> Salesman problem:
> "Given a list of cities and their pairwise distances, the task is to find
> the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once. " The
> number of possible routes that the salesman can take increases
> exponentially with the number of cities, there for the number of possible
> distances that have to be compared to each other to find the shortest route
> increases at least exponentially. So for a computer running a program to
> find the solution it takes exponentially more resources of memory and time
> (in computational steps) or some combination of the two.
> Now, given all of that, in the concept of Platonia we have the idea of
> "ideal forms", be they "the Good", or some particular infinite string of
> numbers. How exactly are they determined to be the "best possible by some
> standard". Whatever the standard, all that matters is that there are
> multiple possible options of The Forms with the stipulation that it is "the
> best" or "most consistent" or whatever. It is still an optimization problem
> with N variables that are required to be compared to each other according
> to some standard. Therefore, in most cases there is an Np-complete problem
> to be solved. How can it be computed if it has to exist as perfect "from
> the beginning"?
> I figured this out when I was trying to wrap my head around Leindniz'
> idea of a "Pre-Established Harmony". It was supposed to have been created
> by God to synchronize all of the Monads with each other so that they
> appeared to interact with each other without actually "having to exchange
> substances" - which was forbidden to happen as Monads "have no windows".
> For God to have created such a PEH, it would have to solve an NP-Complete
> problem on the configuration space of all possible worlds. If 

Re: On Pre-existing Fields

2012-02-13 Thread acw

On 2/14/2012 02:55, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 5:27 PM, acw wrote:

[SPK] There is a problem with this though b/c
it assumes that the field is pre-existing; it is the same as the "block
universe" idea that Andrew Soltau and others are wrestling with.

Why is a pre-existing field so troublesome? Seems like a similar
problem as the one you have with Platonia. For any system featuring
time or change, you can find a meta-system in which you can describe
that system timelessly (and you have to, if one is to talk about time
and change at all).

Dear Kermit,

OK, I will try to explain this in detail and check my math. I am good
with pictures, even N-dimensional ones, but not symbols, equations and

Think of a collection of different objects. Now think of how many ways
that they can be arranged or partitioned up. For N objects, I believe
that there are at least N! numbers of ways that they can be arranged.

Now think of an Electromagnetic Field as we do in classical physics. At
each point in space, it has a vector and a scalar value representing its
magnetic and electric potentials. How many ways can this field be
configured in terms of the possible values of the potentials at each
point? At least 1x2x3x...xM ways, where M is the number of points of
space. Let's add a dimension of time so that we have a 3,1 dimensional
field configuration. How many different ways can this be configured?
Well, that depends. We known that in Nature there is something called
the Least Action Principle that basically states that what ever happens
in a situation it is the one that minimizes the action. Water flows down
hill for this reason, among other things... But it is still at least M!
number of possible configurations.

How do we compute what the minimum action configuration of the
electromagnetic fields distributed across space-time? It is an
optimization problem of figuring out which is the least action
configured field given a choice of all possible field configurations.
This computational problem is known to be NP-Complete and as such
requires a quantity of resources to run the computation that increases
as a non-polynomial power of the number of possible choices, so the
number is, I think, 2^M! .
The easiest to understand example of this kind of problem is the
Traveling Salesman problem
: "Given a
list of cities and their pairwise distances, the task is to find the
shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once. " The number
of possible routes that the salesman can take increases exponentially
with the number of cities, there for the number of possible distances
that have to be compared to each other to find the shortest route
increases at least exponentially. So for a computer running a program to
find the solution it takes exponentially more resources of memory and
time (in computational steps) or some combination of the two.

Yet the problem is decidable in finite amount of steps, even if that 
amount may be very large indeed. It would be unfeasible for someone with 
bounded resources, but not a problem for any abstract TM or a physical 
system (are they one and the same, at least locally?).

Now, given all of that, in the concept of Platonia we have the idea of
"ideal forms", be they "the Good", or some particular infinite string of
numbers. How exactly are they determined to be the "best possible by
some standard". Whatever the standard, all that matters is that there
are multiple possible options of The Forms with the stipulation that it
is "the best" or "most consistent" or whatever. It is still an
optimization problem with N variables that are required to be compared
to each other according to some standard. Therefore, in most cases there
is an Np-complete problem to be solved. How can it be computed if it has
to exist as perfect "from the beginning"?

The problem is that you're considering a "from the beginning" at all, as 
in, you're imagining math as existing in time. Instead of thinking it 
along the lines of specific Forms, try thinking of a limited version 
along the lines of: "is this problem decidable in a finite amount of 
steps, no matter how large, as in: if a true solution exists, it's there."
I'm not entirely sure if we can include uncomputable values there, such 
as if a specific program halts or not, but I'm leaning towards that it 
might be possible.

I figured this out when I was trying to wrap my head around Leindniz'
idea of a "Pre-Established Harmony". It was supposed to have been
created by God to synchronize all of the Monads with each other so that
they appeared to interact with each other without actually "having to
exchange substances" - which was forbidden to happen as Monads "have no
windows". For God to have created such a PEH, it would have to solve an
NP-Complete problem on the configuration space of all possible worlds.

Try all possible solutions for a problem, ignore invalid ones.

If the number

Re: The Anthropic Trilemma - Less Wrong

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/13/2012 5:54 PM, acw wrote:

On 2/12/2012 17:29, Stephen P. King wrote:

Hi Folks,

I would like to bring the following to your attention. I think that we
do need to revisit this problem.

The Anthropic Trilemma


I gave a tentative (and likely wrong) possible solution to it in 
another thread. The trillema is much lessened if one considers a 
relative measure on histories (chains of OMs) and their length. That 
is, if a branch has more OMs, it should be more likely.

The first horn doesn't apply because you'd have to keep the copies 
running indefinitely (merging won't work).
The second horn, I'm not so sure if it's avoided: COMP-immortality 
implies potentially infinite histories (although mergers may make them 
finite), which makes formalizing my idea not trivial.

The third horn only applies to ASSA, not RSSA (implicit in COMP).
The fourth horn is acceptable to me, we can't really deny Boltzmann 
brains, but they shouldn't be that important as the experience isn't 
spatially located anyway(MGA). The white rabbit problem is more of a 
worry in COMP than this horn.
The fifth horn is interesting, but also the most difficult to solve: 
it would require deriving local physics from COMP.

My solution doesn't really solve the first horn though, it just makes 
it more difficult: if you do happen to make 3^^^3 copies of yourself 
in the future and they live very different and long lives, that might 
make it more likely that you end up with a continuation in such a 
future, however making copies and merging them shortly afterwards 
won't work.


This solution only will work for finite and very special versions 
of infinite sets. For the infinities like that of the Integers, it will 
not work because any proper subset of the infinite set is identical to 
the complete set as we can demonstrated with a one-to-one map between 
the odd integers and the integers.
Given that the number of computations that a universal TM can run 
is at least the countable infinity of the integers, we cannot use a 
comparison procedure to define the measure. (Maybe this is one of the 
reasons many very smart people have tried, unsuccessfully,  to ban 
infinite sets...)



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Re: On Pre-existing Fields

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/13/2012 5:27 PM, acw wrote:

[SPK]  There is a problem with this though b/c
it assumes that the field is pre-existing; it is the same as the "block
universe" idea that Andrew Soltau and others are wrestling with.
Why is a pre-existing field so troublesome? Seems like a similar 
problem as the one you have with Platonia. For any system featuring 
time or change, you can find a meta-system in which you can describe 
that system timelessly (and you have to, if one is to talk about time 
and change at all). 

Dear Kermit,

OK, I will try to explain this in detail and check my math. I am 
good with pictures, even N-dimensional ones, but not symbols, equations 
and words...

 Think of a collection of different objects.  Now think of how many 
ways that they can be arranged or partitioned up. For N objects, I 
believe that there are at least N! numbers of ways that they can be 

Now think of an Electromagnetic Field as we do in classical physics. At 
each point in space, it has a vector and a scalar value representing its 
magnetic and electric potentials. How many ways can this field be 
configured in terms of the possible values of the potentials at each 
point? At least 1x2x3x...xM ways, where M is the number of points of 
space. Let's add a dimension of time so that we have a 3,1 dimensional 
field configuration. How many different ways can this be configured? 
Well, that depends. We known that in Nature there is something called 
the Least Action Principle that basically states that what ever happens 
in a situation it is the one that minimizes the action. Water flows down 
hill for this reason, among other things... But it is still at least M! 
number of possible configurations.

How do we compute what the minimum action configuration of the 
electromagnetic fields distributed across space-time? It is an 
optimization problem of figuring out which is the least action 
configured field given a choice of all possible field configurations. 
This computational problem is known to be NP-Complete and as such 
requires a quantity of resources to run the computation that increases 
as a non-polynomial power of the number of possible choices, so the 
number is, I think, 2^M! .
The easiest to understand example of this kind of problem is the 
Traveling Salesman problem 
: "Given a 
list of cities and their pairwise distances, the task is to find the 
shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once. " The number 
of possible routes that the salesman can take increases exponentially 
with the number of cities, there for the number of possible distances 
that have to be compared to each other to find the shortest route 
increases at least exponentially. So for a computer running a program to 
find the solution it takes exponentially more resources of memory and 
time (in computational steps) or some combination of the two.

Now, given all of that, in the concept of Platonia we have the idea 
of "ideal forms", be they "the Good", or some particular infinite string 
of numbers. How exactly are they determined to be the "best possible by 
some standard". Whatever the standard, all that matters is that there 
are multiple possible options of The Forms with the stipulation that it 
is "the best" or "most consistent" or whatever. It is still an 
optimization problem with N variables that are required to be compared 
to each other according to some standard. Therefore, in most cases there 
is an Np-complete problem to be solved. How can it be computed if it has 
to exist as perfect "from the beginning"?

I figured this out when I was trying to wrap my head around 
Leindniz' idea of a "Pre-Established Harmony". It was supposed to have 
been created by God to synchronize all of the Monads with each other so 
that they appeared to interact with each other without actually "having 
to exchange substances" - which was forbidden to happen as Monads "have 
no windows". For God to have created such a PEH, it would have to solve 
an NP-Complete problem on the configuration space of all possible 
worlds. If the number of possible worlds is infinite then the 
computation will require infinite computational resources. Given that 
God has to have the solution "before" the Universe is created, It cannot 
use the time component of "God's Ultimate Digital computer". Since there 
is no space full of distinguishable stuff, there isn't any memory 
resources either for the computation. So guess what? The PEH cannot be 
computed and thus the universe cannot be created with a PEH as Leibniz 

The idea of a measure that Bruno talks about is just another way of 
talking about this same kind of optimization problem without tipping his 
hand that it implicitly requires a computation to be performed to "find" 
it. I do not blame him as this problem has been glossed over for hundred 
of years in math and thus we have to play with

Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Feb 13, 3:51 pm, meekerdb  wrote:

> Well humans aren't made of DNA, and there are good reasons they are made of 
> carbon
> compounds (mostly) instead of silicon ones.  But the question is about 
> consciousness, not
> evolution.

I'm using DNA as an example that physical properties are influential
for the possibilities of life, not just abstract functions.
Consciousness is, as far as we know, limited to things made through
the activities of DNA. I am saying we can't assume that there is no
reason for that to be the case.

> >> You've been asserting that it's the case...not just cautioning about 
> >> possibilities.  So
> >> let's hear one of those 'good reasons'; one that is not just a speculative 
> >> possibility.
> > How do you go from me saying 'we cannot discount the possibility...'
> > to demanding an answer that is not a speculative possibility? If I say
> > we cannot discount the possibility that cigarettes cause cancer, does
> > that mean that you can demand that I produce the precise mechanism by
> > which they cause cancer or else it invalidates the possibility that it
> > does?
> Yes, you were circumspect in that response. But referred to what you've said 
> in other posts.

I don't see anything wrong with speculating on the possibilities.

> "That's because awareness is not mechanical. That's
> what makes a machine a machine, a lack of capacity to transcend
> recursive behavior or deviate from universal behavior."
> "A silicon semiconductor does have an experience, just not the
> incomprehensible human experience that we superimpose on it's nature."
> "No amount of gear motives scale up
> to opinions. There is no 'they' to a gear, because humans have cast
> them mechanically in molds to act as gears for our sense/motives.
> Innately they are not gears, but metal molecules in solid form. Their
> sense/motive is to respond to temperature, force, acceleration, etc in
> a relatively uniform fashion which does not scale up to being a living
> organism."
> So do I now take it you have abandoned these bold assertions

No, not at all. It is clear to me that there are different sense
making capacities associated with different levels of physical
substance and relation. It is not all interchangeable, although there
are many functions which can be imitated successfully. There is room
for many different ways of doing the same thing and many different
things that can be done in the same way. Consciousness overlaps with
the body in some ways and it diverges in other ways. They are
independent, they overlap, they influence each other, and they are in
another sense, inseparable. No amount of steel gears is going to ever
add up to a chicken. Only a chicken made of chicken cells is a chicken
and has chicken consciousness.

> and no concede that maybe a
> silicon or mechanical brain could instantiate human-like consciousness and 
> that's a
> reasonable research goal and you were just cautioning against assuming the 
> outcome?

It's a reasonable research goal because of the collateral knowledge
that will come out of it, but no, I think in reality this goal will
always be a pipe dream of alchemical proportions. Mortality is a
fundamental experience of all life. As long as a brain is based on
time-reversible, non-mortal mechanisms, it can never feel what any
living thing can feel. Not that time irreversibility and mortality are
the only criteria - but I suspect that they are part of the minimum
requirements involved in stepping up from the molecular to the
cellular level of sense making.


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Re: The Anthropic Trilemma - Less Wrong

2012-02-13 Thread acw

On 2/12/2012 17:29, Stephen P. King wrote:

Hi Folks,

I would like to bring the following to your attention. I think that we
do need to revisit this problem.

The Anthropic Trilemma

21Eliezer_Yudkowsky 27
September 2009 01:47AM

Speaking of problems I don't know how to solve, here's one that's been
gnawing at me for years.

The operation of splitting a subjective worldline seems obvious enough -
the skeptical initiate can consider the Ebborians
, creatures
whose brains come in flat sheets and who can symmetrically divide down
their thickness. The more sophisticated need merely consider a sentient
computer program: stop, copy, paste, start, and what was one person has
now continued on in two places. If one of your future selves will see
red, and one of your future selves will see green, then (it seems) you
should /anticipate/ seeing red or green when you wake up with 50%
probability. That is, it's a known fact that different versions of you
will see red, or alternatively green, and you should weight the two
anticipated possibilities equally. (Consider what happens when you're
flipping a quantum coin: half your measure will continue into either
branch, and subjective probability will follow quantum measure for
unknown reasons .)

But if I make two copies of the same computer program, is there twice as
much experience, or only the same experience? Does someone who runs
redundantly on three processors, get three times as much weight as
someone who runs on one processor?

Let's suppose that three copies get three times as much experience. (If
not, then, in a Big universe, large enough that at least one copy of
anything exists /somewhere,/ you run into the Boltzmann Brain problem

Just as computer programs or brains can split, they ought to be able to
merge. If we imagine a version of the Ebborian species that computes
digitally, so that the brains remain synchronized so long as they go on
getting the same sensory inputs, then we ought to be able to put two
brains back together along the thickness, after dividing them. In the
case of computer programs, we should be able to perform an operation
where we compare each two bits in the program, and if they are the same,
copy them, and if they are different, delete the whole program. (This
seems to establish an equal causal dependency of the final program on
the two original programs that went into it. E.g., if you test the
causal dependency via counterfactuals, then disturbing any bit of the
two originals, results in the final program being completely different
(namely deleted).)

So here's a simple algorithm for winning the lottery:

Buy a ticket. Suspend your computer program just before the lottery
drawing - which should of course be a quantum lottery, so that every
ticket wins somewhere. Program your computational environment to, if you
win, make a trillion copies of yourself, and wake them up for ten
seconds, long enough to experience winning the lottery. Then suspend the
programs, merge them again, and start the result. If you don't win the
lottery, then just wake up automatically.

The odds of winning the lottery are ordinarily a billion to one. But now
the branch in which you /win /has your "measure", your "amount of
experience", /temporarily/ multiplied by a trillion. So with the brief
expenditure of a little extra computing power, you can subjectively win
the lottery - be reasonably sure that when next you open your eyes, you
will see a computer screen flashing "You won!" As for what happens ten
seconds after that, you have no way of knowing how many processors you
run on, so you shouldn't feel a thing.

Now you could just bite this bullet. You could say, "Sounds to me like
it should work fine." You could say, "There's no reason why you
/shouldn't /be able to exert anthropic psychic powers." You could say,
"I have no problem with the idea that no one else could see you exerting
your anthropic psychic powers, and I have no problem with the idea that
different people can send different portions of their subjective futures
into different realities."

I find myself somewhat reluctant to bite that bullet, personally.

Nick Bostrom, when I proposed this problem to him, offered that you
should anticipate winning the lottery after five seconds, but anticipate
losing the lottery after fifteen seconds.

To bite this bullet, you have to throw away the idea that your joint
subjective probabilities are the product of your conditional subjective
probabilities. If you win the lottery, the subjective probability of
having still won the lottery, ten seconds later, is ~1. And if you lose
the lottery, the subjective probability of having lost t

Re: Truth values as dynamics?

2012-02-13 Thread acw

On 2/12/2012 15:48, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/11/2012 5:15 PM, acw wrote:

On 2/11/2012 05:49, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/9/2012 3:40 PM, acw wrote:

I think the idea of Platonia is closer to the fact that if a
has a truth-value, it will have that truth value, regardless if you
know it or not.

Sure, but it is not just you to whom a given sentence may have the
exact truth value. This is like Einstein arguing with Bohr with the
quip: "The moon is still there when I do not see it." My reply to
Einstein would be: Sir, you are not the only observer of the
moon! We
have to look at the situation from the point of view of many
or, in this case, truth detectors, that can interact and communicate
consistently with each other. We cannot think is just solipsistic

Sure, but what if nobody is looking at the moon? Or instead of moon,
pick something even less likely to be observed. To put it
Riemann hypothesis or Goldbach's conjecture truth-value should not
depend on the observers thinking of it - they may eventually discover
it, and such a discovery would depend on many computational
consequences, of which the observers may not be aware of yet, but
doesn't mean that those consequences don't exist - when the
computation is locally performed, it will always give the same result
which could be said to exist timelessly.

My point is that any one or thing that could be affected by the truth
value of "the moon has X, Y, Z properties" will, in effect, be an
observer of the moon since it is has a definite set of properties as
"knowledge". The key here is causal efficacy, if a different state of
affairs would result if some part of the world is changed then the
conditions of that part of the world are "observed". The same thing
holds for the truth value Riemann hypothesis or Goldbach's conjecture,
since there would be different worlds for each of their truth
values. My
point is that while the truth value or reality of the moon does not
depend on the observation by any _one_ observer, it does depend for
definiteness on the possibility that it could be observed by some
observer. It is the possibility that makes the difference. A object
cannot be observer by any means, including these arcane versions
that I
just laid out, cannot be said to have a definite set of properties or
truth value, to say the opposite is equivalent to making a truth claim
about a mathematical object for whom no set of equations or
representation can be made.

You're conjecturing here that there were worlds where Riemann
hypothesis or Goldbach's conjecture have different truth values. I
don't think arithmetical truths which happen to have proofs have
indexical truth values, this is due to CTT. Although most physical
truths are indexical (or depend on the axioms chosen).
We could limit ourselves to decidable arithmetical truths only, but
you'd bump into the problem of consistency of arithmetic or the
halting problem. It makes no sense to me that a machine which is
defined to either halt or not halt would not do either. We might not
know if a machine halts or not, but that doesn't mean that if when ran
in any possible world it would behave differently. Arithmetical truth
should be the same in all possible worlds. An observer can find out a
truth value, but it cannot "alter" it, unless it is an indexical
(context-dependent truth, such as "what time it is now" or "where do
you live").
Of course, we cannot talk about the truth value of undefined stuff,
that would be non-sense. However, we can talk about the truth value of
what cannot be observed - "this machine never halts" is only true if
no observation of the machine halting can ever be made, in virtue of
how the machine is defined, yet someone could use various
meta-reasoning to reach the conclusion that the machine will never
halt (consistency of arithmetic is very much similar to the halting
problem - it's only consistent if a machine which enumerates proofs
never finds a proof of "0=1"; of course, this is not provable within
arithmetic itself, thus it's a provably unprovable statement for any
consistent machine, thus can only be a matter of "theology" as Bruno
calls it).


I am considering that the truth value is a function of the theory with
which a proposition is evaluated. In other words, meaningfulness,
including truth value, is contextual while existence is absolute.

Of course it's a function of the theory. Although, I do think some
theories like arithmetic, computability and first-order logic are so
general and infectious that they can be found in literally any
non-trivial theory. That is, one cannot really escape their
consequences. At that point, one might as well consider them absolute.
That said, an axiom that says "you're now in structure X and state Y"
would be very much contextual.


I was considering something like a field of propositions what say "I am
now in structure X_i, state Y_j and an internal model Z

Re: COMP, MGA and Time

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/13/2012 3:43 PM, Joseph Knight wrote:

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Stephen P. King>> wrote:

On 2/13/2012 12:11 PM, Joseph Knight wrote:

I think you should probably read Maudlin's paper
 for specifics. I don't
think thermodynamics will have much to do with the conclusions,
whatever they may be (and I don't think it's obvious what
/exactly /Maudlin showed).

Hi Joseph,

Thank you for the new link to Maudlin''s paper. I was having a
hard time finding my copy... As to your comment: Would you
consider exactly what a "computational structure" means in a
universe that allows for perpetual motion

You should be aware that our universe allows for perpetual motion.

(We are going to run a reductio argument

One thing that I see is that in such a universe we would have
a huge White Rabbit problem because all brains in it would only be
those of the Boltzmann type
. There could not be
any invariant form of sequencing that we could run a UD on. How
so? Becasue in a universe without thermodynamics

A Big universe "with thermodynamics" will still admit perpetual motion 
machines (in fact, our Universe is such a universe). Are you aware 
that, in the 19th century, classical thermodynamics was transformed 
into a statistical theory? You made a huge (and incorrect) leap from 
"admits a perpetual motion machine" to "no thermodynamics".

Hi Joseph,

Yes, you are correct, but notice that we can have perpetual motion 
in the sense of closed-time-like loops in GR but we can never extract 
more energy from them than it takes to construct the mechanism to 
interface with the devious little bastards!

If you can have Boltzmann Brains you can have Universal Dovetailers 
run for arbitrary (even infinite) amounts of time.

No, that would violate the definition of Boltzmann brains as they 
can only be connected and chained up into a UD after the fact of their 
actualization. Otherwise we are in a situation where noise is 
indistinguishable from a signal as the minds implemented by such 
Boltzmann brains. Think about it, Boltzmann brains are stochastic and to 
define a continuation of them we have to simultaneously embed at least 
two into a preorder to get a sequence for a UD.  One cannot claim to 
operate on an entity before it even exists.

At any rate, the notion of a "sufficiently robust universe" is a 
provisional premise that is dropped later in the UDA, so it's not 

That is a red Herring. One can always set the bar of what a 
measurement is so that it is too high to overcome by current means. This 
is a fallacy that is prevalent all over the place in physics, sadly. :-(



there is no such a thing as a sequence of events that is invariant
with respect to transitions from one observer to another, i.e.
there would be no such thing as time definable in a 'dimensional'
sense. All sequences would be at best Markov
. With such a
restriction to Markov processes, how to you define a UD? Without a
UD, how do we get COMP to work?

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Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread meekerdb

On 2/13/2012 12:14 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Feb 13, 2:04 pm, meekerdb  wrote:

On 2/13/2012 10:39 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Feb 13, 12:29 pm, meekerdbwrote:

I'm aware of that.  It doesn't follow though that you must match every 
interaction (e.g.
cross-section for cosmic gamma rays) or that every match is equally important.  
already speculated that a silicon based substitute might produce subtle or 
differences in conscious thoughts.  Craig however denies that a silicon based 
brain can be
conscious at all.

No, I think that silicon is already 'conscious', only to a very
limited extent (detection-reaction). My view is that it cannot be
scaled up mechanically to become human consciousness. If you can make
a silicon based cell that lives and breathes,

What does "live and breathes" mean?

Literally that. It lives the life of a cell. It has cellular
respiration which cannot be suspended for long without killing the
cell. It has to be able to experience mortality first hand.

  A silicon based neuron wouldn't reproduce...but
neither do biological neurons.  A biological neuron metabolizes...but so would 
a silicon
based neuron.

But the silicon based neuron doesn't die when it's metabolism is
interrupted, and the silicon based neuron is not produced by silicon
stem cells. It may be important for consciousness that all processes
are derived organically from a single dividing cell.

  So you're just speculating that there are some essential functions of
biological based neurons that can't be realized by silicon based neurons.

Essential to human consciousness, yes. Just as there are some
essential functions of DNA that can't be realized by silicon based
molecules for creating biological cells.

then we very well might
be able to make a conscious brain out of that...but we probably won't
be able to control it any better than we can control an animal.
Our definition of consciousness is entirely human. If we talk about
something being conscious, we are really talking about it being human.

That's begging the question.

No, I'm talking about how we conceive of consciousness, not the
possibility of it existing outside of humans. I'm making a distinction
between consciousness and something like height. We know what height
is and we can be sure that it can be generalized to any solid object.
In that case, it would be begging the question to say that human
height can only come from humans. I'm not saying that though. I'm
saying that without human consciousness as an example, we don't know
what we are talking about if we try to define it. It's not a matter of
saying only humans can be conscious like a human, it's a matter of
realizing that they are one and the same thing as far as we know for

All I'm saying is that we cannot discount the possibility that there
is a good reason why humans are only made of DNA and not sand.

Well humans aren't made of DNA, and there are good reasons they are made of carbon 
compounds (mostly) instead of silicon ones.  But the question is about consciousness, not 

You've been asserting that it's the case...not just cautioning about 
possibilities.  So
let's hear one of those 'good reasons'; one that is not just a speculative 

How do you go from me saying 'we cannot discount the possibility...'
to demanding an answer that is not a speculative possibility? If I say
we cannot discount the possibility that cigarettes cause cancer, does
that mean that you can demand that I produce the precise mechanism by
which they cause cancer or else it invalidates the possibility that it

Yes, you were circumspect in that response. But referred to what you've said in 
other posts.

"That's because awareness is not mechanical. That's
what makes a machine a machine, a lack of capacity to transcend
recursive behavior or deviate from universal behavior."

"A silicon semiconductor does have an experience, just not the
incomprehensible human experience that we superimpose on it's nature."

"No amount of gear motives scale up
to opinions. There is no 'they' to a gear, because humans have cast
them mechanically in molds to act as gears for our sense/motives.
Innately they are not gears, but metal molecules in solid form. Their
sense/motive is to respond to temperature, force, acceleration, etc in
a relatively uniform fashion which does not scale up to being a living

So do I now take it you have abandoned these bold assertions and no concede that maybe a 
silicon or mechanical brain could instantiate human-like consciousness and that's a 
reasonable research goal and you were just cautioning against assuming the outcome?


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Re: COMP, MGA and Time

2012-02-13 Thread Joseph Knight
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

>  On 2/13/2012 12:11 PM, Joseph Knight wrote:
> I think you should probably read Maudlin's 
> paperfor specifics. I don't think 
> thermodynamics will have much to do with the
> conclusions, whatever they may be (and I don't think it's obvious what 
> *exactly
> *Maudlin showed).
> Hi Joseph,
> Thank you for the new link to Maudlin''s paper. I was having a hard
> time finding my copy... As to your comment: Would you consider exactly what
> a "computational structure" means in a universe that allows for perpetual
> motion ?

You should be aware that our universe allows for perpetual motion.

 (We are going to run a reductio
> ...)
> One thing that I see is that in such a universe we would have a huge
> White Rabbit problem because all brains in it would only be those of the 
> Boltzmann
> type . There could not be
> any invariant form of sequencing that we could run a UD on. How so? Becasue
> in a universe without thermodynamics

A Big universe "with thermodynamics" will still admit perpetual motion
machines (in fact, our Universe is such a universe). Are you aware that, in
the 19th century, classical thermodynamics was transformed into a
statistical theory? You made a huge (and incorrect) leap from "admits a
perpetual motion machine" to "no thermodynamics". If you can have Boltzmann
Brains you can have Universal Dovetailers run for arbitrary (even infinite)
amounts of time.

At any rate, the notion of a "sufficiently robust universe" is a
provisional premise that is dropped later in the UDA, so it's not

> there is no such a thing as a sequence of events that is invariant with
> respect to transitions from one observer to another, i.e. there would be no
> such thing as time definable in a 'dimensional' sense. All sequences would
> be at best Markov . With
> such a restriction to Markov processes, how to you define a UD? Without a
> UD, how do we get COMP to work?
> Onward!
> Stephen
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 7:21 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:
>>  Hi Folks,
>> I have been mulling over my conversations with Bruno, Joseph and ACW
>> in the EVERYTHING list and have a question. In SANE04 we read the following:
>> "For any given precise  running computation associated  to some  inner
>> experience, you
>> can  modify  the  device  in  such  a  way  that the  amount  of
>> physical  activity  involved  is
>> arbitrarily  low, and even null  for dreaming experience which has no
>> inputs and no outputs.
>> Now, having  suppressed  that  physical  activity present in  the
>> running  computation,  the
>> machine will only be accidentally correct. It will be correct only for
>> that precise computation,
>> with unchanged environment.   If  it is changed a  little bit,  it will
>> make  the machine  running
>> computation no  more  relatively  correct.  But then,  Maudlin
>> ingenuously  showed  that
>> counterfactual  correctness  can be  recovered, by  adding  non active
>> devices  which  will  be
>> triggered only  if  some  (counterfactual)  change would  appear  in  the
>> environment. Now  this
>> shows that any inner experience can be associated with an arbitrary low
>> (even null) physical
>> activity,  and  this  in  keeping  counterfactual  correctness.  And
>> that  is  absurd  with  the
>> conjunction of both comp and materialism."
>> Setting aside the problem of concurrency for now, how is it that we
>> are jumping over the difference between infinitely slow or even "
>> adiabatic " physical
>> process and "null" physical process?
>> I may be not even wrong here, but in math isn't it true that there is a
>> big difference between a quantity being arbitrarily small and a quantity
>> being zero? I suspect that the folks in FOAR List that have been discussing
>> information and entropy might have a thought on this.
>  --
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Joseph Knight

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Re: COMP theology

2012-02-13 Thread Joseph Knight
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 9:24 AM, David Nyman  wrote:

> On 13 February 2012 01:18, Joseph Knight  wrote:
> > Yes it is, with the Movie Graph Argument. The MGA shows that assuming
> > consciousness cannot be explained by appealing to any physical system.
> Not
> > even a little.
> Whereas I would concur with this conclusion, I realise on reflection
> that I'm not sure exactly where it leaves us vis-a-vis the Movie-graph
> setup itself, or Maudlin's contraption, once the reversal of
> physics-mechanism is actually accepted.  Clearly, we now have to
> regard these devices in their physical manifestation as aspects of a
> deeper computational reality with which our conscious state is
> currently related.  But what are we now to make of the original
> proposal that they instantiate some computation that encapsulates an
> actual conscious state?  After all, we don't regard them as
> "primitively physical" objects any longer, so we can't now apply the
> reductio arguments in quite the same way, can we?

They're part of the
> general computational state of affairs, like everything else.  Is it
> that they instantiate the "wrong" sort of computation for
> consciousness, because their physical behaviour is the result of
> "accidentally" contrived relations?  IOW, they're not really UM's in
> any relevant sense.   But then wouldn't the same argument for
> contrivance hold in the original case, and undermine the reductio?
> I'm puzzled.

That makes two of us. You may recall the lengthy post I made a couple of
months ago questioning the validity of the MGA. I now accept its validity
but still find myself pondering how *weird *it is.

I'm going to think about your post a little more before I respond

> David

Joseph Knight

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Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Feb 13, 2:04 pm, meekerdb  wrote:
> On 2/13/2012 10:39 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> > On Feb 13, 12:29 pm, meekerdb  wrote:
> >> I'm aware of that.  It doesn't follow though that you must match every 
> >> interaction (e.g.
> >> cross-section for cosmic gamma rays) or that every match is equally 
> >> important.  I've
> >> already speculated that a silicon based substitute might produce subtle or 
> >> occasional
> >> differences in conscious thoughts.  Craig however denies that a silicon 
> >> based brain can be
> >> conscious at all.
> > No, I think that silicon is already 'conscious', only to a very
> > limited extent (detection-reaction). My view is that it cannot be
> > scaled up mechanically to become human consciousness. If you can make
> > a silicon based cell that lives and breathes,
> What does "live and breathes" mean?

Literally that. It lives the life of a cell. It has cellular
respiration which cannot be suspended for long without killing the
cell. It has to be able to experience mortality first hand.

>  A silicon based neuron wouldn't reproduce...but
> neither do biological neurons.  A biological neuron metabolizes...but so 
> would a silicon
> based neuron.

But the silicon based neuron doesn't die when it's metabolism is
interrupted, and the silicon based neuron is not produced by silicon
stem cells. It may be important for consciousness that all processes
are derived organically from a single dividing cell.

>  So you're just speculating that there are some essential functions of
> biological based neurons that can't be realized by silicon based neurons.

Essential to human consciousness, yes. Just as there are some
essential functions of DNA that can't be realized by silicon based
molecules for creating biological cells.

> > then we very well might
> > be able to make a conscious brain out of that...but we probably won't
> > be able to control it any better than we can control an animal.
> > Our definition of consciousness is entirely human. If we talk about
> > something being conscious, we are really talking about it being human.
> That's begging the question.

No, I'm talking about how we conceive of consciousness, not the
possibility of it existing outside of humans. I'm making a distinction
between consciousness and something like height. We know what height
is and we can be sure that it can be generalized to any solid object.
In that case, it would be begging the question to say that human
height can only come from humans. I'm not saying that though. I'm
saying that without human consciousness as an example, we don't know
what we are talking about if we try to define it. It's not a matter of
saying only humans can be conscious like a human, it's a matter of
realizing that they are one and the same thing as far as we know for

> > All I'm saying is that we cannot discount the possibility that there
> > is a good reason why humans are only made of DNA and not sand.
> You've been asserting that it's the case...not just cautioning about 
> possibilities.  So
> let's hear one of those 'good reasons'; one that is not just a speculative 
> possibility.

How do you go from me saying 'we cannot discount the possibility...'
to demanding an answer that is not a speculative possibility? If I say
we cannot discount the possibility that cigarettes cause cancer, does
that mean that you can demand that I produce the precise mechanism by
which they cause cancer or else it invalidates the possibility that it


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Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread meekerdb

On 2/13/2012 11:36 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Feb 13, 12:05 pm, meekerdb  wrote:

It doesn't apply to us because we exist in an environment (where there are 
spades and
soil).  It doesn't apply to the Chinese room either, because there is a world 
outside the
room in which Chinese is spoken and children are taught Chinese ostensively and 
by example.

You know there is a world outside the room, but the room doesn't. The
room doesn't know anything.

So you say.

This goes to my point that, in spite of ones feeling of separation, 
consciousness exists
relative to an environmental context.  The successful substitution of a silicon 
based AI
module for part (or even all) of a brain depends on its interaction with the 

If it's only a part of the brain, then a silicon module could act as a
prosthetic. The more of the brain you replace though, the less is left
to make use of anything. The problem with talking about 'context' and
'interaction' as entities divorced from any concrete orientation is
the same issue brought up with the symbol grounding problem. There is
no 'there' there. Environments and interactions are conceptual
generalizations. They have no interiority, no perspective or

But they have ground.


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Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Feb 13, 12:05 pm, meekerdb  wrote:

> It doesn't apply to us because we exist in an environment (where there are 
> spades and
> soil).  It doesn't apply to the Chinese room either, because there is a world 
> outside the
> room in which Chinese is spoken and children are taught Chinese ostensively 
> and by example.

You know there is a world outside the room, but the room doesn't. The
room doesn't know anything.

> This goes to my point that, in spite of ones feeling of separation, 
> consciousness exists
> relative to an environmental context.  The successful substitution of a 
> silicon based AI
> module for part (or even all) of a brain depends on its interaction with the 
> environment.

If it's only a part of the brain, then a silicon module could act as a
prosthetic. The more of the brain you replace though, the less is left
to make use of anything. The problem with talking about 'context' and
'interaction' as entities divorced from any concrete orientation is
the same issue brought up with the symbol grounding problem. There is
no 'there' there. Environments and interactions are conceptual
generalizations. They have no interiority, no perspective or


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Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread meekerdb

On 2/13/2012 10:39 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Feb 13, 12:29 pm, meekerdb  wrote:

I'm aware of that.  It doesn't follow though that you must match every 
interaction (e.g.
cross-section for cosmic gamma rays) or that every match is equally important.  
already speculated that a silicon based substitute might produce subtle or 
differences in conscious thoughts.  Craig however denies that a silicon based 
brain can be
conscious at all.

No, I think that silicon is already 'conscious', only to a very
limited extent (detection-reaction). My view is that it cannot be
scaled up mechanically to become human consciousness. If you can make
a silicon based cell that lives and breathes,

What does "live and breathes" mean?  A silicon based neuron wouldn't reproduce...but 
neither do biological neurons.  A biological neuron metabolizes...but so would a silicon 
based neuron.  So you're just speculating that there are some essential functions of 
biological based neurons that can't be realized by silicon based neurons.

then we very well might
be able to make a conscious brain out of that...but we probably won't
be able to control it any better than we can control an animal.

Our definition of consciousness is entirely human. If we talk about
something being conscious, we are really talking about it being human.

That's begging the question.

All I'm saying is that we cannot discount the possibility that there
is a good reason why humans are only made of DNA and not sand.

You've been asserting that it's the case...not just cautioning about possibilities.  So 
let's hear one of those 'good reasons'; one that is not just a speculative possibility.


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Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Feb 13, 12:29 pm, meekerdb  wrote:

> I'm aware of that.  It doesn't follow though that you must match every 
> interaction (e.g.
> cross-section for cosmic gamma rays) or that every match is equally 
> important.  I've
> already speculated that a silicon based substitute might produce subtle or 
> occasional
> differences in conscious thoughts.  Craig however denies that a silicon based 
> brain can be
> conscious at all.

No, I think that silicon is already 'conscious', only to a very
limited extent (detection-reaction). My view is that it cannot be
scaled up mechanically to become human consciousness. If you can make
a silicon based cell that lives and breathes, then we very well might
be able to make a conscious brain out of that...but we probably won't
be able to control it any better than we can control an animal.

Our definition of consciousness is entirely human. If we talk about
something being conscious, we are really talking about it being human.
All I'm saying is that we cannot discount the possibility that there
is a good reason why humans are only made of DNA and not sand.


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Re: Intelligence and consciousness

2012-02-13 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Feb 12, 12:34 am, John Clark  wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2012  Craig Weinberg  wrote:
> > I think you are radically overestimating the size of the book and the
> > importance of the size to the experiment. ELIZA was about 20Kb.
> TO HELL WITH ELIZA That prehistoric program is NOT intelligent!

What makes you sure it isn't intelligent but that other programs are?

> What is
> the point of a though experiment that gives stupid useless answers to
> questions?

If you haven't read it already, this link from Stephen may do a better
job than I have of explaining my position:

> >If it's a thousand times better than ELIZA, then you've got a 20 Mb
> rule book.
> For heavens sake, if a 20 Mb look-up table  was sufficient we would have
> had AI decades ago.

Sufficient for what? 20mb of conversational Chinese might be enough to
pass a Turing Test for a moderate amount of time. It's completely

> Since you can't do so let me make the best case for the Chinese Room from
> your point of view and the most difficult case to defend from mine. Let's
> say you're right and the size of the lookup table is not important so we
> won't worry that it's larger than the observable universe, and let's say
> time is not a issue either so we won't worry that it operates a billion
> trillion times slower than our mind, and let's say the Chinese Room doesn't
> do ELIZA style bullshit but can engage in a brilliant and interesting (if
> you are very very very patient) conversation with you in Chinese or any
> other language about anything. And lets have the little man not only be
> ignorant of Chinese but be retarded and thus not understand anything in any
> language, he can only look at input symbols and then look at the huge
> lookup table till he finds similar squiggles and the appropriate response
> to those squiggles which he then outputs. The man has no idea what's going
> on, he just looks at input squiggles and matches them up with output
> squiggles, but from outside the room it's very different.


> You ask the room to produce a quantum theory of gravity and it does so, you
> ask it to output a new poem that a considerable fraction of the human race
> would consider to be very beautiful and it does so, you ask it to output a
> original fantasy children's novel that will be more popular than Harry
> Potter and it does so.

No. The thought experiment is not about simulating omniscience. If you
ask the room to produce anything outside of casual conversation, it
would politely decline.

> The room certainly behaves intelligently but the man
> was not conscious of any of the answers produced, as I've said the man
> doesn't have a clue what's going on, so does this disprove my assertion
> that intelligent behavior implies consciousness?

Yes. Nothing in the room is conscious, nor is the room itself, or the
building, city or planet conscious of the conversation.

> No it does not, or at least it probably does not, this is why. That
> reference book that contains everything that can be said about anything
> that can be asked in a finite time would be large, "astronomical" would be
> far far too weak a word to describe it,

Where are you getting that from? I haven't read anything about the
Chinese Room being defined as having superhuman intelligence. All it
has to do is make convincing Chinese conversation for a while.

> but it would not be infinitely
> large so it remains a legitimate thought experiment. However that
> astounding lookup table came from somewhere, whoever or whatever made it
> had to be very intelligent indeed and also I believe conscious, and so the
> brilliance of the actions of the Chinese Room does indeed imply
> consciousness.

Of course. Programs indeed reflect the intelligence and consciousness
of their programmers to an intelligent and conscious audience, but not
to the program itself. If the programmer and audience is dead, there
is no intelligence or consciousness at all. I think you are trying to
sneak out of this now by strawmanning my position. You make it sound
as if I claimed that CDs could not be used to play music because CDs
are not musicians. My position has always been that people can use
inanimate media to access subjective content by sense, yours has been
that if inanimate machines behave intelligently then they themselves
must be conscious and intelligent. Now you are backing off of that and
saying that anything that ever had anything to do with consciousness
can be said to be conscious.

> You may say that even if I'm right about that then a computer doing smart
> things would just imply the consciousness of the people who made the
> computer. But here is where the analogy breaks down, real computers don't
> work like the Chinese Room does, they don't have anything remotely like
> that astounding lookup table; the godlike thing that made the Chinese Room
> knows exactly what th

Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/13/2012 12:29 PM, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/13/2012 9:17 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 12:05 PM, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/13/2012 8:24 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Feb 12, 8:09 pm, "Stephen P. King"  wrote:

Hi Craig,

  Great post! Check this 



Thanks Stephen,

That's a great one. It does a better job saying what I'm trying to say
on this than I did.


"The symbol grounding problem does not seem to apply to us. Unlike a 
digital computer, we know what we are doing, for instance if I fill 
a hole by digging soil with a spade my mind contains the 
directedness of the loaded spade towards the hole as a real 
extension in time (see Time and conscious experience). It is this 
extension in time that allows me to know my own symbols.

Harnad (1990) shows that symbols can be grounded by association with 
real objects in the world but this demonstration only means that we 
can construct machines that work, not that the machines have any 
internal conscious experience."

It doesn't apply to us because we exist in an environment (where 
there are spades and soil).  It doesn't apply to the Chinese room 
either, because there is a world outside the room in which Chinese 
is spoken and children are taught Chinese ostensively and by example.

This goes to my point that, in spite of ones feeling of separation, 
consciousness exists relative to an environmental context.  The 
successful substitution of a silicon based AI module for part (or 
even all) of a brain depends on its interaction with the environment.


Hi Brent,

Your point does not counter Craig's point at all. It actually 
supports it! To actually implement digital substitution, we would 
have to not only match the functionally of the module internally but 
also match the interactions of that module with the environment. 

I'm aware of that.  It doesn't follow though that you must match every 
interaction (e.g. cross-section for cosmic gamma rays) or that every 
match is equally important.  I've already speculated that a silicon 
based substitute might produce subtle or occasional differences in 
conscious thoughts.  Craig however denies that a silicon based brain 
can be conscious at all.


Silicon does not have the same chemical properties as carbon In 
effect, digital substitution requires that the laws of physics be 
alterable for the transformations implicit in functional equivalence. 
Digital substitution is not a local symmetry.



BTW, Craig is in the room... let him speak for himself.



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Re: COMP, MGA and Time

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/13/2012 12:11 PM, Joseph Knight wrote:
I think you should probably read Maudlin's paper 
 for specifics. I don't 
think thermodynamics will have much to do with the conclusions, 
whatever they may be (and I don't think it's obvious what /exactly 
/Maudlin showed).

Hi Joseph,

Thank you for the new link to Maudlin''s paper. I was having a hard 
time finding my copy... As to your comment: Would you consider exactly 
what a "computational structure" means in a universe that allows for 
perpetual motion ? (We 
are going to run a reductio argument 

One thing that I see is that in such a universe we would have a 
huge White Rabbit problem because all brains in it would only be those 
of the Boltzmann type . 
There could not be any invariant form of sequencing that we could run a 
UD on. How so? Becasue in a universe without thermodynamics there is no 
such a thing as a sequence of events that is invariant with respect to 
transitions from one observer to another, i.e. there would be no such 
thing as time definable in a 'dimensional' sense. All sequences would be 
at best Markov . With such 
a restriction to Markov processes, how to you define a UD? Without a UD, 
how do we get COMP to work?



On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 7:21 AM, Stephen P. King>> wrote:

Hi Folks,

I have been mulling over my conversations with Bruno, Joseph
and ACW in the EVERYTHING list and have a question. In SANE04 we
read the following:

"For any given precise  running computation associated  to some 
inner experience, you
can  modify  the  device  in  such  a  way  that the  amount  of 
physical  activity  involved  is

arbitrarily  low, and even null  for dreaming experience which has
no  inputs and no outputs.
Now, having  suppressed  that  physical  activity present in  the 
running  computation,  the

machine will only be accidentally correct. It will be correct only
for that precise computation,
with unchanged environment.   If  it is changed a  little bit,  it
will make  the machine  running
computation no  more  relatively  correct.  But then,  Maudlin 
ingenuously  showed  that

counterfactual  correctness  can be  recovered, by  adding  non
active devices  which  will  be
triggered only  if  some  (counterfactual)  change would  appear 
in  the environment. Now  this

shows that any inner experience can be associated with an
arbitrary low (even null) physical
activity,  and  this  in  keeping  counterfactual  correctness. 
And  that  is  absurd  with  the

conjunction of both comp and materialism."

Setting aside the problem of concurrency for now, how is it
that we are jumping over the difference between infinitely slow or
even "adiabatic "
physical process and "null" physical process?

I may be not even wrong here, but in math isn't it true that there
is a big difference between a quantity being arbitrarily small and
a quantity being zero? I suspect that the folks in FOAR List that
have been discussing information and entropy might have a thought
on this.

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Re: Free Floating entities

2012-02-13 Thread meekerdb

On 2/13/2012 9:18 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 12:09 PM, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/13/2012 8:54 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 11:48 AM, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/13/2012 7:26 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 9:44 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 9:16 AM, Richard Ruquist wrote:
RDR: Not sure if this is helpful, but a possible hypothetical communications model 
is the 3D 10^90 per cc set Calabi-Yau Compact Manifolds of string theory that are 
purported to control all physical interactions as they each contain the laws of 
physics; and collectively they may manifest consciousness as well as perhaps 
Platonia and "cyclic gossiping" as their variable properties across the universe 
may manifest a Peano arithmetic. Regarding communication each spherical 
element/manifold instantly maps all the other manifolds and all physical phenomena 
to its interior.


Hi Richard,

I am highly skeptical of string theory because of its Landscape problem, the 
lack of observational evidence of super-partner particles, the fact that it is not 
back-ground independent and its underlying philosophical assumptions. All that 
aside, I will take a look at the referenced paper.



Hi Richard,

I like your paper! I would like to point out something. You quoted

(1) Assume my reasoning powers are captured by some formal system F (to put this 
more briefly, "I am

F"). Consider the class of statements I can know to be true, given this 
(2) Given that I know that I am F, I know that F is sound (as I know that I am sound). 

But you don't know what F is, as a formal system.  You've just ostensively identified 
it by pointing to yourself and naming it "F".


Hi Brent,

OK, but let us take the assumption that the mathematical truth of a sentence is 
all that matters. Therefore my pointing at myself and stating the sentence "I am
F" makes it so? Why do I need to explicitly "know" a particular example of the formal 
system F? Fiat existence! We!

You need to know what F is in order to reach the contradiction is step (5).  You don't 
have "knowledge that I am F" where F is a formal system.  You only have knowledge that 
"I have named myself 'F'".


Hi Brent,

What?! Truth is not 3p? Surely you jest!

Truth and knowledge are not the same thing.  I don't see the relevance of your 


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Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread meekerdb

On 2/13/2012 9:17 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 12:05 PM, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/13/2012 8:24 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Feb 12, 8:09 pm, "Stephen P. King"  wrote:

Hi Craig,

  Great post! Check this 



Thanks Stephen,

That's a great one. It does a better job saying what I'm trying to say
on this than I did.


"The symbol grounding problem does not seem to apply to us. Unlike a digital computer, 
we know what we are doing, for instance if I fill a hole by digging soil with a spade 
my mind contains the directedness of the loaded spade towards the hole as a real 
extension in time (see Time and conscious experience). It is this extension in time 
that allows me to know my own symbols.

Harnad (1990) shows that symbols can be grounded by association with real objects in 
the world but this demonstration only means that we can construct machines that work, 
not that the machines have any internal conscious experience."

It doesn't apply to us because we exist in an environment (where there are spades and 
soil).  It doesn't apply to the Chinese room either, because there is a world outside 
the room in which Chinese is spoken and children are taught Chinese ostensively and by 

This goes to my point that, in spite of ones feeling of separation, consciousness 
exists relative to an environmental context.  The successful substitution of a silicon 
based AI module for part (or even all) of a brain depends on its interaction with the 


Hi Brent,

Your point does not counter Craig's point at all. It actually supports it! To 
actually implement digital substitution, we would have to not only match the 
functionally of the module internally but also match the interactions of that module 
with the environment. 

I'm aware of that.  It doesn't follow though that you must match every interaction (e.g. 
cross-section for cosmic gamma rays) or that every match is equally important.  I've 
already speculated that a silicon based substitute might produce subtle or occasional 
differences in conscious thoughts.  Craig however denies that a silicon based brain can be 
conscious at all.


Silicon does not have the same chemical properties as carbon In effect, digital 
substitution requires that the laws of physics be alterable for the transformations 
implicit in functional equivalence. Digital substitution is not a local symmetry.



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Re: Free Floating entities

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/13/2012 12:09 PM, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/13/2012 8:54 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 11:48 AM, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/13/2012 7:26 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 9:44 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 9:16 AM, Richard Ruquist wrote:
RDR: Not sure if this is helpful, but a possible hypothetical 
communications model is the 3D 10^90 per cc set Calabi-Yau 
Compact Manifolds of string theory that are purported to control 
all physical interactions as they each contain the laws of 
physics; and collectively they may manifest consciousness as well 
as perhaps Platonia and "cyclic gossiping" as their variable 
properties across the universe may manifest a Peano arithmetic. 
Regarding communication each spherical element/manifold instantly 
maps all the other manifolds and all physical phenomena to its 


Hi Richard,

I am highly skeptical of string theory because of its 
Landscape problem, the lack of observational evidence of 
super-partner particles, the fact that it is not back-ground 
independent and its underlying philosophical assumptions. All that 
aside, I will take a look at the referenced paper.



Hi Richard,

I like your paper! I would like to point out something. You quoted

(1) Assume my reasoning powers are captured by some formal system F 
(to put this more briefly, "I am
F"). Consider the class of statements I can know to be true, given 
this assumption.
(2) Given that I know that I am F, I know that F is sound (as I 
know that I am sound). 

But you don't know what F is, as a formal system.  You've just 
ostensively identified it by pointing to yourself and naming it "F".


Hi Brent,

OK, but let us take the assumption that the mathematical truth of 
a sentence is all that matters. Therefore my pointing at myself and 
stating the sentence "I am
F" makes it so? Why do I need to explicitly "know" a particular 
example of the formal system F? Fiat existence! We!

You need to know what F is in order to reach the contradiction is step 
(5).  You don't have "knowledge that I am F" where F is a formal 
system.  You only have knowledge that "I have named myself 'F'".


Hi Brent,

What?! Truth is not 3p? Surely you jest!



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Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/13/2012 12:05 PM, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/13/2012 8:24 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Feb 12, 8:09 pm, "Stephen P. King"  wrote:

Hi Craig,

  Great post! Check this 



Thanks Stephen,

That's a great one. It does a better job saying what I'm trying to say
on this than I did.


"The symbol grounding problem does not seem to apply to us. Unlike a 
digital computer, we know what we are doing, for instance if I fill a 
hole by digging soil with a spade my mind contains the directedness of 
the loaded spade towards the hole as a real extension in time (see 
Time and conscious experience). It is this extension in time that 
allows me to know my own symbols.

Harnad (1990) shows that symbols can be grounded by association with 
real objects in the world but this demonstration only means that we 
can construct machines that work, not that the machines have any 
internal conscious experience."

It doesn't apply to us because we exist in an environment (where there 
are spades and soil).  It doesn't apply to the Chinese room either, 
because there is a world outside the room in which Chinese is spoken 
and children are taught Chinese ostensively and by example.

This goes to my point that, in spite of ones feeling of separation, 
consciousness exists relative to an environmental context.  The 
successful substitution of a silicon based AI module for part (or even 
all) of a brain depends on its interaction with the environment.


Hi Brent,

Your point does not counter Craig's point at all. It actually 
supports it! To actually implement digital substitution, we would have 
to not only match the functionally of the module internally but also 
match the interactions of that module with the environment. Silicon does 
not have the same chemical properties as carbon In effect, digital 
substitution requires that the laws of physics be alterable for the 
transformations implicit in functional equivalence. Digital substitution 
is not a local symmetry.



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Re: COMP, MGA and Time

2012-02-13 Thread Joseph Knight
I think you should probably read Maudlin's
paperfor specifics. I don't
think thermodynamics will have much to do with the
conclusions, whatever they may be (and I don't think it's obvious what *exactly
*Maudlin showed).

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 7:21 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

>  Hi Folks,
> I have been mulling over my conversations with Bruno, Joseph and ACW
> in the EVERYTHING list and have a question. In SANE04 we read the following:
> "For any given precise  running computation associated  to some  inner
> experience, you
> can  modify  the  device  in  such  a  way  that the  amount  of
> physical  activity  involved  is
> arbitrarily  low, and even null  for dreaming experience which has no
> inputs and no outputs.
> Now, having  suppressed  that  physical  activity present in  the
> running  computation,  the
> machine will only be accidentally correct. It will be correct only for
> that precise computation,
> with unchanged environment.   If  it is changed a  little bit,  it will
> make  the machine  running
> computation no  more  relatively  correct.  But then,  Maudlin
> ingenuously  showed  that
> counterfactual  correctness  can be  recovered, by  adding  non active
> devices  which  will  be
> triggered only  if  some  (counterfactual)  change would  appear  in  the
> environment. Now  this
> shows that any inner experience can be associated with an arbitrary low
> (even null) physical
> activity,  and  this  in  keeping  counterfactual  correctness.  And
> that  is  absurd  with  the
> conjunction of both comp and materialism."
> Setting aside the problem of concurrency for now, how is it that we
> are jumping over the difference between infinitely slow or even 
> "adiabatic"
> physical process and "null" physical process?
> I may be not even wrong here, but in math isn't it true that there is a
> big difference between a quantity being arbitrarily small and a quantity
> being zero? I suspect that the folks in FOAR List that have been discussing
> information and entropy might have a thought on this.
> Onward!
> Stephen
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Joseph Knight

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Re: Free Floating entities

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/13/2012 12:01 PM, Richard Ruquist wrote:


Thank you for your support and kind words. Actually you may be the 
first learned person to actually read the paper. I sent it to Yau and 
to Chalmers, but I doubt that they got beyond the Abstract. Now I need 
to admit that I am neither expert in string theory or math logic. For 
example I am unable to argue pro or con regarding Chalmers conclusion. 
My only contribution is to suggest that the compact manifold of S-T 
Yau may be a basis for consciousness and perhaps much more, even SUSY.


Hi Richard,

LOL, I am just an anti-mendacious amateur. :-) I suggest that you 
study more about the requirements of the S-T Yau compact manifold and 
what they imply. This article 
 is a good start.



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Re: Free Floating entities

2012-02-13 Thread meekerdb

On 2/13/2012 8:54 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 11:48 AM, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/13/2012 7:26 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 9:44 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 9:16 AM, Richard Ruquist wrote:
RDR: Not sure if this is helpful, but a possible hypothetical communications model 
is the 3D 10^90 per cc set Calabi-Yau Compact Manifolds of string theory that are 
purported to control all physical interactions as they each contain the laws of 
physics; and collectively they may manifest consciousness as well as perhaps 
Platonia and "cyclic gossiping" as their variable properties across the universe may 
manifest a Peano arithmetic. Regarding communication each spherical element/manifold 
instantly maps all the other manifolds and all physical phenomena to its interior.


Hi Richard,

I am highly skeptical of string theory because of its Landscape problem, the lack 
of observational evidence of super-partner particles, the fact that it is not 
back-ground independent and its underlying philosophical assumptions. All that aside, 
I will take a look at the referenced paper.



Hi Richard,

I like your paper! I would like to point out something. You quoted

(1) Assume my reasoning powers are captured by some formal system F (to put this more 
briefly, "I am

F"). Consider the class of statements I can know to be true, given this 
(2) Given that I know that I am F, I know that F is sound (as I know that I am sound). 

But you don't know what F is, as a formal system.  You've just ostensively identified 
it by pointing to yourself and naming it "F".


Hi Brent,

OK, but let us take the assumption that the mathematical truth of a sentence is all 
that matters. Therefore my pointing at myself and stating the sentence "I am
F" makes it so? Why do I need to explicitly "know" a particular example of the formal 
system F? Fiat existence! We!

You need to know what F is in order to reach the contradiction is step (5).  You don't 
have "knowledge that I am F" where F is a formal system.  You only have knowledge that "I 
have named myself 'F'".




Indeed, I know that
the larger system F' is sound, where F' is F supplemented by the further assumption "I 
am F".

(Supplementing a sound system with a true statement yields a sound system.)
(3) So I know that G(F') is true, where this is the Gödel sentence of the 
system F'.
(4) But F' could not see that G(F') is true (by Gödel's theorem).
(5) By assumption, however, I am now effectively equivalent to F'. After all, I am F 
supplemented by the

knowledge that I am F.
(6) This is a contradiction, so the initial assumption must be false, and F must not 
have captured my

powers of reasoning after all.
(7) The conclusion generalizes: my reasoning powers cannot be captured by any formal 

This reminds me of problematic sentences in logic such as "Stephen cannot know the 
truth value of this sentence". While I can only inconsistently speculated on the truth 
value of that sentence, you, not being Stephen, can consistently determine its truth 
value. I see this as arguing that truth values are quantities that are strictly local 
and not global.
 Since I am a HUGE fan of Leibniz, I like the Monad-like quality that you are 
considering with the concept of a CYCM, but wonder if the particular geometric 
properties are being arbitrarily selected. It seems to me that any monadic 
construction will do so long as it can support a self-referential logic, such as Peano 
Arithmetic. Additionally, how do we deal with the apparently bosonic property of minds 
given the very fermionic property of matter. Could supersymmetry really be a theory of 
the mind-body problem? Some people, like Matti Pitkanen, 
 think so and I sympathize with this view. But it still 
seems to assume too much. Maybe this is just the price of a theory. ;-)


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Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread meekerdb

On 2/13/2012 8:24 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Feb 12, 8:09 pm, "Stephen P. King"  wrote:

Hi Craig,

  Great post! Check this 



Thanks Stephen,

That's a great one. It does a better job saying what I'm trying to say
on this than I did.


"The symbol grounding problem does not seem to apply to us. Unlike a digital computer, we 
know what we are doing, for instance if I fill a hole by digging soil with a spade my mind 
contains the directedness of the loaded spade towards the hole as a real extension in time 
(see Time and conscious experience). It is this extension in time that allows me to know 
my own symbols.

Harnad (1990) shows that symbols can be grounded by association with real objects in the 
world but this demonstration only means that we can construct machines that work, not that 
the machines have any internal conscious experience."

It doesn't apply to us because we exist in an environment (where there are spades and 
soil).  It doesn't apply to the Chinese room either, because there is a world outside the 
room in which Chinese is spoken and children are taught Chinese ostensively and by example.

This goes to my point that, in spite of ones feeling of separation, consciousness exists 
relative to an environmental context.  The successful substitution of a silicon based AI 
module for part (or even all) of a brain depends on its interaction with the environment.


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Re: Free Floating entities

2012-02-13 Thread Richard Ruquist

Thank you for your support and kind words. Actually you may be the first
learned person to actually read the paper. I sent it to Yau and to
Chalmers, but I doubt that they got beyond the Abstract. Now I need to
admit that I am neither expert in string theory or math logic. For example
I am unable to argue pro or con regarding Chalmers conclusion. My only
contribution is to suggest that the compact manifold of S-T Yau may be a
basis for consciousness and perhaps much more, even SUSY.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 11:48 AM, meekerdb  wrote:

>  On 2/13/2012 7:26 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:
> On 2/13/2012 9:44 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:
> On 2/13/2012 9:16 AM, Richard Ruquist wrote:
> RDR: Not sure if this is helpful, but a possible hypothetical
> communications model is the 3D 10^90 per cc set Calabi-Yau Compact
> Manifolds of string theory that are purported to control all physical
> interactions as they each contain the laws of physics; and collectively
> they may manifest consciousness as well as perhaps Platonia and "cyclic
> gossiping" as their variable properties across the universe may manifest a
> Peano arithmetic. Regarding communication each spherical element/manifold
> instantly maps all the other manifolds and all physical phenomena to its
> interior.
>> --
> Hi Richard,
> I am highly skeptical of string theory because of its Landscape
> problem, the lack of observational evidence of super-partner particles, the
> fact that it is not back-ground independent and its underlying
> philosophical assumptions. All that aside, I will take a look at the
> referenced paper.
> Onward!
> Stephen
> Hi Richard,
> I like your paper! I would like to point out something. You quoted
> [Chalmers(1995)]:
> (1) Assume my reasoning powers are captured by some formal system F (to
> put this more briefly, "I am
> F"). Consider the class of statements I can know to be true, given this
> assumption.
> (2) Given that I know that I am F, I know that F is sound (as I know that
> I am sound).
> But you don't know what F is, as a formal system.  You've just ostensively
> identified it by pointing to yourself and naming it "F".
> Brent
> Indeed, I know that
> the larger system F' is sound, where F' is F supplemented by the further
> assumption "I am F".
> (Supplementing a sound system with a true statement yields a sound
> system.)
> (3) So I know that G(F') is true, where this is the Gödel sentence of the
> system F'.
> (4) But F' could not see that G(F') is true (by Gödel's theorem).
> (5) By assumption, however, I am now effectively equivalent to F'. After
> all, I am F supplemented by the
> knowledge that I am F.
> (6) This is a contradiction, so the initial assumption must be false, and
> F must not have captured my
> powers of reasoning after all.
> (7) The conclusion generalizes: my reasoning powers cannot be captured by
> any formal system.
> This reminds me of problematic sentences in logic such as "Stephen
> cannot know the truth value of this sentence". While I can only
> inconsistently speculated on the truth value of that sentence, you, not
> being Stephen, can consistently determine its truth value. I see this as
> arguing that truth values are quantities that are strictly local and not
> global.
>  Since I am a HUGE fan of Leibniz, I like the Monad-like quality that
> you are considering with the concept of a CYCM, but wonder if the
> particular geometric properties are being arbitrarily selected. It seems to
> me that any monadic construction will do so long as it can support a
> self-referential logic, such as Peano Arithmetic. Additionally, how do we
> deal with the apparently bosonic property of minds given the very fermionic
> property of matter. Could supersymmetry really be a theory of the mind-body
> problem? Some people, like Matti Pitkanen, 
> think so and I sympathize with this view. But 
> it still seems to assume too
> much. Maybe this is just the price of a theory. ;-)
> Onward!
> Stephen
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> --
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Re: Free Floating entities

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/13/2012 11:48 AM, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/13/2012 7:26 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 9:44 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 9:16 AM, Richard Ruquist wrote:
RDR: Not sure if this is helpful, but a possible hypothetical 
communications model is the 3D 10^90 per cc set Calabi-Yau Compact 
Manifolds of string theory that are purported to control all 
physical interactions as they each contain the laws of physics; and 
collectively they may manifest consciousness as well as perhaps 
Platonia and "cyclic gossiping" as their variable properties across 
the universe may manifest a Peano arithmetic. Regarding 
communication each spherical element/manifold instantly maps all 
the other manifolds and all physical phenomena to its interior.


Hi Richard,

I am highly skeptical of string theory because of its Landscape 
problem, the lack of observational evidence of super-partner 
particles, the fact that it is not back-ground independent and its 
underlying philosophical assumptions. All that aside, I will take a 
look at the referenced paper.



Hi Richard,

I like your paper! I would like to point out something. You quoted

(1) Assume my reasoning powers are captured by some formal system F 
(to put this more briefly, "I am
F"). Consider the class of statements I can know to be true, given 
this assumption.
(2) Given that I know that I am F, I know that F is sound (as I know 
that I am sound). 

But you don't know what F is, as a formal system.  You've just 
ostensively identified it by pointing to yourself and naming it "F".


Hi Brent,

OK, but let us take the assumption that the mathematical truth of a 
sentence is all that matters. Therefore my pointing at myself and 
stating the sentence "I am
F" makes it so? Why do I need to explicitly "know" a particular example 
of the formal system F? Fiat existence! We!



Indeed, I know that
the larger system F' is sound, where F' is F supplemented by the 
further assumption "I am F".
(Supplementing a sound system with a true statement yields a sound 
(3) So I know that G(F') is true, where this is the Gödel sentence of 
the system F'.

(4) But F' could not see that G(F') is true (by Gödel's theorem).
(5) By assumption, however, I am now effectively equivalent to F'. 
After all, I am F supplemented by the

knowledge that I am F.
(6) This is a contradiction, so the initial assumption must be false, 
and F must not have captured my

powers of reasoning after all.
(7) The conclusion generalizes: my reasoning powers cannot be 
captured by any formal system.

This reminds me of problematic sentences in logic such as 
"Stephen cannot know the truth value of this sentence". While I can 
only inconsistently speculated on the truth value of that sentence, 
you, not being Stephen, can consistently determine its truth value. I 
see this as arguing that truth values are quantities that are 
strictly local and not global.
 Since I am a HUGE fan of Leibniz, I like the Monad-like quality 
that you are considering with the concept of a CYCM, but wonder if 
the particular geometric properties are being arbitrarily selected. 
It seems to me that any monadic construction will do so long as it 
can support a self-referential logic, such as Peano Arithmetic. 
Additionally, how do we deal with the apparently bosonic property of 
minds given the very fermionic property of matter. Could 
supersymmetry really be a theory of the mind-body problem? Some 
people, like Matti Pitkanen,  think so 
and I sympathize with this view. But it still seems to assume too 
much. Maybe this is just the price of a theory. ;-)


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Re: Free Floating entities

2012-02-13 Thread meekerdb

On 2/13/2012 7:26 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 9:44 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 9:16 AM, Richard Ruquist wrote:
RDR: Not sure if this is helpful, but a possible hypothetical communications model is 
the 3D 10^90 per cc set Calabi-Yau Compact Manifolds of string theory that are 
purported to control all physical interactions as they each contain the laws of 
physics; and collectively they may manifest consciousness as well as perhaps Platonia 
and "cyclic gossiping" as their variable properties across the universe may manifest a 
Peano arithmetic. Regarding communication each spherical element/manifold instantly 
maps all the other manifolds and all physical phenomena to its interior.


Hi Richard,

I am highly skeptical of string theory because of its Landscape problem, the lack 
of observational evidence of super-partner particles, the fact that it is not 
back-ground independent and its underlying philosophical assumptions. All that aside, I 
will take a look at the referenced paper.



Hi Richard,

I like your paper! I would like to point out something. You quoted

(1) Assume my reasoning powers are captured by some formal system F (to put this more 
briefly, "I am

F"). Consider the class of statements I can know to be true, given this 
(2) Given that I know that I am F, I know that F is sound (as I know that I am sound). 

But you don't know what F is, as a formal system.  You've just ostensively identified it 
by pointing to yourself and naming it "F".


Indeed, I know that
the larger system F' is sound, where F' is F supplemented by the further assumption "I 
am F".

(Supplementing a sound system with a true statement yields a sound system.)
(3) So I know that G(F') is true, where this is the Gödel sentence of the 
system F'.
(4) But F' could not see that G(F') is true (by Gödel's theorem).
(5) By assumption, however, I am now effectively equivalent to F'. After all, I am F 
supplemented by the

knowledge that I am F.
(6) This is a contradiction, so the initial assumption must be false, and F must not 
have captured my

powers of reasoning after all.
(7) The conclusion generalizes: my reasoning powers cannot be captured by any formal 

This reminds me of problematic sentences in logic such as "Stephen cannot know the 
truth value of this sentence". While I can only inconsistently speculated on the truth 
value of that sentence, you, not being Stephen, can consistently determine its truth 
value. I see this as arguing that truth values are quantities that are strictly local 
and not global.
 Since I am a HUGE fan of Leibniz, I like the Monad-like quality that you are 
considering with the concept of a CYCM, but wonder if the particular geometric 
properties are being arbitrarily selected. It seems to me that any monadic construction 
will do so long as it can support a self-referential logic, such as Peano Arithmetic. 
Additionally, how do we deal with the apparently bosonic property of minds given the 
very fermionic property of matter. Could supersymmetry really be a theory of the 
mind-body problem? Some people, like Matti Pitkanen,  
think so and I sympathize with this view. But it still seems to assume too much. Maybe 
this is just the price of a theory. ;-)



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Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Feb 12, 11:03 pm, Terren Suydam  wrote:

>patterns that emerge from the way the world
>perturbs its boundaries

Yes, or as I call it..."sense".

It need not be cognitive or higher animal, I think semantic grounding
is innate in all material systems as experiential qualia. We get
confused however, when we assume that low level physical processes can
ground high level neurological symbols. They can store and retrieve
them syntactically but it can't make human sense of them.


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Re: The free will function

2012-02-13 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Feb 12, 8:09 pm, "Stephen P. King"  wrote:

> Hi Craig,
>      Great post! Check this 
> out!
> Onward!
> Stephen

Thanks Stephen,

That's a great one. It does a better job saying what I'm trying to say
on this than I did.


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Non-Standard Arithmetic

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

Dear Bruno,

What limits are there on what can constitute the "constant" that 
defines a particular model of a non-standard Arithmetic?



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Re: Free Floating entities

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/13/2012 9:44 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 2/13/2012 9:16 AM, Richard Ruquist wrote:
RDR: Not sure if this is helpful, but a possible hypothetical 
communications model is the 3D 10^90 per cc set Calabi-Yau Compact 
Manifolds of string theory that are purported to control all physical 
interactions as they each contain the laws of physics; and 
collectively they may manifest consciousness as well as perhaps 
Platonia and "cyclic gossiping" as their variable properties across 
the universe may manifest a Peano arithmetic. Regarding communication 
each spherical element/manifold instantly maps all the other 
manifolds and all physical phenomena to its interior.


Hi Richard,

I am highly skeptical of string theory because of its Landscape 
problem, the lack of observational evidence of super-partner 
particles, the fact that it is not back-ground independent and its 
underlying philosophical assumptions. All that aside, I will take a 
look at the referenced paper.



Hi Richard,

I like your paper! I would like to point out something. You quoted

(1) Assume my reasoning powers are captured by some formal system F (to 
put this more briefly, "I am
F"). Consider the class of statements I can know to be true, given this 
(2) Given that I know that I am F, I know that F is sound (as I know 
that I am sound). Indeed, I know that
the larger system F' is sound, where F' is F supplemented by the further 
assumption "I am F".

(Supplementing a sound system with a true statement yields a sound system.)
(3) So I know that G(F') is true, where this is the Gödel sentence of 
the system F'.

(4) But F' could not see that G(F') is true (by Gödel's theorem).
(5) By assumption, however, I am now effectively equivalent to F'. After 
all, I am F supplemented by the

knowledge that I am F.
(6) This is a contradiction, so the initial assumption must be false, 
and F must not have captured my

powers of reasoning after all.
(7) The conclusion generalizes: my reasoning powers cannot be captured 
by any formal system.

This reminds me of problematic sentences in logic such as "Stephen 
cannot know the truth value of this sentence". While I can only 
inconsistently speculated on the truth value of that sentence, you, not 
being Stephen, can consistently determine its truth value. I see this as 
arguing that truth values are quantities that are strictly local and not 
 Since I am a HUGE fan of Leibniz, I like the Monad-like quality 
that you are considering with the concept of a CYCM, but wonder if the 
particular geometric properties are being arbitrarily selected. It seems 
to me that any monadic construction will do so long as it can support a 
self-referential logic, such as Peano Arithmetic. Additionally, how do 
we deal with the apparently bosonic property of minds given the very 
fermionic property of matter. Could supersymmetry really be a theory of 
the mind-body problem? Some people, like Matti Pitkanen, 
 think so and I sympathize with this 
view. But it still seems to assume too much. Maybe this is just the 
price of a theory. ;-)



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Re: COMP theology

2012-02-13 Thread David Nyman
On 13 February 2012 01:18, Joseph Knight  wrote:

> Yes it is, with the Movie Graph Argument. The MGA shows that assuming COMP,
> consciousness cannot be explained by appealing to any physical system. Not
> even a little.

Whereas I would concur with this conclusion, I realise on reflection
that I'm not sure exactly where it leaves us vis-a-vis the Movie-graph
setup itself, or Maudlin's contraption, once the reversal of
physics-mechanism is actually accepted.  Clearly, we now have to
regard these devices in their physical manifestation as aspects of a
deeper computational reality with which our conscious state is
currently related.  But what are we now to make of the original
proposal that they instantiate some computation that encapsulates an
actual conscious state?  After all, we don't regard them as
"primitively physical" objects any longer, so we can't now apply the
reductio arguments in quite the same way, can we?  They're part of the
general computational state of affairs, like everything else.  Is it
that they instantiate the "wrong" sort of computation for
consciousness, because their physical behaviour is the result of
"accidentally" contrived relations?  IOW, they're not really UM's in
any relevant sense.   But then wouldn't the same argument for
contrivance hold in the original case, and undermine the reductio?

I'm puzzled.


> On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Stephen P. King 
> wrote:
>> On 2/11/2012 5:09 PM, Joseph Knight wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Stephen P. King 
>> wrote:
>>> On 2/11/2012 6:29 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>> On 11 Feb 2012, at 07:32, Stephen P. King wrote:
>>> Hi ACW,
>>>     Thank you for the time and effort to write this up!!!
>>> On 2/9/2012 3:40 PM, acw wrote:
>>> Bruno has always said that COMP is a matter of theology (or religion),
>>> that is, the provably unprovable, and I agree with this. However, let's try
>>> and see why that is and why someone would take COMP as an assumption:
>>> - The main assumption of COMP is that you admit, at some level, a digital
>>> substitution, and the stronger assumption that if you were to implement/run
>>> such a Turing-emulable program, it would be conscious and you would have a
>>> continuation in it. Isn't that a strong theological assumption?
>>> [SPK]
>>>     Yes, but it is the "substitution" of one configuration of "stuff"
>>> with another such that the functionality (that allows for the
>>> implementation/running of the Turing-emulable (Turing equivalence!)) program
>>> to remain invariant. One thing interesting to point out about this is that
>>> this substitution can be the replacement of completely different kinds of
>>> stuff, like carbon based stuff with silicon based stuff and does not require
>>> a continuous physical process of transformation in the sense of smoothly
>>> morphism the carbon stuff into silicon stuff at some primitive level. B/c of
>>> this it may seem to bypass the usual restrictions of physical laws, but does
>>> it really?
>>>     What exactly is this "physical stuff" anyway? If we take a hint from
>>> the latest ideas in theoretical physics it seems that the "stuff" of the
>>> material world is more about properties that remain invariant under sets of
>>> symmetry transformations and less and less about anything like "primitive"
>>> substances. So in a sense, the physical world might be considered to be a
>>> wide assortment of bundles of invariants therefore it seems to me that to
>>> test COMP we need to see if those symmetry groups and invariants can be
>>> derived from some proposed underlying logical structure. This is what I am
>>> trying to do. I am really not arguing against COMP, I am arguing that COMP
>>> is incomplete as a theory as it does not yet show how the appearance of
>>> space, time and conservation laws emerges in a way that is invariant and not
>>> primitive.
>>> So you miss the UDA point. The UDA point is that if COMP is true, it has
>>> to be complete as a theory, independently of the fact that the shorter time
>>> to derive physics might be 10^1000 millenia. Comp explains, by the UDA, that
>>> whatever you add to comp, or to RA, or to the UD, cannot play any role in
>>> consciousness, including the feeling that the worlds obeys some role. So if
>>> comp is correct the las of physics have to be derived from arithmetic alone.
>>> Then AUDA makes a non trivial part of the derivation. We have already the
>>> symmetry of the core bottom physics, the quantum indeterminacy, non
>>> locality, non cloning. But this is just for illustrating the consistency:
>>> the UDA conclusion is that no matter what, the appearance of matter cannot
>>> use any supplementary assumption to comp and/or arithmetic. You can sum up
>>> the UD by "comp is not completable". It is the Bell-von Neuman answer to
>>> Einstein, in your analogy below. Arithmetic is made conceptually complete.
>>> Whatever you add to it will prevent

Re: Free Floating entities

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

On 2/13/2012 9:16 AM, Richard Ruquist wrote:
RDR: Not sure if this is helpful, but a possible hypothetical 
communications model is the 3D 10^90 per cc set Calabi-Yau Compact 
Manifolds of string theory that are purported to control all physical 
interactions as they each contain the laws of physics; and 
collectively they may manifest consciousness as well as perhaps 
Platonia and "cyclic gossiping" as their variable properties across 
the universe may manifest a Peano arithmetic. Regarding communication 
each spherical element/manifold instantly maps all the other manifolds 
and all physical phenomena to its interior.


Hi Richard,

I am highly skeptical of string theory because of its Landscape 
problem, the lack of observational evidence of super-partner particles, 
the fact that it is not back-ground independent and its underlying 
philosophical assumptions. All that aside, I will take a look at the 
referenced paper.



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Re: Free Floating entities

2012-02-13 Thread Richard Ruquist
On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 4:31 PM, acw  wrote:

> On 2/10/2012 14:01, Stephen P. King wrote:
>> On 2/9/2012 3:40 PM, acw wrote:
>>>  Another way to think of it would be in the terms of the Church Turing
> Thesis, where you expect that a computation (in the Turing sense) to
> have result and that result is independent of all your
> implementations, such a result not being changeable in any way or by
> anything - that's usually what I imagine by Platonia. It is a bit
> mystical, but I find it less mystical than requiring a magical
> physical substrate (even more after MGA) - to me the platonic
> implementation seems to be the simplest possible explanation. If you
> think it's a bad explanation that introduces some magic, I'll respond
> that the primitively physical version introduces even more magic.
> Making truth changeable or temporal seems to me to be a much stronger,
> much more "magical" than what I'm considering: that arithmetical
> sentences do have a truth value, regardless if we know it or not.
 I am only asking that we put the abstract world of mathematics on an
 even footing with the physical world, I am _not_ asking for a
 "primitive" physical world. I will say again, just because a computation
 is independent for any particular implementation that I, you or any one
 else is capable of creating does not eliminate the necessity that
 somehow it must be implemented physically. Universality of computation
 is NOT the severing of computation from its physical implementability.
 This is not the same kind of claim as we see of the ultrafinitist and/or
 constructivist; it is just a realistic demand that ideas cannot be free
 floating entities. We cannot believe in free floating numbers any more
 than we can believe in disembodies spirits and ghosts.

  What is a non-primitive physical world, what is it based on?
>>> 'Existence'? What is that, sounds primitive to me. If we accept
>>> 'existence' as primitive, how does math and physical arise out of it?
>>> It seems so general to me that I can't imagine anything at all about
>>> it, to the point of being a God-like non-theory (although I can
>>> sympathize with it, just that it cannot be used as a theory because
>>> it's too general. We'll probably have to settle with something which
>>> we can discuss, such as a part of math.)
>>> Why is 'physical' implementation so important? Those "free floating"
>>> numbers could very well represent the structures that we and our
>>> universe happen to be and their truths may very well sometimes be this
>>> thing we call 'consciousness'. As for 'spirits' - how does this
>>> 'consciousness' thing know which body to follow and observe? How does
>>> it correlate that it must correlate to the physical states present in
>>> the brain? How does it know to appear in a robotic body or VR
>>> environment if someone decides to "upload" their mind (sometime in the
>>> far future)? What's this continuity of consciousness thing?
>>> Granted that some particular mathematical structure could represent
>>> the physical, I'm not sure it makes sense gran the physical any more
>>> meaning than "that which we(our bodies) observe as being part of".
>> Hi ACW,
>> A "non-primitive world" would be a world that is defined by a set of
>> communications between observers, however the observers are defined. The
>> notion of a "cyclical gossiping" as used in graph theory gives a nice
>> model of how this would work and it even shows a nice toy model of
>> thermodynamic entropy. See #58 here
>> > lpg=PA32&dq=cyclical+**gossiping+graph+theory&source=**
>> bl&ots=NAvDjdj7u-&sig=**kk03XrGRBzdVWI09bh_-yrACM64&**hl=en&sa=X&ei=**
>> jCI1T8TpM4O4tweVgMG_Ag&sqi=2&**ved=0CC8Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=**false
>> >
>> for a statement of this idea. Also see
>>  A model which allows communication might be nicer to look at, but I
> don't see why it's *required*. I also don't see how it predicts different
> things than a model which just has a 'shared computation'/'shared
> substrate' for each observer?
>> Onward!
>> Stephen
>> RDR: Not sure if this is helpful, but a possible hypothetical
communications model is the 3D 10^90 per cc set Calabi-Yau Compact
Manifolds of string theory that are purported to control all physical
interactions as they each contain the laws of physics; and collectively
they may manifest consciousness as well as perhaps Platonia and "cyclic
gossiping" as their variable properties across the universe may manifest a

COMP, MGA and Time

2012-02-13 Thread Stephen P. King

Hi Folks,

I have been mulling over my conversations with Bruno, Joseph and 
ACW in the EVERYTHING list and have a question. In SANE04 we read the 

"For any given precise  running computation associated  to some  inner 
experience, you
can  modify  the  device  in  such  a  way  that the  amount  of  
physical  activity  involved  is
arbitrarily  low, and even null  for dreaming experience which has no  
inputs and no outputs.
Now, having  suppressed  that  physical  activity present in  the  
running  computation,  the
machine will only be accidentally correct. It will be correct only for 
that precise computation,
with unchanged environment.   If  it is changed a  little bit,  it will 
make  the machine  running
computation no  more  relatively  correct.  But then,  Maudlin  
ingenuously  showed  that
counterfactual  correctness  can be  recovered, by  adding  non active 
devices  which  will  be
triggered only  if  some  (counterfactual)  change would  appear  in  
the environment. Now  this
shows that any inner experience can be associated with an arbitrary low 
(even null) physical
activity,  and  this  in  keeping  counterfactual  correctness.  And  
that  is  absurd  with  the

conjunction of both comp and materialism."

Setting aside the problem of concurrency for now, how is it that we 
are jumping over the difference between infinitely slow or even 
"adiabatic " physical 
process and "null" physical process?

I may be not even wrong here, but in math isn't it true that there is a 
big difference between a quantity being arbitrarily small and a quantity 
being zero? I suspect that the folks in FOAR List that have been 
discussing information and entropy might have a thought on this.



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